| Southwestie #0000 « Senator »
Registration date : 05/09/2016 Community : International Messages: 6402 Prestige: 6079 Level: 4 Offline Birthday : 11/07/1999 Location : 5300 km ღ Soul mate : Homosexuality #5575
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i fell asleep amid the flowers
for a couple of hours
on a beautiful day
“Sometimes you have to break some hearts to make some friends”
- Irwin Dundee
Will you kill me dead?
Or kiss me instead?
Addy, where you with her last night?
This is about regionals, Beth. This isn't about you. Everything isn't about you.
Look, this isn't about me. This is about you. The things that you never admit: what you do, what you want.
You just smile and you smile and then you stab me in the fucking heart.
Nothing's ever enough for you, Beth.
Look, it's my fault. It's my fault for falling for it, for you again and again and you were never gonna choose me.
We've been waiting for this our whole lives.
How come, Addy... How come, you never, choose, me? Just tell me the truth for once in your life.
What is it about her? What does she have that I don't?
She isn't you.
Addy! Addy!
I said stop, Beth.
Addy, where is your Hamsa?
What is it with you and this fucking bracelet?
Wait, you mean the bracelet that I gave to you? And that you gave to her?
I didn't.
Your lies, Addy, you can't even keep track of them.
Addy, wake the fuck up, please.
You were there. Somehow, Addy, somehow you were there.
No I wasn't. You don't know everything.
Okay? And you don't control me.
No I know just who controls you.
I control me.
And you need to stop this.
You have to stop this, for me.
This is for you, okay?
You think that she's gonna protect you, she won't.
She does whatever she wants and she takes and she takes, and she--
That's you, Beth! That's you. You take.
Is that what you think?
Is that what you actually think?
Well I guess we'll see, won't we? We'll see if she's worth it. If she's got your back like I always have.
Eyes on my girl, Addy.
We'll see what she says when the detectives ask about the bracelet.
Your bracelet.
The one that they found at the crime scene.
What, did you just say?
That's not true. That's not true.
And, even if it was, how would you know that?
How could you possibly fucking know that, Beth?
We won! This is insane!
Yeah it is.
There's gonna be a rager at Lanver's, partying over the abyss.
The abyss.
The abyss. C'est Moi.
Vous venez d'entrer dans l'antre de Tayla
Fuyez ou vous serez maudits à tout jamais
Que le mauvais sort s'abatte sur vous
Elle vous possèdera
Elle vous détruira