Regarding tribe and account "hackers" |
Muffun « Citoyen » 1403574120000
| 31 | ||
Recently, a number of Transformice tribes, specifically Clan-themed tribes, have been complaining of one or more "hackers" who are logging into people's accounts and wreaking havoc in their tribes, demoting members, kicking members from the tribe, etc. Please rest assured that there is no way to hack into a tribe nor into someone's account. The only way to access someone's account is by means of their password; these so-called "hackers" must have either been told that account owner's password or have guessed it themselves. While this should be common knowledge, it bears repeating that you should never give out your password to anyone. A person asking for your password likely doesn't have good plans for your account once they gain access to it. Unsecure passwords can render an account very vulnerable to people determined to break into them - for example, if you're a member of RapidClan, rapidclan123 probably isn't the best password you could use. If you feel you are at risk of having your account compromised, please change your password to something more secure immediately. Here is a helpful guide on how to maintain the integrity of your account! Additionally, recall that if members of your tribe are demoted/kicked from the tribe, moderators can't do anything about it. Management of tribe affairs is left up to the tribe leaders, and a mod is not going to ban someone for what they say or do in a tribe. That sort of matter is out of their jurisdiction entirely. In order to prevent your tribe from being compromised, be sure not to recruit anyone who you don't know or trust into your tribe. Additionally, make sure to be frugal when giving out tribe powers; don't give the power to derank or kick to someone who you don't fully trust with those capabilities. And remember that you should always /kick suspicious people from your tribe if you feel the need to do so. Thank you for your cooperation! Dernière modification le 1403574720000 |