[Tutorial] Modules and Scripts FAQ and Documentation |
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Actually, everything is covered here: http://atelier801.com/topic?f=6&t=781139&p=1 But I'll just highlight some important ones. If you wanna learn lua for transformice go to the website above. It helps a lot, really. Feel free to ask any question regarding LUA here, and I will try my very best to answer ^^! How can I play a module? You can play any official module by going to its room, for example "/room #ModuleName", or running it in your tribe house with the command "/module #ModuleName" if you have the power to load maps there. You can play unofficial modules by loading the script yourself, or having someone else load it for you. How do I run a script? In order to execute your own script, you need to fit a couple of requirements; be in your tribe house, have the appropriate permissions to use the "/np" command, have over 1,000 cheese, and never be banned for hacking. You can then type the command "/lua" and a window will pop up with an area to type in or paste code. Pressing the "Submit" button will launch the script in your room Here is a list of scripts NOT MADE BY ME: Hangman: http://pastebin.com/raw/nyRGKPB0 Info: The person on top will choose the word. Click on "Define word" to choose which word u want, and press enter or click "Submit". You have limited time to type so HURRY! Commands: !<letter> or !<word> to guess the word Caution: "!" is also considered a letter, idk why... Tetris: http://paste.moepl.eu/view/raw/5ff61107 Info: Hotkeys: J to move left, L to move right, K to move down, SPACE to rotate block. The first person to get black blocks loses. Cage In The House: http://pastebin.com/raw/T124SQqk#(press down to cage, kiss to escape, Info: type !color <code> to change color. Codes are below: red = "0xFF0000", pink = "0xFFC0CB", purple = "0x800080", chocolate = "0xD2691E", orangered = "0xFF4500", tomato = "0xFF6347", gold = "0xFFD700", yellow = "0xFFFF00", lightyellow = "0xFFFFE0", olive = "0x808000", darkgreen = "0x006400", forestgreen = "0x228B22", lightseagreen = "0x20B2AA", lime = "0x00FF00", aquamarine = "0x7FFFD4", blue = "0x0000FF", cyan = "0x00FFFF", black = "0x000000", gray = "0x808080", white = "0xFFFFFF" Lightning: http://pastebin.com/raw/FyBdEzst (note: need to constantly change map or it will stop. Click to lightning/teleport) Event Maps using LUA: Events of Transformice Fishing 2013: Boat map tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P F="7" Ca="" L="3200" /><Z><S><S P="0,0,0.1,0.2,5,0,0,0" L="206" H="130" c="1" N="" Y="200" T="7" X="356" /><S X="372" L="250" H="150" c="1" N="" Y="257" T="7" P="0,0,0.1,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="220" H="150" c="3" N="" Y="362" T="5" X="558" /><S Y="220" L="200" X="610" c="1" N="" i="-20,-195,x_bateaupirate.png" T="12" H="35" P="1,0,0.1,0,0,0,0,5" /><S X="788" L="250" H="50" c="3" Y="394" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" /><S P="1,2,0.2,0,0,0,0,0" L="32" o="0" X="694" Y="196" T="12" H="26" /><S L="2000" X="1159" H="200" Y="320" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="400" X="404" c="3" N="" Y="398" T="6" H="210" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="200" H="320" N="" Y="272" T="6" X="187" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="120" X="59" N="" Y="257" T="6" H="320" /><S H="40" L="180" X="132" c="3" N="" Y="253" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" /><S L="91" X="3231" H="133" Y="372" T="5" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="100" H="150" X="2969" Y="349" T="5" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="164" X="3271" H="300" Y="273" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-40,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="164" X="3140" N="" Y="314" T="6" H="250" /><S L="900" H="200" X="2609" Y="320" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" /><S L="164" H="220" X="3044" N="" Y="326" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S L="129" X="3136" H="55" N="" Y="316" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S L="30" X="2877" H="250" Y="312" T="10" P="0,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,0" /><S L="2000" X="4240" H="600" Y="21" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="3000" o="FFFFFFFF" X="1500" c="2" Y="255" T="12" H="10" /><S L="37" o="0" X="531" H="35" Y="193" T="12" P="1,1,0.1,0,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="35" o="0" X="525" H="15" Y="176" T="12" P="1,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0" /></S><D><F Y="95" X="65" /><DS Y="90" X="65" /><T Y="190" X="3082" /><P X="28" Y="98" T="0" P="1,0" /><P X="149" Y="120" T="5" P="0,0" /><P X="227" Y="258" T="6" P="0,0" /><P X="358" Y="178" T="4" P="0,0" /><P X="378" Y="180" T="6" P="0,0" /><P X="310" Y="168" T="2" P="0,0" /><P P="1,0" Y="348" T="2" X="202" /><P X="3101" Y="414" T="1" P="1,0" /><P P="0,0" Y="289" T="1" X="3203" /><P X="3017" Y="229" T="5" P="0,0" /><P X="2877" Y="187" T="46" P="0,0" /><P X="2832" Y="400" T="12" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="301" T="20" X="2658" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="324" T="20" X="2654" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="352" T="20" X="2662" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="384" T="20" X="2667" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="413" T="20" X="2666" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="445" T="20" X="2661" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="347" T="20" X="1895" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="374" T="20" X="1892" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="404" T="20" X="1891" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="436" T="20" X="1896" P="0,0" /><P X="1577" Y="407" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="1375" Y="336" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1374" Y="354" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1374" Y="371" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1376" Y="388" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1378" Y="407" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1380" Y="423" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="832" Y="379" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="1006" Y="410" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="569" Y="282" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="701" Y="361" T="78" P="0,0" /><P X="621" Y="326" T="78" P="0,0" /><P X="1180" Y="558" T="1" P="0,0" /><P X="3130" Y="199" T="80" P="0,1" /></D><O><O C="22" Y="206" X="694" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="206" P="0" X="524" /><O C="22" Y="176" P="0" X="535" /><O C="22" Y="206" X="548" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="183" X="516" P="0" /></O><L><VL n="Pintura" l="-1" /><JD c="3c220d,7,1,1" P2="419,199" P1="422,194" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,1" P2="414,201" P1="420,191" /><JD c="3f240e,4,1,1" P2="284,267" P1="264,264" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P2="217,211" P1="188,207" /><JD c="734313,11,1,1" P2="295,264" P1="262,257" /><JD c="734313,23,1,1" P2="402,210" P1="324,216" /><JD c="734313,25,1,1" P2="329,217" P1="203,215" /><JD c="734313,39,1,1" P2="364,237" P1="252,243" /><JD c="734313,41,1,1" P2="381,222" P1="226,227" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P2="256,204" P1="183,201" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P2="197,224" P1="176,196" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P2="220,244" P1="197,224" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P2="244,258" P1="221,243" /><JD