Someone stole my pasta |
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CONTINUED: POE We're going back to Jakku. That's where. FINN No no no! We can't go back to Jakku! We need to get outta this system! NEAR-MISS LASER BLASTS as Poe pilots aggressively. POE I got to get to my droid before the First Order does! FINN What - a droid?! POE That's right. He's a BB unit! Orange and white: one of a kind. FINN I don't care what color he is! No droid can be that important! POE This one is, pal. FINN We need to get as far away from the First Order as we can! We go back to Jakku, we die! POE That droid's got a map that leads straight to Luke Skywalker! FINN Oh, you gotta be kidding me!!! I-- Suddenly BAM! THEY ARE HIT! EXT. TIE FIGHTER - DAY The TIE FIGHTER SPARKS AND SMOKES, SPIRALING out of control toward the surface of Jakku! INT. STAR DESTROYER MAIN BRIDGE - DAY Captain Phasma and General Hux stand before a holographic projection detailing FN-2187's service records. CAPTAIN PHASMA FN-2187 reported to my division, was evaluated and sent to Reconditioning. GENERAL HUX No prior signs of non-conformity? (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: CAPTAIN PHASMA This was his first offense. A technician checks her readings, reports to General Hux. TECHNICIAN #1 General. They've been hit. GENERAL HUX Destroyed? TECHNICIAN #1 (getting readings) Disabled. They were headed back to Jakku -- the fighter's projected to crash in the Goazon badlands. GENERAL HUX They were going back for the droid -- send a squad to the wreckage. EXT. JAKKU DESERT - DAY TIGHT ON FINN'S FACE: His EYES OPEN. He goes from unconscious to terrified, fast. He sits up, looks around. CUT BACK WIDE: he sits in the middle of an EPIC DESERT, DUNES FOREVER. A BLACK CHUTE blows in the wind behind him, scattered debris. Then he sees, over distant dunes, RISING BLACK SMOKE. He gets up -- moves toward it, calling out: FINN Poe! Poe! Finn scrambles over the massive dune to the TIE FIGHTER, SMOKING AND ON FIRE, small debris around it. He thinks he sees POE'S ARM -- he pulls on it, but it's JUST POE'S JACKET. He throws that off and tries to find a way in -- even a way to LOOK INSIDE, but the smoke and heat make it impossible. FINN (CONT'D) Poe!!! POE! Suddenly the ship BEGINS TO SINK -- like it's being CONSUMED INTO QUICKSAND -- Finn is slipping in too -- FINN (CONT'D) POE!!! POE!!! It becomes clear fast: if Finn doesn't get away, he's gonna get sucked in too! So Finn scampers away from the TIE FIGHTER as it SINKS INTO THE SAND! We're in the Sinking Fields. A few moments and IT'S GONE. Finn's out of breath. Horrified. Then A GIANT EXPLOSION ERUPTS FROM below, SENDING SAND AND DEBRIS EVERYWHERE! Finn sees this, disoriented, scared, exhausted and defeated. And all alone. |
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EXT. DESERT - DAY ENDLESS DUNES BEHIND HIM, Finn walks, removing pieces of his Stormtrooper gear, using Poe's FLIGHT JACKET for shade. EXT. DESERT - DAY Exhausted, Finn continues his trek across the endless, sandy nothingness. EXT. DESERT - DAY Finn, parched and losing hope, he walks to the edge of a massive dune, looks out into the epic valley below. Miles ahead: NIIMA OUTPOST. INT. STAR DESTROYER - BRIDGE - DAY General Hux and Kylo Ren walk the length of the bridge. GENERAL HUX Supreme Leader Snoke was explicit. Capture the droid if we can, but destroy it if we must. KYLO REN How capable are your soldiers, General? GENERAL HUX (with vitriol) I won't have you question my methods. KYLO REN They're obviously skilled at committing high treason. Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using a clone army. GENERAL HUX (you son-of-a-bitch) My men are exceptionally trained -- programmed from birth-- KYLO REN Then they should have no problem retrieving the droid. Unharmed. GENERAL HUX Careful, Ren. That your "personal interests" not interfere with orders from Leader Snoke. KYLO REN I want that map. For your sake, I suggest you get it. Ren heads off. Hux hates him. |
