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Advertising: Please don't try to recruit people to other games or advertise your own website. While we allow discussions about things that don't relate to Transformice, we don't allow referring people to other games/forums, etc., especially if someone is making money from it. Discord links are allowed so long as they are not the sole content of a thread; threads resembling "Join my Discord!" will be locked. Backseat Moderating: Please try not to act like a Sentinel. If you think a thread or post needs moderation, please contact a Sentinel via one of the ways listed on the Staff FAQ. While we appreciate when you are being helpful to others, criticizing a particular user's behavior and giving instructions as a forum moderator would is unnecessary and can be classed spam. Therefore, posts like "This thread needs locking" are not allowed. Contests: No one likes a contest that's poorly run or fizzles out part way through. To make sure this doesn't happen, we ask that you please ask a Sentinel for permission to run a contest beforehand so that we know that you have adequate preparation. Poorly made contests or ones without permission will get locked. Double-Posting: You are allowed to double post (posting twice or more in a row), but only if you have more to contribute to the thread. You should use the edit feature in situations where you are not adding anything new to the topic. For example, double posting to correct a spelling mistake is not allowed, since it doesn't add any new, relevant information to the topic, and can be easily remedied by the edit feature. However, if you're double posting to add new, relevant information, such as there being a update with new features on a particular topic, that is fine. If you double post accidentally, please report it to have your post deleted. Duplicate Threads: Please do not post the same thread multiple times. If you do so accidentally, either whisper a Mod or Sentinel or report the thread and it will be locked or deleted. If somebody has already created a thread about a topic or for a new group, please don't make another one; we don't need multiple threads about the same thing. Evasion: If you are banned, do not try to create a new account. Even if it was only a temporary ban, do not try and access the forums from another account. Flame-baiting, Harassment, and Insults: Treat all users of the forum the way you would like to be treated. You should always respect the opinions and remarks of others regardless of whether you agree with them or not. If a comment breaks the forum rules, please report the post rather than replying. Bullying, flaming, insulting, derogatory comments, and defamation are not tolerated. Users are meant to feel welcome on these forums, not belittled or intimidated. Inappropriate Chat: These forums are PG-13. We don’t allow sexually explicit content in ANY form – fanfiction, images, gifs, etc. Links or images of anything inappropriate is a serious offense; people of all ages browse these forums, so keep that in mind. Please do not swear excessively. While cussing not directed at others isn't strictly against the rules, if you do so excessively it could result in punishment. Language: These are the English forums, so please speak English, and English only. Using a translator, such as Google Translate, is not acceptable if the quality of the translation is poor and therefore makes the post difficult to understand. Plagiarism: Please do not copy/paste content from sources (such as Wikipedia) into a thread of your own. Threads like this don't take a lot of effort and look bad for the forum. You are allowed to add content from sources, but please give credit and ensure that the majority of content in your thread is written by you. Pirated content is not allowed on these forums for legal reasons. Private Servers: Please do not name, link to, or discuss pirate/private servers (duplicate versions of Transformice.) These are very harmful to the game and can risk your account security if you use them. Spam and Off-Topic Content: Your posts should add something relevant to the discussion and not be intended to annoy others. Sentinels will remove posts that they classify as “spam”. Additionally, replying to a spam thread unnecessarily is also considered as spam. Please report any spam thread you come across instead of posting in it. 