On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the state of Transformice right now. |
Pandaverseyt « Citoyen » 1725844740000
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I would give it a solid 2.5 out of 10. Every game has its flaws of course so I can't expect it to stay good forever. |
Thisisnobody « Citoyen » 1725879240000
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Pandaverseyt a dit : I'd rank it more or less the same, perhaps even a bit lower. I don't expect a whole lot of new features, especially not for a 14 years old game that has a very simple base gameplay, but as I recently mentioned in this post ("Regarding the state of the game"), I find it troubling that there is almost no communication from the developers to the players, at least not in publicly accessible places. Bugs are piling up, there have been lots of server problems lately, and it doesn't seem like anyone is doing anything about it, at least nothing the average player would have noticed. There are hardly any game updates except for events and shop stuff. Shortly after Melibellule left, it looked like the game's situation was improving, with more updates and bug fixes, and people getting recruited for several teams that worked on different aspects of the game. By now, things seem to have slowed down again, and I'm getting the impression that either the devs don't care anymore, or the financial situation is so bad that they can't do anything but recycle old events and keep pumping out expensive collector items to make some money. |
2 | ||
10 out of 10 cause pandaverseyt uses it. |
Pandaverseyt « