#Spiritual Map submissions (ex room shaman) |
Dollyblue « Citoyen » 1451429340000
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@975759 R.I.P Roflzor |
Plubio « Censeur » 1451683680000
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@6402457 |
Nickname « Citoyen » 1451685480000
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@6441148 |
Dukeonkled « Citoyen » 1451705700000
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High Difficulty Maps (6-10): Accepted: Plubio: @6381208 - Difficulty 8 - The wind and design provides lots of new opportunities in building as well as posing a new challenge. Dukeonkled: @6288075 - Difficulty 8 - The concept of this map is unique and requires the shaman to balance and move the prespawned build in a very precise manner. Gadorcho: @6438966 (Re-exported) - Difficulty 7 - A fun classic map that is making its way back to rotation now that the issue with escaping the cage has been corrected. Although the map is old, the monorail concept is still challenging and relevant to shaman. Rejected: Anthonyjones: @6342956 - Although the concept of building without physics affecting builds could have unique implications such as actually being able to use lava in the map without it letting mice troll your build, the combination of the elements and design of this map doesn't work well with it. Players may get confused about what the map is about, and the high gravity doesn't really affect the gameplay of the map other than hindering the movement of the shaman. An improved, resubmission of this map is encouraged. Plubio: @6318635 - The concept here may work in theory, but the design of the map is too poorly made to support it. Mostly notably, the map is too long and feels so monosolution. To summarize, there isn't much that you can do with the idea here. Feel free to redo the design of the map and submit it again. Plubio: @6129033 - Although to some extent building uniqueness is possible here, generic and boring solutions are still going to be a big thing. Moreover, building to hole is monosolution. Plubio: @6131252 - This map has been updated and the concept is entirely different now. To make it clear though, we are rejecting the original version of this map, not the current status of the map. Anyway, the original was too monosolution, and the structure of the map felt too cramped. The concept seemed interesting but it wasn't practical in the context of the map's design. Tomdizzy: @639614 - Although the concept could work in theory, it doesn't fit well with this particular design. Not only is this map rush-friendly to mice, but it is too oriented towards not dying than anything else. You don't even need a complete build to solve this map, and there aren't really many ways to build. That being said, this map doesn't really belong in spiritual. Anthonyjones: @6384209 - The zero gravity concept here is unique to an extent, but there aren't many ways to construct a stable build. The map is a little long, and most solutions are hard to control. Anthonyjones: @6379619 - Other than it being hard to actually make a reliable build without going offscreen, this map actually feels kind of generic, and the despawning grounds are useless too. The concept itself isn't really that much different from an antigrav, because it is roughly the same kind of building in water with the high amount of gravity, assuming that you don't end up exploiting the lack of water offscreen to build anyway. Anthonyjones: @6379460 - Although in theory this concept with inverted linked grounds may have new and profound implications in building, it isn't very pronounced in this particular design. Of course, a redone and improved version of this map is always welcome for submission. Voidmoon: @6385835 (Re-exported) - Although this was fun while it lasted back then, it just wouldn't be relevant to the current spiritual rotation. The concept of building airships is too similar to said ideas that we already have. Even if it was something new for shaman, there isn't many ways to build airships here anyway, this map is a little monosolutionist. Arnees: @6381400 - Although the idea with this map is good for dynamic building, it isn't too new or unique. We've seen this kind of concept before, especially with this same design of the shaman cage. However, resubmission of any improvement of this map is highly encouraged. Dollyblue: @812791 - This map is so unnecessarily long with an excess of anticloud grounds. Besides that, building just consists of generic swinging. Nothing new or unique to report here. Low Difficulty Maps (1-5): None Accepted Rejected: Anthonyjones: @6379631 - Nothing fun or interesting to be said about this map. It lacks any challenges, and the despawning grounds do not really have much of a function other than an inconvenience for AFK mice. Generic and boring bridge building. Arnees: @6392744 - Although this map tries to be unique with a prespawned boat, it takes very little effort to solve this map. Not only is it unimpressive and generic, but beginners won't solve this map in many ways. This is monosolutionist and it lacks building variation in general. Anthonyjones: @6382585 - The concept shown here is very likable and has the potential for lots of applications, but it isn't used correctly with the current design of the map. All it really takes to solve this map is wait for the grounds to disappear, and then just build. Nothing exciting to be said of here, and it is just monosolution the way the map currently is. However, we encourage a resubmission of an enhanced version of this map. Dernière modification le 1452472860000 |
