[Fanfic] Elisah's Last Enemy |
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They say that a long time ago, us mice used to have four arms, four legs, and two heads. Fearing our power, a cruel god split us all in half. The goddess Elisah apparent decided to aid us, helping us to find our soulmate. It's been 2 years since I came into existence. I don't know why, but Elisah gives one of us a feather from her wings and a lock of her hair, and we help other mice get Cheese. It's easy enough, and helping other people is the right thing to do, so why not? ...but today was different. I might've found my soulmate. This is a new fanfic that I'm starting, yay. You can make a character and post their attributes and such here, with a image of your mouse if possible. What I need is: Name - You name should be realistic. Class - What skill tree you picked. Gender Appearance - Can use words or a picture. Personality - Self explanatory. Likes/Dislikes - Meh. Our world used to be a nice place. Until the dreaded Anvil God started to rise up and attack all the mice. Crazed shamans have started summoning the Anvil God to wreak havoc, sadly. We can't stop them. ... Our village is a nice, calm place. Except for the random violence. Us mice can die, and we come back a few seconds good as new. But when a mouse 'dies' from an extremely cruel act, they are put into a coma for 24 hours. Kazray - Frost ![]() Frost Wind Master Female Likes: Being a good Sham, Flying, the Village, Helping Mice, Elisah, Swimming Dislikes: Fraises, Harsh Language, Dying, being asked for Revives, Clean Mouse Skill, Anvils, Anvil God, Cannonballs A kind hearted mouse, Frost is one of the only people that visits the Temple of Elisah(because everyone else considers it a waste of time) for prayers and whatnot. She acts like a child most of the time, but can be slightly dark at times. She's also intolerant of people asking her for revives, even though she can't use that skill. Nepence - Thanatos ![]() Thanatos Physicist Female Personality - Although cold, since she's used to being a lone player in Survivor, she is kind towards people she gets acquainted with. She is mostly an introvert, but a hint of an extrovert sometimes appears. She's mostly serious, but when nothing important is going on, she's pretty fun to hang around with. She likes to talk to people in general, although on her exterior she looks the opposite, seeming distant and disinterested. Her black mask usually hides her emotions, and she rarely takes it off anyway, so that is a factor to her being alone. Likes/Dislikes - She loves to climb onto high places, as well as paint with paintbrushes. She dislikes people who rant and brag all the time, as well as insult others just because they can't do anything. Believing that everyone has a strong skill with something or a unique talent is one of her life views. Her life goals consist of having a few friends that she can trust and get help from when she needs it, and becoming a successful artist. Also, she likes to eat not cheese, but candy and sometimes she eats meat, such as chicken, or beef. Kazray - Raz & the Blackhat Mafia ![]() Raz Mechanician Male Likes: Talking, Sarcasm, Bragging, Being Excessively B@#$%y. Dislikes: Failures, Traitors, Old Gang, Traitors, Whining, Traitors The so-called leader of the underworld syndicate, or at least he was until his old gang decided to overthrow him like the ungrateful rats that they were. Now he seeks revenge against his former gang, by trying to privately bring together a new gang. In the past he wasn't the creator of the major crimes that included attacking people for their cheesecoin checks, but rather ridiculous and frivolous things that he'd rather not mention. He uses a kunai as a weapon for intimidation and laceration. Raz isn't such a bad guy if you're not a bloody traitor. He loves to talk, to the annoyance of some people, and inserts lots of sarcasm into his dialogue. But he's not such a good guy, either. He'll threaten anyone that crosses him and hates it when people whine or complain about his ranting. He has several skilled mice under his leadership to defeat the rival gang. Nikolay ![]() Cille ![]() Erin ![]() Bill ![]() Csonewforyou - Victor ![]() Victor Mechanician Male Personality: Kind, Cheerful, Smart, Serious, Trustful Likes: Video Games, Trusted People, Tricks Dislikes: Annoying Beggars, Selfish People, Cussers Dernière modification le 1488241140000 |
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Double Team *ding!* Frost was the shaman now. The map had a bunch of sand and the norm: Cheese, Mice, and the Mousehole all in different corners of the map. Frost ran off her starting platform and activated her wings, and then fluttering down to one of the slanted blocks of sand. She started jumping around a bit, and for some reason one of the mice said: "Hey, hurry up!" Frost ignored the discouragement, and finally stood on the corner of the sand, and started to create planks. Two mice fell off the platform due to someone throwing a chicken around. "Hey, I don't have Clean Mouse..." Too late, a greedy, blindfolded mouse jumped after the others, assuming there would be a helpful bubble there, but he fell to his death. "Revive Sham!" Frost had progress done, one minute left and all she needed to do was to let the mice up and grab the cheese. "Hey, he asked for a revive!" A Sonic mouse angrily shouted. Frost hopped to the corner that she was at a minute ago, then said: "I can't." Hardly anyone seemed to hear it. She was about to summon a plank, when an idiotic mouse(with a green scarf) shouted: "USE REVIVE YOU NOOB!" He threw a beach ball. It hit Frost square in the face, and knocked her back. She winced in pain, not noticing the fact that she was sliding backwards on an incline, and slipped off before she could recover. "Why'd you throw that at her?" A masked mouse said. The thrower was too dumb to care about what he just did. "She didn't revive my friend, and she fell. That means she's a noob sham." The masked mouse crossed her arms. "She was Level 30 and had the Angel skill. You should've known that she couldn't revive." "Pffft, you're just girls! Girls can't do anything right!" *ding!* Thanatos, the masked mouse was the shaman. This map had soulmates but Thanatos and Frost didn't. Half of the mice were using actual cooperational skills. And the rest... fell to their deaths. Frost just sat sadly near the exit while Thanatos was inspecting the mice. After a few seconds, Frost started talking softly. "Sorry... I couldn't help you get the cheese last round." Thanatos turned her head. "It's fine, you tried your best." She attached a ghosted balloon to Frost and herself so they could reach a platform above them. They both grabbed some cheese(there was an obstacle course without the balloons) and started to run back to the Mousehole. "Wait, stop stop, don't move." "Why?" Frost said, stopping. Thanatos pointed at the single farmer mouse across the room, whose 'soulmate' somehow died. "If there's only two mice left, the timer will drop to twenty seconds." Then without waiting for a response, started barking commands at the farmer. "Hey! Climb that chocolate wall that's behind you!" "Sham I need a balloon." The farmer mindlessly said. "You don't need to know how to walljump, just jump a lot!" The farmer grabbed the chocolate wall near him, and then attempted to walljump up it. It didn't work. "Sham get over here and balloon me!" Thanatos face palmed as she checked the time(somehow), and then froze the farmer. Frost opened her mouth to say something, but just entered the Mousehole with the cheese instead. *ding!* A few rounds later, Frost was in a double shaman round, Co-Op. Unfortunately the other shaman, who somehow had lighter fur, started to shoot cannonballs at Frost. "Hey! Wh-why are you shooting at me?" Frost said, teleporting herself next to the cluster of mice in response. "This is the dual shaman map! We're competing for experience, dummy!" Said the blue shaman. And with that, he shot another cannonball behind Frost, who projected herself through it. "You nooooooobbbsss!!!" Was what one of the mice said as he was falling. There were just four surviving mice and Frost teleported herself back up to the blue seaman's level. "Sorry, but I have to stop you." She encased the blue shaman in a Companion Cube and then started to slowly push him off the platform he was on. "Heyhey! Let me out! Y-you would've done the same thing!" He nervously, yelled. "No, she wouldn't shoot the other mice off for no good reason!" Thanatos's voice said. She fell off the platform after getting shot, too. "This is a Co-Op map!" A smug sounding mouse, said. "Eheh, if it's Co-Op, then let me out of here and I'll help!" The blue shaman said. Frost kept pushing the box. "You did that on purpose." And he slid off the level, angrily shouting. In about 40 seconds, Frost was able to just balloon everyone to victory. When the last mouse entered the Mousehole, a small blue chicken feather from the sky. Frost grabbed it, and smiled. Then she ran through the Mousehole for her 20 exp. *ding!* Everyone just stood idly as the next shaman burst into bubbles. "I never got your name..." Frost said to Thanatos. "It's Thanatos." She said back. "I'm Frost!" Frost said, smiling. Thanatos smiled back for a second. In the last 6 seconds Frost examined her bag of blue chicken feathers, with her shaman instinct telling her that she had fifty of them. "Well, I gotta-" *ding!* Frost sighed. "Well, I gotta go now, see you later!" "See you around, Frost." Happy Birthday Frost ran through the streets in the night. Trying to find her way through the maze of glowing buildings. At last, she had found what she was looking for, Papaille's treehouse. On the outskirts of the city, mostly peaceful and away from the noise of the merchants. She checked her time, it was about 8:46 PM. Am I late? Frost squinted to examine the sign outside of the closed door. [Closed, come back tomorrow!] Frost sighed. She was going to trade her 50 dyed chicken feathers(AKA Shaman Coins) for 50 cheese coins, then buy 3 Watering Cans and Fertilizers in the Marketplace. ...but it wasn't gonna happen today. Frost walked back to the town square, where there was a bar and an inn. And also a bunch of goofballs throwing paper, pufferfish, and pumpkins around. "Hey! Heyheyhey!" A black mouse wearing a tie ran up to Frost, carrying a bunch of bright fliers. Frost put her hands behind her back so that the mouse couldn't shove a flier into her hands. The mouse took a few breaths, and then straightened himself. "Alright... tomorrow is my girlfriend Alice's birthday, and we're inviting everyone we can to make it a fun party, you gotta bring a present if you want to come so anyways, take one of..." he noticed that Frost had her hands behind her back. "But I don't want to come to her party." Frost said. "Come onnnnn! You have to come! It's gonna be the best party ever!!!" Frost kept silent. "Okay okay, well... just take a flier, please! In case you change your mind!" The mouse said with a slight hint of desperation. Frost was pretty sure that Alice was sending out invitations to as much mice as possible for free stuff, but after about thirty seconds she slowly took a flier. But he didn't stop there. He tried handing Frost some more fliers. "And take some more! You should give some to your friends!" "Can I please go to sleep?" Frost whimpered. The mouse angrily replied with a slightly comedic voice. "Well fine! Don't blame me if tomorrow is the worst night of your life!" And he stormed off. When the black mouse was out of sight, Frost simply dropped the flier on the ground, and then started to walk to the inn. What a waste of time. A small part of her said. The inn was a large four story building with some sort of magical safebox system on the first floor, which allowed mice to separately store their belongings safely. Frost silently deposited her shaman coins and walked upstairs. The next three floors had around a hundred small beds each, and sleeping was free. Frost curled up on a random bed, and started trying her best to forget about Alice's birthday party. "Hey stop running away and come to the birthday party!" A voice said in the distance. Good night. ... *Chirp! Cheep Cheep!