Envio de Mapas #Hardcamp#Hardcamp Map SubmissionsSoumission de cartes #Hardcamp |
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@7963366 |
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@7965389 @7966027 @7965788 Dernière modification le 1741344540000 |
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Hi guys i'm back in the team! We know it's been a long time since we made a review of the map submissions, and we have a lot of things to tell you about hardcamp so i will try to make it as short as possible ! Difficulty of the maps We feel like a lot of people misunderstood what kind of maps we are looking for, i guess because we did not make it clear enough. Hardcamp maps doesn't have to be very hard, to put some context about the module, when we created hardcamp, the name we wanted for the module was Bootcamp+ because what we always wanted is an extension to bootcamp rooms with a different map rotation. We named it Hardcamp because Bootcamp+ was already used in another old gamemode on transformice but we wanted to make it clear that we accept hard maps and maps that are hard to understand, but we ALSO accept normal/easy maps, which mean you don't have to edit your bootcamp maps to make it harder or more precise. The most important thing you must think about is making a hard map doesn't mean making it precise. In accordance with what we said about difficulty, we decided to change the category of a bunch of maps to put more maps in the difficulty 3/4 and to make the difficulty 1/2 more accessible.
Quality of the maps We consider that we have a good amount of maps in the rotation now, obviously we still want new maps and your maps submissions are always welcomed, but we will now focus on the quality instead of the quantity. We realized there's been a lot of maps in the rotation that we consider not good enough for the module anymore, so we went through the whole map rotation and depermed a bunch of them. It also means that our requirements will be higher than it used to be in our reviews, no more ugly maps, no more boring maps (even if it's original) !
Reviews and hardcamp team Last review was more than one year ago, which is way too more and we know it demotivate a lot of you to send maps to our module, so we will make sure it doesn't happen again ! Obivously there is less active players, less active mapmakers and less map submissions than it used to be some years ago, but we will try to keep posting reviews every 2 months or maybe 1 if we are active enough, based on the quantity of submissions. To make sure we can be active enough, we changed the hardcamp team ! We never updated the team on the thread but some of us already joined some years ago, anyways, here is the new team : We want to thanks Shalander and Willeus for many years of work for hardcamp, we decided to take them out from the team because they are not active anymore but they might comeback whenever they decide to ! Current review What you've been waiting for so long haha, here is the review of the map submitted since last checkpoint. We started reviewing the maps during february 2025 so all the edited messages before are considered but remember: Do not edit your messages on our thread because we add the maps in our reviewing system whenever we see a new submission, so editing your messages are useless and we will not check it again (after edits). Refused Antoni0#8587 - @7935355 - The start and the middle part is a bit too easy and boring, the mechanics of the bottom right part is already used a lot in many of your maps, and the end is way too precise. Katwyn#1614 - @7944420 - There's some potential but the map is not ready yet. The middle obstacle is very interesting and fun but there's some edits to make on all of the rest of map. There is many way to do the start (https://prnt.sc/huSsDI9Yx09f) and the end feels very chaotic and confusing. Antoni0#8587 - @7958757 - Some interesting ideas with the water and the honey but there is still many things to change. The start is kinda inconsistent as it's hard to know the hitting spot on treadmill, because you're either hit that lava or hit those tramps more than once. On bottom part, getting cheese is okay but getting the right speed to reach the ending feels random. Also there's improvements to do on the design, starting by the color of the water that we can barely see and the mechs grounds. Bautipro#5357 - @7816480 - Interesting water that could be very good in another map but this mix with water and acid is just not fun and annoying. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7954048 - The concept is irritating and frustrating, we don't think it is a good concept as it is actually just a generic gameplay with aie. Antoni0#8587 - @7933233 - Some parts are too precise and not pleasant to play (the obstacle bottom mid before the cheese/the boost after cheese/the end). Also need a lot of improvements on the design (color of the water, alignement, etc). Antoni0#8587 - @7956528 - The whole right part need improvements because it seems like the way you must use the trampoline to get the cheese is a bit random, the rest of the map is okay but there's nothing really outstanding and it feels a bit boring to play. Bautipro#5357 - @7744033 - There's too many shortcuts (https://prnt.sc/ar_BxcniJ7by). You can skip the water box at the beginning and go up only from the lava in the bottom. On the top left i don't know if it was intended but you can bounce on the chocolate to get high enough. And on the cheese part you don't need speed from the lava to grab the cheese. But even by doing the normal way, the obstacles aren't really that interesting and the start feels a bit weird. Bautipro#5357 - @7955500 - The concept is interesting but could be used a better way. The gameplay is a bit slow which make it boring and the right part can be done different ways which make it even more confusing. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7952878 - Not a bad map but most of the obstacles are just fillers. Akiong#3458 - @7914452 - Generic lava token map, nothing outstanding. Zeus#6550 - @7958599 - Honestly could have been in the edits before being accepted maps but the whole bottom section feels a bit boring to play and quite annoying: the treadmill is a bit inconsistent because you don't always get the same amount of speed from the trampoline/ice and so you don't hit the treadmill always at the same speed, which is a problem because the treadmill isn't full friction. The rest of the map is quite fun but this part need to be changed, mostly considering you must do it twice. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7962227 - The difficulty is a bit unbalanced, some parts are very easy while some are kinda precise, also the concept isn't that bad but the map itself is a bit boring and has a low replay value. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7962351 - Usebug is bannable and isn't a feature you can use for your maps. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7960772 - We cannot accept this masterpiece because it only belong to bootcamp as a P3. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7963036 - Kinda repetitive, and using the same mechs during the whole isn't the best idea. Also having to do the first and second obstacle twice doesn't help. Relaxbir2#3456 - @7964254 - Not the kind of map we are looking for, also it is pretty confusing on how to get the cheese and which way is for the end or for something else. Sladkoru#5992 - @7963366 - The map is too precise and there is no visual clue to advance on the map, and no spot to stop during the whole run so it it very hard to learn how to do the map. Also the massive use of acid and the very strong wind make it a bit annoying to play. Snart#7304 - @7963090 - The map itself isn't that bad but it's just way too precise all the way, and we already have some maps like this one but less precise so we don't think it could fit in the rotation. Relaxbir2#3456 - @7965220 - Same as your other submission, this is not the kind of long defilante/racing map we are looking for, also you can do the right part different ways. Relaxbir2#3456 - @7965788 - Poor gameplay and the bottom is a copy of Tennis's map, also not really fun to play. Relaxbir2#3456 - @7965636 - The flow of the first obstacle could be fun but it is poorly made and it is not working as intended, mostly because of the inconsistency and the wrong settings of the water grounds. The whole right part isn't that interesting and the end is very very precise, nearly impossible. Edits before being accepted Svalki#2826 - @7944553 - Very fun map that could fit in our rotation, but the speed you get in the middle/end is a bit inconsistent, so you might not get the right speed to get all the spring the good way to complete the map (for example sometimes you get no grip from the last spring because you have too much speed). We suggest you to make some edits by for example switching trampolines with treadmills (which keep consistent speed and can be hide under no colision trampolines). Svalki#2826 - @7950939 - Again a good map that could fit as a D1, but firstly we need you to edit the cheese part by adding more cheese so we could not go through between the two cheese. Lo_ski#0331 - @7905780 - Cool maps and cool chains but the end need to be open a little bit more by reducing the size of the water to make it less precise. Also the design need improvements (color of the treadmills/stickys). Lo_ski#0331 - @7922855 - Would definetely fit as a D4 but we want you to edit a few little thing. Firstly we feel like you could remove one skull near the cheese to open a little bit more the space between the skulls and the lava. Secondly in the bottom left it feels like you can complete this part with only one boost. And the end is really bad compared to the rest of map, we think it have to be different because being accepted. Antoni0#8587 - @7957057 - Some cool obstacles, the main problem is the bottom right water, it is impossible to know where to jump because sometimes you go too high or too low by doing the exact same thing. Also the water on the top could be moved a little bit to the right. Needs improvements on the design (color of the treadmills). Bautipro#5357 - @7926516 - Not the most amazing map but could fit in the rotation if you edit the beginning: it is too confusing and nobody understand you must walk right then left to get enough speed. Rioxmaps#3702 - @7954550 - Cool concept but the end must be edited because it is a bit too hard/precise. Some parts could be a bit upgraded too, for example the trampoline part is a bit annoying to play because the ice a bit too much on the right. Ijuini#0000 - @7576743 - Fun map but there's a lot of edits to make: the color grounds are too unstable right now and whenever more than one/two people touch it at the same time, it doesn't work well. Most of the time you freeze by using the first lava and you cannot jump at the cheese. The arrow doesn't really show the exact spot to use the ground. There is a big shortcut by using the lava again: https://prnt.sc/NDjkTPVy8GpN Accepted Virtini#0000 - @7776910 Too lazy to read ? I said i tried to make it as short as possible but i guess it's not that short lmao, so this is just the informations if you're lazy to read: ◈ We are not only looking for hard maps, we also accept easy bootcamp maps and your maps doesn't have to be very hard and very precise ◈ We changed the difficulty of many maps to put more maps in D3/4 to make D1/2 more accessible. ◈ We focus on quality instead of quantity, so we depermed a lot of maps from the rotation and our requirements are higher than it used to be. ◈ The team changed to be more active and we will try to post a review every 2 months. ◈ You can find the review on this message. Thank you guys for all the submissions, i hope you will keep sending some even though we didn't review a lot lately, and don't forget to join our discord if you have questions or want to be ping for the next reviews ! |
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hell yes hardcamp season 2?? and i already have a map to submit for d1 please and thank you @7961007 |
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@7907510 @7905780 @7922855 @7908922 strong ahh... Dernière modification le 1741674840000 |
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@7949001 edited (new cod) |
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@7926516 - edited |
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@7774708 |
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@7946739 |