FUNNIEST:What is first, egg or hen, your opinions, counted, will answer to a traditional stupid question(i thought at this thread when saw ask a stupid question....) |
Bratzandreea « Citoyen » 1343301720000
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I think .... see your answers I HAVE NO IDEA If you don't know just say I HAVE NO IDEA, so first was I HAVE NO IDEA. Short answers please!(example:''egg'' or ''hen'' or ''I HAVE NO IDEA''(with big letters, exactly like here)) |
Snowsnaper « Citoyen » 1343305680000
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egg cause dino egg :) |
Icytips « Citoyen » 1343320920000
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Chicken. Obviously they came in the alien spaceship in a failed attempt to take over the earth. |
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Icytips a dit : This. The most in-depth and philosophical answer I've ever heard, to be honest. |
Thornstripe « Citoyen » 1343324280000
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The chicken.....the chicken made the egg by pre-martial ejaculation (Spell check it if it I got it wrong!) |
Yayminecraft « Citoyen » 1343328360000
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the chicken it told the egg a funny joke and he cracked up and died |
Xdinochix « Citoyen » 1343328480000
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Obviously, it is neither, for Dinosaurs came before chickens and eggs. The dinosaurs fell down into the middle of no where from Mars. They mated and made more dinosaurs. But, the food they ate on Mars was not on Earth, so they all died. End of story. |
Bratzandreea « Citoyen » 1343385420000
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WE'VE FOUND THE ANSWER!!!!!! I told you to answer with ''egg'', ''hen' or ''I HAVE NO IDEA''. But you said all the things but not what i told you to say. So only the three answers there up are avalaible. Now only my idea is avalaible. I HAVE NO IDEA was the NAME of the first egg or hen on this planet. See more opinions to see .... the answer. |
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Bratzandreea « Citoyen » 1343563740000
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no |
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Yes |
Rawrzgrrz « Citoyen » 1343602560000
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the universe exploded and created a bunch of galaxies which are constantly drifting further and further away we live in a barred spiral galaxy i think the cells did weirdass shit and grew into stuff and kept on growing into weirdass shit like spiders and stuff okie then it was dinosuars and stuff and they died from the meteor or ice age or whatever the fuck happened i dont care then the surviving thingies evolved into stuff and eventually us. im smart pls. |
Bugsbu « Citoyen » 1343606400000
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both |
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I actually put legitimate thought into this before (and before Googling the actual answer), and the logical answer is that the egg came first. When the chicken was evolving from its predecessors, each mutation became physically independent in the form of an egg. The egg hatched, you got more and more of a chicken each time. Gradually, the domestic chicken evolved into what it is. So even though the egg didn't just pop out of nowhere and spawn the first ever completely unique chicken, through gradual evolution the egg introduced the chicken little by little as animals do not mutate into other animals through their lifetime but rather at birth. Somewhere on the internet there's a far more nicely worded explanation than this. |
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^Wow :O |
Joeballbags « Citoyen » 1343648880000
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chicken i eat it everyday i got to kfc mmmmm so good |
Willinator « Citoyen » 1343661540000
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Fxie a dit : LOL fxie i was litterally just going to post that which is what i thought, and then i was like, aw damnit someone already figured it out |
Necroseer « Citoyen » 1343671920000
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That's what I originally thought but apparently there's a protein in chicken eggs which only chickens themselves can produce. This means that the chicken came before the chicken egg. There was a thread on this on the old forums and this seemed to be the general concensus, and there was a link to an article about this protein. I'll try to dig around for it. Edit: "Scientists cracked the puzzle after discovering that the formation of eggs is possible only thanks to a protein found in chicken's ovaries. That means eggs have to be formed in chickens first." Read more: |
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Oh the confusion... |
Munnscape « Citoyen » 1343675100000
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nice |