* Frost woke up, aching a bit. Feathers and pillowcases we scattered everywhere. There was probably a pillow fight during the night, but Frost didn't hear any of it kept sleeping. "Anybody got any free water or fertilizer? I need it badly!" Gotta go farming. Frost stood up, ignoring the people pleading for free stuff. ... "Papaille, can I have a check for shaman coins?" Frost asked. Papaille chuckled a bit. "Sorry, kiddo. All the checks are at home. If you want it, you can come by later in the day, but err... not at night, please. But I'll leave the door open a crack just for you!" Frost frowned a bit, and then went and watered her lotus, which still hasn't finished growing yet. "FOR THE LAST TIME, ITS FIVE RAKES, NOT FOUR!" Frost dropped the watering can from the loud noise, and then turned her head. Elise was shouting at some noob who was trying to give Elise four rakes. "Cmon! This IS five rakes!" "No it's not! Count them again!" Elise yelled at the noob. "One... two... three... four... four. What? No! I swear I had five!" The noob said. A blindfolded mouse sitting on the scarecrow's hat sighed. "You used one on the weeds." "But I kept it!" "No no no... you don't keep rakes after you use them." "Well... that's dumb!" *ding! *ding! *ding! The rounds quickly went by. Mice grabbed as many cheese and ladybugs as they could. Frost didn't know how much time she spent playing until she checked. "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" Frost teleported out of the room and into the village, and retraced her steps to Papaille's treehouse. It was nightfall... was she going to be late again? No. Luckily not. There was an adventurer mouse handing fifty shaman coins over to Papaille for a check. "Heheh, thanks, Pops! See ya later!" Frost ran to the treehouse. "Papaille! Papaille!" She said in about the most Spanish accent ever. He waved and waited for Frost to climb the ladder. "I knew you were gonna be here. Just not this late; heheh!" Frost finally clambered up to the treehouse. "Here's the... the..." She breathed heavily. "Whoa, calm down. Take a breather, I can wait." He motioned Frost to sit on the rocking chair on the porch. "Huff... Thanks, Papaille." Frost barely said. Papaille took his hat off and fanned himself with it. "Kid, you're the only person that ever calls me by my name. Everyone else just calls me Pops." Frost laid back and relaxed. "Pops just doesn't sound right to me. I call all the shamans by their names just to let them know that I'm listening." "That's smart. Now, was there something you wanted to ask me about?" "Yes... I got feathers for you." Frost handed Papaille a small bag. Papaille took the bag and took a quick peek in it. And then handed Frost a check for 50 Cheese coins. "Here you go." "You're not gonna count it?" Frost said. "I trust you enough. Now if you excuse me I'll be going to sleep. Take care of yourself." Papaille walked into his house and locked the door. Frost breathed a sigh of relief and climbed back down to the street to go deposit the check and sleep. ... "Pssst!" "Who?" Frost looked around, but didn't see anything. When she turned to continue, there was an unfriendly mouse with a bright fedora and a pair of scissors. "Gimme that check you got there." "But it's mine." Frost responded. The gangster stepped forward. "Give me the check." "But I worked for this check." The gangster stepped forward again. "Listen here, girl. If you don't give me the check I'm gonna kill you, and then take it!" Frost whimpered a little. She started to step backwards, and was about to run away until she saw the gangster running at her. She dodged the first strike, then sidestepped the second one. But there were too many attacks coming at her, and she lost her guard. The gangster slashed her left shoulder with the scissors, and the pain was too much for her. She dropped the check and clutched her shoulder in pain. The gangster chuckled, and then snatched the check and ran away. Frost fell backwards, with some blood splattering on the ground. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but they closed. ...Happy Birthday. Enemy "Raz, we've found the target." Three mice were talking at a table. The room was dark, with a projector in the middle of the table. The boss leaned forward. "Show me him." The henchman activated the projector. It displayed a fedora wearing crook holding a pair of scissors. The boss adjusted his black fedora. "I remember that filthy mugger. That's Mark with his 'Safety Scissors'." The boss fiddled with a strange teal object in his hand before looking back at his henchman. "Where is he located?" "A quarter mile south of Papaille's, boss." The boss straightened his fedora. "Alright boys, I'll straighten him out." The second henchman stood up. "Sir, we can handle this one just-" "I don't want you to take care of it, got it?" The boss sighed. "One more thing. Now all I need from you right now is an answer." He held up a picture of a black mouse handing out flyers. "Is this one of Alice's lackeys?" -2 Hours Ago- Thanatos walked out of the market. They didn't have any meat for sale today, so she just ate cotton candy instead. Not that she was complaining. A guy with flyers was walking around, blabbing about a party. She avoided that person, because she knew that it was being hosted by some cheap beggar. Thanatos decided to check her magical friends list. It had two mice listed as inactive, and Frost was at Papaille's, apparently. Thanatos guessed that she'd go socialize, as she didn't have anything better to do for the day. She walked to Papaille's. ... The nighttime stroll was rather unspecial. Thanatos quickly ran out of cotton candy, and gave the cone to some person who thought it was a unicorn horn. She saw something peculiar when she was close. Thanatos ran forward to check it quickly. She gasped. "...Frost?" Frost was severely injured, with a gash from her chest to her left shoulder. Thanatos trembled a little bit. "Frost? Frost! Are you... Frost, who did this?" She seemed to be whispering something. Thanatos put her ear closer to listen. "La miséricorde. S'il vous plaît. Ah miricoe. S'i vu paî..." Thanatos had no idea what she was saying, but she didn't have time to think about it. Thanatos sprinted for Papaille's treehouse. Frost's nose twitched a bit, she heard someone while she was whispering. "Frost... Wake up. Frost...? Wake up...!" No response. Frost kept whispering. ......... ......? ...the silence was broken. Frost groaned, and stood up. The room was dark. Frost couldn't see anything. "H... Hello? Anyone there?" No answer. Frost felt her left