![]() |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1387286880000
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Mastacan a dit : nu si eu am cautat...... dar exista un script care sterge lucrurile de la shaman scriind !ro?? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1387302900000
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No bine da un script pentru jocul spanzuratoarea? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1387728480000
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Aveti un scrips pt fly?? Ala a lui Denis nu imi merge |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1388053320000
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Ma ajutati? un prieten a fost banat...dar nu avea hack si nu a facut nimic rau...si as vrea..daca puteti...sa il debanati...va rog din suflet...mia zis ca a fost pe un alt server si ia aparut ca are ban :( |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1388145480000
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Hai ma Magic ma raspunde si tuh .. :| Need eu scrip pt a facce un obiecte >> mere,oi,deaia e sters..... etc heavyBall=5, smallRoughBoard=8, largeRoughBoard=9, redAnchor=11, redAnchorClockwise=12, redAnchorAnticlockwise=13, greenAnchor=14, greenAnchorClockwise=15, greenAnchorAnticlockwise=16, cannonUp=17, cannonDown=18, cannonRight=19, cannonLeft=20, yellowAnchor=22, spirit=24, fakeCheese=25, bluePortal=26, orangePortal=27, balloonRed=29, balloonGreen=30, balloonYellow=31, valentineArrow=35, apple=39, sheep=40, totem=44, transformedSmallBox=48, transformedLargeBox=49, transformedAnvil=50, transformedSmallBoard=51, transformedSmallBoard=52, transformedMouse=53, cloud=57, demolition=58, bubble=59, tinyBoard=60, stableRune=62, balloonAnchor=66, conjuration=88 |
0 | ||
Buna.Doresc un script care sa dea mapele pe care le pot seta eu sa fie puse random au macar una dupa alta.Multumesc |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1390851060000
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Care e scriptul cu tornada? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1391252220000
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Imi puteti da un script pentru fly?...dar unul completat deja...ceva gen eu doar sa dau copy/paste...cam asa ma prind eu care-i faza...Multumesc anticipat. |
0 | ||
Cand scriu : a dit : merge doar la mine cum fac sa mearga si la ceilalti comanda? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1392570960000
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Cum pot face un script ??? E: De ce nu-mi merg scripturile ? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1392905580000
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Wffff; .1r;. CB@@fffffBO: fffffW. .:7;,: .Kf@Bb2Dbj8llffff@3 . @ffff .v:;;. 8fW;,,,,,,,,,,;YWPgl@fBr @;mffffn ,r .;;, wH,;;vvvv;;;CHF3Wkj@@, N@kkIjf;. v. ;. F$,,;::..... .:GK7v;;,;;vKB$@2DkHbIt@f@K: :;; .Gf ..v.. ..,;v;:,,1lMMgkQ2HQII0btBffF; 1 w: ........,;. .,v;wf$j8$HPD00iDPDii0iiM@ v.. TH .......:, ..... ..v;;K@jBMkkIffffB0i0ii00bbBff, ,,: ;;7v. ..... ;;,. ... ..;;v3b$gHfff:. mb0#b0bbgl# :,; .v ,vv,.. .w0 ..... ,Y0#gi8@f,. 8B#bbbbjj8@fT: ;,: .v :;v;w;,::,;;;, WB00iibG;:fffffffb#bb#bb#.. 2 v.. ;r ....... Lff@#IFPi8f@gHP0DD0IPI0bbYfr 7 .v. 7fff@fBbb00bjggjg0bjBfffffffffflU :;; .;; 8fffffffff@@lMl@ffffffffffffffffM. L: .v. .L8l$lff@ffffffffffffff@fffffffffffL. k. .. ,r ;NDQFIjBfffffffffffffffff8i.. O ..:;: .;DffBjbb#b@ljD2Q#lffffr b:. .v .C@BNbb0bbb#iib00i2@ffffc, kC . :r.. :Hff$jjbbbN#IiiP0##lM0kff@ffffP ,Ln: .. :;;. Hf@bbbbbiig@BN0iP0#Bj0ffffffffffm 0T;. ...vtffMbjbbbjbb#8@@@t0bBBlf@fffff@c wI7.. Uf8jjbbbbbbbbb0PP@ffffMgjfffff, kfff$, :nHv:. Pfgbbbbbbbbbbb#00BIN8I@ffff, wHWffDbbbbb8bbbbb#0N#kDffffffff, .wf@0iD###bbbb#P0BDBfffff@$ .7ffffgDPP0i0ii0IPIb@fffffffffffl3 bffffffff$$@fffffffffffffffffffff3: |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1394222820000
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De ce nu-mi merge lua in casa tribului ?Sunt seful ! |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1394903880000
