Transformice Color Codes (Third Edition) |
Batt_mellamy « Consul » 1441832040000
| 152 | ||
Original topics by Admshumaker and Haruhitastic. I got permission from Haru to re-re-post this, since she is busy with IRL stuff Thanks to Adm, Haruhitastic and Tummnus for the formatting of the old thread. Thanks to Evilsantah for providing some of the colors in the old thread, and Firebluestar for providing some of the fur color codes I was missing in this thread! Mini FAQ How do i use these codes?- Read the "Customisation tutorial" tab! How do I find these codes?- Personally I use a color-picker, but our friends at Area801 have made a tool for this! How long did it take to create this thread?- N/A; you'll have to ask the original creator of this thread (Admshumaker), however they are no longer active (last active September '14). Where are the cartouche's colours listed?- They are listed under the "Shaman" tab! Why isn't _____'s colors listed?- Majority of colors used in Transformice are covered here, however event-exclusive consumables (such as the halloween candy) won't be listed due to them being limited-time items. What is the font used for the titles/headers?- Soopahfresh. I noticed that a lot of people were asking in the old thread "How do you use these codes?". Here, i'll show you how, and where, you can use these codes. There are three main places you can use these codes:
When you go into the Transformice shop, and have a purchased item, you may notice that underneath it, it says "Customise" in grey text... This is because you haven't bought the customisation for this item yet, and therefore, cannot change the color of it. To change the color of the item, you click on where it says "Customise", and you should then get a screen that looks like this... You have 4 options; buy the customisation with cheese, buy the customisation with fraises, try the customisation (this allows for you to see how you can customise it), and "no", which will close the customisation payment screen. NOTE! The price of the item you want to customise will vary. ALL accessories cost 2,000 cheese OR 20 fraises to customise, apart from the 20 cheese "helmet", which is free to customise (however you need to relog in order for it to become customisable). ALL shaman items cost 4000 cheese OR 150 fraises in order to be able to customise them, however once you buy the Trampoline item (for 200 cheese or 10 fraises), you get the customisation for free (you don't have to relog) Once you have a customisation, the button underneath the shop item will go blue When you click it, you'll now be presented with a screen that looks like this: This is where you can use the codes which are posted here! When copy-pasting codes, you can include the #, as it gets rid of it automatically when you paste it in. However, when you copy-paste the code, you might notice that your item doesn't