Envio de Mapas #Hardcamp#Hardcamp Map SubmissionsSoumission de cartes #Hardcamp |
Antoni0 « Citoyen » 1691584200000
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@7939347 |
Svalki « Citoyen » 1692060720000
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@7935561 |
0 | ||
@7939921 |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1692229860000
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@7939965 |
Antoni0 « Citoyen » 1692298980000
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@7935355 |
Alarobzein « Citoyen » 1692528840000
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Checkpoint |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1692927480000
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@839213 |
Katwyn « Citoyen » 1693014840000
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@7928868 |
Ijuini « Citoyen » 1693694700000
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@7939281 |
Elmattjuan « Citoyen » 1693789620000
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@7941124 |
Vincentfarm « Citoyen » 1694514240000
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@7857961 - editted Dernière modification le 1697692860000 |
Jasseh « Censeur » 1694557320000
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@7778886 |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1695043020000
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@7789974 @7798216 Dernière modification le 1695043620000 |
Stovedove « Citoyen » 1695461400000
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@7932011 @7932130 @7917882 @7912538 |
Svalki « Citoyen » 1699636980000
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@7944546 Dernière modification le 1699722480000 |
Katwyn « Citoyen » 1700615640000
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@2141556 Dernière modification le 1700615700000 |
Bautipro « Censeur » 1701035520000
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@7774708 |
Alarobzein « Citoyen » 1709230080000
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Note : Sorry for the waiting dear hardcamp enjoyers. We're happy to see many people are still submitting maps. We took a while because it is becoming harder for us to find the time to vote, and this review may not contain the same amount of comments on each map. You can still ask a member of the team if you need more information about why your map has been rejected. Refused Lo_ski#0331 - @7935423 - This map is really precise, treadmills are inconsistent and some obstacles don't work as intended, such as the cheese part. (There are comments for the new version as well) Evereseqw#0000 - @7935482 / @7935264 / @7934639 / @7933854 / @7935476 / @7936167 / @7930044 / @7935557 / @7936178 - The main issue with your maps are not the ideas, for instance the beginning of @7935482 has a certain flow. You don't use the space very well, some of your maps have big empty areas. We can see you did not spend much time working on these maps, next time please try to respect the alignment of the grounds you use to make them your obstacles more coherent. We can help you to improve, feel free to ask a reviewer if you have more questions. Eduard11#2625 - @7700053 - Long maps are nice, but this one just doesn't feel like it has the vibes of hardcamp. It looks like every single obstacle is made out of basic bootcamp ideas, and that's not fun at all, it feels repetitive after 6min of playing. Maybe remake your obstacles to make it feel more like hardcamp without losing the vibes of a basic longer map. The properties of lava and trampoline grounds are sometimes a bit incoherent or surprising. Svalki#2826 - @7933900 - You could use more the space of the map, it has tons of empty areas. And the path is not really clear since the dirt CJ's are extremely small. The trampolines restitution should be edited in some places. You can use the hole obstacle better by turning the whole cheese-to-hole part into a good chain, it should make the map more fun to play. Eduard11#2625 - @7700951 - The wind/water/cheese combo is well used but there are already similar maps, such as Rdzoze's one. There can be improvements. (Also the sand looks a bit weird) Aomry123#0000 - @7935555 - This map sure has potential. However some parts don't work as intended, or are automatic. The use of water with different properties is a bit confusing as you already use tons of mechanisms. Lastly, the top-left part feels a bit empty. Brpiy#6028 - @7136383 - The second tramp you have to hit makes a precise jump which isn't necessary. You could nerf that part on the first boost. Then there's the invisible wall before cheese. Players are not supposed to guess it's possible to do that. The cheese turn around is too precise, but the obstacle right before is worst. The gap is way tight, most of times you die to a random corner hit. The last chain is good, but also there's an invisible acid wall next to it, which is really annoying, specially for a last obstacle. Brpiy#6028 - @6863021 - The low tramp obstacle has a really unexpected restitution. It is painful and you made it worse by adding an acid right before the chocolate. Then at cheese part, you could literally just use chocolate for the roof over cheese, and could've made the wood above higher if you wanted players to use the springs in a better way instead of using acid again. For the last lava, its restitution is bugged somehow. For the last obstacle, it's really difficult to deal with this amount of speed you get from the tramp. You could make a filler obstacle for that part to make it better instead of killing the player when he's out of the map, which happens 95% of the times. Overall, the use of acid is excessive. Brpiy#6028 - @7935371 - The first chain is nice but then it gets really precise and frustrating wiith all this acid. Omgjrn#0000 - @7770738 - Fun obstcales but this is a bit cheap and short as a map. Especially the beginning. Ijuini - @7298162 - The start is cool, but bottom-right part is generic. The