Replacement for Rype's glitch |
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Impuredeath a dit : I hope so. Im so stoopid I NEED ASSISTANCE. |
Admshumaker « Citoyen » 1354824780000
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@808395< If it wasn't for tigrounette we wouldn't even be playing TFM in the first place. deal with the update or get out. |
Impuredeath « Citoyen » 1354825440000
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Elvismousee a dit : If you need some basic stuff, watch my tutorials. I am trying to make it clear how it works. |
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Impuredeath a dit : They did halp alot thankyewbabes. xoxo But when you try to edit an older map it is harder, especially with P5's who use so many grounds, you sometimes do not have enough left for the mechanism and also the xml would be super long so it makes life tougher :T |
Kandycing « Citoyen » 1354833240000
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please show me how to do it...... |
Germanybruno « Citoyen » 1354853460000
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Oh this is giving me a headache >.< There is a reason why I do not create Mechs.. |
Seeteegee « Citoyen » 1354862160000
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Admshumaker a dit : You are in no position to tell me to adapt to changes, especially if you have never been affected by the various updates the way I have. Have you even ever TRIED to make a mechanism map before? It seems to me as if you're just saying stuff to appear "mature" or something. That's just condescending and pretentious. Ignorant, too. My rage has been brought about by sustained frustration over how Tig consistently makes reckless changes that ruin what took much time to build and perfect without seeming to consider the consequences, not my inability to adapt to said changes. This is NOT the first time, nor the last time Tig makes an update that frustrates the mapmaking community. When it happens to you, you'll understand my point. I will deal with the update as I have done with the countless other updates which have each forced me to redo my maps. As much as it frustrates me to spend more hours to fix something I already perfected months/years ago because of how a reckless new update broke it, I will adapt. Regardless, @808395 is still a complete fact. [This is for taking away my beautiful blue anchors.] |
Beavisjr « Citoyen » 1354863720000
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How would you tell what ground is what? (trying to learn here) liek when you had 2grounds pull together, how would I do that then put them apart then back together? Cause i read that M1="1" guessing ground 1, but how can i tell who this '1' is? Seeteegee a dit : To be honest tig never would think you would put so much effort or even play a game so often, he would think of a casual gamer (does 1-2hrs a day average) not 24/7 on a map abusing a glitch (which in the first place should of been deleted) but instead people are getting butt-hurt over him fixing this glitch, no no one can tell you to get used to some thign but he had to get rid of it since it had to fix the messed up b. either deal with very bad lag and bad builds on maps or deal with a GLITCH that should of been fixed long ago. your fault for abusing it and taking it out on eveyr one cause you 'put your precious time into so many maps' not noticing how this glitch may get removed in the future, not any one's fault you weren't prepared. Edit: also he didn't remove your 'blue anchors' their considered green :L |
Seeteegee « Citoyen » 1354864860000
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Beavisjr a dit : Casual gamers don't make mechanism maps. If you have an issue with me spending hours on spending hours "abusing a glitch", then you have an issue with makers of mechanism maps in general. The "fixing" of the Rype glitch seems to me like a very deliberate thing for which he gave absolutely no warning, considering that he even implemented a replacement, instead of adding it back. When the glitch was discovered last year, the maps that first made use of it were given higher rotation status, not deleted. This means that he accepts the glitch as part of the game, not removed. Your use of the term "abuse" is questionable at best. If he truly wanted to fix it, he should at least have given a warning to at least the map crew, and given people time to update their maps. He simply haphazardly implemented the feature. No trials, no consideration, nothing. Does that sound like someone who cares about the community? Please don't even start talking about blue anchors when the first maps you made are after @2000000. The blue anchors were long long ago, about a year before you made your account. They show a deep blue, not the usual bluegreen for rotating anchors. Also, @808395 [This is for taking away the old ground looks and making ice and lava grounds much uglier than before.] |
Beavisjr « Citoyen » 1354865280000
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Seeteegee a dit : I'm sorry what part of GLITCH did you not understand? glitches are not suppose to be there OF COURSE there wouldn't be a 'warning' of it being deleted, for what you could know he couldn't find the glitch's location then, or just didn't care since it didn't do any much damage, to be honest you are being rather immature with this. I am almost going to think that you are feeling threatened. You did abuse a glitch, eveyr one did, the consequences were known even if he didn't remove it a year ago. To be honest some more, you are rather being a person with a bad attitude. I don't even think you read what I said, He doesn't need to give warnings to fix a glitch, he will just fix it. Would you give a warning of fixing a glitch? Would you at all? "Oh why yes I would" I am expecting you to answer with, which you reall couldn't when you're just trying to fix some thing.s ome times fixing one thing removes another. I am semi-casual gamer and I do make mech maps, just cause I don't spend years, days, and months on them liek you doesn't mean you can just "lol no fuk u u don mk mapz" I am sorry, but I can't take you seriously. I do not care how long some thing was made, your socalled blue anchors are there. TLDR; You are taking any thing to seriously and need to read what you type before you enter. |