'X or Y' threads are not allowed. These threads have little discussion value and often end up being full of one word posts. Make sure you submit your post in the correct thread and subforum. If you don’t know where to post something, ask! Any Sentinel or Moderator will be happy to help. Moderators and Sentinels will deal with situations in the way they believe is appropriate. Even if the situation is not addressed in the rules, Moderators and Sentinels are allowed to do what they believe is the best solution to the conflict, issue, or disruption. If you believe a situation was not resolved correctly, please contact a Moderator or Sentinel and it will be discussed. If you'd like to complain about a Sentinel you should do so using the Admin Contact form or Staff Contact thread. The punishment given for breaking these rules will vary on whether you repeatedly break a rule or the severity of the offense, so there are no set guidelines. And remember, if you are seen to be ignoring any cautions, mutes or warnings the punishment is likely to increase! If you need help with something, don’t hesitate to contact a Sentinel or a Moderator listed here. As a general rule, please contact Sentinels for help with any forum issue, and Moderators for game-related issues. You can contact a Sentinel by whispering one in-game, private messaging one on the forums, or by visiting the official Transformice Discord server. You can contact all staff members using the forum's private messaging feature. Send a private message by accessing this page and typing the name of the person you wish to contact in the box labeled "to". If you want to flag a rule-breaking post for a Sentinel or Moderator to deal with, please press the author/avatar of the post you wish to report and choose 'Report.' Please remember this is a PG-13 forum and therefore your avatar should reflect this. If are you unsure whether your avatar would be acceptable, feel free to PM a Sentinel to check. If you want to use art that you did not create yourself, please ensure you have the permission of the artist to use it. Only the artist can report an avatar for being used without permission. Your avatars or images posted on the forums must be PG-13. Using avatars with the following content is not allowed:
Depending on the severity, using an avatar that breaks the rules can result in a forum and in-game sanction. This list is not exhaustive, and if you have doubts about an avatar or private message being inappropriate, you can report it or ask a sentinel. It is possible to report private messages you receive. You can report private messages for any of these reasons:
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You can use this subforum for discussing topics related to Transformice. Here you can find tournaments, information about game features and staff, and you can also find and create guides about the game. If you wish to discuss anything which is unrelated to Transformice, please use the Off Topic subforum. There is also a subforum for forum games, so please don't create them in the Discussions subforum. 1. Don’t create threads appealing a ban or mute. Please refer to the Staff Contact thread if you want to appeal a sanction. 2. Questions should be posted in their respective threads. To keep the subforum clean, any question threads will be locked and the author directed to the right thread. If you have any general questions about Transformice, including the forums, you can post in the Questions & Answers thread. For questions about moderators or sentinels, please use the Staff FAQ. 3. Don’t create threads to report a user for hacking/breaking the rules. Whispering moderators in-game has proved to be the fastest way of getting reports taken care of. You can see which public moderators are online by using the /mod command. 4. Don’t post threads that are unrelated to Transformice. The Discussions forum is for discussing Transformice. Such threads should be made in the Off topic subforum and therefore will be moved there. 5. Don’t post if you have nothing of value to say. All posts should add something to the discussion. Please don’t post one word or smiley only responses. Make sure your post has discussion value and relates to the topic of the thread. 6. Don’t create threads about trolling. Trolling is a part of the game. Deal with it, don’t create threads complaining about it (or supporting it!) Finally, please remember that the Discussions subforum is also subject to the General Forum Rules and Guidelines found in the post above. Reactions: Recent Changes, Updates and Announcements Post your screenshots here! Fraises Purchasing Guide Transformice Color Codes Last edit on 1598138100000 |
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Game Rules In a perfect mouse/cheese world all players would be well-behaved and respectful of others, but who are we kidding—this is the internet! Transformice moderators will always do our very best to ensure that players have the best gaming experience possible, but we rely on you, the players, to help us catch rule breakers. Sanctions range from a warning to a permanent ban. Keep in mind that your past warnings, mutes, and bans can be viewed by every moderator, and repeat offenders may find that they have been given a higher sanction. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely possible to list every possible situation that could be against the rules. There may be issues missing from this list that warrant a punishment, but you’ll typically be given a warning before any action is taken. Respect your fellow mice and play fair. Have fun! CHEAT Cheating: Any form of hacking (aka 'cheating' by using a third party program to gain advantages) will NOT be tolerated and can result in a PERMANENT ban. So you better think twice before you start flying across the room like Supermouse, because you will lose your account! Don't even think about using a different account to cheat -- we will find you! Sharing or asking for cheats: Linking to cheats and/or asking for cheats are also against the rules and can result in a mute or ban from the game. CHAT Spam and flood: Please do not post unnecessary, repeated, or nonsense messages that disturb the flow of conversation. This includes spamming room invites, tribe advertisement, and song lyrics. Caps-lock abuse: While it's fine to use all caps to shout something now and then, chatting in caps lock continuously is considered abuse. Advertising: Do not put links in the chat to third party products or services, especially when these require payments. You are not allowed to try and make money off of Atelier801's user base. Additionally, these links may not in any way harm or compete with Atelier801's activities. General vulgarity: Swear words by themselves are not a big deal, but if they are rudely directed towards anyone or said in an inappropriate manner, this may result in a mute or ban. If you wouldn't see it in a PG13 movie, it's probably best not to say it. Inappropriate and vulgar links: Do not share any inappropriate sites or any illegal content, including links to private servers (Games that look like Atelier801's games but are not run by Atelier801). Only trust websites that start with the following links: http://atelier801.com/ http://transformice.com/ http://bouboum.com/ http://www.fortoresse.com/ http://www.nekodancer.com/ http://www.runforcheese.com/ http://www.deadmaze.com/ Insults and provocation: Insulting players (staff included) or provoking them with the intention to offend them is against the rules. Encouraging suicide: Telling someone to kill themselves is not tolerated. This includes "kys", whether you mean it or not. You don't know what mental state someone is in and what they are going through, so any case of encouraging suicide is taken seriously. Sharing personal information: Please do not share your personal information with any players (examples: email, full name, facebook profile, phone numbers, passwords etc.). Likewise, if you are caught sharing the private or personal information of another player without their consent it can result in a mute or a ban. Misleading players: Spreading false messages (e.g. asking people to copy and paste messages in rooms promising they'll get free fraises or cheese after doing it) only causes spam and confusion among users, and therefore it is not allowed. Discrimination: Racial, homophobic, religious or any other kind of discrimination is not tolerated. Using derogatory terms, even in jest, is not allowed. Promotion of illegal acts: The game is PG-13 and so is the chat in it. Encouraging others into consuming drugs, committing criminal acts or exposing the players of the game to sexual content (written or graphical) will result in a sanction. Copying inappropriate content: Do not copy-paste something that someone else said if it breaks the rules. Even if you did not write it yourself, you can still be banned or muted for pasting it. Wrong languages in chat: There are many communities, each one with their own languages, you are not supposed to speak any other language than the one from that community. (e.g. only speak German in the German community) There is, however, an international community, where players from all countries are allowed to play in: EN. You should mainly speak English here, but other languages are allowed too as long as they don't disturb other players. Moderators may warn or mute players that aren't speaking English only if they are severely disrupting the chat and they have a community they can return to. For the players that do not have a home community, we ask you to ignore them by typing /ignore (name). - E2 is English only and it is strictly enforced. Any player speaking a language other than English will be redirected to their home community or EN. Please keep in mind that speaking English in communities other than EN or E2 can result in a warning or mute. All rules that apply to the game chat also apply to the Cafe. Remember, young children also play this game. Language which seems natural for you may not be suitable for them. If you wouldn't say it in front of your mother you probably shouldn't say it here! WHISPERS Do not harass other players in private whispers. If someone is being annoying or rude in whispers, you should type "/ignore Username#xxxx" to stop receiving messages from them. However, moderators can sanction for more serious offenses in whispers, such as harassment, racism, phishing, etc. TRADING AND SELLING Trading/selling accounts: Please do not sell, trade or buy accounts from other people. Attempting to trade, sell or buy accounts from anyone can result in your account being suspended. Fraises: It is not allowed to