Rotação Oficial - P8 - Dois Shamansالدوران الرسمي - P8 - ذو الشامانان 公式カテゴリー - P8 - デュアルシャーマン Official Rotation - P8 - Dual ShamanRotazione Ufficiale - P8 - Doppio SciamanoRotation Officielle - P8 - Deux ChamanesOficjalna Rotacja - P8 - Podwójny SzamanPálya Körforgás - P8 - Sámán ÖsszefogásRotația Oficială - P8 - Doi șamaniResmi Rotasyon - P8 - Çift ŞamanRotación Oficial - P8 - Doble ChamánOfficiële Rotatie - P8 - Dubbele Sjamaan |
Commandantso « Censeur » 1597161660000
| 0 | ||
@7763461 |
Fastyle « Citoyen » 1597449720000
| 0 | ||
@7604401 |
Stovedove « Citoyen » 1597516260000
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@7768190 |
717 | ||
@3546591 @4909605 (alt acc maps) Dernière modification le 1597855140000 |
Plubio « Censeur » 1598205480000
| 2 | ||
Left as is: @734044 - Viniciusdara#4015 - Cute looking map but it doesn't make up for the build. It gets really cramped near cheese and it's basically just ramps up. @5168560 - Viniciusdara#4015 - First of all you dont need second shaman to complete the map and the hole on the left side seems like it was added only to fill out left side of the map. Personally, I find building back to the middle hole way more fun, even though it is more repetitive due to left hole being based on a simple bridge obstacle. I'd suggest to change both left and bottom side of the map to bring more variety with the gameplay and make the map a little bit harder so that the second shaman also has something to do on the map. @7764173 - B0wl#7075 - El concepto sigue siendo interesante pero aún es demasiado complicado. Lo estás expandiendo mucho, creo que deberías tratar de hacer un diseño más simple. Tal vez si solo dejaras la parte de la izquierda del mapa sería suficiente (algo así). Prueba con eso o tal vez con diseños más simples aún y me avisas por PM cuando lo tengas editado, creo que así funcionaría mejor para P4. @7761966 - Trexexjc#0000 - This map is way too cramped even to be P1'ed. I'd suggest to re-layout the map to add more space for the shaman(s) to build and maybe lower a little bit the amount of different concepts in this map because it makes the map chaotic and slightly confusing for players. Last but not least the build in here consists only from a ramp up to hole and one-plank-bridge in the cheese cage. @7762819 - Trexexjc#0000 - The map is basically cramped everywhere. Please try to use less grounds or else your maps will always have this problem. Supports are nice but still it being cramped everywhere makes it really annoying to play as a shaman. @7762006 - Bhvana#0543 - This map is a buildathon. Most of the map is also empty, making the shaman build much more than necessary. That aside, most of the gameplay is a ramp. Depending on how many cheeses the shaman is willing to grab, it'll be a longer, or a shorter ramp. There should be more possibilities for the shamans than ramps of varying lengths, and the map should be fuller, not a blank space with two cheeses up north. Please try to avoid making maps this big just to make the shamans build more. @7765355 - Bhvana#0543 - The build is a bridge with ramps up to cheese and hole, it doesn't matter if you add a fancy ground to try to make it look better. If you are adding some mech to your maps please make sure it's te main concept and not only somethin you wanted to add for fun. @7762070 - Godmcb#6577 - Es una idea interesante el hacer que los chamanes se concentren uno en cada queso, pero por el diseño básicamente le estás diciendo al chamán de la izquierda que se encargue de los ratones, el agujero y el queso de enmedio, mientras que el otro chamán solo se encargaría de construir hacia el queso de la derecha. Tampoco tiene mucho sentido ponerle el suelo encima al queso de la derecha, solo fuerzas una construcción en específico. Simplemente trata que las construcciones que los chamanes tengan que hacer estén más balanceadas y uno solo no se tenga que encargar de 3/4 del mapa. @7762957 - Godmcb#6577 - El mapa es básicamente un punte con rampas hacia el queso y el hoyo. Que lo hagas más largo no cambia ese hecho y en verdad solo lo empeora porque lo hace más aburrido. Además no hay muchos lugares donde los chamanes se puedan ayudar para empezar las construcción; no hay soportes. @7761907 - A_4K#3858 - Interesante idea esa de hacer que cada chamán vaya a salvar a sus respectivos ratones, pero el diseño no es lo mejor. Tampoco tiene mucho sentido el doble queso de dodue ni el suelo rotando ahí en medio, es demasiado aleatorio que estén ahí. Lo del agua también está raro, y se agradecen los soportes