shoulder; it was fine. She could've sworn somebody attacked her with a knife or something earlier. "Heheheh." Frost laughed. Then she gasped. Did she really Laugh? Frost ruffled through her pockets, and pulled out a big, teal feather. He pinned it on her head and a burst of light swept through the room. But the blackness consumed the light within a few seconds. Frost was glowing a bit. She was a shaman with the power of the feather. "Hyeheheheheh!" Frost turned to see who laughed. But it seemed to come from all directions. "Hello? Wh-whos there!?" No response again. Frost thought she saw something in the darkness. It was coming closer... And closer... She could see what it was now. A cannonball, aimed right for her. She didn't move. She didn't react. It slammed into her with full force. "Ahh!" Frost opened her eyes. She was in a bed, and she looked around the room she was in with intense paranoia. The room wasn't dark now, but pretty bright. It was a hospital room. A doctor darted into view. Frost instinctively tried to move her arm, but it hurt a lot. "Ow..." "Hey, easy. You've been out for a while, not a coma though, thankfully." The doctor started to write things on his clipboard. "Alright... Miss Frost? We healed your arm with some remedy powder, but we'd recommend that you stay off it for a bit, because it might still hurt a little." Frost sighed. "What happened?" The doctor kept his attention on his clipboard while he was writing annoyingly small words. "You were slashed by something, a knife probably." He finished his diagnosis and started to walk away, then turned around and said: "You'll be perfectly fine in a bit, you can leave in an hour or two." Then walked away. Frost remembered something, then gasped. "H-hey! Wait!" The doctor came back. "I had a check, and my belongings are gone! Where are they?" The doctor pointed at a table with a big teal feather, and a teal chicken feather. "You didn't have a check on you when your friend called you in. Sorry." Friend? She didn't have any friends. Except Thanatos. Did she help her? I gotta get my check! I... Need those watering cans... After three hours, Frost was outside on the street at noon. She needed that check, but she couldn't find or face the thief who stole it from her. She sighed. "Well look who missed the birthday party!" Raz Grey “You didn’t come to the party!” the businessmouse said. Frost sighed. “I just wanted to sleep.” The businessmouse crossed his arms. “And you said that you’d come to the party too, you promised!” She rolled her eyes. “No I didn’t.” “UGH! Why are you so defiant!? I demand an apology!” “No.” Frost shook her head. “Heyhey, leave her alone!” Another mouse(who looked somewhat like a shark) ran up to the businessman. The businessmouse angrily looked at the shark. “You didn’t come to the party too you rat!” The shark stepped back a little. “First off, I have a name. It’s Victor. And second: I didn’t have a ‘good gift’ so your bouncer didn't let me party.” “And i’m Sal, because that totally matters.” “Why are you so rude?” Frost interrupted. Sal slapped his forehead. “Ugh. What is with you people. Why are you so dumb?” Victor sighed. “Y’know what can we leave?” “FINE! GO!” Sal yelled. Then after a delay he just said: “Idiots!” When they walked away, a pair of hands grabbed Sal. ----- “Thanks.” Frost barely said. Victor gave an it-was-nothing motion. “No problem, if I didn’t stop his chatter he would’ve talked to you for at least an hour.” They laughed over that one. “Can you help me? I lost something important.” Frost asked. “What was it?” “It was a check. I needed it to buy water for the garden. It was stolen.” Frost seemed to be half uncomfortable, half scared. Victor shrugged. “Sure, why not. The community is starting to fill with shams summoning anvil gods.” Frost gasped. “What?” “Anvil gods. Several anvils nailed together which spin around and cause trouble.” “...I need my check.” “Okay, okay.” Victor said. “Where did you lose the check?” Frost thought for a second. “Somewhere near Papaille’s.” “Okay, let's go then.” -Meanwhile...- Sal was being dragged by a fellow wearing a black fedora with a cyan band. “Quiet, you! Quit struggling.” Sal panicked, kicking and trying to talk. “Mmmmf! Rmhk! Mmmfff!” The gangster pulled out a switchblade and held it up to Sal’s neck. “If you don’t shut up right now then i’ll have to do this the hard way.” Cluelessly, the businessmouse panicked some more. *shnnnk!* -Near Papaille’s- The two walked through an alleyway, which was eerily silent. It was real suspicious, what with the sun having trouble shining down past the roofs of the nearby buildings. “H-hello? Anyone… here?” Frost said, a little nervously. They didn’t know that two figures were watching them. Victor took a quick look around the place. “Er… I don’t know if they’re gonna come back.” Too bad. The rat with the scissors leaped off a roof, in front of the two. “Hehehehe… Excellent.” “Get behind me!” Victor said. “I’m the smartest shark in the world!” He pulled out an orange and brown race flag and held it by his side. The gangster chuckled mischieviously. “Hehehehehe… do you honestly think you can beat me with that stick of yours? Just give up. Give me your earnings or this’ll end terribly for you.” “Don’t listen to him.” Frost suddenly had a vicious scowl. “He’s a filthy mouse-stabber. And he stole my check!” “Grrrrrah!” The gangster leapt forward and tried stabbing Victor with the scissors, but his attack was deflected. Victor attacked back by sweeping with his flag. It was slow and missed the gangster who slid backwards to dodge. The gangster repeatedly tried stabbing Victor, who just blocked with his flag. “Useless brat!” “You haven’t changed a bit, Mark.” there was another mouse on a roof. But he had a black fedora. He leapt up, and- The rat who betrays Treason is nothing but fear Fear is our downfall -threw down three kunai in rapid succession. They all landed near the gangster’s feet, and he stumbled backwards. The ninja-gangster landed in front of him. “Mugging people like the loser you are.” “Raz!? How did you find me?” Mark said, surprised. Victor and Frost stood back. They didn’t want to get involved in some sort of gang conflict. Raz grabbed Mark by his collar and held him up to his face. “You betrayed me. You know what