Chat Channel Optimization |
![]() « Citoyen » 1379168100000
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I'm pretty sure that many people are not as satisfied as they could be in regards of the post community platform update. Here are some of the things which I believe could possible make the chat much better as Transformice from experience is more about chat than about actual gameplay itself. 1. Global Chat Channel This would be a chat channel where everything would be seen i.e whispers, room, tribe and friend chat as it is annoying when you have to switch from one channel to the next instead having a global channel where you see all chat and can reply easily to everyone who you are talking to. 2. Personalized Chat Channels I believe that like with the Global Option button (The wrench) there should also be a Chat channel option button as I mentioned before Transformice is more social instead of just gameplay. Features I want to see implemented: -Saved Channels Channels which you automatically join when you log in -Move channels Like with tribe ranks you can move channels up one or down -Clear all A button which will automatically clear all your whisper channels so that you don't have to manually close them yourself. -Offline chat messages Send messages to friends offline which they can recieve when they are online on transformice. Edit: Links to alternate Options: Topic-419661 |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1379182920000
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Agreed. With the global chat channel and the existing other chat channels, make there be several tabs: "All" - all chats are displayed here. Give commands (such as /mt from before) that allow you to block out certain things from the global chat. Discussion channel chats should have tags with the channel name in them (since I don't know how they differentiate different channels from the "main" chat (aka room tab) at the moment). "Room" - Only the game room's chat is displayed here. "Tribe" - Only tribe chat is displayed here. Whisper Tabs - Only whispers w/ other players displayed in their own tabs. Discussion Channel Tabs - Only the Discussion Channels' individual chats displayed. As Ninjasmaus said, there should be a way to arrange the order of the channels. The offline messaging one would be good too, however there may be storage space issues since there has to be a place to store the messages until sent. Offline messages, when the recepient logs in, should open a window saying "you have new offline messages" immediately, in front of the picture-menu. Also a command to easily reply to discussion channels is needed. I don't know if one exists because I haven't really gotten to use the feature yet, so correct me if I'm wrong on that part. The discussion channel interface also needs its own list of participants so that users know who else is in the channel. As well, for the future, there should be the ability to register a channel and also be able to moderate it, like in IRC (however there should be a limit to the # of channels one can register). The other suggestion, the custom tabs one, I don't like as much because it doesn't quite address what I want to see. The "All" tab is what I really want. Custom tabs can be an additional feature, but I think the "All" tab is more necessary. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1379628000000
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Anomunus a dit : True and this new inter-chat would be great although we already have custom tabs and i think the administartors were going to make a tribe chatbox .o. it would also bve great if you could apply for a Help channel tht would be mandatory for players that have only been playing for 1-3 months and after the 3 months that channel would dissapear unless you typed /hc where it would auto-matically show up and the Help Channel would be filled with useful information and be divided by groups slang would be divided Wj/Walljump-a transformice term for a mouse climbing up a wall and a group for forums How to make an avatar-click on the black box in the upper right corner next to your username,to go on forums click the forum button below Fullscreen to go on tribe forum click your tribe's name which would be last on the forum list, this would be very useful information for new comers and also maybe a command group on the help channel like Commands-when you type /t you can talk to your tribe and it would only appear to your tribemates not to the room at large. See how useful this channel would be for new transformice players! Also Anonumus's idea's are also very great and i think should also be implemented along with Ninjamaus's original idea which would be very conveniant and ideal. |