[Lua] Peça scripts aqui! |
Rambreout « Citoyen » 1604455380000
| 0 | ||
Jp_darkuss a dit : manito eu vi ali o vel y bota força vertical e o x horizontal, normal, porem a caixa só é atirada pra la> ela spawna pro lado q eu to virado mas só joga pra la> msm, se eu viro pra la< ela nasce la< e se joga pra la> mas n ta indo pra la< qnd poe mais velocidade nela só nasce msm e vai pra la> independente do lado q eu virar, o !allow n ta msm pegando ;-; eu dei ali por exemplo !allou naoity#0000 um carinha da minha tribo e ele n conseguiu atirar a caixa msm assim ;-; Dernière modification le 1604455620000 |
+Pluuuuuf « Citoyen » 1604493060000
| 0 | ||
Joaogamer2_0 a dit : local keys = { E = 401, F = 402, Z = 403, X = 404, G = 405, H = 408, } eventNewPlayer = function(n) for k, v in next, {string.byte("EFZXGH", 1, 6)} do system.bindKeyboard(n, v, true, true) end end table.foreach(tfm.get.room.playerList, eventNewPlayer) eventKeyboard = function(n, k, d, x, y) local o = keys[string.char(k)] if o then local dir = tfm.get.room.playerList[n].isFacingRight and 1 or -1 tfm.exec.addShamanObject(o, x + 150 * dir, y - 10) end end |
+Pluuuuuf « Citoyen » 1604493120000
| 0 | ||
+Pluuuuuf a dit : usa as teclas E F G H Z X |
Jp_darkuss « Citoyen » 1604494440000
| 0 | ||
Rambreout a dit : Propagação do eixo X: esquerda > direita Propagação do eixo y: cima > baixo Para mudar a direção precisa usar números negativos. |
0 | ||
E Possivel faze algo acontecer repetidamente com tempo menos de 500 milegundos? se sim eu preciso |
0 | ||
ou opcional quando comeca a spawnar um certo item ele e removdo do mapa tipo cannon |
Joaogamer2_0 « Citoyen » 1604517900000
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Script de MESTRE MANDOU em pt pra quem quiser admin="" -- Se estiver rodando este código em uma sala FunCorp, insira seu nickname aqui e digite !fc para habilitar algumas funções especiais. for _,f in next,{"AutoShaman","AutoNewGame","AutoTimeLeft","DebugCommand"} do tfm.exec["disable"..f](true) end tfm.exec.setRoomMaxPlayers(30) mapas={6788085,6788174,6788154,6788715,6788728,6789259,6789271,6790527,6791838,6789451,6792397,6793213,6793222,6799768,6789356,6789937,6822331,7290270,7290275,6892022,6754319,7686598,7750148,7616526,7429544,7688066,7692398,4514051,3821176,6790295,6790661,6833617,6788183,6784965,6789235,6789853,6790385,6791944,6801706,6792470,6806109,6821950,6866406,6866437,6885971,5328362,5957905,7055459,7525277,6981135,2684847,6835934,7252582,7214363,6799046,6792471,6792516,6825340,6838871,6788178,6788693,6788695,6789272,6799996,6799998,6808957,6803018,6809464,6859175,6907177,7404327,7382263,6885799,6885841,6886906,6790912,6833993,7721192,7309605,6514206,6481798,6730002,6532621,3171810,6800519,6803118,6830819,6788861,6789249,6790484,6790903,6792509,6792518,6792523,6794050,6789358,6830799,6866549,6834529,6812488,6876563,6888512,6893463,7431981,6879100,7146925,6937148,7252655,6356881,6789280,6789334,6790895,6793860,6799997,6789324,6803128,6900149,6943992,6888884,7279612,7252133,3832586,6791871,6802377,6811934,7631682,6876638,6892608,6982387,7404106,7405103,7400694,7400678,7412412,7412422,7491944,7755685,6843950,6788848,6789206,6789260,6790433,6790911,6790896,6792320,6790467,6798615,6810292,6809498,6822119,3110915,6983850,7711216,6958861,7250912,7253090,7254162,6863706,7469336,7659327,7563422,6481798,7350028,7053239,7285518,5298381,6992466,6870514,6830904,6789263,6790300,4411212,6781398,7394517,7354947,3398791,1347551,7201360,1429677,6897042,3766247,7296284,1852537,7712670,7748874,7712670,1564662,5549586,6832236,2267215,6809461} active=0; vivo=0; rato=0; dificuldade=1; rodadas=0; rodada=0; number=0; xpos=0; ypos=0; data={}; lang={}; tempo=10; counter=0; q=""; a=""; qtime=10; creator=""; fc_cmds={1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,40,41,42,43,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,53,57,58,59,61,62,65,66,67} spiderweb={type = 15,width = 80,height = 80} fc_mode=false unlocked=true xpos=0; xpos2=0; for _,f in next,{"command","mapa","pw","limit","run","fc","q","a","t","kill"} do system.disableChatCommandDisplay(f) end lang.br = { welcome = "<N><b>Bem-vindos ao novo Mestre Mandou!</b><br>O objetivo deste module é muito simples: Siga tudo o que o jogo mandar e teste seus limites até o fim!<br><VP>Tenha sempre cuidado com os comandos trolls!<br><br><J><b>Script desenvolvido por Rakan_raster#0000</b><br>Conceito original por Jessiewind26#2546<br><br><ROSE>Versão RTM 8249.045", dancar = "Dance!", sentar = "Sente!", confetar = "Atire 5 confetes!", mouse = "Clique na tela 10 vezes!", beijos = "Dê 10 beijos!", dormir = "Vocês estão com sono. Durmam para descansar.", raiva = "Tigrounette é do mal! Fiquem com raiva dele!", chorem = "Vocês não ganharam queijo :( Chorem!", nchorem = "Não chorem!", esquerda = "Não vá para a esquerda!", direita = "Não vá para a direita!", numero = "Digite o seguinte número: ", digitar = "Digite qualquer coisa e mande para mim.", falar = "Não falem nada!", pular = "Não pulem!", mexer = "Não se mexam!", bandeira = "Balance a bandeira de qualquer país!", ano = "Em que ano estamos?", vesquerda = "Fique virado para a esquerda!", vdireita = "Fique virado para a direita!", quadradoa = "Fique no quadrado azul!", quadradov = "Fique no quadrado vermelho!", quadrado = "Fique no quadrado branco!", nquadrado = "Não fique no quadrado branco!", retangulo = "Fique dentro do retângulo branco!", retangulov = "Fique dentro do retângulo vermelho!", nretangulo = "Não fique dentro do retângulo branco!", preesquerda15 = "Pressione 15 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!", predireita15 = "Pressione 15 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!", preesquerda30 = "Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!", predireita30 = "Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!", preesquerda60 = "Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!", predireita60 = "Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!", espaco = "Pressione a barra de espaço 20 vezes!", nome = "Digite o seu nome no jogo (com #número).", ndance = "Não dance!", key1 = "Pressione a tecla Delete!", action1 = "Dance, sente e durma!", laugh = "Agora RIAM!", laugh2 = "Quem rir agora vai morrer.", stone = "Olha a pedra!", noob = "Digite: EU SOU NOOB", action2 = "Chore depois ria!", jump = "Pulem!", number = "Digite o seguinte número: ", key = "Pressione qualquer tecla!", jump2 = "Pulem 5 vezes!", action3 = "Dê um beijo depois chore!", area = "Descubra onde está o texto escondido e clique nele!", dancing = "É hora da festa!", freeze = "Todo mundo parado!", transform = "Dance e durma!", down1 = "Abaixem 3 vezes!", kill = "Se matem!", mestre = "Mestre Mandou", map = "Mapa", time = "Tempo", mice = "Ratos", round = "Rodada", mices = "Esta sala requer pelo menos 4 ratos.", difficulty = "Dificuldade", segundos = "segundos.", fim = "Partida encerrada! Próxima partida iniciando em ", playingmap = "Rodando mapa", created = "criado por", abaixar = "Abaixem e se levantem!", action = "Façam qualquer ação!", naction = "Não façam nenhuma ação!", math = "Quanto é 1+1?", ds = "Dance e sente!", seq4 = "Dance, sente, durma e bata palmas!", spider = "Cuidado com as teias de aranha!", key2 = "Pressione F4!", clap = "Bata palmas 5 vezes!", completed = "Você completou o comando com sucesso!", rain = "Chuva de ovelhas!", catch = "Colete todos os '+1' do mapa!", skull = "Cuidado com as caveiras!", gravity = "A gravidade foi alterada!", } lang.tr = { welcome = "<N> Master Says'ýn senaryosuna hoþ geldiniz! Bu modülde ustanýn söylediði her þeyi yapmalýsýnýz. <br> <ROSE><b>Rakan_raster#0000</b> tarafýndan oluþturulan model. Tercüme eden Star#6725. Versiyon RTM 8249.045", dancar = "Dans!", sentar = "Sit!", confetar = "5 konfeti atýn!", mouse = "Ekranda 10 kez týklayýn!", beijos = "10 öpücük ver!", dormir = "Onlar uyuyor. Dinlenmek için uyu.", raiva = "Tigrounette evil! Girl for him!", chorem = "Senin için peynir yok. Aðla!", nchorem = "Aðlama!", esquerda = "SOLA gitme!", direita = "SAÐA gitme!", numero = "Bu numarayý yazýn: ", digitar = "Bir þey yazýn ve bana gönderin.", falar = "Hiçbir þey konuþma!", pular = "Atlama!", mexer = "Kýpýrdama!", bandeira = "Herhangi bir ülkenin bayraðýný dengeleyin!", ano = "Hangi yýldayýz?", vesquerda = "SOLA bakmaya devam edin!", vdireita = "SAÐA bakmaya devam edin!", quadradoa = "Mavi meydanda kalýn!", quadradov = "Kýzýl meydanda kalýn!", quadrado = "Beyaz meydanda kalýn!", nquadrado = "Beyaz meydanda kalmayın!", retangulo = "Stay on the white rectangle!", retangulov = "Kýrmýzý dikdörtgenin üzerinde kalýn!", nretangulo = "Beyaz dikdörtgenin üzerinde kalmayýn!", preesquerda15 = "SOL tuþa 15 kez basýn!", predireita15 = "SAÐ tuþa 15 kez basýn!", preesquerda30 = "SOL tuþa 30 kez basýn!", predireita30 = "SAÐ tuþa 30 kez basýn!", preesquerda60 = "SOL tuþa 60 kez basýn!", predireita60 = "SAÐ tuþa 60 kez basýn!", espaco = "Ara Çubuðu'na 20 kez basýn!", nome = "Takma adýnýzý yazýn (# sayý ile)!", ndance = "Dans etme!", vampire = "Rastgele bir oyuncu artýk bir vampir! Yakýn durma!", key1 = "DELETE tuþuna basýn!", action1 = "Dans et, otur ve uyu!", laugh = "Gülmek!", laugh2 = "Gülme!", stone = "Taþlarla dikkat!", noob = "Tür: BEN NOOB", action2 = "Aðla ve gül!", jump = "Atlama!", number = "Aþaðýdaki numarayý yazýn: ", key = "Herhangi bir tuþa basýn!", jump2 = "5 kez zýpla!", action3 = "Bir öpücük ver ve aðla!", area = "Gizli metnin nerede olduðunu keþfedin ve týklayýn!", dancing = "Parti zamaný!", freeze = "Dur!", transform = "Dans ve uyku!", down1 = "3 kez kapatýn!", kill = "Kendinizi öldürün!", mestre = "Usta Diyor", map = "Harita", time = "Zaman", mice = "fareler", round = "yuvarlak", mices = "Bu odada en az 4 oyuncu gerekmektedir.", difficulty = "zorluk", segundos = "saniye.", fim = "Maçýn sonu! Bir sonraki maç baþlayacak ", playingmap = "Harita çalýnýyor", created = "tarafýndan yaratýldý", abaixar = "Geri çekil ve kalk!", action = "Herhangi bir iþlem yapýn!", naction = "Hiçbir þey yapmayýn!", math = "1 + 1 ne kadar?", ds = "Dans ve sit!", seq4 = "Dans et, otur, uyu ve alkışla!", spider = "Örümcek ağlarına dikkat!", key2 = "F4 tuþuna basýn!", clap = "5 kez ellerini çırp !", completed = "Komutu tamamladın!", rain = "Koyunlara dikkat !", catch = "Haritanın '+1' tüm rozetlerini topla !", skull = "Kafataslarına dikkat edin!", gravity = "Yerçekimi değişti!", } if tfm.get.room.community == "br" or tfm.get.room.community == "pt" then text = lang.br elseif tfm.get.room.community == "fr" then text = lang.fr elseif tfm.get.room.community == "tr" then text = lang.tr else text = lang.br end function eventNewPlayer(name) rato=rato+1 for k=17, 116 do tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(name,k,false,true) end system.bindMouse(name,true) newData={ ["c"]=0; ["s"]=0; }; data[name] = newData; tfm.exec.chatMessage("<br><br><br><p align='center'>"..text.welcome.."<br><p align='left'>",name) if string.find(tfm.get.room.name,name) then admin=name tfm.exec.chatMessage("You are the administrator of this room. Use !pw [password] to change the password of the room and !run [@code] to run a custom map.<br><br>If you are a FunCorp member, type !fc to enable the FunCorp mode.",admin) end end for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do eventNewPlayer(name) end function eventPlayerDied(name) if active >= 0 and active <= 55 then vivo=vivo-1 local i=0 local name for pname,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not player.isDead then i=i+1 name=pname end end if i==0 then active=-1 elseif i==1 then active=-1 tfm.exec.giveCheese(name) tfm.exec.playerVictory(name) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end end if active == 56 then completeCommand(name) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) end if active >= 57 then vivo=vivo-1 local i=0 local name for pname,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not player.isDead then i=i+1 name=pname end end if i==0 then active=-1 elseif i==1 then active=-1 tfm.exec.giveCheese(name) tfm.exec.playerVictory(name) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end end end function selectMap() tfm.exec.newGame(mapas[math.random(#mapas)]) end function completeCommand(name) data[name].c=1 tfm.exec.chatMessage(text.completed,name) end function eventNewGame() ui.removeTextArea(0,nil) ui.removeTextArea(1,nil) ui.removeTextArea(2,nil) ui.removeTextArea(250,nil) rodada=0 active=0 vivo=0 rato=0 dificuldade=1 tfm.exec.setWorldGravity(0, 10) if unlocked == true then tfm.exec.setGameTime(15) else tfm.exec.setGameTime(36000) end for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do vivo=vivo+1 rato=rato+1 if data[name] then data[name].c=0 data[name].key=0 end end rodadas=math.floor(20+(rato/3.5)) if tfm.get.room.community == "br" then tfm.exec.chatMessage("<VP><b>Você pode ver todas as salas que compõem o module #anvilwar na /sala #anvilwar00rooms.</b><br><br><ROSE>Atenção: Nos próximos dias, o comando do Mestre Mandou será passado para outro usuário. Não aguardem grandes mudanças no module até lá.") end tfm.exec.setNameColor(admin,0xff0000) end function eventPlayerLeft() rato=rato-1 end function sortearComandos() if fc_mode == false then active=math.random(1,71) else active=tonumber(fc_cmds[math.random(#fc_cmds)]) end getCommand() end function eventChatCommand(name,message) if name == "Rakan_raster#0000" or name == "Forzaldenon#0000" or name == "Hecarimjhenx#0000" or name == admin then if(message:sub(0,7) == "command") then active=tonumber(message:sub(9)) getCommand() end if(message:sub(0,4) == "mapa") then tfm.exec.newGame(message:sub(6)) active=0 end if(message:sub(0,1) == "q") then q=message:sub(3) end if(message:sub(0,1) == "a") then a=message:sub(3) end if(message:sub(0,4) == "kill") then tfm.exec.killPlayer(message:sub(6)) end if(message:sub(0,1) == "t") then qtime=tonumber(message:sub(3)) end if(message:sub(0,3) == "run") then tfm.exec.newGame(message:sub(5)) active=0 end if(message:sub(0,5) == "limit") then tfm.exec.setRoomMaxPlayers(tonumber(message:sub(7))) end if(message:sub(0,2) == "pw") then tfm.exec.setRoomPassword(tostring(message:sub(4))) if message:sub(4) == "" then tfm.exec.chatMessage("Password cleared.",name) else tfm.exec.chatMessage("Password changed to: "..message:sub(4).."",name) end end if message == "fc" then if fc_mode == false then fc_mode=true tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>The FunCorp mode of this