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Midorikyun « Citoyen » 1489355460000
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Pinkeyed « Citoyen » 1489364820000
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Kacchanbaka « Censeur » 1489365540000
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[12/3 9:19 PM] Mãe: Não comenta nada. Se perguntarem vc tb não sabe de nada [12/3 9:19 PM] Mãe: Quanto menos informação eles souberem é melhor |
Miyuki413 « Citoyen » 1489372200000
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Espero que Gatan seja útil pra você. >Aparência: Espécie: Górgona (não é "uma medusa" seu acultural); meio humano e meio ofídio, tem cabelo composto de serpentes e petrifica quem olha diretamente em seus olhos. Altura: 2,10m Bodytype: Parece aqueles protagonistas clichês de shounen Pele: Quase amarela, tipo marfim. Cabelos: Brancos. / Médios, até a metade dos braços, e crespos. Olhos: Verdes-escuros. >Mentalidade e Background Traços de personalidade: sensível, se afeta facilmente com os pensamentos e opiniões alheios; honesto(a), fala sempre a verdade e gosta de deixar suas intenções claras; leal, pode se apegar muito fácil e tende a seguir algo ou alguém fielmente; intuitivo(a), tende a seguir seus instintos acima de tudo; preguiçoso(a), tende a procrastinar e detesta movimento intenso. |
Tridentine « Citoyen » 1489377660000
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Unfortunately, that's an actual thing called Class S. Strong female "friendships" in Japanese fiction originally began as a way to imply lesbianism in a time where gay relationships weren't permitted (sometimes they really were platonic friendships, but were written by feminists to show that women could have beautiful bonds that didn't involve men), but now that it's branched into anime & manga, it's been twisted into insulting and sometimes even homophobic cheap fanservice intended for male viewers. I know a lot of people enjoy it for what it is, but as a lesbian who can never seem to find actual women like me in anime it's pretty heartbreaking. Even worse is when there's an actual gay girl in the show, but they either find a way to explain why she isn't really gay, or the girls act disgusted with her because she's always some really shameless pervert for some reason. Either way she always ends up alone, which strikes a chord with me. There's also that terrible implication that grade school-aged girls are allowed to have close, borderline-romantic relationships with other girls, but they're expected to "grow out of it" by the time they graduate and move on to "serious" relationships with men. I always side-eye anime that focuses on middle/high school girls who develop crushes on or just have very intimate blurred relationships with other girls, because the writers are either too spineless to actually solidify things and make them girlfriends, or they're playing up that S trope and want you to interpret them as straight or LUGs (Lesbians Until Graduation). You can always tell that they have crappy intentions when they push all these girls together and drop these hints, but then some inevitable "do you have anyone you like?" conversation comes up and none of them do, or if they do it's a boy. They may as well slap a giant NO HOMO over their faces when they're doing something gay at that point. The thing that annoys me the most about anime relationships(for the mos part) is that these males that they "love" are hardly even in their life. There's no "lets date then fall in love". It's as if being a male is enough for these girls to disregard all other relationships they have. There's just no romance in these romance anime. A kiss is not the end of the relationship, a date is not the end goal of a relationship, these are the beginning points. Why are we seeing "dates" between girls all the time that gets ignored for a male that we never see actually progress to a real relationship. I'm just mad. I feel your anger and it makes me even more mad that anime. I want REAL romance between people not this crap. I've heard of the concept before, but not that particular term for it. Good to know. I've been into gay romances ever since I finally grew out of my homophobia and it really is sad how difficult it is to find shows that take the subject seriously and aren't just cheap fan service or played for laughs. Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto are pretty much the only ones I can think of off the top of my head and they both adapt only part of the source material and don't really get very far (I should really finish reading the manga of version these). At least I have a big list of yuri manga (or at least I hope I do) and hopefully at least some of them are more realistic. And it doesn't seem to be much better on the BL front (although I haven't looked that much into it) This is absolutely the worst. It has a lot to do with this idea that every relationship, gay or straight, must have a "male" partner and a "female" partner. When you combine it with certain traditional ideas about gender roles, you get this mess. |
Lidaenderman « Citoyen » 1489502940000
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Isadora Tesuda Ruivinha |
Lucas_topster « Citoyen » 1489507560000
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A Killer Among Us |
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"Se seus lideres lhes dizem: 'Vejam, o reino está no céu', então os pássaros do céu os precederão. Se lhes dizem: 'Está no mar', então o peixe os precederá. Antes, o reino está dentro de vocês e está fora de vocês" |
Lucas_topster « Citoyen » 1489513860000
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