c="3f240e,4,1,1" P2="264,264" P1="244,258" /><JD c="3f240e,3,1,1" P2="177,199" P1="173,194" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P2="294,204" P1="256,204" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P2="338,203" P1="294,204" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P2="395,200" P1="338,203" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P2="422,198" P1="395,200" /><JD c="734313,10,1,1" P2="411,210" P1="390,236" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P2="399,218" P1="413,204" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P2="342,259" P1="302,263" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P2="362,253" P1="349,258" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,1" P2="420,191" P1="426,191" /><JD c="734313,5,1,1" P2="418,202" P1="420,200" /><JD c="734313,7,1,0" P2="375,249" P1="388,240" /><JD c="734313,7,1,0" P2="297,265" P1="285,266" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,0" P2="424,194" P1="426,191" /><VL n="Contorno" l="-1" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="418,208" P1="427,191" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="356,262" P1="374,254" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="409,221" P1="418,208" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="409,221" P1="400,232" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="400,232" P1="392,240" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="177,193" P1="171,193" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="288,269" P1="272,268" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="268,221" P1="196,217" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="355,220" P1="268,221" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="412,215" P1="355,220" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="285,240" P1="215,236" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="338,239" P1="285,240" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="370,236" P1="338,239" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="400,232" P1="370,236" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="297,262" P1="255,259" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="334,260" P1="297,262" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P2="369,256" P1="334,260" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="374,254" P1="383,248" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="289,269" P1="307,269" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="324,268" P1="340,266" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="307,269" P1="324,268" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="263,262" P1="289,269" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="245,255" P1="263,262" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="216,237" P1="234,249" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="200,222" P1="216,237" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="186,205" P1="200,222" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="178,193" P1="186,205" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P2="245,255" P1="234,249" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="181,209" P1="171,194" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="193,224" P1="181,209" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="202,233" P1="193,224" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="227,251" P1="212,241" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="246,261" P1="235,256" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="262,266" P1="246,261" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="212,241" P1="202,233" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="235,256" P1="227,251" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P2="272,268" P1="262,266" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="356,262" P1="340,266" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P2="392,240" P1="383,248" /><JD c="534812,10,1,1" P2="225,220" P1="225,219" /><JD c="534812,10,1,1" P2="386,217" P1="386,216" /><JD c="8a8e23,8,1,1" P2="225,220" P1="225,219" /><JD c="8a8e23,8,1,1" P2="386,217" P1="386,216" /><JD c="cbd334,7,1,1" P2="225,220" P1="225,219" /><JD c="cbd334,7,1,1" P2="386,217" P1="386,216" /></L></Z></C>') tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Boat<bl> - @1") function eventNewPlayer(player) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player) end function eventPlayerDied(player) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player) end function eventPlayerWon(player) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player) end lights={"26" , "27"} pAtOnce=5 function eventLoop(ct,tr) for i=1,pAtOnce do tfm.exec.displayParticle(lights[math.random(#lights)],math.random(0,3200),math.random(0,230),0,0,0,0,nil) end end Halloween 2013: Mansion tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P L="3000" H="734" DS="m;175" D="x_evenements/x_fondHalloween.jpg" d="x_evenements/x_fondHalloween2.png" Ca="" defilante="0,0,0,1"/><Z><S><S L="1070" o="12bd94" X="1330" H="25" Y="710" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="734" o="12bd94" X="3005" H="20" Y="368" T="12" m="" P="0,0,20,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="734" o="12bd94" X="0" H="10" Y="367" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" /><S L="580" o="12bd94" X="2421" H="10" Y="398" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="1000" o="12bd94" X="2394" H="10" Y="481" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="50" o="12bd94" X="1871" H="25" Y="697" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S L="800" o="12bd94" X="396" H="25" Y="710" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="1932" H="25" Y="705" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" /><S L="30" o="12bd94" X="1900" H="25" Y="686" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="1070" o="12bd94" X="2480" H="25" Y="725" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="2020" H="10" Y="633" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="2258" H="10" Y="597" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="150" o="12bd94" X="2443" H="20" Y="659" T="12" m="" P="0,0,1,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="400" o="12bd94" X="2833" H="10" Y="583" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-28,0,0,0" /><S L="170" o="12bd94" X="2445" H="10" Y="603" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="240" o="12bd94" X="2416" H="10" Y="326" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2768" H="10" Y="441" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2672" H="10" Y="356" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2733" H="10" Y="336" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2791" H="10" Y="314" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2850" H="10" Y="296" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2904" H="10" Y="274" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2958" H="10" Y="256" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2903" H="10" Y="214" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="890" o="12bd94" X="2389" H="10" Y="244" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="160" o="12bd94" X="2850" H="10" Y="89" T="12" m="" P="0,0,20,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2731" H="10" Y="181" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2790" H="10" Y="98" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2738" H="10" Y="59" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2606" H="10" Y="129" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2479" H="10" Y="73" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2430" H="10" Y="194" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2305" H="10" Y="119" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="330" o="12bd94" X="2069" H="10" Y="142" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.0,0.2,22,0,0,0" /><S