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Ma ajutati si pe mine cu acest modul? Am numerele alea >>1.<<tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) si nu imi mege ma puteti ajuta? >.< 1.tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) 2.tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) 3.tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) 4.tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) 5.tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) 6. 7.chars = {"&","é","~","\"","{","|","è","`","_","à","@","]","+","=","}","¨","ë","ä","ü","ö","£","<",">","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"} 8. 9.lang = {} 10. 11.lang.fr = { 12. ask_word = "Définir le mot à trouver", 13. choose_word = "Choisissez un mot : (entre 2 et 12 caractères inclus, aucun accent)", 14. more_players = "Vous devez être au moins <font color='#FF0000'>2</font> joueurs pour jouer au pendu.", 15. next_turn_1 = "Le prochain tour débutera dans ", 16. next_turn_2 = " seconde(s).", 17. turn_of_1 = "C'est le tour de ", 18. turn_of_2 = " ! ", 19. patientez = "Patientez pendant qu'il choisir son mot...", 20. word_found = "Le mot a été trouvé !", 21. word_not_found = "Pas de chance ! Le mot était ", 22. time_out = "Temps écoulé !", 23. pass_turn = "Le maître du jeu a passé son tour !", 24. quit = "Le maître du jeu a quitté !" 25.} 26. 27.lang.en = { 28. ask_word = "Define the word to find", 29. choose_word = "Choose a word : (between 2 and 12 characters)", 30. more_players = "You have to be at least <font color='#FF0000'>2</font> players to play Hangman.", 31. next_turn_1 = "Next turn in ", 32. next_turn_2 = " second(s).", 33. turn_of_1 = "It's ", 34. turn_of_2 = "'s turn ! ", 35. patientez = "Wait while he's choosing a word...", 36. word_found = "The word was found !", 37. word_not_found = "No luck! The word was ", 38. time_out = "Time out !", 39. pass_turn = "The game master has passed his turn !", 40. quit = "The game master has quit." 41.} 42. 43.text = lang.en 44. 45.players = {} 46.master = "" 47. 48.letters = {} 49.invertLetters = {} 50. 51.word = "" 52.hasDefinedWord = false 53. 54.timer = 0 55.bestPlayer = "" 56.pendu_level = 0 57. 58.beginReset = false 59.hasToReset = false 60.resetTimer = 0 61. 62.isTimeOut = false 63.hasWon = false 64.hasLost = false 65.hasSkipped = false 66.hasQuit = false 67. 68.lettersEntered = {} 69. 70.id = {} 71. 72.id["ask_word_main"] = 1 73.id["ask_word_button"] = 2 74.id["ask_word_popup"] = 3 75.id["pendu"] = 4 76.id["reset_timer"] = 5 77.id["reset_timer_label"] = 6 78.id["turn"] = 7 79.id["turn_label"] = 8 80.id["one_player"] = 9 81.id["one_player_label"] = 10 82. 83.function eventNewGame() 84. updatePlayersList() 85. 86. ui.removeTextArea(id["one_player"]) 87. ui.removeTextArea(id["one_player_label"]) 88. 89. letters = {} 90. invertLetters = {} 91. word = "" 92. hasDefinedWord = false 93. timer = 0 94. 95. if getNbPlayers() > 1 then 96. master = randomPlayer() 97. tfm.exec.movePlayer(master, 400, 90, false, 0, 0, false) 98. 99. askWord() 100. drawPendu() 101. else 102. removeAll() 103. 104. ui.addTextArea(id["one_player"], "", nil, 5, 110, 790, 25, 0xC0C0C0, 0x595959, 1f) 105. ui.addTextArea(id["one_player_label"], "<p align='center'><BL><font color='#000000'>"..text.more_players.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) 106. 107. drawWord() 108. drawPendu() 109. end 110.end 111. 112.function eventPlayerDied(playerName) 113. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(playerName) 114.end 115. 116.function eventNewPlayer(playerName) 117. table.insert(players, playerName) 118. 119. if getNbPlayers() == 2 then 120. tfm.exec.newGame("@4488917") 121. else 122. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(playerName) 123. drawWord() 124. drawPendu() 125. end 126.end 127. 128.function eventPlayerLeft(playerName) 129. local toRemove = 0 130. 131. for i,p in pairs(players) do 132. if p==playerName then 133. toRemove = i 134. end 135. end 136. 137. table.remove(players, toRemove) 138. 139. if getNbPlayers() == 1 then 140. tfm.exec.newGame("@4488917") 141. else 142. if playerName==master then 143. hasQuit = true 144. reset() 145. end 146. end 147.end 148. 149.function eventLoop(currentTime, timeRemaining) 150. timer = timer + 0.5 151. if beginReset then 152. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_main"]) 153. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_button"]) 154. 155. resetTimer = resetTimer + 0.5 156. 157. ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer"], "", nil, 5, 110, 790, 25, 0xC0C0C0, 0x595959, 1f) 158. if isTimeOut then ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"], "<p align='center'><BL>"..text.time_out.." <font color='#000000'>"..text.next_turn_1.."<font color='#FF0000'>"..math.floor(10 - resetTimer).."</font>"..text.next_turn_2.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) end 159. if hasWon then ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"], "<p align='center'><BL>"..text.word_found.." <font color='#000000'>"..text.next_turn_1.."<font color='#FF0000'>"..math.floor(10 - resetTimer).."</font>"..text.next_turn_2.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) end 160. if hasLost then ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"], "<p align='center'><font color='#000000'>"..text.word_not_found.."</font><BL>"..word:gsub("^%l", string.upper).."<font color='#000000'> ! "..text.next_turn_1.."<font color='#FF0000'>"..math.floor(10 - resetTimer).."</font>"..text.next_turn_2.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) end 161. if hasSkiped then ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"], "<p align='center'><BL>"..text.pass_turn.."<font color='#000000'> "..text.next_turn_1.."<font color='#FF0000'>"..math.floor(10 - resetTimer).."</font>"..text.next_turn_2.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) end 162. if hasQuit then ui.addTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"], "<p align='center'><BL>"..text.quit.."<font color='#000000'> "..text.next_turn_1.."<font color='#FF0000'>"..math.floor(10 - resetTimer).."</font>"..text.next_turn_2.."</font></p>", nil, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) end 163. end 164. 165. checkBestPlayer() 166. 167. if timer==25 and not hasDefinedWord and getNbPlayers() > 1 then 168. isTimeOut = true 169. reset() 170. end 171. 172. if resetTimer==10 then 173. isTimeOut = false 174. hasWon = false 175. hasLost = false 176. hasSkiped = false 177. hasQuit = false 178. 179. hasToReset = true 180. 181. reset() 182. end 183.end 184. 185.function eventChatCommand(playerName, message) 186. local args = {} 187. 188. for arg in message:gmatch("[^%s]+") do 189. table.insert(args, arg:lower()) 190. end 191. 192. if not hasLost and not hasSkiped and not hasQuit and args[1] ~= nil then 193. if args[1]==word and playerName ~= master and not hasWon then 194. local score = 0 195. 196. for _,letter in pairs(letters) do 197. if letter=="_" then score = score + 1 end 198. end 199. 200. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(playerName, score, true) 201. 202. local i = 1 203. 204. while i <= word:len() do 205. if letters~="_" then 206. invertLetters = letters 207. letters = "_" 208. end 209. 210. i = i + 1 211. end 212. 213. drawWord() 214. hasWon = true 215. reset() 216. end 217. 218. if args[1]=="skip" and playerName==master and not hasWon and not hasLost and not isTimeOut then 219. hasSkiped = true 220. reset() 221. end 222. 223. if args[1]:len()==1 and hasDefinedWord and args[1]~= "_" and args[1]~="-" and args[1]~="'" and playerName ~= master then 224. local isEntered = false 225. 226. for _,letter in pairs(lettersEntered) do 227. if letter==args[1] then 228. isEntered = true 229. end 230. end 231. 232. if not isEntered then 233. local score = 0 234. local idsToRemove = {} 235. local isFalse = true 236. 237. table.insert(lettersEntered, args[1]) 238. 239. for id,letter in pairs(letters) do 240. if letter==args[1] then 241. table.insert(idsToRemove, id) 242. isFalse = false 243. end 244. end 245. 246. for _,idToRemove in pairs(idsToRemove) do 247. invertLetters[idToRemove] = letters[idToRemove] 248. letters[idToRemove] = "_" 249. end 250. 251. score = #idsToRemove 252. 253. if isFalse then 254. if tfm.get.room.playerList[playerName].score > 0 then score = -1 end 255. pendu_level = pendu_level + 1 256. end 257. 258. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(playerName, score, true) 259. 260. drawWord() 261. drawPendu() 262. end 263. end 264. end 265.end 266. 267.function eventTextAreaCallback(textAreaId, playerName, callback) 268. if callback=="callbackAskWord" then 269. ui.addPopup(id["ask_word_popup"], 2, text.choose_word, master, 300, 175, 200) 270. end 271.end 272. 