Looking forward through the glass of a bottle..Amazing content. |
Angrotten « Citoyen » Membre 1448910120000
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Well, you are probably wondering why I use this name, the certain answer is known. Fortunadtely I start thinking on which way should choose or what is going on in the tribe. I expect that you can be more active if we just change the regular tribe to a fantastic tribe, fill of energy, and many other things. So please, in the next weeks I will be uploading more videos, and amazing mods to the tribe and connecting on YouTube and twitch( these are interesting platforms that deserve you entertainment, and help you with your exams, homework as well). And I know that everyone have a lot of differences on topic, but I search in you an spark that each one of you had have in common. http://www.youtube.com/v/channel/UC7oF2Y6pMVeh4zykNC4qwcw . http://www.twitch.tv/saparousparrot5/profile Now, I ask you about your topics of interested, and content, or any idea will be welcome here! Thank you. Dernière modification le 1448941380000 |
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Acknowledged Ang, You have my full support for this. If good video ideas occur to me, I'll certainly post it here. |