end is not as nicely made as the rest though. Antoni0#8587 - @7933233 - The idea has potential but it isn't well executed. The bottom-right part and cheese one feel empty. Bautipro#5357 - @7744033 - The start is really nice but the following part is far less interesting. The end chain takes a big areas for something quite common. The end is frustrating. Ijuini - @7320136 - The idea is fine but the gameplay is repetitive. Moreover, the trampoline beyond the treadmill is useless. There are some shortcuts and useless grounds. It is important to avoid shortcuts, balance difficulty and to create a flow between the obstacles, not only repeting an enjoyable one. Eduard11#2625 - @7703340 - While top obstacles are great, the bottom ones are common. It's also hard to know how to hit the ice at the end, you could make the space less "open" to guide the mice so they don't have to die 10 times before understanding how to just go up without dying instantly. Ijuini - @7322689 - It can be improved a lot. The start is cool but seems to take a lot of space for a simple chain, maybe you could make it funnier and clearer. The top part is really fun, but it would be better if the treadmill was consistent. Maybe you can separate it in two parts and give the top one 9999 friction. The end isn't bad but the part where we're walking on the treadmill with cheese is really slow and annoying. Perhaps you could make it shorter. Ijuini - @7327084 - Some places are bland, such as top-right part where we almost don't have anything to do. It is unbalanced and the dodue parameter isn't very useful. It plays nice in some places but it is overall not worth to be in the rotation at the moment. Ijuini - @7328022 - It is fine as a map but it is too long to play and so it becomes repetitive and annoying. Antoni0#8587 - @7938866 - Very interesting use of water but it is so powerful that it acts inconsistently. The gameplay is chaotic and repetitive, you can improve it. Jim#3189 - @7925263 - There are already enough lava-clustered map like this one. Moreover the trampoline wall-jump at the start is really annoying. Badprncs#0000 - @7454555 - This is not hardcamp. If you need someone to help you understand our criterias you can ask a reviewer. Chmw#0000 - @7938129 - The map is fine but isn't really interesting for us. You use big areas for obstacles that wouldn't require that much space in the absolute. Antoni0#8587 - @7938880 - There's an idea with the first obstacle but the rest is a succession of already seen obstacles which aren't really coherent. You use so many features that it is way too confusing. Ijuini - @7381149 - It isn't really dynamic, plus it's very long to complete. Antoni0#8587 - @7939347 - The start would be fine but it doesn't work as intended. The rest is already seen and chaotic. Reses#2305 - @7939921 - This map is more GBC than hardcamp. Every obstacle alone is a monster of precision and, if it wasn't enough, the path is really unclear, especially at the right. If you manage to make it more playable it can be fun to have chocolate/trampoline-only map though. Antoni0#8587 - @7935355 - It has some funny obstacle but the way it is made makes it frustrating. Doing twice the same part is annoying. Also weird design. Portwave#8221 - @7771414 - Left part is interesting but some other are really frustrating and act inconsistent.There'rer many different waters and no indication about the way they work. Aomry123#0000 - @7937396 - This has a good flow and decent ideas, but the we think it can be improved a lot. The chain could take less space and be cleaner. For instance the top-left obstacle is made in a weird way, the 45° treadmill and the sticky ground seems useless, you could replace them by a simple trampoline and it would help making the map clearer. Erzachopper#5967 - @7943792 - Fun chains, however it needs several adjusments. The start is nice but the area is completely open and the treadmill is really powerful, and because of this, it is chaotic and unclear. You could block the horizontal treadmill at the left to make it clearer. The treadmills are unpredictable as one acts like lava and another almost like wood, it makes the path hard to decipher even though it isn't so hard (mostly thinking about the part just before the cheese, where the first thing we want to try is to take the boost to hit the treadmill). The fact we can easily skip the top treadmill is also an issue. Laslty, it is not a big deal in comparison with what was said previously, the first corner jump clash with the map's vibe, because it really is a filler. Edits before being accepted Brpiy#6028 - @6883555 : Change the 20x20 acid ground near the cheese to make this part more pleasant and coherent with the difficulty of the rest of the map and probably D2. Brpiy#6028 - @7759711 : You can remove friction from the middle tramp. Also it needs little adjustments like the gap you have to go through at the end. It's frustrating when it's too tight because this map don't need it to be hard. You could align better your grounds, and remove some other unneeded grounds. Great map overall though. Brpiy#6028 - @7761094 : It needs some ground alignments and maybe you could use chocolate on the tip of the grounds instead of using acid. It is annoying to land the wood and randomly getting killed because of the hitboxes of acid. The gameplay is flowy and fun. The difficulty is unbalanced between first top obstacle and second one. D1 with edits. Aomry123#0000 - @7936180 : Add indication for the different water grounds. Make the path clearer by blocking some places in an obvious way. Xaxadoooooo#0000 - @7939965 : Adjust the 2nd part because we don't always get the right grip on the chocolate, it's pretty inconsistent. Also it isn't clear we need to take the cheese after getting to the top-right chocolate. Accepted
Dernière modification le 1710830580000 |
Antoni0 « Citoyen » 1709401980000
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@7935355 edit Dernière modification le 1713552120000 |