273.function eventPopupAnswer(popupId, playerName, answer) 274. if popupId==id["ask_word_popup"] and not isTimeOut and master==playerName then 275. local choosedWord = tostring(answer) 276. 277. if checkWord(choosedWord) then 278. defineWord(choosedWord) 279. hasDefinedWord = true 280. 281. askWord() 282. 283. ui.removeTextArea(id["turn"]) 284. ui.removeTextArea(id["turn_label"]) 285. end 286. end 287.end 288. 289.function askWord() 290. ui.removeTextArea(id["reset_timer"]) 291. ui.removeTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"]) 292. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_main"]) 293. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_button"]) 294. 295. if not hasDefinedWord then 296. ui.addTextArea(id["ask_word_main"], "", master, 5, 110, 790, 35, 0xC0C0C0, 0x595959, 1f) 297. ui.addTextArea(id["ask_word_button"], "<p align='center'><a href='event:callbackAskWord'>"..text.ask_word.."</a></p>", master, 300, 120, 190, 16, 0x595959, 0x595959, 1f) 298. 299. for p,_ in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do 300. if p~=master then 301. ui.addTextArea(id["turn"], "", p, 5, 110, 790, 25, 0xC0C0C0, 0x595959, 1f) 302. ui.addTextArea(id["turn_label"], "<p align='center'><font color='#000000'>"..text.turn_of_1.."</font><BL>"..master.."<font color='#000000'>"..text.turn_of_2..text.patientez.."</font></p>", p, 25, 115, 750, 30, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0f) 303. end 304. end 305. end 306.end 307. 308.function defineWord(new_word) 309. word = string.lower(string.gsub(new_word, " ", "-")) 310. 311. letters = {} 312. 313. local i = 36 314. 315. while i < 50 do 316. ui.removeTextArea(i) 317. i = i + 1 318. end 319. 320. for letter in new_word:gmatch"." do 321. if letter==" " or letter=="-" then 322. table.insert(invertLetters, "-") 323. table.insert(letters, "_") 324. elseif letter=="'" then 325. table.insert(invertLetters, "'") 326. table.insert(letters, "_") 327. else 328. table.insert(letters, letter:lower()) 329. table.insert(invertLetters, "_") 330. end 331. end 332. 333. drawWord() 334. drawPendu() 335.end 336. 337.function drawWord() 338. local textId = 36 339. local i = 1 340. local ancreX = 40 341. 342. if #word==0 then 343. local i = 36 344. 345. while i < 50 do 346. ui.removeTextArea(i) 347. i = i + 1 348. end 349. else 350. while i <= word:len() do 351. ui.addTextArea(textId, "<p align='center'><font size='40' color='#000000'>"..invertLetters:upper().."</font></p>", nil, ancreX, 150, 40, 60, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 1f) 352. ancreX = ancreX + 60 353. textId = textId + 1 354. i = i + 1 355. end 356. 357. local finished = true 358. local j = 1 359. 360. while j <= word:len() do 361. if invertLetters[j]=="_" then finished = false end 362. j = j + 1 363. end 364. 365. if finished then 366. hasWon = true 367. reset() 368. end 369. end 370.end 371. 372.function drawPendu() 373. local pendu = "" 374. 375. if pendu_level==1 then 376. pendu = pendu.."<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> _________" 377. 378. elseif pendu_level==2 then 379. pendu = pendu.."<br />" 380. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 381. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 382. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 383. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 384. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 385. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 386. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 387. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 388. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 389. 390. elseif pendu_level==3 then 391. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 392. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 393. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 394. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 395. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 396. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 397. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 398. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 399. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 400. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 401. 402. elseif pendu_level==4 then 403. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 404. pendu = pendu.." | /<br />" 405. pendu = pendu.." |/<br />" 406. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 407. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 408. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 409. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 410. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 411. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 412. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 413. 414. elseif pendu_level==5 then 415. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 416. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 417. pendu = pendu.." |/<br />" 418. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 419. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 420. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 421. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 422. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 423. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 424. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 425. 426. elseif pendu_level==6 then 427. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 428. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 429. pendu = pendu.." |/ O<br />" 430. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 431. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 432. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 433. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 434. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 435. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 436. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 437. 438. elseif pendu_level==7 then 439. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 440. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 441. pendu = pendu.." |/ O<br />" 442. pendu = pendu.." | /|<br />" 443. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 444. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 445. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 446. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 447. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 448. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 449. 450. elseif pendu_level==8 then 451. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 452. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 453. pendu = pendu.." |/ O<br />" 454. pendu = pendu.." | /|\<br />" 455. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 456. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 457. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 458. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 459. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 460. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 461. 462. elseif pendu_level==9 then 463. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 464. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 465. pendu = pendu.." |/ O<br />" 466. pendu = pendu.." | /|\\<br />" 467. pendu = pendu.." | |<br />" 468. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 469. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 470. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 471. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 472. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 473. 474. elseif pendu_level==10 then 475. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 476. pendu = pendu.." | / |<br />" 477. pendu = pendu.." |/ O<br />" 478. pendu = pendu.." | /|\\<br />" 479. pendu = pendu.." | |<br />" 480. pendu = pendu.." | /<br />" 481. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 482. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 483. pendu = pendu.." |<br />" 484. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 485. 486. elseif pendu_level==11 then 487. pendu = pendu.." __________.__<br />" 488. pendu = pendu.." | / | <br />" 489. pendu = pendu.." |/ O <br />" 490. pendu = pendu.." | /|\\ <br />" 491. pendu = pendu.." | | <br />" 492. pendu = pendu.." | / \\ <br />" 493. pendu = pendu.." | <br />" 494. pendu = pendu.." | <br />" 495. pendu = pendu.." | <br />" 496. pendu = pendu.." ____|____" 497. 