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Art Critique Center |
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use a reference it will help |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 06/02/2017 21:01
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Insomniale a dit : I re-drew it because I am terrible at red-lining. ![]() Critiques: • Ear placement is almost there, ear placement starts from the top of the lip and rises to eyebrow level, the ear needs to be a slight bit closer to the top lip and you're all good. • The hair lacks movement, it seems too flat and judging by this piece, that wasn't your intention, dont be afraid to go a little crazy with the hair. • The back of the skull should show up behind the ear. • The neck placement is a little too far forward, not by a lot though so work on that through time and you'll eventually notice your understanding of necks improving. • The shoulders droop too much, men have broad shoulders and its important to understand that through study of male anatomy. Mine isn't great either to be honest (too much time drawing girls I swear). • Men need a lot of crotch room, unlike females, they have a lot more going on down there and they don't tend to have closed thighs, keep this in mind when drawing positions such as the one you've drawn. • The fingers shouldn't be pointy. • I know this is a style thing, but it's important to understand that realistically, small feet aren't gonna work. However, this is really a nitpicky thing and it doesn't have to be acted apon right away. Dernière modification le 06/02/2017 21:03 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 07/02/2017 18:56
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Paperjunky a dit : Thank you so much, I will definitely be sure to fix these things next time I draw him ^-^* And yeah- Hands and feet are my absolute weakness, though I refuse to hide the hands/feet in pockets etc. Also with the crotch area as well, I've only drawn extremely curvy females and am trying to get used to male shapes, they just feel so rectangular to me ^-^; Dernière modification le 07/02/2017 19:05 |
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![]() Critiques please! small disclaimer I know only a small part of the picture is shaded, I shaded it all but there was an error that got rid of most of it; its not my bad art skills for once Dernière modification le 15/02/2017 18:09 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 19/02/2017 04:12
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![]() aa... i know there will be a lot on this but i just want to know if i got anatomy ect right, and the facial things correct... im probably not going to fix it but i would like a critique on it!!! |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 01/03/2017 22:41
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Looks fine, but the color texture doesn't really fit right for the style you have. ![]() i literally made this in ms paint so it looks like shit |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 01/03/2017 23:27
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![]() I've had this style for a few weeks now and I feel like there has to be a few changes to it and Idk what. The drawing above is the first time I drew it. Critique please? A red line version will be helpful,, |
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Arandommeow a dit : start off by not using the circle tool |
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Katssuumy a dit : R U kidding? Imagine the disaster this could be without the circle tool. Jokes aside, I like how this artist managed to use a tool which most people shy away from or are too scared to incorporate into their art work-- the eraser. The option to make a line cross another line, preserve it's motion and weight under the alternative object, and then erase the part of the line you wouldn't necessarily see. It's tactical, this man or women is a genius. If they continue using the tools at their disposal, and I wouldn't be surprised if they bypassed even myself in the future. Also that's a style for a Brazilian web comic. Dernière modification le 08/03/2017 17:42 |
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A0xis a dit : haha yeah i was joking anyway but it didnt seem like it apparently. the drawing came out quite nice despite the circle tool thing, something that doesnt happen very often. and im very happy you also mentioned the whole eraser deal. more people should do it oh, thats pretty cool! im happy people actually put enough effort into circle tool drawings to even make a web comic! i really want to read it now, lol Dernière modification le 08/03/2017 17:43 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 08/03/2017 19:01
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I think they should stop using the circle tool so often because you can't really rely on tools for drawing I mean you can but if you want to develope a drawing style which consists of your own artistic skill they should actually stop using tools for help more often, for example maybe draw on paper. |
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Why must you make things harder on yourself, darling? Why is it evil and bad to have help drawing a circle? Humans are scientifically proven to be pretty much incapable of perceiving a circle as actually a circle (our minds warp our perception so we believe a perfect circle to be taller than it is wide, when it is not). When I draw in sai, which has no circle shape tool, I have to rely on physically turning my sketches around or using a large pen tool to guesstimate how circular I got them-- and of course I'm always wrong. You're probably always wrong too, you just dont know it. Our minds lie to us, and I'd pay to have a circle tool. I'd pay to have all the tools that artists are told time and time again not to use. I can't draw a circle without help, but I never let that stop me. Now you may be arguing not "never use a circle tool" but rather, "don't line with a circle tool" and either of those arguments is toss. Could you imagine how far ahead Sai's vector art communities would be with an appointed circle creator... I'm drooling at the thought. Perfect vector circles in Sai... But the developer is probably dead and hasn't updated Sai2 in years. Sai2, BTW, does have a circle tool and it goes ahead and gives you perspective rulers too. Now the purists will tell you to buckle down and draw your vanishing points and horizon lines yourself, like a god damn Davici in the dark ages of Europe, but fuck that life. You're never going to draw your lines and circles as perfectly as a computer tool, what is the actual harm in letting it guide your drawings. Shaming someone for not using a tool that I suppose the rest of you were shamed out of using won't improve their art and it won't make drawing any more fun. To enforce a world view where there's only one way to do something stifles creativity and joy and real learning. We have rules, yes, but this isn't a totalitarian community. If this child can't use the circle tool then I better not see the rest of you use a fill tool or a magic selector pencil. You better be coloring like a child with three crayons and a restaurant kid booklet. |