happens when someone crosses me!?” Mark, panicked, struggled in terror. “No please, Raz! Don’t hurt me; I just wanted to-” Raz had enough. He slammed Mark to the ground and kicked his face to knock him out. “Hmph.” He pulled out a phone and dialed a number. “Hey guys, come find me. Over.” “Hey… mister?” Frost said. Raz turned his head a little. “Uh, yeah?” “That person stole my check, can… can I have it back?” “You mean this one?” Raz produced a 50-coin check in his hand like it was a magic trick. "Here." He tossed the check forward, and the wind seemed to guide it as if it were being controlled by him… right into the air in front of Frost. She took her check back. “Thanks.” Raz chuckled. “No problem, kiddos. Now get outta here.” They said nothing else, and left to go to the village square. Victor blinked. “What just happened?” Anvils It was time to water the plants. It was the last day. “Come onnn…” Frost said, watering the Lotus. “Wah!” The Lotus suddenly enlarged from the second watering can, and Frost stumbled backwards. She quickly stood up, and then jumped and grabbed the ‘fruit’ from the lotus. Then, she used a ‘magic trick’ by waving her hand over the lotus. In an instant, it had transformed into a badge. “Yay! I got the badge!” “Grats.” A nearby mouse said out of peer pressure. “Okay, time to go home.” Frost left the game and appeared in the village. She sighed, finally able to finish the garden business. Huh, I wonder where that guy with the fliers went. She thought, noting his absence. Oh well. He was annoying anyway. -The Next Day…- Cannonballs were flying everywhere as one shaman tried obliterating every other mice with a barrage of cannonballs and crates. “Come on! Try dodging this!” The shaman tossed a cannonball at the black-masked mouse, who jumped over it. “Too slow.” “Grrr! You get lucky this time!” *ding!* Thanatos was the shaman now. “Let’s see, if you can dodge this.” She summoned a glass plank which placed itself over a whole batch of mice, and fired a cannonball at them, throwing about 17 of them off the platform. Then, she started firing a barrage of cannonballs at the remaining mice. But one of them looked familiar… “Frost, is that you?” “Y-yes, it’s me.” Frost ricocheted herself off one of the cannonballs, bringing herself up to a platform near Thanatos. “Where’d you learn to do that?” Frost rubbed the back of her neck. “Well… I did lots of shaman… and, I uhh…” Thanatos let the last few survivors livee, as they appeared to be unkillable. “Some other shamans used a cannonball on themselves… and they could jump really far?” Thanatos sat down on the floor. “I see…” *ding!* “Ooh, i’m the shaman now!” Frost said, somewhat excited. Thanatos gave Frost a thumbs up. “Okay Frost, don’t go easy on me. I’ll give it everything I got.” Frost started summoning a cannonball. “Okay! I’ll-” then stopped. “Um, my powers… aren’t working.” “Ahahahahahaha! Easy game easy life! A mouse said.” Thanatos shrugged while Frost repeatedly kept trying to summon a cannonball. “Come on…!” After twenty seconds, Frost summoned a cannonball very quickly, and launched it at the cluster of mice. “Got you now!” It took out around 75% of the mice, as they were all caught off guard by Frost’s sudden ability to attack the mice. However, Thanatos knew that Frost wasn’t being entirely truthful about her lack of cannonballs, and dodged. “Nice, you held out so that the mice would relax.” Frost sighed at the rest of the mice, who were dodging so easily. “That’s right.” She kept firing cannonballs at them, and a few were able to ricochet off the cannonballs up to her position. “Yep.” Frost also relaxed and stopped firing cannonballs; for real this time. “I don’t like this mode. It hurts to get hit by cannonballs.” Thanatos relaxed too and took a seat. “To each their own, I guess. You’re better at helping people, anyway.” Frost was thinking… of something she heard before. “Sure, why not. The community is starting to fill with shams summoning anvil gods.” “Hey Thanatos?” “Wah- oh, I thought you were gonna shoot me for a second.” Frost scratched her head. “Is the community summoning lots of anvil gods?” Thanatos thought for a moment. “Err… yeah, I think so. It’s been getting really popular lately.” Frost stood up. “Okay well, I gotta go… run an errand after this round… yeah.” “Alright, see you later Frost.” *ding* With that, Frost went back to the village. And there was… an anvil in the fountain. How did this get here? With that, an anvil suddenly appeared above her, she dodged. “Waah!” Frost fell over, and another anvil was about to crush her. “No! Stop!” “I got you!” A mouse ran to Frost and picked her up, barely dodging the anvil. “You okay?” Frost sat up and shook her head. “Yeah…” She recognized the mouse who helped her. It was Raz. “Hey, you’re part of that gang!” Raz shook his head. “It’s not a gang! We’re just here to have fun!” Another anvil appeared, they both dodged. “Who's doing that?” Frost asked. “That guy!” Raz pointed at a floating shaman with black paint. Summoning anvils and whatnot. “Hey!” Frost shouted softly. Which was easy for her. “What do you think you're doing?” His response was a totem: An anvil god. A stack of nailed anvils appeared and started spinning everywhere. It was coming closer to them. No! Elisah, protect me…! A strong blast of Iight repelled the anvil god, and disintegrated it as well. Frost was a shaman now. “Woah; you got a goddess feather too?” Raz asked, a little surprised. “Yes.” Frost answered calmly. The anvil shaman saw that Frost became a shaman, and started to fly away. Frost sprinted after the enemy shaman, and took flight. Faceoff Frost was flying over a sea now. In pursuit of a strange, anvil obsessed shaman. Why she was going after this shaman she didn’t know why, but she did it anyway. Maybe he’s a villain, and has to be stopped? He could just be a guy messing around. But anvils were not allowed. Not only that, but he had a goddess feather, granted only to people who have obtained all of the sham-coin rewards for their dedication to being a shaman. It gave a mouse the power to become a shaman without the proper procedures. It was supposed to be used for emergencies only, hence why Frost used it. But it could still be used again afterwards. She was getting tired. There was an