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EXT. NIIMA OUTPOST - DAY Sun-scorched and exhausted, Finn stumbles out of the desert into the Outpost. In a heatstroke daze he moves past enormous old SHIP PARTS, MERCHANTS, SCAVENGERS and TENTED STALLS. FINN Water... water... water.. He sees a WATER TROUGH where a filthy, slobbering hippo-like creature (a HAPPABORE) DRINKS. Finn moves to it, uses his hands to desperately DRINK the filthy water. After a couple swallows he SPITS IT OUT, disgusted. FINN (CONT'D) -- Awgh, GAH! But he's parched and immediately RETURNS FOR MORE. ACROSS THE MARKETPLACE, REY kneels with an emphatically BEEPING BB-8. Just then, TWO of UNKAR'S THUGS approach and stop her. One clearly tells her that they're taking the droid. BB-8 reacts nervously as Rey resists them -- one pulls a SACK over BB-8 while the other grabs Rey's arm -- in the tussle, Rey KNOCKS OVER METAL URNS for sale -- Finn, still drinking, is PUSHED OVER by the happabore. He falls to the ground, then turns to look when he HEARS CRASHING. He sees, through the tents, REY FIGHTING. He moves UP CLOSER to help this young woman being accosted -- but he STOPS when Rey begins to FIGHT BACK -- scrappy and feral, she KICKS, BITES and HITS. Finn is taken aback as she DEFEATS the attackers, who hit the sand, hard. Finn just watches, stunned. Rey moves to the COVERED BB-8 -- PULLS THE SACK OFF OF HIM. Finn cannot believe his eyes. IT'S POE'S DROID! Rey talks to BB-8, who, nervous now, looks around and... SEES FINN! BB-8 STARTS BEEPING like crazy. Then something insane happens: REY LOOKS AT FINN. REY (To BB-8) Who? Him? Finn is confused. Rey stands, staring at Finn, defiant. Finn can feel trouble coming -- and Rey begins CHARGING AT HIM, quarterstaff in hand. Realizing he's the target, Finn begins to RUN -- away from her, through the tent marketplace. Rey goes after him -- he turns a corner -- then another -- then BAM! She's got |
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ahead of him and SLAMS HIM TO THE GROUND WITH HER STAFF! Finn is on his back, out of breath and freaked out. She holds the staff on him threateningly: REY What's your hurry, thief? FINN What--?! Thief? BB-8 ROLLS UP FAST, MOVES TO FINN -- a WELDING ARM TELESCOPES FROM HIS BODY AND SHOCKS FINN! FINN (CONT'D) OW! HEY! What?! REY The jacket! This droid says you stole it! FINN I've had a pretty messed up day, alright?! So I'd appreciate it you stop accusing me -- OW!!! (BB-8 has ZAPPED him again) STOP IT! REY Where'd you get it? It belongs to his master. Finn looks at her -- then the agitated droid, Finn's mind racing. He puts it all together. Frustrated, but sighs heavily, needing to respond somehow. So he makes a hard decision: to tell the truth. FINN It belonged to Poe Dameron. That was his name, right? Rey and BB-8 react, surprised and wanting more. FINN (CONT'D) He was captured... by the First Order! I helped him escape but our ship crashed. (reliving it) Poe didn't make it. (sees BB-8 is sad, rolls off) Look, I tried to help him. I'm sorry... BB-8 heads off to the side, depressed. Rey watches BB-8, then considers Finn again. Says, a bit impressed: REY So you're with the Resistance? (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: Finn's mind races again. He makes an easy decision: to lie. FINN Obviously. Yes. I am. I'm with the Resistance, yeah. (whispers) I'm with the Resistance. Rey lowers her staff, Finn stands. Rey studies him: REY I've never met a Resistance fighter before. FINN Well, this is what we look like. Some of us. Others look different. REY BB-8 says he's on a secret mission, he has to get back to your base. FINN Apparently he's carrying a map that leads to Luke Skywalker, and everyone's after it. She turns to him, concerned, curious. And asks: REY Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth. Just then BB-8 BEEPS MADLY at something he sees. REY (CONT'D) What