trade, sell, give or buy Fraises from other players. Attempting to buy Fraises from anyone other than Atelier 801 can result in a sanction. Trading/selling shop items and inventory items: The gifting system is, as it name says, used to gift shop items to other people. It should not be used to trade shop items for other items such as consumables or sell them for Fraises, and advertising these kind of trades will result in a mute or ban from the game. Players are free to trade their inventory items using the game's trading system, however this is done at your own risk and any items lost under an unfair trade can not be recovered. Japan Expo codes or any promotional items redeemable in-game given out by Atelier801 are solely intended to be used by the player who received it. Attempting to trade, buy or sell one of these codes can result in a ban from a moderator and possible loss of the code. Gifting these codes to friends is fine. FARMING Players are allowed to 'farm' for stats in private if they want, providing each player is only using one account and no rules are being broken. Circumventing the game's parameters to gain an unfair advantage or playing in a way that is against the intended standards for stat and item collecting can result in a ban from a moderator and in extreme cases, account reset. Here is a short list of farming methods that are against the rules: - Using guest accounts. (*Souris) - Using VPN/Proxy. - Abusing glitches. - Botting. - Using third party software to prevent your mouse from dying. - Misleading players to join a room with many people in order to get saves, either by using /silence as an advertising method, creating false events or making false promises. ACCOUNTS Phishing is the process of trying to scam players into giving you their personal information (such as their password or phone number) by offering them cheese, fraises, or any other type of award. Any attempts to acquire such information (whether it be via linking to an external website, impersonating a moderator, or even simply asking over chat) can result in a permanent ban from this game. Staff Impersonation: Claiming to be a staff member in the chat can result in a mute and you may be banned if you do not heed our warnings in the future. Inappropriate names: Please don’t create accounts or tribes that are meant to impersonate staff or that contain vulgar or offensive language. By doing so you risk losing that account forever! In addition, please do not change your name to anything inappropriate using the name change feature. You risk having your name reverted with no refund given on fraises or money spent. EVASION Evading a ban or mute will result in a higher punishment. If you feel that you were punished unfairly, it is best to contact a moderator in the Transformice Discord server or by sending a forum message to any moderator listed here. Asking a friend to contact a mod for you does not work as well. We would prefer to talk to you directly. ROOMKICK Roomkick abuse: The /ban command allows you kick players out of your room for an hour. It can be used to kick players out for minor offenses (e.g., trolling, favoring, glitch abuse, rule breaking in minigame rooms). It shouldn't be used to punish mice that "steal" your firsts, or a new shaman trying to learn, so please use it responsibly. Rallying your tribe or a group of players together for the purpose of kicking innocent players from a room is considered abuse and may result in a ban from a moderator. Using Roomkick as a game: Room kick “lotteries” where players kick each other for fun is also regarded as abuse and is strictly prohibited. OTHER Glitch abuse: Please note that exploiting glitches is not advised since it gives you an unfair advantage over other players. Depending on the glitch you could be warned/banned by a moderator or votebanned by the room. Exploiting certain glitches can result in your removal from module rooms. You can report new glitches to the bugs section of the forum. Leaking or sharing private information relevant to the game: Staff members know a few more things than a usual player and you will probably hear some of this information one day. Leaking or sharing this type of information is prohibited. Inappropriate room names: Rooms listed on the Room List that contain vulgar or offensive language will get removed and the creator of the room may be banned. TRANSFORMICE MAPS Offensive maps: Please do not create any maps that are inappropriate, offensive, or can cause other players to lag or crash. Most crash maps are considered accidental and are simply removed from the rotation; however, if it appears that you’ve created the map intentionally (e.g., a lava box with 20 anvils) it will be deleted and you may be banned. Copy maps are simply removed from the rotation, but if it’s been discovered that you are stealing XMLs or trying to pass off the work of others as your own you run the risk of having all of your maps deleted and being put on the Map Crew’s “blacklist”, meaning all of your maps will be