L="310" o="12bd94" X="2167" H="10" Y="67" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="2324" H="10" Y="37" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="50" o="12bd94" X="1893" H="10" Y="80" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="240" o="12bd94" X="1773" H="10" Y="147" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-35,0,0,0" /><S L="340" o="12bd94" X="1734" H="10" Y="475" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="150" o="12bd94" X="1545" H="40" Y="545" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1546" H="20" Y="393" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1523" H="20" Y="344" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1568" H="20" Y="341" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,60,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="1531" H="50" Y="264" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1107" H="20" Y="313" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1666" H="10" Y="213" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-5,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="1898" H="260" Y="211" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="100" o="12bd94" X="995" H="20" Y="374" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="648" H="20" Y="486" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="695" o="12bd94" X="2667" H="10" Y="-2" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2077" H="10" Y="441" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="602" H="10" Y="429" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="100" o="12bd94" X="430" H="20" Y="504" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1028" H="20" Y="496" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1167" H="20" Y="413" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1286" H="20" Y="481" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1427" H="20" Y="495" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="695" o="12bd94" X="2134" H="10" Y="-1" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="1899" H="10" Y="514" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1899" H="10" Y="551" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="85" H="10" Y="662" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /></S><D /><O><O X="1027" C="22" Y="471" P="0" /><O X="1167" C="22" Y="387" P="0" /><O X="1285" C="22" Y="455" P="0" /><O X="1425" C="22" Y="469" P="0" /><O X="1108" C="22" Y="282" P="0" /><O X="982" C="22" Y="346" P="0" /><O X="1682" C="22" Y="184" P="0" /><O X="1727" C="22" Y="153" P="0" /><O X="2276" C="22" Y="45" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="45" P="0" X="2301" /><O C="22" Y="25" P="0" X="2399" /><O P="0" C="22" Y="37" X="2424" /><O C="22" Y="29" X="2375" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="100" X="2306" P="0" /><O X="2606" C="22" Y="105" P="0" /><O X="2479" C="22" Y="50" P="0" /><O X="2738" C="22" Y="36" P="0" /><O X="2876" C="22" Y="38" P="0" /><O X="2370" C="22" Y="304" P="0" /><O X="2469" C="22" Y="304" P="0" /><O X="2422" C="22" Y="373" P="0" /><O X="2420" C="22" Y="449" P="0" /><O X="2444" C="22" Y="560" P="0" /><O X="2274" C="22" Y="580" P="0" /><O X="551" C="22" Y="649" P="0" /><O X="866" C="22" Y="648" P="0" /><O X="1276" C="22" Y="651" P="0" /><O X="120" C="22" Y="518" P="0" /><O X="418" C="22" Y="476" P="0" /><O X="140" C="22" Y="518" P="0" /><O X="120" C="22" Y="533" P="0" /><O X="140" C="22" Y="533" P="0" /><O X="603" C="22" Y="411" P="0" /><O X="1900" C="22" Y="650" P="0" /><O X="1615" C="22" Y="450" P="0" /><O X="2080" C="22" Y="416" P="0" /><O X="2533" C="22" Y="220" P="0" /><O X="1941" C="22" Y="62" P="0" /><O X="648" C="22" Y="456" P="0" /><O X="388" C="22" Y="486" P="0" /><O X="442" C="22" Y="467" P="0" /><O X="960" C="22" Y="355" P="0" /><O X="2349" C="22" Y="37" P="0" /></O></Z></C>]]); tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Halloween") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("Von Drekkemaus") Halloween 2013: Cassino tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P DS="y;362" bg="hdPQmAy" D="x_evenements/x_fondHalloweenMap2.jpg" Ca="" /><Z><S><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" H="25" Y="390" T="12" m="" X="400" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" H="20" Y="200" T="12" m="" X="-10" /><S P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" H="20" Y="200" T="12" m="" X="810" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="231" T="12" m="" X="27" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="221" T="12" m="" X="61" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="221" T="12" m="" X="153" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="223" T="12" m="" X="237" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="223" T="12" m="" X="332" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="222" T="12" m="" X="398" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="222" T="12" m="" X="491" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="231" T="12" m="" X="517" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="197" T="12" m="" X="468" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="198" T="12" m="" X="308" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="196" T="12" m="" X="130" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="195" T="12" m="" X="84" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="198" T="12" m="" X="261" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="197" T="12" m="" X="421" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="114" T="12" m="" X="531" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="231" T="12" m="" X="194" /><S P="0,0,20,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" o="12bd94" H="110" Y="284" T="12" m="" X="733" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" H="110" Y="222" T="12" m="" X="741" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" H="120" Y="150" T="12" m="" X="747" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="231" T="12" m="" X="366" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="325" o="12bd94" H="10" Y="115" T="12" m="" X="245" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="840" o="12bd94" H="25" Y="-4" T="12" m="" X="400" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]]); Christmas 2013: Jingle's home tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_evenements/x_fondNowel2013.jpg" /><Z><S><S Y="397" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" m="" X="400" H="25" /><S Y="361" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="254" H="25" /><S Y="361" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" m="" X="136" H="60" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="-10" H="400" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="811" H="400" /><S Y="372" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="284" H="25" /><S Y="385" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="312" H="25" /><S Y="316" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" o="12bd94" m="" X="495" H="10" /><S