is it? Rey moves to him, peeks around a tent corner. Now Finn moves to see: at a distance, TWO STORMTROOPERS TALKING TO UNKAR'S THUGS -- who POINT THEIR WAY! Finn urgently grabs her hand and heads for the tents: REY (CONT'D) (re: her hand) What are you doing?! FINN Come on! Suddenly LASER BLASTS RIP PAST THEM, HIT THE CLEANING UNIT, SPEWING STEAM! Rey SCREAMS -- MORE BLASTS as they run! EXT. NIIMA OUTPOST - DAY Finn and Rey holding hands, the three race, ZIGZAGGING through a maze of tents: (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: FINN Come on, BB-8! REY Let go of me! FINN No, we gotta move! REY (pulls her hand back) I know how to run without you holding my hand! BB-8 stay close! This way! Now Finn and BB-8 follow Rey -- ANOTHER BLAST just missing them! They disappear through a tent. TRACK FAST WITH STORMTROOPERS, through the tent maze. They come out of a tent, HAVING MOMENTARILY LOST THEIR TARGET. STORMTROOPER Call in the air strike! REY, FINN AND BB-8 duck into another tent: INT. NIIMA OUTPOST - TENT - DAY Rey, Finn and BB-8 move through RUSTY WARES and take cover. Quiet, urgent: REY They're shooting at both of us! FINN Yeah, they saw you with me! You're marked! REY Well, thanks for that! FINN I'm not the one who chased you down with a stick! Does anyone have blasters around here?! REY (to BB-8) Are you okay? Finn QUIETS HER WITH A GESTURE, HEARING SOMETHING. PUSH IN ON FINN -- whatever he hears alarms him greatly -- he GRABS HER HAND AGAIN -- PULLS HER AWAY -- REY (CONT'D) Stop taking my hand! |
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EXT. NIIMA OUTPOST - TENT - DAY Finn pulls Rey from the tent -- BB-8 FOLLOWS -- As they race from the tent a TIE FIGHTER SCREAMS INTO VIEW FROM BEHIND THE TENTS! A SECOND FOLLOWS CLOSE BEHIND. IT FIRES AT THEM -- A MASSIVE BLAST SENDS REY AND FINN FLYING -- BB-8 ROLLING! WIDE SHOT: TWO TIE FIGHTERS SCREAM OVER the town, the EXPLOSION throws sand and debris fifty feet into the air. Rey is thrown HARD to the ground -- she is rattled, truly afraid. Then she turns: FINN lies nearby, unconscious. Suddenly afraid, she scrambles to him, rolls him over. BB-8 ROLLS OVER, BEEPING in concern. REY Hey! As Finn comes to, he sees her. Through his fog: FINN -- Are you okay? And that very question touches her -- having never in her life been asked it. REY Yeah. (extends her hand) Follow me. Grateful, Finn takes it. They're off. LOCALS run amok as TIE fighters DIVE BOMB. REY, Finn and BB8 SPRINT, BLASTER EXPLOSIONS GET CLOSER AND CLOSER! EXT. NIIMA OUTPOST - SPACEPORT - DAY Rey, STAFF strapped to her back, leads the way as she, Finn and BB-8 race into the spaceport. Finn glances back: TWO TIE FIGHTERS BANK their return. They YELL: FINN We can't outrun them! Rey POINTS to a parked, four-engine SHIP ahead: REY We might in that quad-jumper! FINN We need a pilot! REY We've got one! (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: FINN You?! (then, indicates one OFF-CAMERA) What about that ship? REY That one's garbage! They run for the JUMPER but the passing TIE FIGHTERS FIRE AT IT, BLOWING IT APART IN A HUGE FLAME BALL! Rey, coming to a quick stop, RIGHT UP TO CAMERA: REY (CONT'D) The garbage'll do! She turns and runs back -- Finn and BB-8 follow as they all run toward the piece of junk -- and we see it for the first time: THE MILLENNIUM FALCON! TIE fighters BANK AROUND AGAIN. Finn, Rey and BB-8 run up the ramp of the semi-tarped Falcon. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY Finn, Rey and BB-8 enter the ship -- she hits a control and the door DESCENDS CLOSED as she races to the cockpit: REY Gunner position's down there! FINN (climbs down) Y'ever fly this thing? INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY Rey tosses her staff aside, jumps into the pilot's seat, frantically flips switches. BB-8 rolls in behind her as the ENGINES WHINE to life: REY No! This ship hasn't been flown in years! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNNER POSITION - DAY Finn buckles into the gunner seat -- to his shock the SEAT WHIPS TO THE LEFT, startling him -- he grabs the controls to steady himself. FINN Great. (reacts to seat) Whoa! I can do this, I can do this-- INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY Rey bucks herself up. Doesn't believe her quick words: (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: REY I can do this, I can do this-- Rey pulls the yoke: THE FALCON ENGINES LIGHT UP BRIGHT! EXT. NIIMA OUTPOST - SPACEPORT - DAY The FALCON RISES, WILDLY -- ITS TARPS FLY OFF -- THE SHIP SPINS AND TILTS, SLAMS INTO AND CRUMBLES THE TOWN'S ARCHWAY! From the tents, Unkar Plutt runs out, SCREAMS: UNKAR HEY!!!! THAT'S MIIIIIIINE!!! The Falcon BLASTS AWAY, two TIE FIGHTERS chase it, fast! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY Rey pilots, headed for the sky! Finn SWINGS into frame, trying to work the GUNS. FINN Whoa! Hey! Oh! Stay low! Stay low! REY WHAT? FINN Stay low! It confuses their tracking! For a crazy instant Rey LETS GO OF THE YOKE, stretches to the co-pilot controls -- THE FALCON CANTS! REY BB-8, hold on! Rey finally REACHES the switches, returns to the yoke, stabilizing the ship, afraid of this next move. REY I'M GOING LOW!!! EXT. DESERT - DAY BEHIND THE FALCON as it DRAMATICALLY BANKS AT AN UPWARD ARC, UPSIDE-DOWN, then SWOOPS PERILOUSLY LOW across the sand. Two TIE FIGHTERS SCREAM past us! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY In the cylindrical corridor, BB-8 ROLLS TO THE CEILING! Rey looks back for a flash as the TIE Fighters pass -- They are ROCKED BY A BLAST! (CONTINUED) |
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I am back... |
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CONTINUED: REY What are you doing back there? Are you ever gonna fire back?! Finn flicks switches -- The GUN TARGETING LIGHTS UP: FINN I'm working on it! Are the shields up? Rey strains, reaching for something in the co-pilot seat. REY Not so easy without a co-pilot! Finn struggles with the gun controls and SWEEPING CHAIR: FINN Try sitting in this thing! Finn finally FIRES BACK at the two TIE FIGHTERS! EXT. DESERT - DAY Finn's shots MISS. The TIE FIGHTERS ARC BACK IN PURSUIT and SCREAM PAST US toward the Falcon! Both TIES FIRING! INT. TIE FIGHTER COCKPIT - DAY The BLACK-SUITED PILOT FIRES at the Falcon. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNNER POSITION - DAY The Falcon is ROCKED by another BLAST! FINN We need cover, quick! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY Rey HITS SWITCHES, pilots the best she can: REY We're about to get some! (to herself) I hope. EXT. DESERT - DAY The Falcon speeds through a ROCK FORMATION, GRAZING THE ROCK, TAKING OUT A CHUNK -- the two TIE Fighters in pursuit, FIRING! The Falcon BANKS SO HARD, the edge of the ship RIPS A LINE IN THE SAND as it turns, REVEALING THE SHIP GRAVEYARD AHEAD. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY BB-8 EXTENDS MAGNETIC CABLES to brace himself in a corridor. (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: Finn continues to fire at the TIE fighters, narrowly missing them. FINN Damn it! Rey maneuvers the ship deeper into the graveyard. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNNER POSITION - DAY Finn SWOOPS into frame, FIRES -- FINN Come on... come on... -- HITS AND SHATTERS the TIE FIGHTER! REY Nice shot! FINN I'm getting pretty good at this! EXT. DESERT - SPACESHIP GRAVEYARD - DAY The TIE FIGHTER CRASHES amid the DEBRIS, THREE SCAVENGERS instantly there to consume the new bounty. The Falcon, pursued by the ONE REMAINING TIE FIGHTER, slaloms through the MASSIVE WRECKAGE, GRAZING THE OLD SHIPS as she goes, pieces flying. The TIE FIGHTER FIRES -- HITTING THE FALCON'S LOWER TURRET, SPINNING IT, JAMMING IT INTO FORWARD POSITION! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNNER POSITION - DAY ALARMS BLARE -- FINN The cannon's stuck in forward position, I can't move it! You gotta lose 'em! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY The ship is HIT AGAIN -- afraid, Rey's mind races as she scans the area -- and gets an idea. REY Get ready! FINN Okay! For what? EXT. DESERT - SPACESHIP GRAVEYARD - DAY Rey pilots the ship up AND INTO THE REAR OF A CRASHED SUPER STAR DESTROYER! The final TIE FIGHTER FOLLOWS! |