reflect the color you chose. Press "submit" to see your changes. This one is pretty self explanatory, however it must be noted you need 1,000 NORMAL saves in order to be able to customise your username and shaman color. Once you have 1,000 normal saves, relog, and you'll see a feather to the right of the actions. This one is also self explanatory. In the map editor, you can customise MOST decorations, which can be found under "Mice stuff". #CB546B : errors - This tribe name is already taken, please choose another. #6C77C1: default info/quote text - Admshumaker is now your shaman, follow her! #BABD2F: special info, username mentioned - Admshumaker had just unlocked the «Cheeeeeese *-*» title. , [Jmckinnon] hello Riannaleo! #C2C2DA: normal text - [Admshumaker] Hello. #606090 : offline friends - Admshumaker - disconnected #009D9D: names, misc - [Admshumaker] #ED67EA : mod messages, misc - • [SERVER] The server will restart in 2 minutes. #98E2EB : blue shaman - Admshumaker is now your shaman, follow her! #EDCC8D: outgoing whispers < [Evilsantah] hi qt #f0a78e/#e68d43: Incoming whispers > [Evilsantah] hi qt #30BA76/#92CF91: tribe chat • [Admshumaker] Hello. #98E2EB: blue shaman [Shaman Admshumaker] Hello. #FEB1FC: pink shaman [Shaman Admshumaker] Hello. #29894C: Friended user in your room. #F0C5FE/#CAA5CE : /chat color [20:13] [•] You have joined the channel [#united kingdom], use the command /who to list the online members on this channel. #12DA8A: Server-specific messages • [en] Don't forget to nominate Transformice for "the Best Use Of A Farm Animal Award"! You have until the 29th December to vote, we are counting on you! o/ Link: #D4B699/#A27C5B: Wood #CADDE7/#88B5CC: Ice #624181/#40235B/#926CB4: Trampoline #B32B01/#F59605/#FAD100: Lava #AA8262/#6A3313: Chocolate #ECF3F5/#658010/#301A0C/#AF773D/#684422: Ground + grass + snow #EFDF79/#EACA54/#BB9428: Sand #6DA7AF: Water #B7B2A3/#5E584B: Stone #324650: Default square/circle color #6A7495: Default #60A9D4/#79B5D7/#88BCD8/#B3CFDD/#A4D0E7: Daylight #A985AB/#615179/#8D7097/#CB9EBA/#DAADAF/#FFF494: Dawn #B6491F/#CD7127/#E09844/#FFEC95: Twilight #10193F/#1A2846/#4A576F/#E6FFFF: Full moon #414C52/#212C33/#C9CACB/#5C676D: Halloween #F9DE99/#EEF0E2/#516C5D: Christmas #93759C/#C89BBC/#DAADAF/#F1C296/#FFFF94/#D397C0/#C0955B/#D01130: Valentines Day #465864/#7B8A93: Storm clouds #13191E/#444C50/#3F474B/#788186: Storm clouds 2 #922C92/#5D1E5D Arrow #FFFFFF/#A0AAB4/#CBD1D6: Spirit #95D9D6/#77ADAA/#537977: Totem Feather #31AFF1/#61C7FF/#1273AA: Balloon on the shaman item list #00FFFF/#909CA8: Rune #AC7F56/#D29E6C/#946A46/#553617/#40260D/#4D3620/#855F3B/#895B2F/#C89563/#9E7045: Small Box #AC7F56/#D29E6C/#946A46/#553617/#40260D/#4D3620/#855F3B/#895B2F/#C89563/#9E7045: Big Box #202020/#0D0D0D/#181818/#464D59/#666E80: Anvil #B58253/#8F5F35/#885F3B: Little board #B58253/#8F5F35/#885F3B: Big Board #F4CD3A/#CF6A27/#FEDE5F/#EDBFA3/#894319/#A98612 Ball #999999/#393939/#0A0A0A/#111111: Cannon #AD4D07/#210E01/#E2D162 -Orange portal #2a2a91/#171757/#63b8c7 -Blue portal #307B66/#1E5042/#9BADB8: Trampoline (shaman) #11E98F: Spiritual guide #088FF1: Wind master #F2680D: Mechanician #E8DFA2: Wildling #D5A2E8: Physicist #95D9D6: Normal mode (this is your default chat color name when you have less than 1,000 saves) #FADE55: Hard mode (1,000 normal saves to unlock this mode) #C834ED: Divine mode (5,000 normal saves and 2,000 hard mode saves to unlock this mode) #313131/#3A486F/#E9E8EB/#FFFFFF/#0D6764/#269296/#5CDDE1: Default cartouche #224B06/#456A09/#ECF9D5/#FFFFFF/#E8B95C/#FFD481/#825E3D: Spiritual Guide cartouche #014550/#147984/#D3EAF6/#FFFFFF/#D5E2E6/#24989C/#54C3C6: Wind Master cartouche #520801/#D33918/#F9D7D5/#FFFFFF/#C6C8C5/#6C6C6C/#373737: Mechanical cartouche #754D02/#794703/#E9C622/#FFFFFF/#4D250E/#7F552D/#618C10/#97C640/#FDDD64: Wildling cartouche #47176B/#67298E/#C29ADC/#FFFFFF/#2D2A2B/#636363/#B2B2B2/#F786FE/#F884FF: Physicist cartouche #cee6f5/#5a99cc/#4a8cc7/#f2f7f7/#4df3ff/#21778a/#21778a/#b89025/#243436/#5a686e/#7d603e/#0f5d70/#141b24/#f2f7fa: Skiing cartouche #cee6f5/#5a99cc/#4a8cc7/#f2f7f7/#d5ebf0/#8798a1/#c8dfe3/#798e91/#859ca1/#001214/#3c5154/#f2f7fa: Snowflake cartouche #cee6f5/#5a99cc/#4a8cc7/#f2f7f7/#db5e16/#692600/#e8dbcf/#ab9d90/#592100/#f2f7fa: Santa hat cartouche #D6821F/#D42A00/#4B7616/#C7CCC0: Mistletoe cartouche #904401/#EABA22/#E9CD50/#771E06/#3F3CDB/#E1B235: Crown cartouche #DAE8BE/#6A8937/#E2D893/#A3A286/#807F66/#54B314/#396D16: Hot air balloon cartouche #D0022E/#ED98A5/#E02812/#FFFF66/#A01614/#F73830/#F39323/#FFF243/#43EB3C/#2CDDCB/#2B1CC1/#900092: Hugging day cartouche #C9442B/#F6CFC9/#E5A397/#99AF28/#566D1A/#622D1F/#F5BD9B/#FFFFFF/#DE442E: Charlotte cartouche #2E6784/#C6DFEE/#CDDEFC/#BBBBBC/#54ACD7/#E0EAFF/#2A4D73: Dragon cartouche #D0002D//#F1ABB4//#E82121//#5A7B24//#FE1414: Valentines day cartouche #8F1CD5/#CE95ED/#9534F4/#8ECB36/#F8D368/#FFDD43: Carnival cartouche #39BF8C/#B2E2E0/#7AA019/#A2BE2D/#375B04/#EBEA76/#9D5908/#340C00: Frog cartouche #52C7C1/#EAF0F0/#C29A77/#FFE15B/#4EB7BA/#FA9C29/#FFBF43/#107B6E/#CA5163/#262F36/#FFFFFF/#FF0213/#41698C: God battle cartouche #6C9C1F/#BCD690/#5D9127/#94D95A/#577722/#C66C00/#FFEEC6/#F5B418/#E1854C/#FFED76/#79E5B8/#9E62CC: St Patrick's day cartouche #F1ECE9/#87E350/#399737/#FFD7DB/#C1182B/#7E1420/#944934/#834D41/#351D18/#682F26/#D7998A/#37AF33/#E0B779/#DFDFDF/#B4B4B4/#E1BEA6/#975516 - Chef cartouche #0CC6C1/#FFF8F0/#AAF9FF/#2FABB4/#0E7D85/#80D0D6/#1B6C6A/#CF7D2B - Shaman cartouche #FFEC78/#A06032/#525252/#000000/#FFFFFF/#88448D/#3F1346/#DAB0D6 - Racing cartouche #F3E4DF/#2A0C2E/#BA9ECE/#C6AAA7 - Dino cartouche #91CCFF/#EA5324/#9CDC45/#49902E/#E95B59/#B52525/#FED36A/#B5633E/#9CD2FF/#26376B/#DA5E92/#81A8C9/#FFDF68/#B55A2E/#EA5324/#791C0D/#EFC82A - Anniversary cartouche #72852C/#A6BD51/#6F5E4C/#6C5636/#8A9156/#6E7724/#DBDBDB/#595556/#D5D5D5 - Bootcamp cartouche #95171E/#FE6870/#FF8E9E/#B8B4B3/#F6F6F6/#302E2F/#908E8E/#FF8E9E/#DF4545/#F98296/#FFCC33 - Ninja cartouche #B47210/#FFD754/#795722/#6B4C1B/#E9B32F/#F99C1D/#C06014/#FCD51E/#E7E7E7/#FFFFFF/#B6ADA4/#0B0A09/#2A2521/#BF9E89/#D9D4C1/#FDFEFD/#728418/#37540F/#8A890C/#3E6B88/#C7D7EE/#0D396B - Pirate cartouche #003066/#FFE04D/#F9F8F0/#B1AF8C/#8B896D/#706F55/#EFEFEF/#C2D6F0/#2D7AA8 - Planet cartouche #FEFFFF/#F4C85B/#9ACB34/#5A7A15/#FB8E21/#AA4D00/#FDD853/#5E4B09/#91561D/#A15F20/#724315/#4F2D0B/#99643A/#724827 - Farming cartouche #848484/#E8E8E8/#9C9C9C/#ECDDA0/#676629/#EF5840/#9C2210/#FFFFFF/#C0B9BB - Anchor cartouche #F0C251: Ring #434747: Spring #63CEE7: Lightning bolt #8FE030: +1 Will add to these when i get the chance! #8A311B: Armchair, Couch #46788E/#E0D7CE/#8D643B/#734E28: Bed #8D643B/#734E28/#DEA5D8/#475416/#549A97/#38230F: Wardrobe #57703E/#E7C3D6: Flowers #48230C/#43581B/#43581B/#82877A(/#55BDB8/#CB7D99): Plant. The parenthesis is the eggs that hide in it. #AF6C1A/#E7DCCE: Chicken #D0933B: Bottle #8CA64D/#ACACAC/#E298C0: Small plant #324650: Grass/earth #9BAABC: Ghost #89A7F5: Ice #D84801: Lava #6D4E94: Tramp #2E190C: Chocolate #6A839C: Spiderweb ground (old) #757F96: Spiderweb ground (new) All consumables have the same background color codes; #00122B and #616774 #453C28/#CC2126/#B7C7B1: Vampire Consumable #1C1912/#E5E0D2/#ECEAE3/#EBEAE8: Skeleton Consumable #30241B/#F59322/#FFBA6B/#F7F9FA: Penguin Consumable #5B6B3C/#D13F44/#EBCD28/#F21317/F5DA45/#3BEFFF/#E3DCCF: Christmas Tree Consumable #E6E3D8/#EB9BDF: Bunny Fur #1FC8F2/#FFFEED/#E6CDA3: Milk Carton Fur #b08964/#877350/#45332b/#4a3711/#c7c0b3/#f2c299/#b58e67/#141414 - Indiana Mouse Consumable #ECC298/#ED9433/#322E23/#FF8C17/#BB5200/#79AE00- Pumpkin Consumable #A9452B/#FFBCAA/#913B25/#C56638/#7B2411/#DD9364/#A86B45/#DFEFF3/#CBCBCB/#E07337/#FFFDF8/#3A0905/#050009/ - Dinosaur Consumable #69A20E/#42600A/#FFFFFF/#E2E1DD/#FEEFEA/#FFD200/#A17B00/#FFE3BD/#AA8666 - Flower Consumable #f1f2ed/#80807c - paper plane consumable #fafafa/#857e71/#59554d/#c2beb0 - Paper ball consumable #f4f5f2/#1e1e1f/#404040/#001000 - Selfie stick consumable #eb9321/#ebdda7/#d9ba8b/#9c8411 - Yellow fireworks consumable #6cced9/#28e6f7/#066199/#729fb0 - Blue fireworks consumable #ffdef2/#fa025d/#d94a98/#f27ebe - Pink fireworks consumable #577d22/#fcf7d4/#d6d654/#fefffc/#020300/#a19c82 - Pufferball consumable #f2c530/#d4722c/#a68614/#a64f19/#f0d1c0 - Beachball consumable #ffab0f/#f7f179/#e66a17/#d6930d/#000000/#804d0a/#4f5912/#424538 - Pumpkin-ball consumable #f7faf9/#9fb5bd - Snowball consumable #7a7467/#616057/#2e2e2b - Tombstone consumable #4b7326/#1a2403/#3b4d0b/#648f28/#781c07/#d92911/#d4533f - Mistletoe consumable #f2faf7/#b6d4d6/#665c56/#6b4c37/#c26f2b/#a6540c/#120400 - Snowman consumable #e8d8c3/#a39179/#d97818/#ba6b25/#0c0b0f/#ffffff/#701e16 - Chicken consumable #ff8629/#fffdf7/#03070a/#171006/#fcdb60/#cf6413/#77f0f2 - Fish consumable #FFA838/#84952B/#FFAF08/#130400- Letter consumable (halloween) #714F1F/#FBECA9/#E1601E/#051433/#6F7784- Campfire consumable #E5EDEA - Snow flurry consumable #9DF3E9/#CBF5E2 - Hexagon firework consumable #f5b507/#2aa7f5/#5cff21/#c94820/#568f5c/#4f6e57/#2a4d40/#6cb06b/#dceffc/#9acce6/ #6da0b3/#a4e8eb/#37767a/#5a5978/#424663/#e4f2f7/#9ac9d9 - Letter consumable (Christmas) #FFFCFF/#7DC3FE/#FFE86B/#6F7688/#D6CC6B: Party-blower consumable #9c6a2d/#634928/#c72e00/#f7edd0/#c43b00/#edcba4/#080000 - Reindeer pet Limited-time consumables can easily be identified by the rainbow border. Once the current event ends, these consumables will disappear from your inventory #D1DBE7: Sun consumable #FDEA9E/#7F6E3A: 1st cheese #9A9581/#FBF6D8: 2nd cheese #C9D1C6/#363822: 3rd cheese #CD9E46/#F9E680/#754E15: 4th cheese #E4972B/#574433: 5th cheese #D6D3CC/#544B3C: 6th cheese #98999B/#DCE8E8: 7th cheese #FAE9BE/#452911: 8th cheese #9F5609/#DEBE47: 9th cheese #F7E9A2/#F1EBDB: 10th cheese #695139/#BC9F73/#D3B785: 11th cheese #B59D79/#E4DEC4/#ECD285: 12th cheese #009D9D: Non staff member's color #EB1D51: Admin's username color #BABD2F: Moderator's/Modsent's name color #2F7FCC: Map crew name #95D9D6: blue #FF99FF: pink #FADE55: gold #E3B55A/#FED69A: Cheese #111111/#2B1D14/#271912: Hole #8F4645: Mouse on watch #6F6971: Mouse that is not on watch but the watch command is in effect #F4FA32: Title (old) #F89F4B: Funcorp name color #AA8066 - ★ #A0A0A0 - ★★ #E1B353 - ★★★ #BB79AF - ★★★★ #79ABBB - ★★★★★ #7EBC78 - ★★★★★★ #DCE620 - ★★★★★★★ #06F2FF - ★★★★★★★★ (thanks to Mitropolit for providing these!) #F272A5 #F29191 #F29E91 #F2B291 #F291D2 #F291DA #F291C6 #F2E691 #DEF291 #95F291 #91F2DA #91C2F2 #DE91F2 #B691F2 (Thanks to Cchiiko for providing these!) #508B05/#A9D817: Online user #A5A6A7/#5B5B5B: Offline user #0E242D: forum background #1C3C41: forum background² #18243A: Forum Sticky Thread #3C5064 buttons #2ECF73: Sentinel's username color #B590F0: Sentinel aide (old forums) #F9BDA4: Supermoderator (old forums) Last edit on 1516917720000 |
Haruhitastic « Censor » 1441832700000
| 27 | ||
Good stuff :D Best of luck Rianna, and thanks soo much~ |
Batt_mellamy « Consul » 1441834800000
| 17 | ||
its no trouble at all haru! :D |
Plague « Citizen » 1441839120000
| 8 | ||
aah good luck w/ the thread ♥ [there's an empty line between the color codes for the sun fur and the '17th fur (sun fur)' thing btw] hi im bored so have some color codes for furs eye/fur/nose/ears [default eye color is #1D130E for me] #3EA4CE/#FFFCED/#C0C0C0/EFAFAD: assuming it's the 25th fur (2014 easter..?) #79D8F8/#065988/#FFCA6F/#D1792F/#EEE6DF/#090200/#2E210D/#3EABD7/#512800/#ECC298: 26th fur (egyptian) #76CEEC/#04507F/#225066/#EEE6DF/#EEE7DD/#5A9A04/#F3CC57/#377ABE/#ECC298: 27th fur (world cup) #F18C14/#984A04/#FADDA9/#FFF7EC/#E29851/#984E29/#2C180D/#7A3D20/#ECC298: 28th fur (giraffe) #F3F7F6/#A9CCE2/#ECC298/#F3D8BD: 29th fur (cloud/sky) #FFB569/#1E1A14/#FE9118/#2E2016/#F7A957: 30th fur (2014 halloween?) #F5F5F5/#736354/#3A2713/#43301C: 31st fur (2014 christmas?) #EAEAE0/#9E8277/#3C303C/#F7E0BE/#FAC497: 32nd fur (the purple and white thing, supposedly a 'striped marmot' or 'purple-mantled ground squirrel') #B8F8FF/#3F5677/#FFF8EE/#F5A6CD/#FADFE4: 33rd fur (2015 valentines) #FFF6EE/#100E0D/#B86A2C/#ECC298: 34th fur (gazelle) #E6C799/#693C21/#E28ECA/#EAB15A/#E3AA97: 35th fur (chocolate egg) #65C5EA/#EDE7DD/#393029/#A5A5A5/#E79527/#F2EDE9: 36th fur (baby penguin) #EEE8DA/#322E23/#F3CAA5/#ECC298: 37th fur (music) #52B9E3/#FAF4E1/#6B2508/#ED9C00/#38261A/#F3EBD4: 38th fur (tails) #BBB6B4/#354A9D/#FFF6EE/#DB3E2B/#ECC298/#FAC497: 39th fur (schoolgirl) #5EAFD0/#E7ECF0/#EDC297/#E0D7CE/#2E2F31/#EDC297: 40th fur (cow) will add on to this in a bit hh Last edit on 1441842840000 |
Mousechris « Censor » 1441839120000
| 2 | ||
Since I don't see it added yet Mousechris said: |
Nekoava « Citizen » 1441839720000
| 1 | ||
hello hello |
Puffpapa « Citizen » 1441841820000
| 0 | ||
I was hoping for a redo! I guess I'll help from time to time as well. |
Chamelinct « Censor » 1441841940000
| 1 | ||
If you need the cow fur colors. #e7ecf0 » Fur #2e2f31 » Spots #edc297 / #aa7e59 » Udder #e0d7ce » Horns Sorry for the bad english :( |
Batt_mellamy « Consul » 1441866840000
| 0 | ||
Firebluestar said: I know about that, I can't fix it sadly ): (the same thing happened on the old thread) Also bles you fibsu e. FIXED IT! turns out there was a random (/quote) tag. no clue how it got there... Last edit on 1441913040000 |
0 | ||
good luck with the new thread riapro |
Sarcastic « Citizen » 1441895640000
| 0 | ||
Thanks for the updated version! =3 |
Batt_mellamy « Consul » 1441916460000
| 0 | ||
changed the layout a bit! now there's tabs to make it look neater (thanks Tyyphoon for the suggestion!) also i added in a "Customisation tutorial" since i thought it'd be useful |
Mynerdyways « Citizen » 1442016180000
| 0 | ||
favourited, nice job ria! |
2 | ||
so much good work gj |
Haruhitastic « Censor » 1442016420000
| 0 | ||
0 | ||
love this thread ria! i have it favourited as this'll help me a lot in the future! |
Emie « Citizen » 1442573160000
| 0 | ||
very nice thread, good luck! |
Snowyfeline « Censor » 1442718180000
| 1 | ||
Omg Nice thread this helped a lot. |
Pawsamuffin « Citizen » 1442722380000
| 1 | ||
What's the color code for the outline of the blue portal? |
7 | ||
ria here are some color codes for portals + additional indiana mouse consumable fur #ad4d09/#210e01/#f7e116 -orange portal #2a2a91/#0f0f38/#63b8c7 -blue portal #b08964/#877350/#45332b/#4a3711/#c7c0b3/#f2c299/#b58e67/#141414 - indiana mouse fur consumable Last edit on 1442763840000 |