deleted and your future (original) maps will not be considered for perm status. Copying maps and keeping them as tribehouse without submitting them to rotation (p0) or submission threads is okay, and your maps won't be deleted and you won't be blacklisted for this. GRAPHIC CONTENT Inappropriate avatars: Avatars with sexual, violent or illegal content will be deleted and you might be sanctioned on both the game and atelier 801's forums. Drawing consumables: Drawing inappropriate images or texts with consumables that let you draw/write (such as the paintbrush and the letter consumables) is not allowed. Modules: Showing or drawing images with inappropriate content in module rooms such as #pictionary, depending on the drawing/image you could be warned or banned from the game by a moderator. Inappropriate videos in music rooms: Playing videos in music rooms that are not PG-13 will result in your video being skipped and your account getting sanctioned. TOTEM Do not create any totems that are offensive or could cause other players to lag or crash. If you intentionally create an offensive totem (e.g. swastikas, bad words spelled with planks) or a crash totem (e.g. anvil/box god), be prepared to receive a ban. CRASHING ROOMS It is not allowed to intentionally do things that would cause other players to lag or crash, such as creating crash maps or making any kind of item gods (e.g. attaching many boxes to a red anchored plank) MODULES AND MINIGAMES Modules may have their own rules aside from game rules, moderators will not deal with modules or minigames rulebreakers (such as huggers in survivor) so please do not call us to do so. However, feel free to contact us if players are breaking any of the game rules listed above. If you have a complaint about a particular module please contact the person running it. MORE INFORMATION TROLLING Trolling is part of the game. Mad that your shaman blocked your hole? Did he fool around with a few ghost planks? Is someone not following the rules of a mini-game? Is a naughty mouse constantly stalling? Did your shaman just balloon his friend to first? While moderators won't do anything about trolling since it does not break any game rules, if these players happen to get on your nerves, you have all rights to votekick. PRIVATE ROOMS A private room is private. It's your room and you can do (almost) whatever you want in it! We won't moderate your chat and you are free to voteban any unwanted guests. However, we WILL moderate your room if someone is hacking in it, if we notice a ban lottery going on, or if multiple people in the room are reporting certain players in it. Please keep in mind that only rooms with passwords and some international rooms (rooms that start with a *) are considered private. Numbered rooms, minigame rooms, rooms listed on the room list, and popular non-numbered rooms such as /room cheese, /room noob, etc. are NOT considered private due to the amount of players from all over that circulate through each day. If you aren't sure whether or not the room you are in is private please ask a moderator. MUTING Muting players: The /ignore command allows you to ignore every message from a player (even whispers). It is impossible to abuse this command since the only person affected is you. Mute a whole room if you’d like! To unignore someone all you have to do is open your friendlist, click the “Ignored” tab and click the X next to the person's username. Moderators will not moderate your whispers or your tribe chat so please take advantage of these helpful commands. Language filter: The filter option in the options window can be use to enable and disable the (inappropriate) language filter. Please note that filter is simply here to protect users from insults; insulting users will still have the same consequences. PASSWORD Do not share your account or your password with ANYONE, not even a moderator! Use a strong password that contains numbers and letters and change it frequently to lower your risk of a security breach. Write it down somewhere so you don’t forget it. Do not forget to register an email to your account. If someone guesses your password and you don’t have an email attached to it they will be able to register your account to THEIR email and change your password whenever they want. If someone is asking you for your password, contact a moderator immediately. If you think your account has already been compromised, please use the transformice contact form located at http://transformice.com/contact. REPORTING If you see anymouse breaking the rules listed in this thread, please report them by typing "/report Username#xxxx". You can also contact an online moderator, who you can find by typing "/mod". Please note that moderators cannot ban anyone based on screenshots, because it is very easy to edit them or make fake screenshots. Changes to these rules will be posted by a moderator in the announcement thread. It is your responsibility to regularly check this thread for changes. Last updated: 19 March 2020 Last edit on 1584655560000 |