Y="210" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="160" o="12bd94" m="" X="233" H="10" /><S Y="212" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="160" o="12bd94" m="" X="249" H="10" /><S Y="187" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="170" o="12bd94" m="" X="80" H="10" /><S Y="135" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="560" o="12bd94" m="" X="536" H="10" /><S Y="108" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="422" H="40" /><S Y="120" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="365" H="40" /><S Y="115" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" m="" X="656" H="40" /><S Y="107" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" m="" X="752" H="50" /><S Y="119" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.8,0,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" m="" X="705" H="40" /><S Y="-9" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="404" H="900" /></S><D><T Y="329" X="91" /><DS Y="317" X="89" /></D><O /></Z></C>]]); tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nöel") tfm.exec.snow("60" , "5") Valentine's Day 2014: Restaurant tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P APS="x_evenements/x_fondSVb.png,0,940,0,800,400" L="1660" D="x_evenements/x_fondSVa.jpg" d="x_evenements/x_fondSVc.png" /><Z><S><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="-4" H="10" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="101" H="20" /><S Y="403" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="310" o="12bd94" m="" X="354" H="20" /><S Y="389" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="706" H="20" /><S Y="401" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="720" o="12bd94" m="" X="1300" H="20" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="497" H="10" /><S Y="393" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="210" H="10" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,15,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" m="" X="927" H="10" /><S Y="241" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" L="57" m="" X="1630" H="300" /><S Y="265" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="850" o="12bd94" m="" X="1174" H="10" /><S Y="148" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="850" o="12bd94" m="" X="1176" H="10" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="420" o="12bd94" m="" X="1664" H="10" /><S Y="-10" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,0" L="720" o="12bd94" m="" X="1309" H="20" /><S Y="273" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="629" H="10" /><S Y="214" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="565" H="10" /><S Y="66" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="280" o="12bd94" m="" X="266" H="10" /><S Y="218" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="429" H="10" /></S><D><DS Y="362" X="89" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="844" P="0,0" /><P Y="142" T="67" X="801" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="890" P="0,1" /><P Y="259" T="68" X="850" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1017" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1182" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1334" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1507" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1513" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1339" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1174" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1019" P="0,0" /><P Y="390" T="68" X="1115" P="0,0" /><P Y="389" T="68" X="1285" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="68" X="1459" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="809" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="975" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1137" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1290" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1464" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="971" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1131" P="0,0" /><P Y="259" T="67" X="1296" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1468" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1415" P="0,0" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1240" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1070" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="894" P="0,1" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1504" P="0,1" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1331" P="0,1" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1160" P="0,1" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1552" P="0,1" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1380" P="0,1" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="1230" P="0,1" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="1063" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1063" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1220" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1387" P="0,1" /><P Y="259" T="67" X="1558" P="0,1" /></D><O><O C="22" Y="282" X="1108" P="0" /></O></Z></C>]]); tfm.exec.setUIMapName("In love") Carnival 2014: Original map tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P mc="" L="1600" D="x_evenements/x_carnaval2014.jpg" /><Z><S><S Y="345" T="12" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" o="324650" m="" X="130" H="40" /><S Y="310" T="12" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="31324f" m="" X="65" H="110" /><S Y="310" T="12" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="31324f" m="" X="195" H="110" /><S Y="360" T="12" P="1,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="10" o="19cbba" m="" X="55" H="70" /><S Y="360" T="12" P="1,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="10" o="19cbba" m="" X="205" H="70" /><S N="" i="-30,-30,x_evenements/x_carnaval/x_char.png" T="12" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" Y="280" L="140" o="324650" X="130" H="10" /><S N="" i="-20,-20,x_evenements/x_carnaval/x_roue.png" T="13" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" Y="360" L="20" o="324650" X="30" H="10" /><S N="" i="-20,-20,x_evenements/x_carnaval/x_roue.png" T="13" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" Y="360" L="20" o="324650" X="230" H="10" /><S Y="390" T="8" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" X="149" H="20" /><S Y="390" T="8" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" H="20" X="1402" /><S Y="355" T="8" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-50,0,0,0" L="400" H="20" X="544" /><S Y="355" T="8" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,50,0,0,0" L="400" X="950" H="20" /></S><D><DS Y="311" X="118" /><DC Y="260" X="120" /><F Y="312" X="1488" /><T Y="316" X="1589" /></D><O><O C="14" Y="360" X="30" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="280" X="195" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="330" X="195" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="280" X="65" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="330" X="65" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="360" X="65" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="360" X="85" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="360" X="175" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="360" X="195" P="0" /><O C="14" Y="360" X="230" P="0" /></O></Z></C>]]) Carnival 2014: Map with grounds tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P