| Chamaisse #0000 « Censeur »
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2016 Communauté : Internationale Messages : 3556 Prestige : 772 Niveau : 2 Hors ligne Genre : Féminin Localisation : Dans un train en direction de Bordeaux Âme sœur : Mllegivrali #0000
Tribu : |
And the day as come where I have died only to find I've come alive
Elle voudrait se sentir unique, elle se sent juste différente
Un monde où chaque mot se met à fondre dans le vent
You can run go straight through hell with a smile
If you had a 1% chance, you'd still fight, yeah ?
This could be the last chance you have to fly
You're so bigger than the world I have made
Born to be, an heir of beauty and serenity
If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain
J'me perds dans la machine du temps
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
You kill the lights, I'll draw the blinds
The third degree, just isn't working
But I tell you, he's a dealbreaker
So you wanna play with magic
Get undressed, taste the flesh
Il a mes yeux et mon cœur
Just waiting, just waiting
I'm the master of my sea
But I fall out of the sky
I'll be your safe place
The sound of silence
We are ready to die
O troubled ones
Don't bury me
Mor - tal