[Event] The Lua Coder! |
Error_404 « Consul » 1498658280000
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Oh no! Egamorf stole the Lua script! Special thanks to Bolodefchoco (Developer), Error_404 (Translator and topic) and Barberserk (Image). يا للهول!Egamorf سرق مخطوطة لوا! جزيل الشكر لكل من Bolodefchoco (المبرمج) و Error_404 (مترجم و كاتب الموضوع) و Barberserk (منشئ الصورة). Ah não! Egamorf roubou um script Lua! Agradecimentos especiais a Bolodefchoco (Desenvolvedor e Tradutor), Error_404 (Tópico) e Barberserk (Imagem). Oh non ! Egamorf a volé le script Lua ! Remerciements particuliers pour Bolodefchoco (Développeur), Pheicas (Traducteur), Error_404(créateur du sujet) et Barberserk (Image). ¡Oh no! Egamorf robó los fragmentos Lua! Gracias a Bolodefchoco (Desarrollador), Yuir (Traductor), Error_404 (hilo) y a Barberserk (Imagen). O nu! Egamorf a furat scriptul LUA! Mulțumim lui Bolodefchoco (Dezvoltator), Error_404 (Topic), Comatrose (Traducere) și Barberserk (Imagine). Ó ne! Egamorf ellopta a Lua kódot! Különleges köszönet; Bolodefchoco (Fejlesztő),Fire_tiger (Fordító), Error_404 (téma), és Barberserk (Kép). O nie! Egamorf skradł nasze skrypty Lua! Specjalnie podziękowania: Bolodefchoco(Developer), Error_404 (stworzenie tematu na forum), Sebafrancuz (tłumacz) i Barberserk (obrazek). Oh nein! Egamorf hat das Lua Script gestohlen! Speziellen Dank an Bolodefchoco (Entwickler), O ne! Egamorf je ukrao Lua skriptu! Brzo nam je potrebna vaša pomoć kako bi pronašli djelove koji su rasuti svuda po mapama. Lopov je pobjegao prije nego što smo ga zaustavili! Možemo se osloniti na vas, a zahvaljujući vama vratit ćemo Lua skriptu! Savjet: Egamorf je pametan, sakrio je djelove iza raznih objekata kako bi ih zaštitio od sunčevih zraka! Jeste li spremni biti programer i spasiti dan!? Požuri! Tko zna kakav zli plan ima Egamorf. S takvim poznavanjem Lua-e sposoban je ići na sve! Čekaj, netko nas zove... ŠTO?! Sjajno.. izgubilo smo Lua kôd jer je skripta raspršena u djelovima! Pomozite nam da je vratimo u prvobitno stanje! Budi Alan Turing! Posebnu zahvalnost upućujemo: Bolodefchoco (Razvijač), Matekooo (Prevoditelj), Error_404 (tema) i Barberserk (Slika). Dernière modification le 1499161080000 |
Vekanor « Sénateur » 1498658280000
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cool thread |
Heusted « Citoyen » 1498658460000
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wow, can't wait to find the fragments!! |
Sellaowl « Citoyen » 1498658820000
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let the event begin! :) |
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Nice!! |
Peanut_butter « Consul » 1498659360000
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Thanks! Very nice event! So, did I get it right? You collect the fragments on tfm maps? Is there no event map to this? Cause that's cool! Edit: deleted the translation, as it got added to the OP :D 2nd edit: I did a typo on the hungarian translation. I messed up Alan Turing's name :/ Dernière modification le 1498660440000 |
Dea_bu « Consul » 1498659420000
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Thank you! :) Fire_tiger a dit : I don't think so, according to the Lua Code regarding the LUA event, there seem to be 11 different maps. Dernière modification le 1498659900000 |
Peanut_butter « Consul » 1498660020000
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Dea_bu a dit : WOOW! They really outdid themselves then (except if it's tfm event maps lol). Where did you find the code? |
Highperm « Citoyen » 1498660320000
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Fire_tiger a dit : These maps are taken from Module event XML Submissions [Big and decorated maps] thread. |
Nihatsune « Citoyen » 1498660620000
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what to find script? |
Dea_bu « Consul » 1498660680000
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Well.. Dernière modification le 1498660740000 |
Error_404 « Consul » 1498660800000
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The project is Open Source, but avoid sharing it on public forums. Talk in private messages instead. |
Honorabilis « Consul » 1498661160000
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Thats interesting. I can translate into TR. |
Error_404 « Consul » 1498661280000
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Hello, The Lua Coder event has been deactivated today due to admin issues in the lua event system. We apologize for the inconvenience. |
Dea_bu « Consul » 1498661340000
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Thanks for the message. Can't wait to play it. |
Batt_mellamy « Consul » 1498676700000
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Oooh looks interesting! Looking forward to playing it ^_^ |
Missiclinda « Consul » 1498678020000
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sounds great, can't wait to see how it'll look like! |
Elastic_4336 « Censeur » 1498678860000
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So this is a actual event? Can't wait to play it, how do we play? |
Katburger « Consul » 1498684380000
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This event has been temporarily postponed! |
City_lights « Censeur » 1498829880000
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Wooo its back Jst one question how does one obtain hese fragments |