DS="m;700,180" D="x_evenements/x_carnaval2014.jpg" L="1600" /><Z><S><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="1600" o="FFFFFFFF" H="10" Y="395" T="12" X="800" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="FFFFFFFF" X="1280" Y="251" T="12" H="185" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="190" o="FFFFFFFF" X="1505" Y="215" T="12" H="10" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="660" o="ffffffff" X="740" Y="200" T="12" H="17" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="ffffffff" X="360" Y="328" T="12" H="70" /><S L="95" o="FFFFFFFF" H="40" X="830" Y="190" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="FFFFFFFF" H="120" X="360" Y="193" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]]); tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Carnaval") Fishing 2014: Boat map tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P F="0" L="4800" Ca="" /><Z><S><S P="0,0,0.1,0.2,5,0,0,0" L="206" X="356" c="3" N="" Y="200" T="7" H="130" /><S H="150" L="250" X="372" c="3" N="" Y="257" T="7" P="0,0,0.1,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="220" X="558" c="3" N="" Y="362" T="5" H="150" /><S Y="220" L="200" X="610" c="1" N="" i="-20,-195,x_bateaupirate.png" T="12" H="35" P="1,0,0.1,0,0,1,0,800" /><S H="50" L="250" X="788" c="3" Y="394" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" /><S P="1,0,0.2,0,0,1,0,0" L="32" o="0" H="26" Y="196" T="12" X="694" /><S L="2000" X="1159" H="200" Y="320" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="400" H="210" c="3" N="" Y="398" T="6" X="404" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="200" X="187" N="" Y="272" T="6" H="320" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="120" H="320" N="" Y="257" T="6" X="59" /><S X="132" L="180" H="40" c="3" N="" Y="253" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" /><S L="91" X="3231" H="133" Y="372" T="5" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="100" H="150" X="2969" Y="349" T="5" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="164" X="3271" H="300" Y="273" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-40,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="164" H="250" N="" Y="314" T="6" X="3140" /><S L="900" H="200" X="2609" Y="320" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" /><S L="164" X="3044" H="220" N="" Y="326" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S L="129" H="55" X="3136" N="" Y="316" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S L="30" X="2877" H="250" Y="312" T="10" P="0,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,0" /><S L="2000" X="4240" H="600" Y="21" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="3000" o="FFFFFFFF" X="1500" c="2" Y="245" T="12" H="10" /><S L="37" o="0" H="35" X="531" Y="193" T="12" P="1,0,0.1,0,-20,1,0,0" /><S L="35" o="0" H="15" X="525" Y="176" T="12" P="1,0,0.2,0,0,1,0,0" /></S><D><F Y="95" X="65" /><DS Y="90" X="65" /><T Y="190" X="3082" /><P X="28" Y="98" T="0" P="1,0" /><P X="149" Y="120" T="5" P="0,0" /><P X="227" Y="258" T="6" P="0,0" /><P X="358" Y="178" T="4" P="0,0" /><P X="378" Y="180" T="6" P="0,0" /><P X="310" Y="168" T="2" P="0,0" /><P P="1,0" Y="348" T="2" X="202" /><P X="3101" Y="414" T="1" P="1,0" /><P P="0,0" Y="289" T="1" X="3203" /><P X="3017" Y="229" T="5" P="0,0" /><P X="2877" Y="187" T="46" P="0,0" /><P X="2832" Y="400" T="12" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="301" T="20" X="2658" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="324" T="20" X="2654" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="352" T="20" X="2662" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="384" T="20" X="2667" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="413" T="20" X="2666" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="445" T="20" X="2661" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="347" T="20" X="1895" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="374" T="20" X="1892" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="404" T="20" X="1891" P="0,0" /><P C="48230c" Y="436" T="20" X="1896" P="0,0" /><P X="1577" Y="407" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="1375" Y="336" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1374" Y="354" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1374" Y="371" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1376" Y="388" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1378" Y="407" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="1380" Y="423" T="32" P="0,0" /><P X="832" Y="379" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="1006" Y="410" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="569" Y="282" T="79" P="0,0" /><P X="701" Y="361" T="78" P="0,0" /><P X="621" Y="326" T="78" P="0,0" /><P X="1180" Y="558" T="1" P="0,0" /><P X="3130" Y="199" T="80" P="0,1" /></D><O><O C="22" Y="206" X="694" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="206" P="0" X="524" /><O C="22" Y="176" P="0" X="535" /><O C="22" Y="206" X="548" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="183" X="516" P="0" /></O><L><VL n="Pintura" l="-1" /><JD c="3c220d,7,1,1" P1="422,194" P2="419,199" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,1" P1="420,191" P2="414,201" /><JD c="3f240e,4,1,1" P1="264,264" P2="284,267" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P1="188,207" P2="217,211" /><JD c="734313,11,1,1" P1="262,257" P2="295,264" /><JD c="734313,23,1,1" P1="324,216" P2="402,210" /><JD c="734313,25,1,1" P1="203,215" P2="329,217" /><JD c="734313,39,1,1" P1="252,243" P2="364,237" /><JD c="734313,41,1,1" P1="226,227" P2="381,222" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P1="183,201" P2="256,204" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P1="176,196" P2="197,224" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P1="197,224" P2="220,244" /><JD c="3f240e,6,1,1" P1="221,243" P2="244,258" /><JD c="3f240e,4,1,1" P1="244,258" P2="264,264" /><JD c="3f240e,3,1,1" P1="173,194" P2="177,199" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P1="256,204" P2="294,204" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P1="294,204" P2="338,203" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P1="338,203" P2="395,200" /><JD c="734313,2,1,1" P1="395,200" P2="422,198" /><JD c="734313,10,1,1" P1="390,236" P2="411,210" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P1="413,204" P2="399,218" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P1="302,263" P2="342,259" /><JD c="734313,13,1,1" P1="349,258" P2="362,253" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,1" P1="426,191" P2="420,191" /><JD c="734313,5,1,1" P1="420,200" P2="418,202" /><JD c="734313,7,1,0" P1="388,240" P2="375,249" /><JD c="734313,7,1,0" P1="285,266" P2="297,265" /><JD c="3c220d,2,1,0" P1="426,191" P2="424,194" /><VL n="Contorno" l="-1" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="427,191" P2="418,208" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="374,254" P2="356,262" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="418,208" P2="409,221" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="400,232" P2="409,221" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="392,240" P2="400,232" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="171,193" P2="177,193" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="272,268" P2="288,269" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="196,217" P2="268,221" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="268,221" P2="355,220" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="355,220" P2="412,215" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="215,236" P2="285,240" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="285,240" P2="338,239" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="338,239" P2="370,236" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="370,236" P2="400,232" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="255,259" P2="297,262" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="297,262" P2="334,260" /><JD