module is now enabled.") else fc_mode=false tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>The FunCorp mode of this module is now disabled.") end end end end function showCommand(id,text) ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Arial Rounded MT Bold,Arial'><font color='#202020'><font size='17'><p align='center'><b>"..text.."",nil,25,26,750,24,0x999999,0x223024,0.85,true) end function whiteSquare(x) ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,x,320,80,65,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false) end function verticalRectangle(x) ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,x,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false) end function horizontalRectangle(y) ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,0,y,1600,60,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false) end function getCommand() rodada=rodada+1 for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=0 data[name].s=0 end if active == 1 then showCommand(active,text.dancar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 2 then showCommand(active,text.sentar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 3 then showCommand(active,text.confetar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) end if active == 4 then showCommand(active,text.mouse) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 5 then showCommand(active,text.beijos) tfm.exec.setGameTime(15) end if active == 6 then showCommand(active,text.dormir) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 7 then showCommand(active,text.raiva) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 8 then showCommand(active,text.chorem) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 9 then showCommand(active,text.esquerda) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 10 then showCommand(active,text.direita) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 11 then showCommand(active,text.digitar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(7) end if active == 12 then showCommand(active,text.falar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 13 then showCommand(active,text.pular) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 14 then showCommand(active,text.mexer) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 15 then showCommand(active,text.bandeira) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 16 then showCommand(active,text.ano) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 17 then showCommand(active,text.vesquerda) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 18 then showCommand(active,text.vdireita) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 19 then xpos=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.quadrado) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end whiteSquare(xpos) end if active == 20 then xpos=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.retangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end verticalRectangle(xpos) end if active == 21 then xpos=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.nretangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end verticalRectangle(xpos) end if active == 22 then ypos=math.random(40,300) showCommand(active,text.retangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end horizontalRectangle(ypos) end if active == 23 then ypos=math.random(40,300) showCommand(active,text.nretangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end horizontalRectangle(ypos) end if active == 24 then showCommand(active,text.preesquerda30) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 25 then showCommand(active,text.predireita30) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 26 then showCommand(active,text.preesquerda60) tfm.exec.setGameTime(12) end if active == 27 then showCommand(active,text.predireita60) tfm.exec.setGameTime(12) end if active == 28 then showCommand(active,text.espaco) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 29 then showCommand(active,text.nome) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 30 then showCommand(active,text.ndance) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 31 then xpos=math.random(60,700) local xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.quadrado) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end whiteSquare(xpos) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false) end if active == 32 then xpos=math.random(60,700) local xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.quadradov) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false) end if active == 33 then xpos=math.random(60,700) local xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.retangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end