[Tribe] OblivionClan |
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:Pepega: |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558135920000
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this is.... really immature honestly, especially to be on a public thread you should talk with those who hurt you personally and one-on-one, not on a public thread |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558138380000
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Updated! Added art of medicine cats to the "is" tab. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558140120000
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oblivionclan has an addiction to having hot forum profiles |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558141620000
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logs in case of edits ! Sporkl a dit : Sporkl a dit : Vulffe a dit : Sporkl a dit : Sporkl a dit : Sporkl a dit : hi! technically-a-bystander here, and the person who's been working on the coding & editing. i just want to give my two cents on this issue here, because it seems like the people involved aren't handling this the best way possible. getting different point of views, esp from people who aren't involved, can help those in the middle of it see the full picture and help remove any bias that can stop the problem from being solved. so! trying to take about everything in chronological order, here i go! note: i ramble a lot, please excuse this! starting ~early-mid april so, from what i know, this generally started after sporkl finished the allegiance art and ari announced that she was stepping down. this really spurred sporkl's declaration that both wolf and ari need to step down; Spork04/19/2019 im saying wolf and ari need to drop down together so, two sides came up with this (it was mainly a 1.5 vs 5 but yknow) sporkl's side: if you're inactive you shouldn't be leader (idk what to name this so...) everyone else's side: wolf has a life and thus should be excused this issue was never solved. the only thing that happened was that the opposing side left. that's, personally, not a good way to really respond to anything. on either side. both sides weren't, cooperating in a sense. sporkl brought up a good point, if you don't have the time/mental health to lead something, then you shouldn't be leading it. however, i feel that this really got brushed away. i've been consistently logging to discord for around 2 weeks now to work on the coding for the forum. i understand wolf was on vacation during most of this, but when she announced she was back i've only seen her once or twice. i don't think you have to be on every day to be a good leader. i think you need to be active enough to interact with everyone and properly execute and suggest ideas. wolf has not demonstrated either of those. ari hasn't either. mitzi and chell have, however. that's a valid concern, esp when you're concerned about the activity and wellbeing of a group. i don't think the "everyone else" side handled this correctly. someone suggested stopping, without solving the problem, because itd "become an argument." wolf... played this guilt thing? i don't like using the "oh you played the guilt trip card" but you shouldn't be saying "i know i'm not fit to be leader" and not doing anything. there isn't one step to solving a problem. i think that, a lot of people are ignoring this fact. if you want something to happen, build a plan, an argument on why that should be done, and do it. understanding people have a life is one thing. that's not the cure-all answer though. i'm not saying sporkl is the good guy in that situation either, he also pulled somethings that weren't the solution either. saying "oh but i'm always the bad guy" shouldn't be your first answer. he did cross the line. he tried to make a point and when people interpreted his message wrong, he just left instead of trying to explain what he was trying to do. this has only caused more problems and more drama over this. also, it wasn't exactly gently as sporkl stated. it was not harsh, of course, he came at it with a decently calm manner. it simply got passive-aggressive at some parts and the whole end was very aggressive. enough to get someone emotional, at least. this, then lead to a few things: - the deletion of the forums - the whole passive-aggressive thing about stealing coding and artwork - stolen ideas. - this; forums drama & such. and, again, to address each of these i'll try and go about them chronologically. - deletion of the forums: this was a spurr of the moment happening, and i agree it wasn't the best course of action. there wasn't much you could do however, other than work on another and move on. - coding/art thief this was, much more on the iffy side for me. i agree artwork shouldn't be used without permission. but... coding? the old oblivionclan code was pretty simple, as all bbcoding is. i don't exactly agree with "you stole my coding" unless it's something revolutionary. this is my opinion but, i feel it was made into a big deal out of pure pettiness. - idea thief i heavily disagree with sporkl on this, sorry. having a new religion and making your own gods isn't a new idea in all retrospect. it was something new for obc, but it shouldn't be "copyright claimed" or such. just because you left sporkl, doesn't mean that people are not allowed to continue to work on ideas. it's unfair to say "okay, i know you're in the middle of making this but i did most of it and made it & i'm leaving so... you can't use this anymore!" other people still worked on it. other people still want to see it become a thing. it's not all about you. - finally, everything that's been said recently. first off, i think it is perfectly reasonable to get mods involved if it is needed. "i'M gOnnA GeT A mOd bEcAuse i CAnT hAndLE siTuaTioNS MYsElf" is a stupid thing to make fun of. that's analogous to saying "i'm being harassed but i'm a pussy if i get the police involved." purging messages/leaving an argument isn't a 100% way to solve arguments (as shown by sporkl leaving), but it can help solve some issues. (ex drama coming to a public forum) handling situations should be talked out to an extent, yes, but you shouldn't be called a pussy or something for removing completely petty comments. (ex. "oh you're stealing my gods idea too now?") secondly, sporkl, stop pulling this victim card. "i get it, i'm an asshole" doesn't solve shit, esp when you put "but i'm not in the wrong!" after (shown by "I still strongly believe I created the gods idea, and I will not apologize for how I acted when you all forced me to leave.") a lot of good points are brought up on both sides. however, a lot of bias is coming between the two. bias as in emotional hurt and experiences that aren't letting people see the other person's shoes. (this is BOTH sides by the way. wolf/ari are being, i don't how to explain this, emotional about it? "pulling the emotional card" ? and sporkl is playing as the victim) i struggle with this too, i'm not saying it's easy to do but it certainly is possible. lastly, both sides are offering to "talk it out" but neither is doing anything. you want to solve this? stop being pussies about it and be the first to dm each other. "It's just painful to watch you all chose to threaten me on the forums, than actually ask whats going on on discord." "But if you ever want to talk it out with our leaders and deputies, I’m sure they’d be happy to let you back in." tl;dr: everyone's bein dumb and letting a whole lot of bias get in the way of actually coming up with a solution any other replies will be answered through discord or dms, thank you. (discord: wanderlust#3331) Dernière modification le 1558141740000 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558144740000
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I agree we handled it badly. I’d seriously be willing to talk it out with anyone. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558160460000
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id message them but i got drunk and unfriended everyone the day after |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558227660000
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drunk- wait wth |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 1558470000000
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Sorry if I sound a bit rude to anyone, but I just really want to clarify this. Why don't we just... let this whole thing go? From what I have heard, it sounds like no one is gonna be satisfied if we keep fighting about it, so why don't we just let this go? The past is the past, we really don't need to push things further than they already have been pushed. I know I was never even around for any of this, but I've heard enough to know about the situation going on. If it's all in the past, why keep fighting over it? It's not like we can change what we have done. |
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Cosmofox a dit : agreed |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558487340000
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im never gonna let it go unless they actually talk to me. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1558643280000
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Updated! Added art of Bristlestar and Halfstar to the leader portion of the allegiance, thanks again to artist Vuffle. |
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ooga chaka ooga chaka ooga ooga chaka |
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can i join? |
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Sure! But we’re primarily a discord Clan so I can pm you an invite link if you want |
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Congratulations to new leader Half-star (Chellcat) and deputy Dragonflame (Wings)!! |
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i love him |
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h e c k |
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good omens is a very good book |