Seeteegee « Citoyen » 1354865880000
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Beavisjr a dit : I didn't read what you said? No, I understood what you mean and rebutted it. You on the other hand completely ignored the meat of my response and accused me of not listening. [quote= Earlier, I]When the glitch was discovered last year, the maps that first made use of it were given higher rotation status, not deleted. This means that he accepts the glitch as part of the game, not removed. Your use of the term "abuse" is questionable at best.[/quote] If said glitch has been used for *over a year*, with no sign of any disapproval from Tig, and has become such a standard for making mechanism maps that over half of the mechanism maps BROKE when the "glitch was fixed", and when he tries to REPLACE such feature once he removes it, it's clear that it's not an abuse of mechanics in a way you imply. Sorry, but when I said "mech maps", I meant "high-quality mechanism maps". Even though you don't care about my blue anchors, you should at least have enough sense to stay away from arguing about things you know nothing about; you'll only make yourself look foolish. You need to read what *I* type before you respond. Also, @808395 [This is for that update where cloud grounds broke the under-chat mechs.] Oh yes... I am indeed butthurt over the removal of the Rype Glitch. But if you made as many mechanism maps as I have, you would be too. Sorry I have feelings. |
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Why is everyone posting @808395 I don't get it |
Impuredeath « Citoyen » 1354875240000
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For all the people who don't understand how to work with the values. Go here: Topic-22 If you do understand the values try out new things ;) |
Baasbase « Citoyen » 1354875480000
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Seeteegee, sharing that map is the equivalent of spreading hate. I have p43'd it so that people can not see what it is. I understand you hold a grudge against tig by now, but please refrain from doing this in the future. Also the new updates have broken rypes glitch (or have actually fixed it, which i prefer) but will also further benefit the making of mechanism maps. There are way more possibilities with anchors/joints now than there were before and yes, it is true that you have to fix your maps (again) but it's also worth the cause. In tigs defence, he knows pretty damn well what he's doing, and in my opinion this is one of the biggest updates so far. Thanks. |
Impuredeath « Citoyen » 1354875720000
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Also, @ STG Tigrounette re-did the coding for the map mechanics. He cleaned up his code, and fixed a lot of bugs. The thing is though, these bugs were part of the game. As a game developer you don't want to add bugs back into your game eventhough it is excepted. So when the mapcrew/mapmakers started complaining, he actually listend. And tries to add things into the game to do the same thing, with the new features it can be added to the editor easily. And also because the coding is re-done, it is easier to add new features. And there are alot of new features incomming. Simple map mechanics have new ways to be done, such as rype glitch, boosters, invalid friction (will explain this in my next tutorial). Some not completely the same use, but applyable in most maps. I first hated this update, but technically speaking he fixed his game. And gave us compensation, with more to come. |
Holomouse « Citoyen » 1354877940000
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Baasbase a dit : You know p43 is broked. Just let CTG complain, I know I did, people will adapt soon and go along with the changes. The new physics are so much better anyways. |
Moripogi « Citoyen » 1354879860000
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I'm too lazy to fix my mechs. if anyone can help me to fix just pm me in game or message me in i can know if you really can help or not. some are unfixable i think. confusing new stuff |
Baasbase « Citoyen » 1354879860000
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Holomouse a dit : It will at least stop the people from looking on it at CFM.. Moripogi a dit : It's your choise to have no perms anymore and be lazy, or to learn and fix them I guess. I can, however, advice you to watch impure's tutorials (the latest). The new changes aren't hard at all, it will probably take you 15-30 minutes to master them and then you can start fixing your maps. |
Admshumaker « Citoyen » 1354880760000
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Seeteegee a dit : I was talking to the map maker, not you. |
Xxninjazxx « Citoyen » 1354880760000
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I do think this update adds possibilitys, but couldn't it be alongside the old glitches?Couldn't it have a way to do it without XML editing? I know Rype's glitch is just that, a glitch, but so is walljumping. Rype's glitch was a glitch transformice relied upon, fixing it is like fixing wall jump. |