[Script] Truth or Dare |
Rednin « Citoyen » 1459725540000
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Pardone but the admin issue is still there tbh ^^" |
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redninn a dit : Woops sorry forgot to edit the code XD edited. Now it should work. Report any more issues if needed thanks ^^ |
Antonio « Sénateur » 1459867740000
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Love this |
Superyacine « Censeur » 1460124420000
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I dont understand how the mods work |
Minerva « Citoyen » 1460188020000
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mods are for skipping talking in mod chat and (2 other things i think can't remember what they are) |
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Superyacine a dit : The mods basically have control over the module, having the power to skip turns if the asker is afk, ban people who are violating any of the Truth or Dare rules or being rude(disallow them from participating in the game), and also to announce any announcement such as restarting the module due to too many consumables or any other announcements to be made in the text area. This is to ensure regulation of the module for the person loading the script in tribehouse or when I load it in public. Dernière modification le 1460249280000 |
Itsme2222222 « Citoyen » 1460404320000
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how do i play? i put in the /lua 3 names;i clicked "Valideaza" (I am romanian) and it doesn't work |
Gujiniuniu « Citoyen » 1461019920000
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This script works absolutely fine! My tribe pretty much plays it everyday. The admin thing still has problems though. I've tried to input only my username just like this: admins={"Gujiniuniu"} I even tried it with all the original admin names and only replaced "Mousetat" with my username: admins={"Mousetatatat", "Gujiniuniu", "Sydoline"} I also tried adding it to the list exactly as instructed: admins={"Mousetatatat", "Mousetat", "Sydoline", "Gujiniuniu"}. All times I loaded the script and typed "!mods," it just showed "The moderators are: ." When others type it that shows up as well. HOWEVER! When I inputted my username in the front and put another player's username that was in the room, it worked! But I was the only admin! The other player was not an admin. Later I tried it and put three players: myself, the other player, and then another player. It was only the first two that were admins. So I've come to the conclusion that the last person in the list will not be an admin. |
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gujiniuniu a dit : Oh my I'm so sorry I forgot the "=" sign in the script ^^' Edited script! thanks for reporting the bug! You can alternatively contact me ingame too if you find any other problems ^^. OMG ITS THE 69th post! Dernière modification le 1461065040000 |
Trapin « Citoyen » 1462711140000
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Nice game I love it! |
Rednin « Citoyen » 1463862960000
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Can yo make it possible that the mod message be shown to another side bar instead of on the same bar as the game narrator? We'd like the mod message to stay intact without the game narrating disrupting it. |
Hajime « Censeur » 1466732220000
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I tried to make a room, but it wont work? |
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redninn a dit : I will do that when I have the time, pretty busy right now. Although the public one should be better since the message will be displayed in chat. ravenwingsss a dit : If you want to play the module in /room *#truthordare or /room *#truthordaremusic you have to /c Mousetat can help load #truthordare in /room *#truthordare please? Otherwise since it's unofficial it won't load automatically. Only when I'm online can I load it for you. |
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I cant figure out how to do this. Can you help? |
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sunsetwing a dit : Mousetat a dit : Dernière modification le 1467780660000 |
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How do I invite people to the tribe house without actually inviting them to the tribe? |
Gujiniuniu « Citoyen » 1468023360000
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alphajokes a dit : I'm pretty sure that you would type this: /inv [the username of the person you want to invite] |
Plasmahalo « Citoyen » 1468188960000
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whats the map ID? |
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plasmahalo a dit : @6411544 is my map that I used for this minigame. |
Starleopards « Citoyen » 1468341180000
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