Map Editor Q&A |
Hmiida « Consul » 1451517360000
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How to make a ground invisible ? |
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Hmiida a dit : There are many ways to make a ground invisible, one of the easiest way is to simply put the m="" tag on the ground's properties you want to make invisible, example under <C><P /><Z><S><S X="416" Y="344" T="0" H="39" m=""P="0,0,3333,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="274" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C> the 3333 is the friction of the ground which is used to identify the ground you want to make invisible, the secondary way to make a ground invisible is by using a rectangular block and to colour it ffffff, for then editing it through the xml editor by adding other three f's, the third way brings another useful thing for mapmaking, you still have to use the rectangular block but you have to edit the o="324650" into o="" (by this way if the ground is dynamic the nails or shaman's planks will not interact with it) |
Hmiida « Consul » 1451586360000
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Stormleg a dit : Thanks ! |
Applejuice « Citoyen » 1451601900000
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Umm I have a question.. is it possible to move a.. background.. like the winter scenery? Is it is, how do u move it when you make a scrolling map? |
Shamousey « Consul » 1451604960000
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xinqing66 a dit : You can't move backgrounds. On scrolling maps, backgrounds just stretch the full width/height of the map. |
Okpatinhos 1451624100000
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[Modéré par Lemodile, raison : You're roughly 10 months early and in the wrong place to wish others a happy halloween.] |
Nivanadiva « Citoyen » 1451841840000
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How come when I add the code <C><P defilante="-1,-1,-1,1" L="4800" H="800" /><Z><S /><D /><O /></Z></C> into viprin's art editor it doesn't load? mk bye |
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i think it's because there are no L tags? lol |
Nivanadiva « Citoyen » 1451936940000
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Epalk a dit : L tags? can you give me an example w/ a code? |
Hybinkunduz « Citoyen » 1451938920000
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nivanadiva a dit : You need to put your art <L>here</L>. <C><P defilante="-1,-1,-1,1" L="4800" H="800" /><Z><S /><D /><O /><L><VL n="Layer1"l="-1"/><JD P1="200,200"P2="600,200"c="ffffff,2,1,0"/><L /></L></Z></C> |
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Why is extracting a map's XML frowned upon? Why is it that many mapmakers would rather keep their XMLs to themselves rather than share? Why is it that XMLs have to be private? Why are people concerned about other people stealing their maps when there's a record of every map's creation date and copied maps are removed/sanctioned by the staff? Why is all of this taboo and other people don't talk much about this in public? It's a mice game for shaman's sake and maps are made for the community, no one is getting paid for their maps. By not wanting to share or allowing other people to get the XML, rather than preventing nasty mice from stealing your maps you're just preventing [future] map makers from learning from your knowledge and experience. This might sound like a rant but yes these are actual questions. |
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Hinakagiyama a dit : Its feel like Out-Of-Topic related question tho, however i want answer your oppinion as a one of mapmaker. Yes, mapmaker doesnt get any paid also probably dont care about copy-ed things cause there's a record of every map creation or preventing future mapmakers from learning (how we can do that, we learning on same way). Its about effort from learning and hardwork time. However not every mapmaker keeping their codes, but yes almost mapmaker keep their codes, i think its not because we all arrogant and stingy, especially for mapmaker who focussed on submission, its about competition and ideas for getting perm nowadays. You look me have a car, so you want the car. However u get the car,but u cant ride it and i can ride it. its simple example to explain copy-ed things is useless. |
Wallks « Citoyen » 1452608520000
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Hinakagiyama a dit : For the same reason Coca-Cola will never give out its formula. It's not like people could create an exact replica of it and sell it legally, since Coca-Cola could just patent the formula. But by giving it out, people will know how it works, and they can use the same principle to make a similar, or even an improved version of the formula, and Coca Cola will no longer be an "exclusive product". In the same way, some mapmakers prefer not give out the XML, for then you can see how they did it and suddenly there are thousands of maps that use the exact same mechanism; now it's no longer exclusive. Clearly you can argue that said mapmaker is a hack, a one-trick pony, and that they should release the XML to the public so more people can learn about Map Editor tricks, but that's beside the point. It was their idea and their creation, so they deserve the right to keep the XML for themselves. Besides, I don't think you should worry about that. If you want to know how a map is done, you can post it on the forums, and some mapmakers will probably break it down to you; or you can reverse-engineer it by yourself, the Map Editor is not that complex and it's completely permissible to do it. |
Grimmaro « Consul » 1452617880000
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Is it possible to mirror a map manually with a /command? I like to play bootcamp maps in my utility and i'm wondering if it is possible to reverse the map with a command or if it is only a thing a mapcrew member can do. Thanks. |
Shamousey « Consul » 1452618420000
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natrats a dit : That's not possible (not in modules or with a command), but hopefully there will be something added to the Module API to allow this in the future. For now, you can try going to room "*#utility0natrats bootcamp" and there'll be a 50% chance the map will be flipped, so you can just try to load it a couple of times. |
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Thanks for the answers. I don't know of any better place to ask these questions since it's related to maps and this is the Q&A thread for everything related to maps and map making. Wallks a dit : "by giving it out, people will know how it works,and they can use the same principle to make a similar, or even an improved version" And isn't that a good thing in our context? This is exactly the point. And remember no one is getting paid here for making maps so the example doesn't really make much sense. If by sharing maps we can have better maps in the long term, then what's the real reason people are unwilling to share their XMLs to everyone? Is it to boost their egos? What negative effect would that have for the community? And don't tell me we'll end up with thousands of terrible maps because we already have that (millions in fact). Have the devs ever stated something on these matters? Copying a map completely is not allowed but the rules don't say anything about looking at the XML of someone else's map. And the game itself provides ways to do that, making things more ambiguous, and making the topic even more taboo. |
Haruhitastic « Censeur » 1452623460000
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Maybe some people are just proud of their discoveries and want to keep them to themselves for a bit. |
Wallks « Citoyen » 1452623580000
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Hinakagiyama a dit : Excuse me if I'm wrong, since I've been away for a while, but last time I checked, you can only get a map's XML using external programs; and pretty much all of these are considered hacking tools. Besides, the rules talk about stealing XML as well, so there you go. |
Grimmaro « Consul » 1452623640000
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I'm just going to say something and to throw this out there for you. Nowadays, it is really hard to come by or even make an original map, so when you've finally make an original or good map, giving that map XML code to the public allows them to steal that original idea of yours and make much more maps with it. When you've got 10 maps using the same technique, it is no longer original and no longer accepted to be permed unless it is really good. I personally do not make mechanism maps but i'd rather play on original maps instead of 10 using the same technique over and over again. |
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There are (still) some lua scrips which make possible to copy XML's. I don't think it's a problem since the map crew doesn't add any copied/similar map. You'll never discover a concept and make it to be only yours. It's kinda impossible because all the mapcrew members can see your map XML. Also, there are programs besides the lua scrip - can generate it too. About the "it's difficult to create something original..". Yeah, it's truth. We need new resources to make something more interesting and enjoyable to play on, actually I don't have more ideas to create a 'good' map ^^ ;-(. All I know is that Tig is reforming the map editor, so we'll probably get new things to do! Ah, and there's still some resources which weren't used well mainly on P3/13, P4, P8, and P10 - The cobwebs!!! I know how difficult is to make a decent map using it but you can try... |