c="4c2c0a,1,1,1" P1="334,260" P2="369,256" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="383,248" P2="374,254" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="307,269" P2="289,269" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="340,266" P2="324,268" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="324,268" P2="307,269" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="289,269" P2="263,262" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="263,262" P2="245,255" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="234,249" P2="216,237" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="216,237" P2="200,222" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="200,222" P2="186,205" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="186,205" P2="178,193" /><JD c="5f360f,2,1,1" P1="234,249" P2="245,255" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="171,194" P2="181,209" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="181,209" P2="193,224" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="193,224" P2="202,233" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="212,241" P2="227,251" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="235,256" P2="246,261" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="246,261" P2="262,266" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="202,233" P2="212,241" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="227,251" P2="235,256" /><JD c="3f240e,2,1,1" P1="262,266" P2="272,268" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="340,266" P2="356,262" /><JD c="51422e,1,1,1" P1="383,248" P2="392,240" /><JD c="534812,10,1,1" P1="225,219" P2="225,220" /><JD c="534812,10,1,1" P1="386,216" P2="386,217" /><JD c="8a8e23,8,1,1" P1="225,219" P2="225,220" /><JD c="8a8e23,8,1,1" P1="386,216" P2="386,217" /><JD c="cbd334,7,1,1" P1="225,219" P2="225,220" /><JD c="cbd334,7,1,1" P1="386,216" P2="386,217" /></L></Z></C>') Fishing 2014: Waterfall tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_montagne.jpg"d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_montagne2.png"/><Z><S ><S m=""L="10"X="-5"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,20"L="100"X="46"H="10"Y="66"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,40"L="80"X="121"H="10"Y="107"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,60"L="80"X="169"H="10"Y="165"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="80"X="216"H="10"Y="207"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,60"L="80"X="270"H="10"Y="241"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="100"X="468"H="10"Y="249"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="100"X="559"H="10"Y="168"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-70"L="100"X="500"H="10"Y="219"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-50"L="100"X="627"H="10"Y="118"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-90"L="50"X="708"H="10"Y="90"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="728"H="10"Y="65"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-60"L="50"X="754"H="10"Y="42"/><S m=""L="10"X="806"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="100"X="461"H="10"Y="353"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="379"H="10"Y="361"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="100"X="304"H="10"Y="358"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="212"H="10"Y="349"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,90"L="100"X="22"H="10"Y="315"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="689"H="10"Y="93"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-90"L="50"X="660"H="10"Y="92"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="100"X="58"H="10"Y="374"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-20"L="100"X="123"H="10"Y="365"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="550"H="10"Y="346"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,20"L="100"X="638"H="10"Y="362"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="691"H="10"Y="363"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-80"L="100"X="769"H="10"Y="317"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="70"X="371"H="10"Y="319"/></S><D><DS Y="148"X="558"/></D><O/></Z></C>') Fishing 2014: Florest tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_jungle.jpg"d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_jungle2.png"/><Z><S ><S m=""L="10"X="-5"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,10"L="100"X="40"H="10"Y="117"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="80"X="127"H="10"Y="132"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="80"X="204"H="10"Y="148"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,20"L="80"X="279"H="10"Y="168"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,40"L="80"X="341"H="10"Y="204"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="408"H="10"Y="226"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-30"L="100"X="557"H="10"Y="213"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-70"L="100"X="501"H="10"Y="279"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="100"X="636"H="10"Y="160"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-70"L="50"X="679"H="10"Y="114"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="708"H="10"Y="93"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-50"L="50"X="745"H="10"Y="75"/><S m=""L="10"X="806"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-30"L="100"X="450"H="10"Y="331"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="360"H="10"Y="358"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="100"X="267"H="10"Y="367"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,30"L="100"X="194"H="10"Y="359"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-90"L="50"X="159"H="10"Y="342"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="113"H="10"Y="328"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-110"L="50"X="56"H="10"Y="302"/></S><D><DS Y="98"X="50"/></D><O/></Z></C>') Fishing 2014: Dinossaur tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_temple2.png"D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_temple.jpg"/><Z><S ><S m=""L="10"X="-5"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""L="100"X="132"H="10"Y="93"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="400"X="566"H="10"Y="395"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="538"H="10"Y="108"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,5"L="100"X="685"H="10"Y="115"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="50"X="621"H="10"Y="106"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="50"X="578"H="10"Y="105"/><S m=""L="10"X="806"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,,0.2,40"L="200"X="62"H="10"Y="153"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="50"X="201"H="10"Y="90"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-110"L="100"X="725"H="10"Y="351"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="50"X="415"H="10"Y="98"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="271"H="10"Y="96"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,5"L="100"X="369"H="10"Y="101"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="50"X="461"H="10"Y="99"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-40"L="100"X="764"H="10"Y="89"/><S