Fajerwerki! |
Theqxd « Citoyen » 1401214080000
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nie działa ._. |
Aniolkaa « Citoyen » 1401284340000
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działa napisz /lua potem wklej to: a,b = 0,0 part = 0 kon,rod = 0,0 A,B="R","R" Party={29,24,23,22,21,14,13,11,9,4,2,1,0} r={1,1,1,1,1,1} Kon2={0,4,1,9,11,13} DPart={ A={1,0,-1,0,0,1,0}, B={0,0,-0.3,0.2,0,0,0} } for v,dis in pairs({"utoNewGame","utoShaman","utoTimeLeft","fkDeath"}) do tfm.exec["disableA"..dis](true) end tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P F="3" /><Z><S><S L="162" X="513" H="45" Y="366" T="11" P="0,0,0.05,0.1,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="801" X="400" H="42" Y="379" T="11" P="0,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,0,0" /><S L="202" X="649" H="150" Y="353" T="11" P="0,0,0.05,0.1,-40,0,0,0" /><S L="155" X="769" H="200" Y="317" T="11" P="0,0,0.05,0.1,-10,0,0,0" /></S><D><P X="656" Y="27" T="64" P="0,0" /><T Y="359" X="70" /></D><O /></Z></C>') tfm.exec.setUIMapName('<textformat tabstops="[500]"><R>HAPPY NEW YEAR!\tBy Woterek</R>') function eventPlayerDied(name) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) system.bindMouse(name, true) ui.addTextArea(1, '<a href="event:next"><font size="25">•<font></a> <'..A..'><a href="event:kon"><font size="25">•<font></a> <'..B..'><a href="event:rod"><font size="25">♥<font></a>', name, 730, 340, nil, nil, 0, 0, 1) end function eventTextAreaCallback(id, name, cb) if cb == 'kon' then kon=(kon+1)%3 if kon == 0 then A="R" elseif kon == 1 then A="J" elseif kon == 2 then A="VP" part = 0 end elseif cb == 'rod' then rod=(rod+1)%4 if rod == 0 then B="R" elseif rod == 1 then B="J" elseif rod == 2 then B="VP" elseif rod == 3 then B="CH" end elseif cb == 'next' then if part==29 then part=0 b = 1 end for i,arg in pairs(Party) do if part==arg then part=Party[i-1] end end if part==0 and b==0 then part = 1 end end ui.addTextArea(1, '<a href="event:next"><font size="25">•<font></a> <'..A..'><a href="event:kon"><font size="25">•<font></a> <'..B..'><a href="event:rod"><font size="25">♥<font></a>', name, 730, 340, nil, nil, 0, 0, 1) end for name in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do eventNewPlayer(name) end function eventMouse(name, x, y) if a == 0 then time = os.time() for i=1,7 do tfm.exec.displayParticle(13, x+DPart.A, 550, 0, -4+DPart.B, 0, -0.7, nil) end mx,my,a = x,100,1 end end function eventLoop() if a == 1 then for i=1,6 do if time < os.time() - i*500 and r == 1 then r = 0 if kon == 1 then part = 24-math.abs(i-4) elseif kon == 2 then part = Kon2 end for t=0,2*math.pi,0.1 do if rod == 0 then x=i*10*math.sin(t) + mx y=i*10*math.cos(t) elseif rod == 1 then x=i*(16*math.sin(t)^3) + mx y=i*(13*math.cos(t)-5*math.cos(2*t)-2*math.cos(3*t)-math.cos(4*t)) elseif rod == 2 then x=i*20*(math.sin(t)^5)+mx y=i*20*(math.cos(t)^5) elseif rod == 3 then x=i*5*((math.sin(t)^5)+(math.sin(5*t)^5)+math.asin(math.sin(t)))+mx y=i*5*((math.cos(t)^5)+(math.cos(5*t)^5)+math.asin(math.cos(t))) end y=-y + my tfm.exec.displayParticle(part, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) end end end if time < os.time() - 3000 then a = 0 r={1,1,1,1,1,1} end end if b == 1 then b = 0 end end |
Aniolkaa « Citoyen » 1401284820000
| 0 | ||
co to?! : ## Warning : Runtime can't exceed 40 ms in 4 seconds ! Currently : 31 ms. Event eventLoop : 0 ms Event eventLoop : 0 ms Event eventMouse : 0 ms Event eventTextAreaCallback : 0 ms Event eventLoop : 0 ms Event eventMouse : 0 ms Event eventLoop : 22 ms Event eventLoop : 0 ms Event eventMouse : 0 ms Event eventLoop : 0 ms Event eventMouse : 0 ms Event eventLoop : 1 ms Event eventLoop : 8 ms Event eventMouse : 0 ms |
Aniolkaa 1401288540000
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[Modéré par Rekichan] |
Aniolkaa 1401290100000
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[Modéré par Rekichan] |
Aniolkaa 1401291720000
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[Modéré par Rekichan] |
0 | ||
Super te fajerwerki xD puszczam w moim plemku a inni robią wielkie oczy c; |
Myszalindana « Citoyen » 1402944720000
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Nawet ładne. |
Jerzypochopi « Citoyen » 1403854740000
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WOW ale jak klike to cofa mnie Dernière modification le 1403854860000 |
Fpekal « Citoyen » 1418391720000
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nie działa :/ |
Peachy_tea « Consul » 1418410020000
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Woterek a dit : po kliknieciu na jakis ksztalt wlacza mi sie zwykla mapa plemienna... |
0 | ||
Super :D |
Scarlettphantom « Citoyen » 1419072960000
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A co to parcles czy jakoś tak? |
Aanguson « Citoyen » 1419078300000
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pinkplmsp a dit : Particles to "cząstki", efekty wyświetlane np. gdy ktoś umrze lub gdy szaman stworzy jakiś przedmiot. |
Koxyxdxd « Citoyen » 1419865740000
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Mi nie działa. Robię tak jak trzeba, i nic się nie dzieje. Jedynie włączyła mi się jakaś zwykła mapka plemienna. Dernière modification le 1419865860000 |
Tchibamba « Citoyen » 1419949920000
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koxyxdxd a dit : kliknij na mapke to powinny się pojawić i klikaj te na dole by zmienić inne cechy |
Ministiv « Citoyen » 1420225380000
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Szczaws « Citoyen » 1434799140000
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a gdzie jest wersja Ouake'a???? |
Myikser « Citoyen » 1452104280000
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Dzięki, przydało się mi teraz na nowy rok:) |
Rohere « Consul » 1452177900000
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szczaws a dit : To ten skrypt który podał Woterek |