[Trivialidad] Control+V |
Chrisdrewoff « Citoyen » 1388371200000
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Josh Hutcherson |
Cry_me « Citoyen » 1388371200000
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[•] Password : vanilla |
Khalid « Citoyen » 1388374740000
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[Kokopiyka] me intento matar pero se mato el |
Ratonmarie « Citoyen » 1388433780000
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<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 |
Meekymoose « Citoyen » 1388434560000
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http://tienda.richirocko.com/rin-append/ |
Maximoya « Sénateur » 1388435400000
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El foro es el mejor del universo! Yay! Que os guste mucho, entrad por aquí: http://www.transformice.com/forum/ EL otro que escribió esto es un retrasado*. Y por cierto, maximoya y ceromasmola son guapos, que conste :) <33 |
Kirisamekuro « Citoyen » 1388435580000
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Frantwnoid a dit : . |
Coripanfu « Citoyen » 1388435700000
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http://www.transformice.com/forum/ |
Bychalala « Citoyen » 1388440020000
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1. |
Yaizagoo « Censeur » 1388440140000
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Deusvult « Citoyen » 1388445660000
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print '<r>JuEgO_aCtIvAdO' system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("colores", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("comandos", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("ban", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("desban", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("mapas", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("azul", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("rojo", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("amarillo", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("verde", true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay ("rosa", true) local admins = {"Quesoyquesos","Flingoyo","Drymisty"} local banlist = {} ui.addPopup (1,0,"Bienvenido a Spiritcheese, minijuego creado por Flingoyo, Drymisty y Quesoyquesos, créditos a Thetroz por su valiosa ayuda.Escribe <b>!comandos</b> para ver una lista de <b>comandos</b> disponibles.", nil, 250, 100, 300); for name in pairs (tfm.get.room.playerList) do system.bindMouse (name); end function eventMouse (playerName, x, y) tfm.exec.addShamanObject (24, x, y); end local maps = {"@4580134","@4580165", "@4580177","@4580185","@4580197","@4581571","@4584299", "@4584303","@4584325","@4584326","@4584328","@4584329"} function main() tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame (true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft (true) startNewGame(); end function startNewGame() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame (maps[math.random(#maps)]); tfm.exec.setGameTime (45); tfm.exec.setUIMapName("#Spiritcheese <BV> - @0 <>") end function eventLoop (a, timeLeft) if timeLeft <= 0 then startNewGame(); end end function eventPlayerDied (playerName) local playersAlive = 0; local winner; for player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not tfm.get.room.playerList[player].isDead then playersAlive = playersAlive + 1; winner = player; end end if (playersAlive ==0) then startNewGame(); end end main(); function isBanned (playerName) for _,bannedName in pairs(banlist) do if playerName == bannedName then return true end end return false end function isAdmin (playerName) for _,adminName in pairs(admins) do if playerName == adminName then return true end end return false end function eventChatCommand (playerName, command) if isBanned(playerName) then return end args = {} for arg in command:gmatch ("[^%s]+") do table.insert (args, arg) end if args[1] == "ban" and tfm.get.room.playerList[args[2]] then if isAdmin (playerName) then if isBanned(args[2]) then ui.addPopup (0, 0, "Error: "..args[2].." ya está banead@.", playerName, 350, 200, 100) elseif isAdmin(args[2]) then ui.addPopup (0, 0, "Error: "..args[2].." es un admin.", playerName, 350, 200, 100) else table.insert (banlist, args[2]) tfm.exec.killPlayer(args[2]); ui.addPopup (0, 0, "¡Has sido banead@! ", args[2], 350, 200, 100) ui.addPopup (1, 0, "¡"..args[2].." ha sido banead@!", playerName, 350, 