m=""P=",,,0.2,44"L="100"X="172"H="10"Y="250"/><S m=""P=",,,0.2,34"L="100"X="245"H="10"Y="310"/><S m=""P=",,,0.2,34"L="100"X="326"H="10"Y="366"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="40"X="235"H="10"Y="55"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-70"L="40"X="215"H="10"Y="74"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-110"L="40"X="255"H="10"Y="75"/></S><D><DS Y="73"X="134"/></D><O/></Z></C>') Fishing 2014: I don't know that name tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_nuages2.png"D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_nuages.jpg"/><Z><S ><S m=""L="10"X="-5"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,30"L="100"X="19"H="10"Y="108"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="80"X="62"H="10"Y="134"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,40"L="80"X="118"H="10"Y="157"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,30"L="80"X="178"H="10"Y="201"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,30"L="80"X="243"H="10"Y="240"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="360"H="10"Y="224"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-20"L="100"X="531"H="10"Y="194"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-10"L="100"X="443"H="10"Y="216"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-15"L="100"X="623"H="10"Y="164"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="50"X="730"H="10"Y="137"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="773"H="10"Y="120"/><S m=""L="10"X="806"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,10"L="100"X="323"H="10"Y="268"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="395"H="10"Y="276"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="692"H="10"Y="152"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="627"H="10"Y="378"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="150"X="732"H="10"Y="395"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="441"H="10"Y="286"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="480"H="10"Y="298"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="510"H="10"Y="319"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="543"H="10"Y="339"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="579"H="10"Y="358"/></S><D><DS Y="358"X="636"/></D><O/></Z></C>') Fishing 2014: Island tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_plage.jpg"d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_plage2.png"/><Z><S ><S m=""L="10"X="-5"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""L="100"X="51"H="10"Y="311"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="80"X="335"H="10"Y="248"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="80"X="176"H="10"Y="352"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-40"L="80"X="130"H="10"Y="392"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="80"X="40"H="10"Y="401"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="80"X="473"H="10"Y="178"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-33"L="100"X="396"H="10"Y="204"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-5"L="100"X="639"H="10"Y="161"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="692"H="10"Y="140"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="709"H="10"Y="140"/><S m=""L="10"X="806"H="400"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="400"X="449"H="10"Y="313"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-20"L="50"X="228"H="10"Y="320"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,-30"L="50"X="649"H="10"Y="151"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="100"X="761"H="10"Y="399"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="95"H="10"Y="402"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,30"L="50"X="667"H="10"Y="324"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,40"L="50"X="704"H="10"Y="351"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,40"L="50"X="736"H="10"Y="380"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,70"L="50"X="446"H="10"Y="109"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,70"L="50"X="431"H="10"Y="62"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2,60"L="50"X="413"H="10"Y="21"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="381"H="10"Y="3"/><S m=""P=",,0.5,0.2"L="50"X="328"H="10"Y="6"/></S><D><DS Y="290"X="67"/></D><O/></Z></C>') Halloween 2014: Street tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_3.jpg"IP="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p11.jpg,21,167;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p12.jpg,184,175;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p13.jpg,373,148;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p14.jpg,530,201;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p15.jpg,686,152"DS="y;351"d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_3av.png"Ca=""/><Z><S><S m=""X="664"L="56"H="10"c="3"Y="293"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-61"X="513"L="50"H="10"c="3"Y="214"/><S m=""X="578"L="90"H="10"c="3"Y="138"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,25"X="410"L="90"H="10"c="3"Y="117"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-3"X="714"L="64"H="10"c="3"Y="110"/><S m=""X="112"L="20"H="10"c="3"Y="166"T="13"/><S m=""X="307"L="16"H="10"c="3"Y="101"T="13"/><S m=""X="577"L="90"H="10"c="3"Y="94"/><S m=""X="353"L="10"H="10"c="3"Y="253"T="13"/><S m=""X="198"L="14"H="10"c="3"Y="159"T="13"/><S m=""X="217"L="14"H="10"c="3"Y="159"T="13"/><S m=""X="207"L="30"H="28"c="3"Y="159"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-1"X="578"L="100"H="10"c="3"Y="195"/><S m=""lua="0"L="150"H="40"X="75"Y="385"/><S m=""lua="1"L="150"H="40"X="245"Y="385"/><S m=""lua="2"L="150"H="40"X="405"Y="385"/><S m=""lua="3"L="150"H="40"X="576"Y="385"/><S m=""lua="4"L="150"H="40"X="726"Y="385"/><S m=""L="20"X="160"H="40"Y="385"/><S m=""L="10"X="325"H="40"Y="385"/><S m=""L="22"X="491"H="40"Y="385"/></S><D /><O /></Z></C>') Halloween 2014: Cemitery tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_1.jpg"IP="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p1.jpg,45,178;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p2.jpg,198,229;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p4.jpg,335,197;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p5.jpg,554,229;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p0.jpg,684,172"DS="m;58,329,176,298,328,270,500,269,652,295,762,325"d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_1av.png"Ca=""/><Z><S><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,133,,,"H="10"L="30"X="726"c="3"Y="188"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-18,,,"H="10"L="30"X="97"c="3"Y="189"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-70,,,"H="10"L="30"X="81"c="3"Y="206"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,20,,,"H="10"L="13"X="251"c="3"Y="60"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-130,,,"H="10"L="30"X="116"c="3"Y="196"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-2,,,"H="10"L="58"X="418"c="3"Y="147"/><S m=""P=",,0.6,0.2,-10,,,"lua="1"L="145"X="248"H="10"Y="304"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,43,,,"H="10"L="65"X="605"c="3"Y="202"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,35,,,"H="10"L="80"X="447"c="3"Y="157"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,25,,,"H="10"L="60"X="259"c="3"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,20,,,"H="10"L="30"X="745"c="3"Y="183"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-10,,,"H="10"L="60"X="103"c="3"Y="99"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-43,,,"H="10"L="60"X="213"c="3"Y="209"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-36,,,"H="10"L="80"X="389"c="3"Y="158"/><S