⚪ Records Thread |
Xxxtentacion « Citoyen » 1588218660000
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P3 - @1014313 - 8.75s |
Xxxtentacion « Citoyen » 1589232120000
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P17 flipped - @419735 - 12.36s |
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p17 @259716 10.93s |
0 | ||
p17 @7657769 9.97s |
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p17 @7470363 11.57s https://prnt.sc/si2tts |
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p17 @7657769 9.97s http://https://prnt.sc/si2n7c |
Mckeydown « Censeur » 1589704680000
| 0 | ||
All records were added. |
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p17 @7295261 8.18s [url=https://prnt.sc/slpprvhttps://prnt.sc/slpprv/url] |
0 | ||
p17 @7295261 8.18s https://prnt.sc/slpprv |
Bhvana « Censeur » 1590184380000
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Vanilla - 24 - You beat map 24 in 9.98 seconds! Vanilla - 100 - You beat map 100 in 6.24 seconds! Vanilla - 10 - You beat map 10 in 16.01 seconds! Vanilla - 7 - You beat map 7 in 49.19 seconds! Vanilla - 19 - You beat map 19 in 20.57 seconds! Vanilla - 27 - You beat map 27 in 5.73 seconds! Vanilla - 30 - You beat map 30 in 8.36 seconds! Vanilla - 40 - You beat map 40 in 23.34 seconds! Vanilla - 53 - You beat map 53 in 9.49 seconds! Vanilla - 121 - You beat map 121 in 10.45 seconds! Vanilla - 158 - You beat map 158 in 19.3 seconds! Vanilla - 138 - You beat map 138 in 7.65 seconds! (I started using Lightshot because I thought I was running out of storage on my computer.) Vanilla - 148 - You beat map 148 in 9.37 seconds! Vanilla - 151 - You beat map 151 in 34.13 seconds! Vanilla - 208 - You beat map 208 in 30.62 seconds! (Well, they automatically gave me the Mouse Transformation ability) Vanilla - 205 - You beat map 205 in 47.95 seconds! P0 - @7571854 - You beat map @7571854 in 35.04 seconds! P9 - @6543652 - You beat map @6543652 in 29.63 seconds! P9 - @5478733 - You beat map @5478733 in 22.81 seconds! That's all my records for now, gonna post more soon! Dernière modification le 1590363180000 |
Mckeydown « Censeur » 1590458400000
| 0 | ||
a dit : Added. Bhvana a dit : Your records aren't acceptable, please make sure the room name, chat and map code are visible on the screenshots and make sure to use the /ips command when submitting your screenshot(s) or video(s). Example SS: https://prnt.sc/kwfxzm Dernière modification le 1590458460000 |
Deyissh « Citoyen » 1594065360000
| 0 | ||
@277631 63.65 http://prntscr.com/tcyu7l |
Mckeydown « Censeur » 1594065600000
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☆ UPDATE ☆ [ ★ ] We now have a page for top playtime. You can simply use /time command in the game, take a screenshot of the window and send the screenshot to this topic. [ ★ ] We may request you to use playtime counter item () when necessary. Make sure you can provide this before sending your screenshot. You can access top time records using this link: http://tfmrecords.home.kg/toptime EXAMPLE Mckeydown#0000 - [22:39] [•] You have played for 536 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes and 37 seconds. |
Mckeydown « Censeur » 1594775640000
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P13 - @408895 - 9.73s |
0 | ||
time https://prnt.sc/u9134k @227346 - P7 - 8.94s @5478733 - P9 - 16.57s @6543652 - P9 - 12.78s @408895 - P3 - 7.97s 209 - V - 6.64s 205 - V - 14.04s 151 - V - 14.23s 148 - V - 4.96s 138 - V - 5.11s 158 - V - 14.37s 121 - V - 8.47s 53 - V - 7.52s 40 - V - 16.1s 30 - V - 6.53s 27 - V - 4.12s 19 - V - 17.09s 7 - V - 5.63s 10 - V - 15.06s 100 - V - 4.36s 24 - V - 7.75s 182 - V - 5.75s 181 - V - 8.42s 179 - V - 4.59s 178 - V - 11.88s 177 - V - 6.46s 176 - V - 7.53s 175 - V - 4.61s 174 - V - 11.34s 173 - V - 14.02s 172 - V - 12.83s @277631 - P13 - 25.74s |
0 | ||
Prediction16 « Citoyen » 1599394980000
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Dernière modification le 1599415020000 |
Prediction16 1599395100000
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[Modéré par Jordy, raison : Double post.] |
Prediction16 1599395160000
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[Modéré par Jordy, raison : Double post.] |