Mariluiss « Citoyen » 1451747580000
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@6442369 @6443961 Dernière modification le 1451796840000 |
Plubio « Censeur » 1451770740000
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@6131252 @3625350 Dernière modification le 1451796540000 |
Anthonyjones « Censeur » 1451884200000
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@6441206 - edit @6439521 - edit @6432254 @6342956 - edit @6323235 - edit @6320399 - (multi mouse spawn) @6320337 - (multi mouse spawn) @2447426 - Edit Virpin's Draw + Hide Ground = No Anchor Dymanic @6312362 - edit no c anchor into v \o/ @6385473 Dernière modification le 1451898180000 |
Thebabytank « Citoyen » 1451942340000
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@5610304 - It's actually a lot easier than it may look at first |
Anthonyjones « Censeur » 1452054840000
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@4505763 |
Plubio « Censeur » 1452122760000
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@6115319 @6209462 Dernière modification le 1452383940000 |
Anthonyjones « Censeur » 1452244440000
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@6454049 @6454026 @6454006 @6453782 @6453741 @6453714 @6450021 Fixed @6456186 by Siriuskok @265684 (But this different undymanic btw, so IF want make all dymanic neg mass. Decide?) Dernière modification le 1452329100000 |
Dukeonkled « Citoyen » 1452470820000
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Checkpoint! Also fellow spiritual mapmakers, you can no longer submit more than 10 maps per checkpoint cycle as of January 10th, 2016 - effective immediately after this post. However, we may tweak the cap in the future according to map submission activity. Dernière modification le 1452473280000 |
Reshman « Consul » 1452581220000
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@4571547 @4546316 @4539443 @4658392 @4637573 @4616235 @4609979 @4268605 @4049092 @4089470 Dernière modification le 1452582480000 |
Mariluiss « Citoyen » 1453510140000
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@6449094 |
Inzerty « Citoyen » 1453648200000
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@6485359 |
Plubio « Censeur » 1453702440000
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@6464002 @6129033 @6478851 Dernière modification le 1455127500000 |
Petrenrenpet « Citoyen » 1454350800000
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@6504482 @6504666 Dernière modification le 1454353680000 |
Dukeonkled « Citoyen » 1454352420000
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High Difficulty Maps (6-10): Accepted: Plubio: @6336028 - Difficulty 8 - Although this map may have some generic attributes, it highly encourages the use of fun, thought provoking builds. Attomake: @6348425 - Difficulty 7 - Not only are there a multitude of interesting dynamic builds available, but this map also retains a simplistic look. Plubio: @6402457 - Difficulty 8 - This map has a new concept to offer as well as a variety of different building possibilities. Anthonyjones: @4505763 - Difficulty 8 - Not only is this map an improvement over @5650850, but the concept seems pretty unique and allows for an abundance of interesting solutions. Rejected: Plubio: @6402469 - Though the original map of this code had a unique design for stability, the building itself wasn't anything new - the concept already had lots of similarities to other maps in rotation. Plubio: @6338558 - There are a lot of interesting possibilities for building with the apples, but there are still some generic aspects on this map. Additionally, there are very little opportunities for compensation when apples are lost. Plubio: @6430191 - Although this map's design allows for opportunities in building inventive solutions, the concept itself is still generic. It is quite easy to just solve this map with swings. Plubio: @6248664 - This map is barely anything more than a buildathon. Maybe it is challenging to begin a stable build, but the rest of the map is unoriginal. Also notably, the no anchor cloud is useless as one can simply build up as if it is not there. Dddin: @6404189 - The design of this map seems pretty interesting for building on, but as a whole, it doesn't feel like there is enough opportunities for making unique solutions. Generic swings would be common on this map since the final version allows for b to be used. As for the previous no b version of this map, there are too little chances to make stable and coherent hard mode builds, and the slantedness of the grounds make it even harder to complete the builds and keep them from falling off prematurely. Attomake: @5872298 - Pretty much monosolution, nothing much you can do other than constructing swing builds. The cloud at top also obstructs potential solutions, and the map as a whole doesn't visually appeal very well. Attomake: @5619379 - Nothing really new, just generic hard mode building. Also, the gravity and wind are unbalanced on this map (i.e. if wind is 8, gravity should also be 8) - in other words, you can't balance a plank like this: http://prntscr.com/a1llau. It may not seem like much, but this