Tópico Oficial de Denúncias de Mapas P3+موضوع الإبلاغ عن خرائط P3+ الرسميP3以上のマップの公式報告スレッドOficiální P3+ nahlašování mapOfficial P3+ Maps Report ThreadSegnalazione Mappe P3+ UfficialeOficjalny Temat Zgłoszeń Map P3+Hivatalos P3+ Pálya Jelentés TémaDiscuția oficială pentru raportarea hărților P3+Hilo oficial de reportes de mapas P3+Resmi P3+ Haritalarını Raporlama KonusuOfficiële P3+ Mappen Rapporteer Thread |
Bautipro « Censeur » 1638902820000
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@161780 - P6 - mass death |
Xorcist « Citoyen » 1639049580000
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Bootcamp Akiong a dit : Nothing wrong at all Akiong a dit : Will be discussed Akiong a dit : I saw this map plenty of times in bootcamp rooms and I never experienced anything weird. I know there are lava shortcuts that allow you to go through the treadmill in the middle but the treadmills don't seem to be glitchy at all. Please be more specific Akiong a dit : That glitch isn't allowed and you can get banned for hacking if you use it. Nothing wrong with the map Akiong a dit : Bootcamp needs to have a few easier maps for new players to learn something and I think this one is fine. I don't see how it's confusing Akiong a dit : These shortcuts are fine but yeah I don't like the first one and the lava ground causing it is completely useless, we'll see about it Akiong a dit : Indeed but there's nothing wrong about having some more complicated maps in bootcamp Akiong a dit : The lava shortcuts you can do here are very difficult and inconsistent, it's not a big deal at all Akiong a dit : Will be discussed, altough having a couple of very easy maps in bootcamp doesn't really hurt in my opinion so I think it'll stay. There always were maps of this difficulty in bootcamp and a lot of them have been removed already Akiong a dit : Nothing wrong with this Akiong a dit : I don't think that the falling ice ground could possibly get glitchy in a bootcamp room due to the lack of a room synchroniser. I saw this map plenty of times and I never experienced anything weird Akiong a dit : This map is pretty unique in the rotation. It's ok Sladkoru a dit : The top half of the map is definitely more difficult than the bottom one but it really isn't as serious as you describe it. I rarely fail the TA and it never felt random at all to me. It's only precise at most but you can easily retry it. I don't quite understand your complaint about the lava part either. It might be difficult to do it fast but you can take your time and slowly slide down the slanted lava ground to have more control over your jump, that's at least a lot easier than landing on the 10x10 (?). The rest of your report can apply to most old school bootcamp maps and is more of a subjective matter, this map is one of the rare P13 fillers I actually enjoy playing and I think it's fine. Overall this seems like a decent and challenging old bootcamp map. Altough it's only a filler so it might get removed in the future. |
Sladkoru « Citoyen » 1639800660000
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@263565 - P5 - Mass death, the lava near cheese is extremely dangerous for normal rooms. Also sometimes the wooden platforms just fly in the air when mice step on them @7300033 - P7 - Throwables kill mice because of aie @292744 - P9 - Fake grounds for no reason, very boring and dull wj gameplay. Dernière modification le 1640538660000 |
Poteerfotter « Citoyen » 1640137980000
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@170597 - i think it should be p9 instead of p6 - p6 @2147002 - can be completed without shaman - p4 Dernière modification le 1640138340000 |
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Normal rotation reports Irunalone a dit : Removed. +Hotboy a dit : Oldscool map but it works, it's fine. Bautipro a dit : That is part of the intended gameplay, after one time players will learn to avoid the trap. Sladkoru a dit : These will be discussed. Poteerfotter a dit : @170597 is fine in P6, it has a kinda mechanism/trap in place. @2147002 is fine as well, it's very rare that someone soloes it. |
Shalander « Citoyen » 1641331260000
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P7 - Sewdycreatooor#0873 - @7644055 I'm pretty sure this was a study of him trying to fix some of Nyoibou's map, this shouldn't be permed because it's basically a copy |
Wiannix « Citoyen » 1641402360000
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Goldenstyle#0095 - @488493 - P13 map with poor consistency and the path to the hole is poorly made |
Anomunus « Censeur » 1641684840000
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Pgmsule - @4959795 - P7 VERY easily broken using consumables, nobody can finish the map if enough are thrown. |
Budweiser « Censeur » 1642468680000
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@7701556 * #11 mass 0=auto is broking here, https://prnt.sc/26exjx5 @5779970 * #24 pretty easy for two shams, i'd appreciate it if u could check it again Dernière modification le 1642971840000 |
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@623654 - it is hard to see the ice |
Mousechris « Censeur » 1643057100000
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@3502523 - P9 The lava in the middle is key to getting the first, and something I noticed with this is that the lava just isn't that noticiable, not only is it at the oppisite y axis end of the screen to where your eyes would lead towards since you have to go through the top. The lava itself is also small. I don't think this map needs to be depermed, I just think something should be done to make it more obvious there's lava at the bottom of the screen, like making it the highest z value. |
Unknown « Censeur » 1643855520000
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@3565383 - p5* |
Mrloll « Citoyen » 1644862440000
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NORMAL ROTATION REPORTS Shalander a dit : I don't recognize the Nyoibou's map in this case. If you find it please send the code here and we'll check out! edit: found the map @3657454, will be discussed! Mousechris a dit : It is fine as is. Uelintondd a dit : Will be discussed. Anomunus a dit : Unfortunately we don't have a fix for this right now. As it isn't common to happen, you will have to cooperate with your fellow mates. Cave a dit : Fixed. Thanks! Bootcamp and Survivor Reports will be checked by other members Dernière modification le 1644863220000 |
Kkkkkkkarry « Citoyen » 1645188420000
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@3425885-P5 mechanics crashed Dernière modification le 1645188480000 |
Nwpu_yangzi « Citoyen » 1645350480000
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@1236385 - P5 This simply-structured map make FPS Fall. As the FPS is usually 60 in other maps (even in those complicated-structured maps), this map make the game goes crazily at 16 frames per sec. I don't think this map should be banned from appearing; i like its artwork. But to find out and fix how it makes FPS fall is a must. |
Mousechris « Censeur » 1645851000000
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@4792912 - P9 I think a map that literally T bags the player is kinda inappropriate for P3+, max P1 imo. But on top of that the sync based mech causes serious luck gameplay for firsts. |
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@6926916 - P4 big rectangle adds nothing for gameplay and just annoying imo |
Qtangel « Citoyen » 1646875440000
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@153951 - P17? - people keep getting stuck in the chocolate corners because the friction is increased too much on those grounds Dernière modification le 1646875500000 |
Danila2007 « Citoyen » 1647158520000
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@6506841 - P66 Invisible grounds all over the map when minimalist mode is On |
Sprinkles « Citoyen » 1647186360000
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P18 - @7829862: I'm not sure if this was just me and if it can be recreated, but I spawned and got stuck in a box/the ground and wasn't able to move, before dying due to the moving border in defilante maps. An image can be found in my discord post (because I don't know how to do add it) here: https://discord.com/channels/246815328103825409/755163035483635754/952219576559599677 A mod said I should post it here and suggest to move the mouse spawn a bit higher. |