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INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY Finn peers out the window, realizing where they are: FINN ARE WE REALLY DOING THIS?! INT. WRECKED SUPER STAR DESTROYER - DAY The two ships slalom debris inside the giant ship -- the Falcon GRAZING ONE SIDE, THEN THE OTHER, SPITTING SPARKS! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DAY Rey, scared, girds herself as she quickly runs out of space in the wreck. REY Oh no! Just as the TIE PILOT GETS A LOCK, Rey YANKS THE YOKE -- EXT. DESERT - SPACESHIP GRAVEYARD - DAY The Falcon makes a HARD RIGHT TURN out of the Destroyer. Rey then CUTS POWER AND FLIPS THE SHIP SO BACK FACES FRONT! FINN CAN NOW SEE THE PURSUING TIE FIGHTER! He FIRES, DESTROYING IT! REY GUNS THE ENGINES again, FLIPS THE FALCON and FLIES AWAY as the TIE FIGHTER CRASHES! FINN Whooo! The Falcon ROARS OFF, victorious, leaving the ship graveyard and disappearing into the clouds. EXT. SPACE - DAY The Falcon ROARS from Jakku off to space. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY Rey excitedly unbuckles her seatbelt and hurries back. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - CORRIDOR - DAY Rey races past BB-8, who is RETRACTING his safety restraints. Finn, adrenalized, climbs from the turret, meets Rey in the corridor, the LOUNGE in the b.g.. |
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CONTINUED: FINN Now that was some flying! How did you do that?! No one trained you? No one? That was amazing! (beat) You set me up for it! (cocky) That was pretty good. REY Good shooting! Thanks! I-- I don't know! -- I've flown some ships but I've never left the planet! Your last shot was dead on. You got him with one blast! (laughs) It was perfect! They're just staring at each other now, seeing something odd and weird and wonderful -- two people totally inexperienced in joy and camaraderie. Bb-8 BEEPS something urgent -- she turns to the droid, kneels. REY (CONT'D) You're ok. He's with the Resistance. He's going to get you home. We both will. (to Finn) I don't know your name. FINN Finn. What's yours. REY I'm Rey. BB-8 looks at him: really? Finn is reminded: HE'S LIED TO HER. She looks at Finn with a sweet smile. FINN Rey... But before Finn can say anything they JUMP: across the lounge, STEAM BURSTS from under the grating. REY Help me with this! Quick! They hurry to the grating, PULL IT UP together. BB-8 rolls over, watches. FINN Whoa! What's going on? She goes below as BB-8 BEEPS concern. EXT. SPACE - DAY The First Order Star Destroyer above Jakku. INT. STAR DESTROYER BRIDGE - DAY Lieutenant Mitaka moves to Ren, who looks out across the star field. Mitaka swallows, uneasy with his task. (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: LIEUTENANT MITAKA Sir. We were unable to acquire the droid on Jakku. Ren turns to look at him, he says nothing. LIEUTENANT MITAKA (CONT'D) It escaped capture aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter. KYLO REN The droid... stole a freighter? LIEUTENANT MITAKA Not exactly, sir. It had help. Ren says nothing. Which says everything. Mitaka sweats. LIEUTENANT MITAKA (CONT'D) We have no confirmation, but we believe FN-2187 may have been helped in the escape-- Ren IGNITES HIS LIGHTSABER, TURNS AND SLASHES AT THE CONSOLE BEHIND HIM! HOLD ON Mitaka, who reacts, looks away -- winces. The horrible SOUNDS of Ren's rage continues. Finally Mitaka looks up. The metallic wall behind Ren is RIPPED with glowing scars. KYLO REN Anything else? Mitaka hates to say the following, but: LIEUTENANT MITAKA