can actually increase the prevalence of dynamic solutions in general if such wind properties were to be corrected. Attomake: @6044043 - Although the no anchor cloud and regular cloud grounds on this map seems to give a unique vibe to building, generic solutions can still easily be used. The concept here doesn't support itself well enough, there are too many loopholes. Dollyblue: @975759 - Though the concept itself isn't seen a lot in spiritual, it isn't exactly unique either. There aren't many ways to make interesting builds, and the map is still cheatable. Lolfakie: @6441148 - Just a typical cage map. Can easily be solved with swings, making this map generic. Nothing new here, but I think the map needs just a few more revisions for it to unleash its potential as being unique. Mariluiss: @6442369 - Although I like the placement of the grounds at cheese and how it gives an interesting vibe when shamming, the map itself doesn't require any sort of new kinds of building to be solved. Also, everything feels pretty monosolution since only one or two solutions would really have the upper hand over any other. Mariluiss: @6443961 - Although the design of the map is a little different regarding the concept at hand, there is nothing new here anyway. Very little ways to solve the map, and the concept has already been used before. Sorry. Plubio: @6131252 - The map looks intimidating and unique at first, but it is too cramped to support many solutions. It's probably possible to solve it anyway with new solutions, but the map has a lot of such unneeded difficulty. In short - this concept is fairly new, but the design is too impractical. Plubio: @3625350 - Although I like how we can use the spinning ice ground as a tool when shamaning, the concept itself doesn't seem to support itself very well. Not only are there some generic aspects when building, but trying to solve the map can also be downright impractical and annoying. Anthonyjones: @6441206 - Just a caged swing buildathon map. Even if it's in zero gravity, there is nothing really new here. However, perhaps there may be a way to manipulate the map into making it encourage you to use dynamic builds in zero gravity. Feel free to make such a change and resubmit the map. Anthonyjones: @6439521 - Although the disappearing grounds may make it seem like it makes building more challenging, all you really have to do is build and wait periodically. Nothing new here, generic. Anthonyjones: @6432254 - Although the concept here may be interesting, some parts of the map are useless - especially the no anchor cloud. Also, you can easily just cannon mice to cheese. I can see what was meant to be on this map, but the design doesn't really work out as it is. Resubmitting an improved version of the map is always welcome. Anthonyjones: @6342956 - Technically, the concept is something that spiritual hasn't had yet, but there are still a few issues with the map. For one, this map has high gravity, and that would be a surprise to many players when they begin this map. Some parts of the map feel unused, and the map could be better designed in general. I think this map should go for another revision before it gets resubmitted. Good luck. Anthonyjones: @6323235 - The concept at hand here with the linked grounds seems alright, but you can still easily solve this map with generic solutions. There isn't really anything new this map has to offer - though I think it has much potential with some edits. Resubmit it accordingly, we encourage it. Anthonyjones: @6312362 - Though the concept here tries to be new, it has far too many flaws. Firstly, it is hard to control the swing when you begin using it for your solution, and it can end up killing off some mice. There are also some loopholes in avoiding the concept, and the map is pretty monosolution anyway. I would recommend removing the no anchor cloud since it is useless, and perhaps even redesigning the map quite a bit to alleviate its problems. We'd be happy to look at a resubmission of this map with its improvements. Anthonyjones: @6385473 - Nothing new here, it is just a map that is very annoying to stabilize your build. Not many ways to solve the map, and it is pretty short anyway. Thebabytank: @5610304 - All it takes to solve this map is with generic swings, nothing new. This map is also pretty similar to this one: @1691055. No hard mode support here either, I see no reason to allow this map to be accepted. Plubio: @6115319 - Although I appreciate how the design of the map sort of continues the legacy of some of Kenoriga's maps, building on this map isn't something that is very new. Even though it seems challenging to begin a stable build on this map at first, it doesn't require ingenious tactics to achieve it. In short, this map is too generic to support itself. Plubio: @6209462 - This map is way too impractical to be solved. When a certain part of the map is solved, it is hard to solve another since the existing build is in the way. Even if there is a way to complete the map without triggering this issue, the concept itself isn't new anyway, just the same swings. Everything is just too cramped, and even moving the builds requires a lot of precision. Anthonyjones: @6454006 - Generic building, nothing new. We've seen this concept with the wind a bunch of times already in the shaman room. Anthonyjones: @6453782 - Although I can see that there