Rotação Oficial - P8 - Dois Shamansالدوران الرسمي - P8 - ذو الشامانان 公式カテゴリー - P8 - デュアルシャーマン Official Rotation - P8 - Dual ShamanRotazione Ufficiale - P8 - Doppio SciamanoRotation Officielle - P8 - Deux ChamanesOficjalna Rotacja - P8 - Podwójny SzamanPálya Körforgás - P8 - Sámán ÖsszefogásRotația Oficială - P8 - Doi șamaniResmi Rotasyon - P8 - Çift ŞamanRotación Oficial - P8 - Doble ChamánOfficiële Rotatie - P8 - Dubbele Sjamaan |
Mapcrew « Consul » 1692926640000
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Left as is: @7706812 - Nando#5729 - Mice spawn in a location where a significant portion of them will attempt to swim in the water, unaware of the new properties, leading to many unnecessary deaths. Considering that maps with these new water features have yet to be added, their implementation should be implemented carefully. Your map ends up being excessively challenging to build due to the combination of this water feature and a strong wind, contributing to a frustrating experience for both mice and shamans. Moreover, the lack of building support on this map makes it harder and boring to play on. @7939064 - Katwyn#1614 - I won't be providing a review for this map as it has been submitted in the ongoing Discord map contest. @5419917 - Weien#6059 - This map didn't play well in public rooms. Shamans' planks tend to experience slight bouncing, even in normal mode. Unfortunately, since the acid doesn't interact with shaman objects, this situation can lead to accidental mice deaths if little mistakes occur in the shamans' solutions. Considering that this category involves two shamans, the risk of mishandling planks and inadvertently exposing mice to the acid is further heightened. This scenario is both unenjoyable and potentially frustrating for all parties involved. Given these issues, it appears that this map wouldn't work well in public. @7482664 - Weien#6059 - The use of acid blocks holds potential in theory, yet their practical application falls short in terms of engagement. In this particular map, the gameplay largely revolves around pushing the acid blocks using cannons. That's boring because it was expected something a bit different from it. The properties of these acid blocks are confusing to shamans: they don't collide with objects, yet they can be attached to them. Consequently, the use of the triangle shaman feature yields an awkward result. These factors collectively indicate that, regrettably, your concept hasn't been executed effectively and will not work in public rooms. @7809486 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - This map seems unnecessarily larger than it needs to be. Moreover, the utilization of the dodue feature isn't really interesting, as most shamans tend to opt for the bottom cheese due to the difficulty and lack of incentive associated with reaching the top one. Additionally, the incorporation of pressure grounds fails to contribute any excitement or engaging challenges to the map. The majority of shamans appear to be frustrated while playing this map. Overall, I'm of the opinion that this map could benefit from a shorter 400x800 version that better leverages the dodue feature and offers shamans the opportunity to build creative solutions in a more meaningful manner. @7836809 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - This map appears aesthetically unappealing and introduces an air of confusion. The implementation of the dodue feature is notably awkward: both mice and shamans spawn with it. This approach, while unconventional, doesn't align well with the typical recommendation for dual shaman maps, where the emphasis is usually placed on encouraging shamans to build for both cheese and the hole. Shamans are likely to prioritize saves rather than aiming for the bottom cheese, making the bottom part less likely to be utilized. Overall, this map falls short in terms of performance and gameplay experience, plus the cooperation factor is lacking here. @7940271 - N8ab#0932 - The layout of this map appears excessively basic and overly simplistic, making it less suitable to the current dual shaman rotation. I kindly suggest that you take a look at the most recently added maps in the P8 discussion or simply play the latest added maps to the rotation. This will offer you better insight into the ideas and concepts that align with our current goals. @6348326 - Nando#5729 - Your map features a layout and gameplay that is too straightforward to be considered in the current era of Transformice, where we already have numerous maps with basic gameplays like this one. It would be more advantageous if you could introduce different concepts or execute the most traditional and "oldschool" ideas in more engaging ways. The solution for this map essentially revolves around building a bridge. The fact that both mice and shamans can reach the cheese by merely walking across the entire map, and then only requiring a bridge to return and access the hole, makes the gameplay uninteresting. This mono-solution approach is generic and boring. P1'ed: None Will be discussed: None Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1692931320000 |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1693058100000
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@7940608 @7816440 @7942760 @7905002 Dernière modification le 1696299780000 |
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@6170715 @6173383 @7809141 @7867253 Dernière modification le 1694836620000 |