verticalRectangle(xpos) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos2,0,80,400,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false) end if active == 34 then xpos=math.random(60,700) local xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.retangulov) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,0,80,400,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false) end if active == 35 then showCommand(active,text.abaixar) tfm.exec.setGameTime(7) end if active == 36 then showCommand(active,text.action) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 37 then showCommand(active,text.ds) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 38 then showCommand(active,text.key1) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 39 then showCommand(active,text.action1) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 40 then showCommand(active,text.laugh) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 41 then showCommand(active,text.laugh2) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end end if active == 42 then showCommand(active,text.stone) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end for i=1,24 do tfm.exec.addShamanObject(85,(i*80)-20,64,0,0,0,false) end end if active == 43 then showCommand(active,text.noob) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 44 then showCommand(active,text.action2) tfm.exec.setGameTime(9) end if active == 45 then showCommand(active,text.jump) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 46 then xpos=math.random(60,700) local xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.nretangulo) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end verticalRectangle(xpos) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos2,0,80,400,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false) end if active == 47 then number=math.random(10000000,99999999) showCommand(active,text.number..number) tfm.exec.setGameTime(11) end if active == 48 then showCommand(active,text.key) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 49 then showCommand(active,text.jump2) tfm.exec.setGameTime(9) end if active == 50 then showCommand(active,text.action3) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 51 then showCommand(active,text.area) ui.addTextArea(250,"<a href='event:command51'>CLICK HERE",nil,math.random(100,700),math.random(50,350),100,25,0,0,1.0,true) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 52 then showCommand(active,text.dancing) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; tfm.exec.playEmote(name,0) end tfm.exec.setGameTime(15) end if active == 53 then showCommand(active,text.freeze) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; tfm.exec.freezePlayer(name,true) end tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end if active == 54 then showCommand(active,text.transform) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 55 then showCommand(active,text.down1) tfm.exec.setGameTime(9) end if active == 56 then showCommand(active,text.kill) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 57 then xpos=math.random(60,700) xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.quadradoa) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.68,false) ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0x0000ff,0x0000ff,0.62,false) end if active == 58 then showCommand(active,text.naction) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 59 then showCommand(active,text.nchorem) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end tfm.exec.setGameTime(7) end if active == 60 then showCommand(active,text.math) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) end if active == 61 then showCommand(active,text.seq4) tfm.exec.setGameTime(13) end if active == 62 then showCommand(active,text.spider) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) for i=1,6 do tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(i, math.random(100,700), math.random(50,350), spiderweb) end end if active == 63 then showCommand(active,text.key2) tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) end if active == 64 then xpos=math.random(60,700) xpos2=math.random(60,700) showCommand(active,text.quadradov) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.68,false) ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0x0000ff,0x0000ff,0.62,false) end if active == 65 then showCommand(active,text.preesquerda15) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) end if active == 66 then showCommand(active,text.predireita15) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) end if active == 67 then showCommand(active,text.clap) tfm.exec.setGameTime(9) end if active == 68 then showCommand(active,text.rain) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end for i=1,24 do tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40,(i*80)-20,64,0,0,0,false) end