498. hasLost = true 499. reset() 500. end 501. 502. ui.addTextArea(id["pendu"], pendu, nil, 323, 235, 135, 138, 0x010101, 0xFFFFFF, 0.5f) 503.end 504. 505.function reset() 506. beginReset = true 507. 508. if hasToReset then 509. if getNbPlayers() < 2 then 510. tfm.exec.newGame("@4488917") 511. else 512. letters = {} 513. invertLetters = {} 514. word = "" 515. hasDefinedWord = false 516. pendu_level = 0 517. beginReset = false 518. hasToReset = false 519. resetTimer = 0 520. lettersEntered = {} 521. 522. drawWord() 523. drawPendu() 524. 525. local randX = math.random(799) 526. tfm.exec.movePlayer(master, randX, 385, false, 0, 0, false) 527. 528. local oldMaster = master 529. 530. if getNbPlayers()~=1 then 531. if bestPlayer==oldMaster then 532. while master==oldMaster do 533. master = randomPlayer() 534. end 535. else 536. master = bestPlayer 537. end 538. else 539. master = bestPlayer 540. end 541. 542. randX = math.random(799) 543. 544. tfm.exec.movePlayer(master, randX, 90, false, 0, 0, false) 545. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(master, 0, false) 546. 547. timer = 0 548. 549. askWord() 550. end 551. end 552.end 553. 554.function removeAll() 555. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_main"]) 556. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_button"]) 557. ui.removeTextArea(id["ask_word_popup"]) 558. ui.removeTextArea(id["pendu"]) 559. ui.removeTextArea(id["reset_timer"]) 560. ui.removeTextArea(id["reset_timer_label"]) 561. ui.removeTextArea(id["turn"]) 562. ui.removeTextArea(id["turn_label"]) 563. ui.removeTextArea(id["one_player"]) 564. ui.removeTextArea(id["one_player_label"]) 565.end 566. 567.function checkWord(word_arg) 568. if word_arg:len() >= 2 and word_arg:len() <= 12 then 569. for _,c in pairs(chars) do 570. if string.match(word_arg, c) then 571. return false 572. end 573. end 574. 575. return true 576. else 577. return false 578. end 579.end 580. 581.function checkBestPlayer() 582. topScore = 0 583. bestPlayer = randomPlayer() 584. 585. for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do 586. if player.score >= topScore then 587. topScore = player.score 588. bestPlayer = name 589. end 590. end 591.end 592. 593.function getNbPlayers() 594. return #players 595.end 596. 597.function updatePlayersList() 598. players = {} 599. 600. for p,_ in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do 601. table.insert(players, p) 602. end 603.end 604. 605.function randomPlayer() 606. return players[math.random(1,#players)] 607.end 608. 609.for name,player in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do 610. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, 0, false) 611.end 612. 613.updatePlayersList() 614.bestPlayer = randomPlayer() 615.tfm.exec.newGame("@4488917") |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1394994120000
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as vrea un script.. de exemplu cand scriu /cheese [name] sa-i dau cheese playerului respectiv help? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1395353340000
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As vrea un script care sa puna soarecele pe o naturai sa zboare ca la evetul vechi de halloween |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1395858540000
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Sau un scrip pentru un bot soarece ca cel de pe map editor XD |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1396369140000
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Fratilor cum iau admin moderator? |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1396462080000
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Mie nu imi mai merge nimic in lua din casa tribul dc ? Nu imi zice nimic dau Valideaza se face putin transparent si dupa revine la normal si nu se intampla nimic :( |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1396820340000
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un script pt. gen portal gun si niste mape super :o |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1397578200000
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Care era topicu` cu care puoi poza? |