island. She stopped on that island, gasping for breath. “Huh… ha…” Where am I? Frost thought. And an anvil appeared in the sky. Once again, Frost projected herself forward to dodge it. Can’t… keep going like this… i’m tired… Do not give up, Frost. You can stop this. Wh… who’s saying- talking… to me? It is me. I… have no more… strength. Tired tired. Frost knelt down on the ground, breathing heavily. She hardly ever exerted herself to do anything but wall climbing. But flying for four minutes was beyond even her. “So, you’ve still got some fight in you?” Frost looked in the direction the voice came from. There was a black painted shaman hovering above her. “It’s just a prank, bro. Ever heard anyone say that?” Still tired… still tired. “Why’re you… hurting people?” Frost barely said. The shaman shrugged as he started monologuing. “Well you should know by now but you don’t know why I’m doing this at all… So why would I explain?” He fell to the ground, and then started to circle Frost. “Fortunately for you, i’ll explain since you have no power against me. Anvil god… is the best god. Capiche?” Frost stood up, offended by the ‘heresy’ of this one mouse. “No… Elisah will not stand for this.” “No one cares about Elisah. Not even you.” Frost started to curl up her right hand. He will come for you. He will hurt you. He will hurt me. “Just a useless rat-” “You’re WRONG!” Frost shouted, instantly attacking the opposing shaman with a cannonball. He soaked it up however, with the cannonball only moving him about two feet before he skidded to a stop. The enemy shaman waved his finger in a taunting manner. “Nah ah ah, that’s not gonna work against me. Now take this.” And with that, he shot a forceful, slightly elevated cannonball at Frost. But she knew how to play survivor. She waited until the cannonball dropped slightly, then jumped as it came into contact with her, she ricocheted herself off of it, backflipping into the air. Quickly, she summoned a companion cube on the shaman. He got trapped in it. “You don’t have what it takes to stop me. You want to know why?” The shaman teleported out of the box, a distance away. “Because I have this!” He then whistled really loudly. With that, several glowing eyes appeared behind him. Why does nothing work? I knew it… I’m the worst shaman. Frost stepped back, intimidated by the eyes behind the other shaman. “Wha… what…? Are those?” The owners of the eyes came closer until Frost realized what they were. Bats, all bats wanting to hurt her. Oh… oh no! Frost immediately turned around and started to run away, but the bats were able to catch up with her. They started biting her. "Aaaah! Stop! N... No...! No no, stop, please! Stop! Fearful, she started crying as she tried to defend herself from the flurry of bats stinging her. But it was no use, she lost her strength… and gave up. Meanwhile… “She’s been away for days, what happened to her?” “Beats me, boss. I don’t know everything.” “You don’t know everything!?” The ‘boss’ grabbed his subordinate by the collar and held him up, shouting at his face. “You’re supposed to know everything! That kid is probably suffering a horrible fate because of that anvil summoning shaman and you don’t know a thing!?” “B-boss.” The henchman stammered, trying to keep his cool. “I only know things on the mainland, not out to the rough seas!” “.....” The boss breathed heavily. After what seemed like minutes, he finally let go of his henchman. “Haaaa… heh… sorry.” The boss walked over to a nearby chair and nervously took a seat. “Okay, Cille. I will need you to do something for me.” “Yes, boss?” “Get a pirate raft for me. And get my right-hand and left-hand boys over when you get the raft.” The boss calmly said, wiping off his sunglasses. ‘Cille’ tipped his fedora. “Okay… you got it, cap.” The boss sighed, hard, when he knew that Cille left the room. He looked out of a nearby window. It’s not going according to plan. Not anymore. Things are going to have to get a lot more complicated from here on out. The boss ruffled through his pockets and pulled out a bright red feather. He twirled it in his hand, looking at it expectantly. Miami Style (Raz’s bio has been updated with his subordinates’ pictures.) “Nicolay… Nicolay!” “Whuh?” A mouse opened his eyes when he heard someone saying his name. It was pitch black; someone had turned the lights off. That, or he had a fedora on his face. He slowly took his fedora off his face and yawned. “Oh hey… boss.” He took a few seconds to think of what he should say. “What time is it…?” Raz looked at an analog clock near where Nicolay was sleeping. “It’s six in the morning. This is very important.” Nicolay scratched his head as he sat up. “What is it now?” “I got a mission for you, of course. Okay, to start, i’m gonna need you to-” “I’m hungry.” “...what?” Nicolay frowned. “Boss, were you planning to have me go on this mission instantly after waking up?” Raz’s eyes narrowed as Nicolay started to groom his fur. “Sssssss… alright, fine. Go eat breakfast, and then you come find me in my office. But don’t take too long!” “Thaaaaanks.” Nicolay said, yawning at the same time. He got up off his bed as Raz left and stretched himself a little. He looked around the place. There were more beds around the place, with almost all of the Mafia crew sleeping. He put his fedora on and left to go to the mess hall. Secret Blackhats Mafia Base Nicolay walked up to the server’s counter; and the mouse who served food was sleeping in their chair. “Err… Erin?” Oh right, it’s 6:00, breakfast usually comes at 7:30. Thanks, Raz. He walked around to get to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of instant noodles on the pantry. He poured some hot water into the cup, humming as he made his breakfast. After he finished in the relatively short time, he took the noodles to a table and started eating the noodles. Alone. They tasted pretty good. Still don’t know what time it is. Although the noodles tasted ‘pretty good’, it was rather boring. Nicolay usually talked to other mice in his tribe at breakfast, because tribes are for talking to other people. “Wah!” A crashing sound was heard soon after. Nicolay almost spat some of the soup out, as the sudden noise sounded somewhat funny. He stood up, took his noodles(as they’d cool off if he left them on the