| Levanalucard #0000 « Citoyen »
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2014 Communauté : Internationale Messages : 1645 Prestige : 5 Niveau : 1 Hors ligne Genre : Masculin Localisation : USA! USA! USA! Âme sœur : Shirochan #6661
Holy crap, someone is actually reading this... Well thank you for taking the time out of your day. Whatever you need to say can be messaged or whispered when i'm on.
Mind you, Genius and Insanity are the same thing, they are just differentiated by their application, and i can assure you, they only apply to the minority of the human race, and some animals.
Side note: This account is used also by my lovely, Ilovdemixlol.
Varying Arts by varying people in the following spoilers~ (theres probably a few i'm missing, maybe)
Arctic-chan drew these in the above spoiler
Made by my Senpai Yukisoulnote
Won in a contest, made by a mouse named Silverbea
Made by a mouse named Djfireagle
Made by a mouse named Icevanille.(I strongly recommend this person if you want art done for your mouse, they're really good)
Made by a mouse named Marutaruharu (close friend)
Made by a mouse named Lynxtank
Made by a mouse named Gabbygalrox
List is forever empty, because listing everyone would take to long. So if you would like to be, simply consider yourself a comrade~
However, those of particular closeness include but are not limited to
Ilovdemixlol (My love)
Marutaruharu (Very Close Friend)
Lurksindark (Very Close Friend)
Supertedooo (Lucifer~)
Annegram (Friend since i started this game)
Redninn (Comrade till the end)
Zloxanaa (Smart Af Person)
Fashionkid (Great person to talk to)
Yukisoulnote (Kind Af Person)
Mialiiariia (Nice Af Person)
Laisharangel (Close Comrade and Friend)
Bugembo (Bug Friend)
Kaneisawesome (Awesome Friend)
Like those people in particular i'd trust my life to need be.