m=""P=",,0.6,0.2,0,,,"lua="2"L="140"X="421"H="10"Y="287"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,25,,,"H="10"L="90"X="670"c="3"Y="92"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-24,,,"H="10"L="60"X="558"c="3"Y="194"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-21,,,"L="80"X="35"H="10"Y="358"/><S m=""P=",,0.6,0.2,16,,,"lua="4"L="114"X="702"H="10"Y="329"/><S m=""P=",,0.6,0.2,10,,,"lua="3"L="116"X="568"H="10"Y="298"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,10,,,"H="10"L="20"X="360"c="3"Y="80"/><S m=""P=",,0.6,0.2,-15,,,"lua="0"L="110"X="125"H="10"Y="330"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,14,,,"L="23"X="636"H="10"Y="311"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-8,,,"L="35"X="335"H="10"Y="289"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,4,,,"L="23"X="502"H="10"Y="288"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,20,,,"L="52"X="781"H="10"Y="354"/></S><D /><O /></Z></C>') Halloween 2014: Attic tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P DS="y;372"Ca=""IP="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p6.jpg,12,293;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p7.jpg,214,172;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p8.jpg,356,195;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p9.jpg,520,192;x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_p10.jpg,684,246"D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_hw2014/x_2.jpg"/><Z><S><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-90"c="3"L="400"X="-10"H="20"Y="200"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-90"c="3"L="400"X="810"H="20"Y="200"/><S m=""c="3"L="30"X="316"H="10"Y="59"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,1"c="3"L="168"X="607"H="10"Y="291"/><S m=""c="3"L="110"X="435"H="10"Y="303"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,15"c="3"L="95"X="121"H="10"Y="76"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-5"c="3"L="110"X="111"H="10"Y="143"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-28"c="3"L="80"X="238"H="10"Y="188"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-19"c="3"L="80"X="689"H="10"Y="143"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,1"c="3"L="90"X="702"H="10"Y="201"/><S m=""c="4"L="840"H="25"X="400"Y="-4"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,5"c="3"L="64"X="629"H="13"Y="283"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-93"c="3"L="126"X="210"H="10"Y="270"/><S m=""c="3"L="50"X="310"H="30"Y="155"/><S m=""c="3"L="30"X="271"H="20"Y="166"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,10"c="3"L="30"X="346"H="20"Y="172"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,40"c="3"L="20"X="368"H="20"Y="172"/><S m=""c="3"L="20"X="246"H="35"Y="169"/><S m=""P=",,0.3,0.2,-91"c="3"L="128"X="213"H="10"Y="268"/><S m=""X="100"L="200"o="11b8bc"lua="0"H="25"Y="399"/><S m=""X="283"L="166"o="11b8bc"lua="1"H="25"Y="399"/><S m=""X="440"L="148"o="11b8bc"lua="2"H="25"Y="399"/><S m=""X="592"L="156"o="11b8bc"lua="3"H="25"Y="399"/><S m=""X="735"L="130"o="11b8bc"lua="4"H="25"Y="399"/></S><D /><O /></Z></C>') Thanks for Afarthur! BR Thread Wedding: http://pastebin.com/tKG2SJ6Y#(replace with usernames) Virtual pet / Tamagochi: http://pastebin.com/QpPUn9r9 Info: Replace the admin to ur username. click to open egg(only the username can click!) Caution: You can only talk a few lines to the pet, after a while the chat becomes offscreen :( FreezeTag with more maps!: http://pastebin.com/raw/me5QbDJu Info: If you are the tagger, press SPACE to freeze someone near you. If you are not the tagger, press SPACE to unfreeze/thaw a frozen mouse near you. Note: I took the maps from the minigame #tagging Swap: http://pastebin.com/raw/sJ43K96Q(Basically swap racing) Tic-tac-toe: http://pastebin.com/raw/bNxC0ZcP(Input username into code) Balloon jumping: SPIDERMOUSE!!: http://pastebin.com/raw/6VNxm4tq info: Only one mouse at a time. press and hold SPACE to web, arrow keys for direction. Complete the map ^^ Survivor simulator: http://pastebin.com/vSDk80yK# Info: Make yourself admin by inputing your name in the code by changing admin="<username>" to your username. (Admins only)Click on E for easy, M for medium, H for hard. Dodge the cannons that are pointed by arrows! Tip: move around, they cannons hit at the place u were before, like a few seconds ago :P Raining survivor: http://pastebin.com/sYA3E9Mp# Only one mouse at a time, show off ur survivor skills against RAINING CANNONS :P Transformice Quiz! http://pastebin.com/QcH0zqxd Click on one of the answers to choose the appropriate answer for each question. Note: The questions can and WILL repeat. Most of the questions are by me, Mousetat! :D Here is a list of scripts MADE BY ME!! WEEEEE! ^^ Haunted Game(original version) http://pastebin.com/B8KiuVKX Info: Shaman controls mice! Shaman can press SPACE or I to move mice up, J to move mice to the left, K to move mice down, and L to move mice to the right(basically replace arrowkeys with IJKL/SPACEJKL) Snowball fight! http://pastebin.com/ahR4xuEd# Note: The maps are survivor maps. Duck or press SPACE to shoot snowballs! ARROW FIGHT!!: Arrow fight (with deaths score) http://pastebin.com/dbGNRKh0 Instructions: you can duck or click on screen to shoot arrow, pressSPACE to fly Commands: !clear=clear arrows Mousetat's Amazing Map Rotation http://pastebin.com/raw/U8ZDa92c Info: Click on the "?" button on the top left hand corner for help! Commands: !map @code to execute a map !map <name> to execute a map made by me (the names can be found in the "?" button !skip to skip the current map. Tribe wars deathmatch :http://pastebin.com/6Vg071Up Raw script: http://pastebin.com/raw/6Vg071Up Remember to change "Mousetat" to "<your username>" ! Commands for admin only: !start = start/restart a new deathmatch game !new = go back to choosing team section !skip = skip current map to start a random ffa map Truth or Dare!(HOT!) Script: http://pastebin.com/PEgadkD6 Raw script: http://pastebin.com/raw/PEgadkD6 Remember to change admin="Mousetat" to "your username"! You can submit more questions here: http://atelier801.com/topic?f=571216&t=854696&p=1 Commands for admin: !skip: skips the current questioner's turn. !watch <username>: to make the username a spectator !ban <username>: bans the username !unban <username>: unbans the username. Commands for all: !join to join the module if u just came, or u were spectating !s to be shaman(ITS DANGEROUS THOUGH) !watch to be spectator !new to get a new answerer(if you are the asker) !help to get help :) Fun/troll modules: Singaporean FLAG! Haunted Game(troll version) http://pastebin.com/TaazxDJ4 Info: Shaman controls mice! Shaman can press SPACE or I to move mice up, J to move mice to the left, K to move mice down, and L to move mice to the right(basically replace arrowkeys with IJKL/SPACEJKL) Tip: Try click Yes or No and see what happens! And after that type !help, then click yes or no again! Wedding trolling Script: http://pastebin.com/9wCLwKv0 Info: Change the groom and bride in the script by changing "Mousetat" to "<your groom>" and "Pixlelight" to "<your bride>" Commands: !start - start the wedding(groom only) Tips: Try click "No" hehehehehe Dernière modification le 1452834600000 |
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