| Sirusthemice #0000 « Consul »
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2011 Communauté : Internationale Messages : 9123 Prestige : 2681 Niveau : 3 Hors ligne Localisation : R'lyeh Tribu : |
i'm Rin / Z / Sirus. i like gothic stuff, metal, spying on people's passports at the airport and sleep. i speak english, russian & swedish fluently. my german is meh. feel free to DM me to talk! i like talking. i got lots of stuff to tell.
shortly about my interests: art, music, games, fashion, golf, figure skating and books. that's about it. oh and travelling.
for the curious: sagittarius, born december 19. chinese zodiac: snake
joint art thread
solo art thread
discord: zecchou#4614
GW2: Laevatainn.9715
Steam: zecchou
instagram: masterzecchou
dA: zecchou
PC warframe: zecchou
artfight: zecchou
an accurate representation of me. made by Basgetti.