end if active == 69 then showCommand(active,text.catch) tfm.exec.setGameTime(math.random(16,25)) for i=1,4 do tfm.exec.addBonus(0, math.random(120,680), math.random(90,290), i, 0) end end if active == 70 then showCommand(active,text.skull) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end for i=5,9 do tfm.exec.addBonus(2, math.random(120,680), math.random(90,290), i, 0) end end if active == 71 then showCommand(active,text.gravity) tfm.exec.setGameTime(9) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].c=1; end tfm.exec.setWorldGravity(0, math.random(-5,20)) end if active == 99 then showCommand(active,q) tfm.exec.setGameTime(qtime) end end function eventPlayerBonusGrabbed(name, id) if active == 69 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 4 then completeCommand(name) end end end function eventTextAreaCallback(id,name,callback) if callback == "command51" then completeCommand(name) ui.removeTextArea(250,name) end end function eventChatMessage(name,message) if active == 11 then if string.len(message) >= 2 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 12 or active == 14 or active == 59 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if active == 16 then if message == "2020" then completeCommand(name) else tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 29 then if string.upper(message) == string.upper(name) then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 41 then if string.find(message,"k") or string.find(message,"K") or string.find(message,"ha") or string.find(message,"HA") then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 43 then if string.upper(message) == "EU SOU NOOB" or string.upper(message) == "I AM NOOB" or string.upper(message) == "BEN NOOB" then completeCommand(name) end if string.find(message,"PRO") or string.find(message,"pro") or string.find(message,"Pro") then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 47 then if message == tostring(number) then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 60 then if message == "2" then completeCommand(name) elseif message == "3" then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) elseif message == "11" then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) elseif message == "22" then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 99 then if string.upper(message) == string.upper(a) then completeCommand(name) end end end function eventEmotePlayed(name,id) if active == 1 then if id == 0 or id == 10 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 2 then if id == 8 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 3 then if id == 9 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 5 then completeCommand(name) end end end if active == 5 then if id == 3 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 10 then completeCommand(name) end end end if active == 6 then if id == 6 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 7 then if id == 4 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 8 then if id == 2 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 14 or active == 53 or active == 58 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if active == 15 then if id == 10 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 30 then if id == 0 or id == 10 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 36 then completeCommand(name) end if active == 37 then if id == 0 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 8 and data[name].s == 1 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 39 then if id == 0 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 8 and data[name].s == 1 then data[name].s=2 end if id == 6 and data[name].s == 2 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 40 then if id == 1 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 41 then if id == 1 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 44 then if id == 2 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 1 and data[name].s == 1 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 50 then if id == 3 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 2 and data[name].s == 1 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 54 then if id == 0 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 6 and data[name].s == 1 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 59 then if id == 2 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 61 then if id == 0 and data[name].s == 0 then data[name].s=1 end if id == 8 and data[name].s == 1 then data[name].s=2 end if id == 6 and data[name].s == 2 then data[name].s=3 end if id == 5 and data[name].s == 3 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 67 then if id == 5 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 5 then completeCommand(name) end