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@5903557 @7522898 Dernière modification le 1696690140000 |
Nadanando « Citoyen » 1693784520000
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@7941303 @5649862 Dernière modification le 1696182420000 |
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@7941091 @7941748 Dernière modification le 1694443200000 |
Unknown « Censeur » 1694209860000
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@4190720 - Edited @4372024 (v2 with conju="") - Edited @5437739 @7890149 - Edited Dernière modification le 1695357600000 |
Bautipro « Censeur » 1694389320000
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@7759959 @7926645 Dernière modification le 1696456200000 |
Katwyn « Citoyen » 1696282260000
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@7939064 |
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@7300315 - edited |
Nadanando « Citoyen » 1697343720000
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@5649862 edited |
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@7300315 - edited |
Unknown « Censeur » 1698691800000
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@5451647 @6711050 @7310244 Dernière modification le 1701162180000 |
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@7778410 Dernière modification le 1701084360000 |
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Not too many submissions but it's been 2 months since the last review... Left as is: @5649862 - Nadanando#5729 - A combinação do scroll vertical com o dodue e os diversos pontos de spawn dos ratos torna o mapa bastante disperso e um tanto desconexo. O queijo inferior é quase sempre desconsiderado pela maioria dos shamans. O spawn superior dos ratos resulta na dispersão destes por todo o mapa, o que pode ser frustrante para o shaman. Em geral, não é muito divertido que o mapa conte com tanto suporte, pois isso limita significativamente a criatividade dos shamans, obrigando que as soluções sejam sempre as mesmas. Sobre o uso das duas tocas, até te falei in game já. @7300315 - Jota#0676 - O mapa foi avaliado diversas vezes anteriormente, e em todas as ocasiões chegou-se à seguinte conclusão: não há grandes problemas nele, apenas que, nos dias de hoje, é considerado genérico, limitando-se a rampas básicas para um lado e outro. Também é notável que o espaço central é um tanto estreito. Tenho a impressão de que as soluções apresentadas nem sempre serão tão criativas quanto o mapa sugere. O uso dos pisos azuis adiciona uma leve complexidade, mas nada significativo. Dado que o mapa já foi discutido previamente e passou por apenas pequenas alterações, não vejo necessidade de retomar a discussão neste momento. Acho que a proximidade dos pisos nesse mapa é o que mais me incomoda. @5451647 - Unknown#3300 - Gostei da ideia e percebo seu potencial, mas acredito que precisa ser melhor elucidada. Levei um tempo para compreender que todo o mapa é pregrável; inicialmente, pensei que apenas as áreas com pregos poderiam ser pregáveis, e acredito que isso não seja muito claro para a maioria dos shamans. Além disso, construir nesse mapa é extremamente desafiador devido ao ácido, que torna tudo muito arriscado. Um simples erro na construção pode resultar em muitas mortes neste mapa, especialmente considerando que há dois shamans, aumentando a probabilidade de cometerem erros. Gostaria de ver a ideia em um layout alternativo, não muito apertado/arriscado. @6711050 - Unknown#3300 - Trata-se de um mapa bastante simples, com caminhos óbvios e uma escassez de criatividade ou variedade de soluções. O uso das duas tocas não se mostra particularmente interessante, assim como o uso dos pisos dinâmicos, que meramente direcionam e limitam o caminho a ser percorrido. A parte inferior do mapa consiste em uma extensa ponte horizontal, típico de um mapa genérico. @7310244 - Unknown#3300 - O mapa funciona bem, mas acredito que poderia apresentar um layout melhor. O uso dos botões é intuitivo, contudo, se um shaman acidentalmente cobrir a parte inferior onde está localizado o botão vermelho, isso pode ser um problema. A área do queijo está bem feita, proporcionando bastante espaço para a criatividade. Talvez fosse possível até mesmo remover o pequeno piso de grama no canto inferior esquerdo para aprimorar a utilização dos suportes já ofertados pelos outros pisos. No entanto, o lado direito do mapa poderia ser mais cativante. Os ratos tentam alcançar o botão vermelho e podem morrer, o que pode ser frustrante para o shaman. Portanto, seria interessante se o acesso a esse botão fosse mais desafiador, dependendo mais das habilidades do shaman e sem a presença dessas nuvens. @7778410 - Weien#6059 - It's a straightforward cooperative map utilizing anticlouds that could work well. However, I'm not particularly fond of the way the obstacles are organized here. The multiple paths it provides seem to be not well balanced; for instance, the bottom left of the map is often ignored. I'd recommend you to make a better layout where the use of the map's space is more interesting for the cooperation aspect. P1'ed: None Will be discussed: None Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1702674240000 |
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@7778410 edited |
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@7947293 = Bue Shaman x : 500 y : 330 | Pink Shaman x : 220 y : 230 |
Mousterminds « Citoyen » 1705954080000
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@7948255 |