Animal Jam! |
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angelfromaj a dit : Tiger, snow leopard, lions, and tigers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If there's one thing I hate about AJ, it's all the rude jammers! I especially don't like the people who are "recording" because I don't want to be on Youtube. Those kinds of people say "I don't care" or "Because it's fun!". I don't see why recording YOUR own gifts is fun, it makes your viewers jealous anyways, therefore haters. Jammers should respect one another, recording someone who asked not to be recorded should not be treated like a dog for asking a simple request. Dernière modification le 1425913140000 |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1425911880000
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Meegzzz a dit : All I want is a Pink Party Hat. |
Sunflowrcake « Citoyen » 1425933240000
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Lordfuzzy a dit : lmfao i go as a rabbit all the time, im surprised i havent been "eaten" yet some dumb arctic wolf tried to adopt me one year ago tho. and rly i was just afking in the pillow room ://////// |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1425951060000
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Sunflowrcake a dit : I just went to Serepia Forest like two days ago and there wasn't any wolves there that wanted to eat me. Just two arctic wolves that were afk. XDDDDDDD |
Griffincraft « Consul » 1425955920000
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Someone’s asking for a free rare spike.. uh. is she expecting actual results |
Meegzzz « Citoyen » 1425961140000
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Spikes aren't even rare these days. They're so common because almost every member has one, and some even have a full trading list of spikes just to show off. They're not even real, they're just pixels on a computer screen. 'LOOK AT ME GUYS, I HAVE SO MANY PIXELS' |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1425974340000
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Meegzzz a dit : Ikr. It's funny how people still act like Rare Spikes are actually, well, rare. Sadly, I don't even have a rare spike. I could probably get my dream item with four rare spikes, so I'll really go for the new adventure. |
Meegzzz « Citoyen » 1425974940000
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Also, people trade really unfairly these days. Like today, I went to a giveaway, which was most likely a scam, to watch. I clicked on the other players there and I traded two rares for the non member glowing blue mushrooms. Then I tried to trade two rares and two other items for the blue fire drum someone else had, but the person kept declining my offers, even though they were completely fair, and actually over fair. After that, she said 'i really like my blue fire drum' and then I said 'then why is it on your trade list?'. I left after that. So now there's two new items on my list of things I want. A red (or white) fox hat and a blue fire drum. |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1425975600000
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What I just don't get is when someone puts something on their list, I make an offer, the person says "I'm not trading it.", I ask "Well, why is it on your trade list?", then the person says "It's for show, duh." Since when was the trade list used for show? IT'S FOR TRADING. And, if you REALLY wanna show your items off, put them in your den or on your animal!!!!! |
Meegzzz « Citoyen » 1426040520000
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So I played AJ again today, and an arctic wolf hosted a Return of the Phantoms hard mode adventure. A non member wolf and I joined. The non member wolf appeared halfway through finding the corks, and then left shortly after. After we found all the corks, I grabbed the key, and the arctic wolf, who was level 5, and I'm level 10, tried showing me the way to the door by saying 'this way' and 'here' even though I knew the way. I was thinking 'uh, i'm level 10, i think i know where the door is'. Then once we got through the door, she opened the arctic wolf passage. I said thanks, and then when I entered the cave and opened the chest, she said 'why u follow me'. I replied with 'was i not supposed to follow you' and she said 'ya'. I then said 'if you open the arctic (wolf) passage, everyone can go through'. She didn't reply for a few minutes until I opened the third cage, when she said 'idk'. |
Ponydoll « Citoyen » 1426041420000
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Meegzzz a dit : ikr some people think these pixel items are gold because they just have this dumb yellow rare sign by it |
Meegzzz « Citoyen » 1426043040000
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Ponydoll a dit : 'omg it has the yellow rare sign iT'S SO VALUABLE I'M SO RARE NOW' |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1426084440000
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Ponydoll « Citoyen » 1426117920000
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how people react: Dernière modification le 1426118040000 |
Sunflowrcake « Citoyen » 1426122540000
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got this from sky high just now *-* not the best, but a rares a rare. |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1426123380000
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Ponydoll a dit : I have that brown rare bow and I think the green one too. x3 |
Meegzzz « Citoyen » 1426144200000
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Sunflowrcake a dit : You can get rares from sky high? Huh, I didn't know that. - Has anyone been able to complete the clover adventure? |
Lilytenten « Citoyen » 1426179600000
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Meegzzz a dit : You can get Rare Mech Wings from Sky High, I've heard. -- I haven't yet. 3: AJ says you can get Rare Spikes in that Clover Adventure, but I want to find out for myself before I believe it. |
Vullitic « Citoyen » 1426206960000
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am i the only one who gets pissed seeing members with a non member animal and all nm items? like are you cereal you just wasted yr parents money and like the wolf is their only animal thats the thing that gets me |
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well if they only want a wolf, let them have only a wolf if they want to use nm items only, let them go for it |