200, 100) end else ui.addPopup (0, 0, "Error: solo los admins pueden usar este comando", playerName, 350, 200, 100) end elseif args[1] == "desban" and tfm.get.room.playerList[args[2]] then if isAdmin (playerName) then if not isBanned(args[2]) then ui.addPopup (0, 0, "Error: "..args[2].." no está baneado.", playerName, 350, 200, 100) else for i,bannedName in pairs(banlist) do if args[2] == bannedName then table.remove (banlist, i) break end end ui.addPopup (0, 0, "¡Has sido desbaneado!", args[2], 350, 200, 100) ui.addPopup (1, 0, "¡"..args[2].." ha sido desbaneado! :):)", playerName, 350, 200, 100) end else ui.addPopup (0, 0, "Solo los administradores pueden usar este comando", playerName, 350, 200, 100) end system.disableChatCommandDisplay("help",true) elseif command == "help" then ui.addPopup (0,0,"<b>Haz click donde desees invocar una chispa</b>.", playerName, 200, 100, 400) elseif command == "colores" then ui.addPopup (0,0,"<b>Colores:</b> !azul , !rojo , !amarillo , !verde , !naranja , !rosa", playerName, 200, 100, 400) elseif command == "colores" then elseif command == "mapas" then ui.addPopup (0,0,"<br><p align='center'><font size='20'><b><font face='Soopafresh'>Lista de Mapas:</b><br></font><font size='15'></br> <br><font color='#BABD2F'> @4580134-@4580165-@4580177-@4580185-@4580197-@4581571-@4584299-@4584303-@4584325-@4584326-@4584328-@458432", playerName, 200, 100, 400) elseif command == "rojo" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(playerName, 0xFF0000) elseif command == "azul" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(playerName, 0x000AFF) elseif command == "verde" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(playerName, 0x32FF00) elseif command == "rosa" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(playerName, 0xFD55FB) elseif command == "naranja" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(name, 0xFF9500) elseif command == "amarillo" then tfm.exec.setNameColor(playerName, 0xFFEF00) elseif command == "comandos" then ui.addPopup (0,0,"<br><p align='center'><font size='20'><b><font face='Soopafresh'>Comandos Disponibles</b><br></font><font size='15'></br> <br><font color='#FD55FB'> !help = Te muestra ayuda sobre este Script</b><br></font><font size='15'></br> <br><font color='#FD55FB'>!mapas = Te muestra los mapas del Script</b><br></font><font size='15'></br> <br><font color='#FD55FB'> !colores = Te muestra los colores que te puedes poner para tu nombre :O", playerName, 200, 100, 400) elseif command=="mensaje" then ui.addPopup(999,2,"<p align='center'>Escribe tu mensaje en el siguiente cuadro</p>",playerName,300,200,200); end end function eventNewGame (playerName) for _,playerName in pairs(banlist) do tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName); end end function eventNewPlayer (playerName) if isBanned(playerName) then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName); end end function eventPlayerRespawn (playerName) if isBanned(playerName) then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName); end end system.disableChatCommandDisplay("mensaje",true) function eventPopupAnswer(Id,Name,answer) if Id==999 then ui.addPopup(0,0,"<font color='#ED67EA'><b>[Equipo de Administracion]</b></font> "..answer.."",p,300,200,150) end end |
Mathyfux « Citoyen » 1388456160000
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Elchamoloko ha sido agregado a tu lista de amigos. |
Minimauuu « Citoyen » 1388507340000
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Agustiiiiina « Citoyen » 1388507880000
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hola........ |
Minimauuu « Citoyen » 1388507880000
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Mipmippp « Citoyen » 1388507880000
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Agustiiiiina a dit : copiaste hola? xdxdxdxd ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0qulrXI0ms |
Vulpixkpa « Citoyen » 1388508000000
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99RgEj8DReg El pequeño Timmy se ha quemado con la Xbox |
Neelfr « Consul » 1388514000000
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[15:13] [Jorgitocs] Ey ! ¿Qué harán para Año Nuevo? |
Meekymoose « Citoyen » 1388514660000
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http://i.imgur.com/PXxdbE0.png |
Deusvult « Citoyen » 1388514660000
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< [Modogrande] ¡Feliz Año Modo! > [es] [Modogrande] Feliz añoooo// -.- |