end end end function eventMouse(name,x,y) if active == 4 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 10 then completeCommand(name) end end end function eventKeyboard(name,id,down,x,y) if active == 9 then if id == 37 or id == 65 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 10 then if id == 39 or id == 68 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 13 then if id == 38 or id == 87 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 14 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if active == 24 then if id == 37 or id == 65 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 30 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 37 and id == 65 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 65 and id == 37 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 25 then if id == 39 or id == 68 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 30 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 39 and id == 68 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 68 and id == 39 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 26 then if id == 37 or id == 65 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 60 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 37 and id == 65 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 65 and id == 37 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 27 then if id == 39 or id == 68 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 60 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 39 and id == 68 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 68 and id == 39 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 28 then if id == 32 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 15 then completeCommand(name) end end end if active == 35 then if id == 40 or id == 83 then completeCommand(name) end if id == 38 or id == 87 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 38 then if id == 46 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 45 then if id == 38 or id == 87 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 48 then completeCommand(name) end if active == 49 then if id == 38 or id == 87 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 5 then completeCommand(name) end end end if active == 55 then if id == 40 or id == 83 then data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 1 then completeCommand(name) end end end if active == 59 then if id == 48 or id == 50 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 63 then if id == 115 then completeCommand(name) end end if active == 65 then if id == 37 or id == 65 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 15 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 37 and id == 65 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 65 and id == 37 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if active == 66 then if id == 39 or id == 68 then if data[name].key == 0 then data[name].key=id end data[name].s=data[name].s+1 if data[name].s >= 15 then completeCommand(name) end end if data[name].key == 39 and id == 68 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if data[name].key == 68 and id == 39 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end function eventLoop(passado,faltando) local tempo=math.floor(faltando/1000) if active == -2 then ui.setMapName(" <N>"..text.mices.." <BL>| <VP><b>Versão RTM 8249.045</b><") elseif active == -1 then ui.setMapName(" <VP>"..text.fim.."<b>"..tempo.."</b> "..text.segundos.." <BL>| <VP><b>Versão RTM 8249.045</b><") elseif active >= 0 then ui.setMapName(" "..tfm.get.room.currentMap.." <BL>| <N>"..text.mice.." : <J>"..vivo.." / "..rato.." <BL>| <N>"..text.round.." : <J>"..rodada.." <BL>| <VP><b>Versão RTM 8249.045</b><") end if rato < 4 then if tfm.get.room.currentMap == "@2637755" and unlocked == true then active=-2 tfm.exec.setGameTime(8000) else if passado > 4000 and unlocked == true then tfm.exec.newGame("@2637755") tfm.exec.setGameTime(8000) tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>"..text.mices.."",nil) end end end if rato >= 4 and passado >= 4000 then if tfm.get.room.currentMap == "@2637755" and unlocked == true then selectMap() end end if active < 0 and faltando < 1 and unlocked == true then selectMap() end if active == 0 and faltando < 1000 then if rodada < rodadas then sortearComandos() else active=-1 tfm.exec.setGameTime(10) for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do tfm.exec.giveCheese(true) tfm.exec.playerVictory(true) end end end if active > 0 and faltando < 1 and rato >= 2 then if active == 17 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isFacingRight == true then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 18 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isFacingRight == false