سكربتات Trave New! |
27 | ||
سكربت ملك المرحاض تم تركيب السكربت من Trave#2752 tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end tfm.exec.newGame('@7439759') tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman() tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame() tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) local ADMINISTRADOR = "Trave#2752" -- CHANGE TO YOUR NICKNAME, SO YOU WILL BE GAME ADMIN local WINS = 10 -- POINTS TO WIN THE GAME system.disableChatCommandDisplay("np", true) --[[ After running the script, use the command !team1 Players and !team2 Players to set both players in the specified team Then you just need to press GO! Type !np @mapcode to run the next map. Type !score team1/team2 number to change its score. ]] local teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } local points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } local isfirst = false local gameRunning = false local winTime = false local playersInGame = {} local maps = { 7439759 } local colors = { [1] = "ff6347", [2] = "19b5fe" } local queue = {} function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(60) end function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end tfm.exec.newGame('@7439759') --- -- Vanilla [...] VS [...] -- Fait par PGMSULE 03/04/2017 --- tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman() tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame() tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) local ADMINISTRADOR = "Trave#2752" -- CHANGE TO YOUR NICKNAME, SO YOU WILL BE GAME ADMIN local WINS = 10 -- POINTS TO WIN THE GAME system.disableChatCommandDisplay("np", true) --[[ After running the script, use the command !team1 Players and !team2 Players to set both players in the specified team Then you just need to press GO! Type !np @mapcode to run the next map. Type !score team1/team2 number to change its score. ]] local teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } local points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } local isfirst = false local gameRunning = false local winTime = false local playersInGame = {} local maps = { 7439759 } local colors = { [1] = "ff6347", [2] = "19b5fe" } local queue = {} function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(60) end function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("ملك المرحاض ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(60) end function eventPlayerWon(player) if not isfirst then isfirst = true tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) if table.contains(teams[1], player) then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for i = 0, 3 do defaultEffect(9, {13}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 20) end points[1] = points[1]+1 elseif table.contains(teams[2], player) then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for i = 0, 3 do defaultEffect(9, {9}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 20) end points[2] = points[2]+1 else isfirst = false end winner = false if points[1] >= WINS then winner = 1 elseif points[2] >= WINS then winner = 2 end if winner then gameRunning = false winTime = os.time() ui.addTextArea(20, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#000000'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", winner), nil, 0, 171, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(21, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#000000'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", winner), nil, 1, 170, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(22, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#%s'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", colors[winner], winner), nil, 1, 170, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) end displayScore() end end function eventChatCommand(player, command) if player:lower() == ADMINISTRADOR:lower() then args = string.split(command, " ") if args[1] == "team1" then table.remove(args, 1) teams[1] = {} points[1] = 0 for index, player in pairs(args) do table.insert(teams[1], player) playersInGame[player] = true end displayTeams() elseif args[1] == "team2" then table.remove(args, 1) teams[2] = {} points[2] = 0 for index, player in pairs(args) do table.insert(teams[2], player) playersInGame[player] = true end displayTeams() elseif args[1] == "score" then if args[2] and args[3] then local team = tonumber(args[2]:match("team(%d+)") or 0) if team > 0 and team < 3 then local newScore = tonumber(args[3]) or points[team] points[team] = newScore displayScore() end end elseif args[1] == "np" then if args[2] then table.insert(queue, args[2]) end end end end function displayScore() ui.addTextArea(17, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 0, 21, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(18, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 1, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(19, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23'><font color='#%s'>%s<N> x <font color='#%s'>%s", colors[1], points[1], colors[2], points[2]), nil, 0, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) end function displayTeams() ui.addTextArea(1, "", nil, 199, 69, 400, 260, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(2, "", nil, 201, 71, 400, 260, 0x0E1417, 