table), and walked as fast as a mouse with noodles could walk in the direction of the sound. “Mmmmf.” He swallowed his food. “Erin? You there?” The chair that Erin was sitting on was knocked over, and Erin herself was collapsed on the floor. “Hey, you alright?” Erin groaned. “Uggggghhh… that hurt…” “What happened?” Erin just covered her head until it felt slightly less groggy. “I think… a bee landed on me while I was sleeping?” “A bee?” Nicolay asked, before eating some more of his noodles. I think Erin has a fear of bugs or something. “Yeah… a bee, look there it is now!” Erin pointed above her; to a bee buzzing above the two. It landed on her finger. Nicolay glanced at both the bee and Erin’s blatantly fearful face. Quickly, he concluded that calming her down would work best. “Erin listen. Don’t… mov-” “Aieeeh!” Erin stood up and started running before Nicolay could finish his sentence. Nicolay simply tried keeping ahold of his cup of noodles as the bee seemed to ignore him. The lone mouse looked at his cup of noodles, and then just tossed the noodles into a nearby trashcan. I’m full now. He walked out of the mess hall before the bee could get near him. ----- ”Hey boss, you need me for something?” Nikolay said, opening a door to Raz’s office. Raz pressed a button on his computer monitor before turning to look at Nikolay. ”Oh hey, your breakfast was a little shorter than I anticipated. Anyways… I need you to do a secret infiltration mission for me. Our rival gang owned by Alice is planning to initiate an attack against us and is starting by setting up shop in the village. I’m gonna need you to maim all of Alice’s agents and investigate the place.” ”By myself?” Nicolay questioned. Raz shrugged. ”Pretty much, yeah. I’ve done some cleanup work myself so you can do it too.” Nicolay sighed and look at the ground for a second. ”Okaaay… I got it then.” --Strangers’ Donut Shop-- Nikolay casually walked into the donut shop, which was the place that Raz described to him as the new front for the rival gang. ”Well hello; I haven’t seen this place around before!” “Yeah, we just established it yesterday.” A mouse in the storage room responded. He started walking to the counter to serve Nikolay. “What can I get y…” He stopped after seeing Nikolay’s fedora. ”...what?” Suddenly, the mouse grabbed a knife from under the counter and threw it at Nikolay, who dodged. ”Woah now!” He leapt on the counter and dived at the other mouse, pinning him against the wall. He finished by punching him in the face, incapacitating him. “Hey, what’s all the racket?” A mouse with a chef hat came out of the storage room, noticing Nikolay and his unconscious friend. Quickly, Nikolay socked the chef mouse, knocking him over. Then, in a swift motion, he moved to the chef and hit his face with a punch, knocking him out too. “Stop right there!” There was a third one, holding a knife now. Nikolay slowly stood up. ”Okay, you got me.” “Who are you, a-and what’re you doing!?” The mouse nervously questioned. ”I am…” Nikolay answered the questioned by turning around the snatching the knife from the mouse’s hand, who stood back. ”Alright, no more games. What is Alice’s plan here?” The mouse started breathing heavily. “Wh… why should I tell you?” Nikolay shrugged. ”Suit yourself.” He whacked the mouse with the handle of the knife, knocking him out. Nightsticks Bill, a mouse wearing a blue banded fedora and a bandana yawned as he woke up. “Auwhhh…” It was about seven in the morning. Usually, he woke up at around eight, but he had some trouble sleeping. There were only two other mice sleeping in the place. Cille, a smart guy, and some stranger that he’d never seen before. Huh… who is that? Bill walked up to the stranger sleeping in one of the beds and considered waking them up, but decided not to. Because Nikolay just randomly walked into the room, pretty tired. “Nikolay?” Nikolay continued walking until he found his bed and collapsed on it. ”What.” “Who’s this person sleeping over here?” Nikolay sighed. ”Cille.” Bill frowned. “No, this other person here.” ”Bill.” “What- no, they got grey fur.” ”You have grey fur.” Bill growled, a little ticked off from Nikolay’s messing around. “It’s black and white, Nikolay! And this mouse over here is a girl and it’s not Erin!” Nikolay responded by putting a pillow over his head. ”I dunno, and don’t care. Lemme go to sleep.” Bill facepalmed, then looked back at the sleeping girl. Is she talking in her sleep? I… can’t hear what she’s saying. Also, she had several small bite marks all over her body. This girl was probably comatose. Oh well, i’m sure the boss can tell me. Bill walked to the mess hall to eat; if anyone was serving food there. But nobody was serving food. There was just Erin running around the room, trying to avoid what looked like a bee. “Hey Erin, what’s for breakfast?” Bill asked unhelpfully. ”Help meee get this bug away from me please!” she shouted desperately. Bill replied with a yawn. “Ehh… I don’t think bees are aggressive.” Erin looked at Bill in an annoyed manner and scowled at the fact that he wasn’t doing anything helpful. “Well it’s chasing me so help me!” “Well alright then.” he unclipped a bow from his tail and aimed it. “Erin can you please stop moving around i’m trying to shoot the bee.” But he actually didn’t need the bee to stay still. He let go of the bowstring, creating a magic-ish arrow which propelled itself at the bee, hitting it with a fierce splash of water. It just dropped on the ground because bees can’t fly when they’re wet. ”Nyah!” Erin hit the bee with a flyswatter from the kitchen. What. Bill squinted. “You’re telling me… that you had a flyswatter in the kitchen the whole time, but you still needed me to shoot the bee.” ”...yes.” He facepalmed. “Oh my god… just tell me what’s for breakfast.” Erin pulled out a phone and checked it, after shaking some water off of it. “For breakfast… we got uhh… pancakes.” “What about waffles?” ”Waffles? Waffles are on Tuesday.” Bill sighed, lowering his head. “I don’t like pancakes.” A hand grabbed Bill in the side, as Raz suddenly appeared and got up in his face. “What!? What do you have against pancakes!?” “I’m not really a fan of them… they’re slippery.” “We got bacon.” Erin suggested. ”No way!” Raz said, shaking his head. ”He is gonna eat pancakes and he’s gonna like it!” Erin started scratching her head at her boss’s partially strange behavior. ”Boss, you don’t seem to be acting normal. Is everything alright?” I’m calling it, he’s drunk as a skunk. “He drank, didn’t he?” Bill said. ”Nnnooo defininitely didddn’t d-drink...!” Raz said as his voice started to slur. I knew it, I am the best. Raz collapsed after his absurdly bad defense. Bill didn’t have anything left to say. ”...you’re still gonna eat pancakes.” Erin said. -static- Bill dragged Raz all the way to his office and sat him in his comfy chair. Then started tapping his cheek in an attempt to wake him up. “Boss, hey boss.” ”Whhaa whut.” Raz mumbled in his stupor. Oh damnit looks like i’m gonna have to- Bill smacked Raz across the face. ”Wah!” Raz snapped awake. “Hey boss, are you sober yet?” Bill asked. Raz started licking his lips, and then after about ten seconds he said: “What’re you talking about?” “Did you know that you were kind of… drunk earlier?” Bill said. Raz just shook his head as if it were a normal day. “Nope, don’t remember… cause I weren’t drunk.” Bill facepalmed. “Okay; you know what? Forget it. I’d like to ask you a question, boss. Who’s this random mouse sleeping in our secret base?” ”Well…” Raz said, scratching his chin. ”Who?” Goddamnit boss why...? “This girl with grey fur and bite marks all over her.” Raz rubbed his eyes and yawned. ”Uhhhh… a-yeah, you don’t need to worry about that, Billy. She’s… special.” Bill squinted slightly in suspicion. “What if she’s one of Alice’s spies, boss?” ”She’s not.” “But-” ”Billy, shut up! Just shut the heck up!” Raz shouted angrily. “Stop asking questions because I don’t have all day to answer every single one of them!” Raz took a few deep breaths to calm himself down and restore his normal breathing rate. ”Now, is there anything else you needed?” Jeez, I didn’t know boss could be so scary. “No, sir.” Bill said a little nervously. Raz straightened his fedora and relaxed in his chair. ”Good, now get lost.” Bill stood up and walked himself out of the office, closing the door behind him. I frickin hate pancakes.. Dernière modification le 1497377160000 |
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Instead of just spamming topics.. you could ask a sentinel to move this topic |
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Gabeyly a dit : uh i dont think he is spamming topics. He must of put it in the wrong section. |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1467387420000
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Can I get this moved to the fanfiction section please? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1467436500000
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Moved! |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1467521340000
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Alrighty. Hello? Is anyone there? Anyone that would like to sign up a character, at least? I need someone to make a character for my first section of the fiction. |
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kazray a dit : me me , ill sign up, just wait ovo ill edit this post with the form Edit : Name - Thanatos. Class - Physicist. Gender - Female. Appearance - ![]() Personality - Although cold, since she's used to being a lone player in Survivor, she is kind towards people she gets acquainted with. She is mostly an introvert, but a hint of an extrovert sometimes appears. She's mostly serious, but when nothing important is going on, she's pretty fun to hang around with. She likes to talk to people in general, although on her exterior she looks the opposite, seeming distant and disinterested. Her black mask usually hides her emotions, and she rarely takes it off anyway, so that is a factor to her being alone. Likes/Dislikes - She loves to climb onto high places, as well as paint with paintbrushes. She dislikes people who rant and brag all the time, as well as insult others just because they can't do anything. Believing that everyone has a strong skill with something or a unique talent is one of her life views. Her life goals consist of having a few friends that she can trust and get help from when she needs it, and becoming a successful artist. Also, she likes to eat not cheese, but candy and sometimes she eats meat, such as chicken, or beef. Dernière modification le 1467533520000 |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1467594780000
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Okay, Nepence. You're in. And you were already in before I posted this comment but anyways part one was created. I'll make updates whenever new parts come out. Hooray. |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1467839160000
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New Section... read all about it. I put the chapters on Post #2. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1468320600000
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CLAPS VIGOROUSLY that was a really nice chapterrrr :> |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1468778880000
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nepence a dit : Thank you. I make a new part. Whoop Dee doo. |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 1470391320000
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I'll make one later. Cheers. |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1470502140000
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Okay then. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1473990240000
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This is really good, shame this is dead? :/ |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1474259340000
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Pff-yeah it's dead. I'm lazy and would rather work on my Pokemon fanfic. |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 1474371780000
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Well, okay then. :/ |
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A L L H A I L A N V I L G O D |
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tartlmancer a dit : Yes. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1481072280000
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Could I, perhaps, make a character, please? |