The two were accompanied by a girl. Ren reaches out -- Mitaka is suddenly, violently PULLED TOWARD REN, into his black glove: KYLO REN What girl? INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - LOUNGE AREA - DAY Rey's head POPS up from under the grating, surrounded by STEAM. An EMERGENCY ALARM BLARES. REY It's the motivator! Grab me a Harris wrench -- check in there! As he checks a storage box, she disappears down below, overwhelmed by the technical issues -- FINN How bad is it?! (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: REY If we wanna live, not good! BB-8 watches as Finn searches A SELECTION OF TOOLS: FINN They're hunting for us now, we gotta get outta this system! Rey re-emerges, Finn hands her the wrench. REY BB-8 said the location of the Resistance Base is "need to know" -- if I'm taking you there, I need to know! FINN (Throws a tool) This? She catches it and goes under again, leaving Finn and BB-8 alone. He contemplates telling her the truth. This is his moment. But instead he knees to BB-8, says quietly, urgently: FINN (CONT'D) You gotta tell us where the base is. (BB-8 BEEPS) I don't speak that. Alright, between us, I'm not with the Resistance, okay? (BB-8 backs up) -- I'm just trying to get away from the First Order -- but you tell us where your base is, I'll get there first -- deal?! (BB-8 COCKS his head) Droid, please. Rey pops up again: REY Pilex driver, hurry! Finn moves for the tool. REY (CONT'D) So where's your base? FINN (searching, to BB-8) Go on BB-8, tell her. (quietly) Please! She and Finn look to BB-8 -- who considers the whole situation, then BEEPS. (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: REY The Ileenium system? Finn hands her the tool, surprised but thrilled -- Rey disappears below again. FINN Yeah, the Ileenium system, that's the one -- get us there as fast as you can. A smiling Finn gives BB-8 a THUMBS UP. BB-8 quickly extends his WELDING TORCH and TURNS IT UPWARD, then retracts it. REY I'll drop you two at Ponemah Terminal. I need the bonding tape, hurry! FINN (searching for tape) What about you? REY I gotta get back to Jakku! FINN (loses his mind) BACK TO JAK--?! Why does everyone always wanna go back to Jakku?! ! REY No, that one! No. No. The one I'm pointing to! No. NO. NO. If we don't patch it up, the propulsion tank will overflow and flood the ship with poisonous gas! Bb-8 has moved to Finn -- TIPS HIS HEAD, shows him the tool. He throws her the tape, she disappears below: FINN This? REY Yes! FINN Hey. Rey. You're a pilot -- you can fly anywhere! Why go back?! You got a family? You got a boyfriend? Cute boyfriend? The STEAM and ALARM STOP as Rey pops up, annoyed: REY None of your business, THAT'S WHY! But then: ALL THE SHIP POWER GOES OUT. BB-8 is nervous. (CONTINUED) |
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CONTINUED: FINN ... That can't be good. REY (heads off) -- No it can't be -- FINN FOLLOWS REY TO: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY They plop into the seats, in a panic. She checks the dead instrumentation panel: REY Someone's locked onto us -- all controls are overridden. Finn quickly, awkwardly climbs up, looks out. REY (CONT'D) Get off. Get off! See anything? FINN ... Oh no. EXT. SPACE - DAY The Millennium Falcon, powerless, is a sitting duck. SOMETHING EPIC appears from ABOVE: THE ANTENNA ARRAY IS THE FIRST WE SEE OF A MASSIVE FREIGHTER, ITS GIANT HANGAR OPEN LIKE A HUGE MOUTH WHICH SWALLOWS THE FALCON LIKE A WHALE! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - DAY Finn PLOPS into his seat, horrified. FINN It's the First Order. REY What do we do-- there must be something -- Finn's mind races -- then: FINN You said poisonous gas -- REY -- Yeah, but I fixed that -- FINN Can you unfix it? Rey stares at him -- and gets his plan! They head off -- INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - LOUNGE AREA - DAY The GAS MASKS hanging in the lounge are GRABBED. (CONTINUED) |