0x0E1417, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(3, "", nil, 200, 70, 400, 260, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(4, "", nil, 209, 79, 142, 22, 0x324650, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(5, "<p align='center'><V>Team 1", nil, 210, 80, 140, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(6, "", nil, 449, 79, 142, 22, 0x324650, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><V>Team 2", nil, 450, 80, 140, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(8, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>|</font>", nil, 210, 102, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(9, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>|</font>", nil, 450, 102, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(10, "", nil, 209, 120, 140, 200, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(11, "<p align='center'><font color='#"..colors[1].."'>"..table.concat(teams[1], "\n"), nil, 210, 121, 138, 198, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(12, "", nil, 451, 120, 140, 200, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(13, "<p align='center'><font color='#"..colors[2].."'>"..table.concat(teams[2], "\n"), nil, 452, 121, 138, 198, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(14, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>____ ____</font>", nil, 330, 200, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(15, "", nil, 380, 202, 40, 20, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(16, "<p align='center'><V>VS", nil, 381, 203, 38, 18, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(16, "<p align='center'><V><a href='event:iniciarJogo'>GO", ADMINISTRADOR, 381, 203, 38, 18, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) end function eventTextAreaCallback(id, player, callback) if callback == 'iniciarJogo' then if #teams[2] > 0 and #teams[1] > 0 then gameRunning = true for i = 1, 16 do ui.removeTextArea(i) end defaultEffect(9, {9}, 400, 212, 80) newMap() end end end function string.split(s, pattern, n) local st = {} for sb in string.gmatch(s, "[^"..pattern.."]+") do if not n or n > -1 then table.insert(st,sb) else st[#st] = st[#st]..pattern..sb end n = n and n-1 or false end return st end function table.contains(tableT, element) for _, value in pairs(tableT) do if value == element then return true end end return false end defaultEffect=function(id,p,x,y,rand) -- thanks for the function santah local minDist = 1 local outerBorder = 20 local maxDist = 30 local totalParticles = rand and 40 or (id == -1 and 35 or 75) for i = 1, totalParticles do if rand then id = p[math.random(#p)] end local dist = math.min(math.random(minDist, maxDist), outerBorder) local angle = math.random(0, 360) local r = math.rad(angle) local dx = math.cos(r) local dy = math.sin(r) local vx = dist * dx / 10 local vy = dist * dy / 10 local ax = -vx / dist / 15 local ay = (-vy / dist / 15) + 0.05 if id == -1 then tfm.exec.displayParticle(9, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(1, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) else tfm.exec.displayParticle(id, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) end end end displayTeams() function eventPlayerDied() local alive = 0 for k,v in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not v.isDead then alive = alive+1 end end if alive < 2 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end end function eventLoop(elapsed, remain) if gameRunning then remain = remain/1000 if remain < 0 then remain = 100 newMap() end else if winTime then if winTime > os.time()-30000 then for i = 0, 2 do defaultEffect(9, {11, 9, 0, 13}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 80) end else winTime = false ui.removeTextArea(20) ui.removeTextArea(21) ui.removeTextArea(22) displayTeams() teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } playersInGame = {} end end end end function displayScore() ui.addTextArea(17, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 0, 21, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(18, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 1, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(19, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23'><font color='#%s'>%s<N> x <font color='#%s'>%s", colors[1], points[1], colors[2], points[2]), nil, 0, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) end function eventNewGame() if gameRunning then isfirst = false for i, p in pairs(teams[1]) do tfm.exec.setNameColor(p, "0x"..colors[1]) end for i, p in pairs(teams[2]) do tfm.exec.setNameColor(p, "0x"..colors[2]) end displayScore() end end سكربت المتاهة atfm.exec.disableAutoShaman() tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame() tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) local ADMINISTRADOR = "Trave#2752" -- CHANGE TO YOUR NICKNAME, SO YOU WILL BE GAME ADMIN local WINS = 10 -- POINTS TO WIN THE GAME system.disableChatCommandDisplay("np", true) --[[ After running the script, use the command !team1 Players and !team2 Players to set both players in the specified team Then you just need to press GO! Type !np @mapcode to run the next map. Type !score team1/team2 number to change its score. ]] local teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } local points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } local isfirst = false local gameRunning = false local winTime = false local playersInGame = {} local maps = { 7439999, 7440000, 7440012, 7440013, 7440028, 7440030, 7440032, 7440033, 7440036 } local colors = { [1] = "ff6347", [2] = "19b5fe" } local queue = {} function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(60) end function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end --- -- Vanilla [...] VS [...] -- Fait par PGMSULE 03/04/2017 --- tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman() tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame() tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) local ADMINISTRADOR = "Trave#2752" -- CHANGE TO YOUR NICKNAME, SO YOU WILL BE GAME ADMIN local WINS = 10 -- POINTS TO WIN THE GAME system.disableChatCommandDisplay("np", true) --[[ After running the script, use the command !team1 Players and !team2 Players to set both players in the specified team Then you just need to press GO! Type !np @mapcode to run the next map. Type !score team1/team2 number to change its score. ]] local teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } local points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } local isfirst = false local gameRunning = false local winTime = false local playersInGame = {} local maps = { 7439999, 7440000, 7440012, 7440013, 7440028, 7440030, 7440032, 7440033 } local colors = { [1] = "ff6347", [2] = "19b5fe" } local queue = {} function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(60) end function eventNewGame () tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("لعبة المتاهة ") tfm.exec.setUIShamanName("برمجة : Trave#2762") end function newMap() local mapcode = maps[math.random(#maps)] if #queue > 0 then mapcode = queue[1] table.remove(queue, 1) end tfm.exec.newGame(mapcode) for player, data in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not playersInGame[player] then tfm.exec.killPlayer(player) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(160) end function eventPlayerWon(player) if not isfirst then isfirst = true tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) if table.contains(teams[1], player) then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for i = 0, 3 do defaultEffect(9, {13}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 20) end points[1] = points[1]+1 elseif table.contains(teams[2], player) then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) for i = 0, 3 do defaultEffect(9, {9}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 20) end points[2] = points[2]+1 else isfirst = false end winner = false if points[1] >= WINS then winner = 1 elseif points[2] >= WINS then winner = 2 end if winner then gameRunning = false winTime = os.time() ui.addTextArea(20, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#000000'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", winner), nil, 0, 171, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(21, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#000000'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", winner), nil, 1, 170, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(22, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='37' color='#%s'>TEAM %s IS THE WINNER!", colors[winner], winner), nil, 1, 170, 800, 500, 0, 0, 0, true) end displayScore() end end function eventChatCommand(player, command) if player:lower() == ADMINISTRADOR:lower() then args = string.split(command, " ") if args[1] == "team1" then table.remove(args, 1) teams[1] = {} points[1] = 0 for index, player in pairs(args) do table.insert(teams[1], player) playersInGame[player] = true end displayTeams() elseif args[1] == "team2" then table.remove(args, 1) teams[2] = {} points[2] = 0 for index, player in pairs(args) do table.insert(teams[2], player) playersInGame[player] = true end displayTeams() elseif args[1] == "score" then if args[2] and args[3] then local team = tonumber(args[2]:match("team(%d+)") or 0) if team > 0 and team < 3 then local newScore = tonumber(args[3]) or points[team] points[team] = newScore displayScore() end end elseif args[1] == "np" then if args[2] then table.insert(queue, args[2]) end end end end function displayScore() ui.addTextArea(17, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 0, 21, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(18, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 1, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(19, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23'><font color='#%s'>%s<N> x <font color='#%s'>%s", colors[1], points[1], colors[2], points[2]), nil, 0, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) end function displayTeams() ui.addTextArea(1, "", nil, 199, 69, 400, 260, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(2, "", nil, 201, 71, 400, 260, 0x0E1417, 0x0E1417, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(3, "", nil, 200, 70, 400, 260, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(4, "", nil, 209, 79, 142, 22, 0x324650, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(5, "<p align='center'><V>Team 1", nil, 210, 80, 140, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(6, "", nil, 449, 79, 142, 22, 0x324650, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><V>Team 2", nil, 450, 80, 140, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(8, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>|</font>", nil, 210, 102, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(9, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>|</font>", nil, 450, 102, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(10, "", nil, 209, 120, 140, 200, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(11, "<p align='center'><font color='#"..colors[1].."'