para construir, pero me parece que estás usando demsiados conceptos en un mismo mapa. Trata de mantenerlo simple, ya tienes el oncepto de salvar a los ratones. @7764784 - A_4K#3858 - Poner los objetos para forzar a los chamanes a tirarlos con cañones solo es quitarles el tiempo. Los chamanes se deberían centrar en construir y no en pasar 30 segundos del mapa tirando cañones. El resto es puentes y rampas, nada que no tengamos ya en rotación. Además de que el mapa es muy, muy largo, dejando de lado lo de los cañones. @7763768 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Portals just ruin cool ideas. I like what you're trying to do, but what if you get rid of the portals and open the bottom side of the big anticloud ground? I bet that would be cooler as a concept. @576050 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - The wind with those cobwebs makes it really annoying for the shaman to deal with stuck mice. The build is still a bridge with some ramps up but you gotta be really careful where you build because it might be really hard to not get mice stuck on the cobwebs and it's just horrible to take them out of there. It's really nice that you can use the top path to get to the hole, but honestly the map in general is too hard for shamans to figure that out. @7689468 - Superyacine#0000 - The map is way too hard, even for 2 shamans. Also the wind really makes it annoying with the scroll, it's hard to build. Cobwebs are just an awful obstacle here, with the wind shamans really struggle to help mice out. @4171390 - Jasseh#0000 - The map seems fine at first glance although the gameplay is based on a big bridge from cheese to hole which is uninteresting to play on. I'd suggest to re-layout the map to bring more variety because I'm sure you can do better with layout like this. Besides, I'm not sure if this map isn't too easy for double shaman so I would also suggest making it slightly harder to make a better use of both shamans. @4272457 - Jasseh#0000 - Putting the shaman there just to make him build something to get out is wasting his time. Shaman needs freedom to build around, not an obstacle right at his spawn. It's really hard to start a build in the bottom of the map because of the layout of the map. Also it's a bit unnecessary to add the wood ground that moves, you're just making shaman lose time again. @5799910 - Namelessh#0000 - Your map really isn't that great for shamans, but while testing I figured out this awesome build. Try to edit your map into something like that and we can maybe discuss a P7. @7765795 - Marllonsilva#0000 - Please don't make big maps just so shamans need to build more. It just make it annoying for everyone. I get that dodue might need the scroll but you don't need the map that big to make it work. @7768300 - Marllonsilva#0000 - The map is way too long without a good reason. You're basically building a bridge with ramps up but you're making it so that you need to build a lot more than you should. The planks concept is already overused in rotation. If you're using it then focus on it and not on the build around it. @7763461 - Commandantso#0000 - Nothing interesting here. The build is very starightforward. The purple ground changes very little the gameplay, it's still bridges and ramps up. @7604401 - Fastyle#0000 - Having to stay on the circles is just annoying. You don't really need to force shamans do that. It also looks really familiar to me, Also I'm pretty sure I have seen something really simillar in rotation to this map before. @7768190 - Stovedove#0000 - The build is already kind of really simple but you ha to add portals. They make the map even simpler. Please stop adding portals just to add a few extra seconds to the shaman builds. @3546591 - Ifo#4275 - Please don't put clouds on cheese or hole if you don't absolutely need it. You're just forcing shamans to do an specific and very annoying kind of build. Also at the end of the day you're building a bridge and a ramp up again. P1'ed: None Will be discussed: @4784094 - Koulouh#0010 - @4909605 - Ifo#4275 - Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1598216940000 |
Bhvana « Censeur » 1598230740000
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@7765355 - edited |
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@7772553 |
0 | ||
@6177925 @1862768 (alt acc map) |
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@5761205 |
Stovedove « Citoyen » 1598491800000
| 0 | ||
@7773642 @7774046 Dernière modification le 1598572980000 |
0 | ||
@7774304 Dernière modification le 1598637300000 |
Refused « Censeur » 1598735040000
| 0 | ||
@7694061 |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1598747340000
| 0 | ||
@7771601 @7763768 edited Dernière modification le 1598839200000 |
Commandantso « Censeur » 1598817300000
| 0 | ||
@7775201 |
Viniciusdara « Consul » 1598819340000
| 0 | ||
@1610266 @6329868 |
0 | ||
@7775351 |
0 | ||
@7699312 |
B_ootcamp « Citoyen » 1598991300000
| 0 | ||
@7776262 |
Koulouh « Citoyen » 1598995500000
| 0 | ||
@5364888 |
Mapcrew « Consul » 1599075060000
| 0 | ||
Left as is: @7765355 - Bhvana#0543 - Despite that the concept itself is not an awful idea, it needs to be executed way better. Firstly, you should decide whether your sticky grounds have collision with shaman objects or not because now it is very confusing that the top one has no collision and the sticky grounds on both sides of the map have it. Also, it makes it really irritating to use cannons to let the mice pass through the lowmass ground. Besides, the map itself could have been designed in a way better way by for example adding a background to the map. Last but not least, the map could be easily completed by one shaman as the build consists of building two ramps up on the sides which is also pretty uninteresting to build as a shaman. @5761205 - Jfrl#0000 - The cage where mice spawn is kind of cramped which makes it really easy to die due to the skulls placed on the right side of the map. Besides, the build consists of simple ramp builds and the paths are really cramped making it really unappealing to play as a shaman. @7774304 - Qzyiu#3250 - The map is very cramped due to it's layout and the amount of clouds. Excessive usage of clouds usually makes the gameplay unappealing since they limit the place where you can build making the gameplay less various. Besides that, there's a roof making the space in the map even more restricted. @7771601 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Cobwebs placed on the grounds are really irritating making it unappealing to play on. Besides, the map would be fine for P1 since the gameplay consists of simple 1/2 plank long buildings. @7763768 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - It is basically impossible to build on this map since it gets really buggy and when mice that are standing on your build are getting pushed by the moving circle ground, the building gets destroyed. @7775201 - Commandantso#0000 - All you have to do is to build a long bridge to the cheese and a ramp up to hole which is a common solution for shaman maps that is no longer interesting or appealing to play. Besides, whole top part of the map seems unused. @7699312 - Wed#0000 - Please avoid using portals just to make mice tp from one side of a ground to the other one. Shaman maps are supposed to be based on a build and not on pointless obstacles like shooting cannons or putting portals like this. On a side note, don't make shamans spawm cannons/other objects just to move grounds from the way @5364888 - Koulouh#0010 - This concept is really irritating to play on as a shaman and due to the skulls the map is just cramped and a slight massdeath. The concept of foreground grounds in shaman categories is truly unappealing to play and personally I would suggest to avoid it in this category. P1'ed: @1862768 - Ifo#4275 - I liked the map however the obstacles are pretty basic and the map doesn't offer anything new for the rotation so P1 will do. @7694061 - Refused#6163 - Fine map for a single shaman. The gameplay is pretty simple and I feel like there's some unused space so P1 is fine. @1610266 - Viniciusdara#4015 - Nice, simple map. P1 is fine since it might get repetitive after a while. @6329868 - Viniciusdara#4015 - Very simple map that gives some space to build on for the newer shamans. Although it is not interesting enough for a high perm. @7775351 - B0wl#7075 - I would discuss the map for P4, although the trampoline grounds are giving too much possibilites for the mice to move around the map. @7776262 - B_Ootcamp#8312 - Not a bad map, but the bottom left cheese is just a ramp up and the top one is just a bridge. Due to the simplicity of the obstacles it might get uninteresting after a while. P1 is fine. Will be discussed: @7772553 - A_4K#3858 - Really interesting concept, let's see what the rest of the team thinks about it. @6177925 - Ifo#4275 - Will be discussed for P4 @7773642 - Stovedove#0000 - Very interesting concept, let's give it a shot. @7774046 - Stovedove#0000 - Seems like a great concept for P4. Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1599561480000 |