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at this point i feel like hating on circle tool artists is a trend. the same goes with those ppg artists, i just dont know the deal. if thats how it works for them, let them have their fun, it literally doesnt affect your life in any way i used to use the circle tool often and guess what? yes, i got hate. to be be expected from the ''cool kids'' |
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Very sad, very sad. I've never been a talented person, all my artisticness comes purely from the help I've received from YouTube or from professors. Does it really make my art less pure and less worthy that my circles in my sketches aren't technically my own? I don't consider help to be wrong, and I don't consider using tools to be wrong either. If a circle tool-- probably the MOST necessary tool in a digital drawing program-- is deplorable, then I say all tools are therefore deplorable. To suggest you won't learn to draw a circle if you use a circle tool in the same way you won't learn to color in the lines if you use a fill tool is... Ridiculous. Humans can't physically draw circles anyway (except for math professors who participate in world wide circle drawing competitions, but they draw from a mechanical memory and not from perception). The next time you, who is reading this, sketch a circle, I want you to flip it around itself to see how much of a circle it actually is. Chances are you drew it wider than you did long. |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 09/03/2017 12:55
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if it's easier for them to use tools, why not tbh? but hey i'm pretty sure every artist used some kind of a tool before to help them |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 09/03/2017 15:25
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I wouldnt say using the circle tool is bad, but it's never bad to begin experimenting on your own, either. Relying on only it would eventually limit the artist, wouldnt it? There's only so much you can do with the device youre given, and stepping out of your comfort zone to test out new things is part of learning. I think Arandommeow managed to pull off the circle tool nicely, but they could also begin to sketch on paper or with their tablet, if they havent already, just to expand upon their skill |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 09/03/2017 17:49
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I don't think there's many problems with the circle tool at all, but I do see how people judge others for using them as it seems almost a lazy or 'cheap' way to create a perfect circle. But many could say it's pretty impossible to draw a perfect circle free hand. Anywho, please judge my trashy art, The second image is pretty shit quality because I lost the actual file but did save a screenshot so eh. ![]() ![]() |
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Fuz, you're missing all the basic elements of a drawing. You've been putting shapes and lines on a page with no consideration for proportion, anatomy, perspective, pose, or any of the basics. Your faces deviate from any recognizable skull shape and you're dangerously close to plateauing if your mechanical application of features is allowed to continue. It's completely and totally obvious you're just winging it. Don't. I propose you look at the anatomy and proportion of mice and human skeletons-- you will learn so much with a little conscious effort. You'll be able to pose and break free if you stop patching shortfalls and start making the conscious effort to explore the internet for references, inspiration, and help. Let me tell you, drawing the same thing the same way again and again (like digitalpanda and ten other mice who come to mind) will not improve your art. Drawing what you don't know how to draw will not improve your art. It doesn't matter how many times you draw, you will never, ever improve without consciously and meticulous gleening insight and tips from the unlimited resources at your disposal. Don't draw a mouse how you think a mouse looks like, you will get absolutely nowhere. Look, See, Analyze others and yourself. Put your entire brain to work. Stop wallowing, all of you, in mediocrity and inadequacy. You will improve if you put real effort into it. If you can't draw, don't finished that drawing with lineart and color-- you'll waste your time and have nothing to show for it. Instead of finishing one drawing, draw again. Keep drawing and cross referencing and consulting until you have something worth your time to finish. Look to artists better than you (preferably not me) and see how they go about preparing a work. Ask them directly for tips and help. There's a million construction guides on google images for humans, breaking things down into basic, malleable shapes. I use Devientart to pester artists and even if I get one out of ten responding, I still gain valuable insight. Before my computer crashed, I had an an archive of a hundred proportion and anatomy tutorials. You have to use the entire brain, you can't go it depending on the ~creative~ sphere because its honestly so shit at basically everything. Conscious effort is key. Dernière modification le 10/03/2017 09:16 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 10/03/2017 17:52
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A0xis a dit : Holy I didn't think I'd receive such a response! But I do admit, you can read my art like a book, I can honestly agree with everything you say looking back onto my work, if it can be even called that. I've never thought to looking at mouse or human anatomy, like you've said, I just wing it, hoping it'll look decent in the end, so I'm quite glad you recognized that. I'll take what you said to mind, and take your advice the next time I go out and try drawing something. As sad as it is to hear that I'm missing all the basic elements, I do believe what you say is true, and since nobody before has been so harsh on my art, I've not recgonised it, so thank you! |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 11/03/2017 07:19
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Please critique Please also teache eme how to draw eyes. Facial expressions my biggest weakness >~< The drawings is supposed to be the person acting surprised because he created a spark of light in his palm ![]() Dernière modification le 11/03/2017 07:28 |