then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 19 or active == 31 or active == 32 or active == 57 or active == 64 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.y < 300 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) else if player.x < xpos-20 or player.x > xpos+100 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end end if active == 32 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.y < 300 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) else if player.x < xpos-20 or player.x > xpos+100 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end end if active == 20 or active == 33 or active == 34 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.x < xpos or player.x > xpos+80 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 21 or active == 46 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.x > xpos and player.x < xpos+80 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 22 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.y < ypos-10 or player.y > ypos+70 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 23 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if player.y > ypos-10 and player.y < ypos+70 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if active == 52 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do tfm.exec.setNameColor(name,math.random(1,16777215)) end end if active == 53 then for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do tfm.exec.freezePlayer(name,false) end end ui.removeTextArea(0,nil) ui.removeTextArea(1,nil) ui.removeTextArea(2,nil) ui.removeTextArea(250,nil) for i=1,6 do tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(i) end for i=1,4 do tfm.exec.removeBonus(i) end for i=5,9 do tfm.exec.removeBonus(i) end active=0 if rodada == 3 or rodada == 6 or rodada == 9 or rodada == 12 or rodada == 15 or rodada == 18 then dificuldade=dificuldade+1 end for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do data[name].key=0 if data[name].c == 0 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end if fc_mode == false then if vivo > 4 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(6-dificuldade) else tfm.exec.setGameTime(9-dificuldade) end else tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) end end for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if data[name] then if data[name].c == 1 then tfm.exec.setNameColor(name,0x00ff00) if completed == false then completed=true end else tfm.exec.setNameColor(name,0xc2c2da) end end end end tfm.exec.newGame("@2637755") |
Jp_darkuss « Citoyen » 1604520000000
| 0 | ||
Sklag a dit : O countdown mínimo é de 500 ms, não tem menor. Você pode usar isso para remover, sabendo que 1000ms = 1s. O tfm.exec.addShamanObject invoca um objeto shaman, e retorna o id. Então depois de x tempo, você elimina o objeto com tfm.exec.removeObject. Code Lua 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 local count= 0 --variável de contagem Dernière modification le 1604798160000 |
Jp_darkuss « Citoyen » 1604520240000
| 0 | ||
Lewnyx a dit : Se você estiver usando outros mapas além do cafofo até dá. Se não teria que ficar matando os moros eternamente. Qual das duas acha melhor? @edit: fiz as modificações, olha aí se funciona: Script Code Lua 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 local _, adm= pcall(nil) Dernière modification le 1604602800000 |
0 | ||
jp darkus eu gostaria de tira uma duvida cm usa o event summoning start eu ainda n entedi no topico do module faq poderia me mostra um exemplo? |
Jp_darkuss « Citoyen » 1604797980000
| 0 | ||
Sklag a dit : Esse evento ocorre quando um Shaman começa a invocar um item (ou seja, no momento em que ele começa a segurar o botão esquerdo). De aplicabilidade devem ter poucas. Depois edito e te mostro um exemplo, porque agora estou sem o notebook e ainda tenho que pensar em algo bem legal para exemplificar. Dernière modification le 1604798760000 |
Joaogamer2_0 « Citoyen » 1604800020000
| 0 | ||
Gabriel « Citoyen » 1604802960000
| 0 | ||
[url=]queria[/url] boms comandos para /lua |
Ishowspeed 1604807640000
| | ||
[Modéré par Ork, raison : Spam.] Dernière modification le 1609195260000 |
Yhiita « Citoyen » 1604937960000
| 0 | ||
teleportar pra algum x y por meio de textarea |
Jp_darkuss « Citoyen » 1605215400000
| 0 | ||
Joaogamer2_0 a dit : Script Code Lua 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 local players= {} Yhiita a dit : Como assim por textArea? |
Yhiita « Citoyen » 1605280980000
| 0 | ||
voce clica e vai pra tal x y |
Yhiita « Citoyen » 1605456540000
| 0 | ||
pdc x200 y800 |
0 | ||
Jp_darkuss a dit : acho q quiz dizer tipo escrever e ir pro lugar mais isso n seria poup? |
Yhiita « Citoyen » 1605545580000
| 0 | ||
nao, teria uma textarea em tal x y, ai vc clicou e teleportaria pra outra x y do mapa |