are different ways about solving this map from the top, there is nothing new about building on this map with the wind. We already have maps like this in rotation. Anthonyjones: @6453741 - I can see the concept with trying to start a stable build, but there are still loopholes around that. After that, it is just generic building plus portals. Nothing new or unique here, sorry. Siriuskok: @6456186 (Re-exported) - Although this map had a good run, it no longer has anything new to offer. Building to cheese is nearly monosolution, and building on the rest of the map feels pretty generic. Perhaps the only interesting part we can note is the bouncing chocolate ground. Low Difficulty Maps (1-5): Accepted: Dddin: @4190881 - Difficulty 3 - There are plenty of opportunities in building on this map, and the design looks pretty neat. The ice blocks will also be something great for beginners to play around with. Brunoav: @4780118 - Difficulty 3 - Although the map looks pretty simple at first, the design itself offers a new atmosphere to building on this map. With many ways to be solved, it should also support inexperienced players and their decisions when shamming. Brunoav: @3997929 (Re-exported) - Difficulty 3 - Not only are there many places to show off every kind of building possibility on this map, but this also introduces double mouse spawns as well as two possible locations for the shaman to choose to start at. There are also different cheese and hole locations as well, making this map very diverse and fun to play on. Highly recommended for beginners! Anthonyjones: @2447426 - Difficulty 4 - Although we have a couple of other maps with moving grounds like this one, this still has something new to offer. Instead, it has vertical grounds moving about the map rather than horizontal ones, and as a result it forces the shaman and the mice to interact with it a lot more than you would expect. I think this would be a nice challenge to add to spiritual, and it has some interesting building potential as well. Rejected: Xorcist: @3569748 - Though the concept with moving the big wood ground seems interesting, it doesn't really provide any new content for spiritual. Not only can mice just wall-jump on it anyway, but it seems like that is pretty much the only way to do the map. Monosolution and generic map, not recommended for spiritual. Dddin: @4100836 - Not really much going on with this map. It has different pathways for shaman to utilize, but the concept itself is still generic nonetheless. The design doesn't seem so dissimilar to other maps we have in rotation anyway, so nothing new here. Mousechris: @6426001 - The concept with the b ice ground looks interesting, but we feel like it doesn't support itself well enough to be considered true new content for spiritual - there aren't too many exciting ways to solve the actual concept itself. Also, the left portion doesn't really pertain the concept, and it feels so out of place - it just has you generically build downwards. Perhaps a few revisions, such as shortening the left side of the map, would make it a lot better. We will be looking forward to a re-submission of such a map. Anthonyjones: @6320399 - Nothing new here at all. This is pretty much considered vanilla - all you do is cannon grounds away and generically build to hole. Anthonyjones: @6320337 - Although you can choose which side to build on using the b ice ground, it doesn't really influence how you solve the map. It is just generic building with nothing new to behold. Anthonyjones: @6454026 - Nothing new to building on this map, seems very much vanilla-like. Just a generic concept and the background doesn't look very appealing either. Anthonyjones: @6453714 - This map looks way too generic and simple for spiritual, and it doesn't really introduce anything new. Anthonyjones: @6450021 - Although this also fits as quite generic and vanilla-like, it at least has room for science solutions. However, that isn't enough to support this map for rotation. Perhaps a revision or two would be handy to change our minds, though. Removed Maps: Micegosh: @5650850 (Re-exported) - Yes, believe it or not, this is not originally Inthebin's map. It was a large revision and change in concept based off a very old map that hasn't been in rotation for some time. This is the original code: @236750. Though, even the revised map is now being removed and instead will be replaced by @4505763. We feel like this new map has a lot more to offer in terms of building space as well as having an abundance of possible solutions, unlike bin's revised map which is merely based off an outdated map. As for the concept, we are confident that it will continue to support a lot of new and inventive building designs. Dernière modification le 1519954380000 |
Attomake « Citoyen » 1454418840000
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@6481797 example solution @6494875 @6505760 (W5) fixed : add noNJ (can B) add : @6507579 add : @6513394 *this solution is difficult, but u can success easier than it. Dernière modification le 1454945100000 |
Dukeonkled « Citoyen » 1455167340000
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Checkpoint! Also, the team apologizes for being 10 days late on the review results post. We were under certain circumstances that rendered us inactive during our period of review. But as always, thank you for your patience. |