>"..table.concat(teams[1], "\n"), nil, 210, 121, 138, 198, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(12, "", nil, 451, 120, 140, 200, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(13, "<p align='center'><font color='#"..colors[2].."'>"..table.concat(teams[2], "\n"), nil, 452, 121, 138, 198, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(14, "<p align='center'><font color='#5A7A8B'>____ ____</font>", nil, 330, 200, 140, 200, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(15, "", nil, 380, 202, 40, 20, 0x5A7A8B, 0x5A7A8B, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(16, "<p align='center'><V>VS", nil, 381, 203, 38, 18, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(16, "<p align='center'><V><a href='event:iniciarJogo'>GO", ADMINISTRADOR, 381, 203, 38, 18, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true) end function eventTextAreaCallback(id, player, callback) if callback == 'iniciarJogo' then if #teams[2] > 0 and #teams[1] > 0 then gameRunning = true for i = 1, 16 do ui.removeTextArea(i) end defaultEffect(9, {9}, 400, 212, 80) newMap() end end end function string.split(s, pattern, n) local st = {} for sb in string.gmatch(s, "[^"..pattern.."]+") do if not n or n > -1 then table.insert(st,sb) else st[#st] = st[#st]..pattern..sb end n = n and n-1 or false end return st end function table.contains(tableT, element) for _, value in pairs(tableT) do if value == element then return true end end return false end defaultEffect=function(id,p,x,y,rand) -- thanks for the function santah local minDist = 1 local outerBorder = 20 local maxDist = 30 local totalParticles = rand and 40 or (id == -1 and 35 or 75) for i = 1, totalParticles do if rand then id = p[math.random(#p)] end local dist = math.min(math.random(minDist, maxDist), outerBorder) local angle = math.random(0, 360) local r = math.rad(angle) local dx = math.cos(r) local dy = math.sin(r) local vx = dist * dx / 10 local vy = dist * dy / 10 local ax = -vx / dist / 15 local ay = (-vy / dist / 15) + 0.05 if id == -1 then tfm.exec.displayParticle(9, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(1, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) else tfm.exec.displayParticle(id, x + dx, y + dy, vx, vy, ax, ay, nil) end end end displayTeams() function eventPlayerDied() local alive = 0 for k,v in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if not v.isDead then alive = alive+1 end end if alive < 2 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end end function eventLoop(elapsed, remain) if gameRunning then remain = remain/1000 if remain < 0 then remain = 100 newMap() end else if winTime then if winTime > os.time()-30000 then for i = 0, 2 do defaultEffect(9, {11, 9, 0, 13}, math.random(800), math.random(400), 80) end else winTime = false ui.removeTextArea(20) ui.removeTextArea(21) ui.removeTextArea(22) displayTeams() teams = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, } points = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } playersInGame = {} end end end end function displayScore() ui.addTextArea(17, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 0, 21, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(18, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23' color='#000000'>%s x %s", points[1], points[2]), nil, 1, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(19, string.format("<p align='center'><font size='23'><font color='#%s'>%s<N> x <font color='#%s'>%s", colors[1], points[1], colors[2], points[2]), nil, 0, 20, 800, 30, 0, 0, 0, true) end function eventNewGame() if gameRunning then isfirst = false for i, p in pairs(teams[1]) do tfm.exec.setNameColor(p, "0x"..colors[1]) end for i, p in pairs(teams[2]) do tfm.exec.setNameColor(p, "0x"..colors[2]) end displayScore() end end |
Kingkomand2o « Consul » 1527297540000
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شكرا على السكربتات ، متشوق لتجربتها |
Selsabile62 « Consul » 1527298740000
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خذلك معلش |
18 | ||
a dit : العفو ~ |
Wassimevicw « Censeur » 1527352920000
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شكر لك على السكربتات ! سأجربها لاحقا. |
18 | ||
a dit : العفو |
Yamonaliza « Censeur » 1527376980000
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ساجربها احسنت يا تريف |
Bucko_boi « Citoyen » 1533832860000
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سكربتاتك روعة نتشوق للسكربتات القادمة |
Mariam « Citoyen » 1534113780000
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لسا معرف اجربو :/ |
Raunbn « Sénateur » 1534116180000
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صورة ظظ |
Tokimei_san « Sénateur » 1534336440000
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Mariam a dit : أدخِل هذا الإيعاز بالشات : /lua و إنسخ المكتوب أعلاه الموجود بعرض المحتوى وضعيه بعلامة التّبويب التي ظهرت لديك بعد كتابة الإيعاز. |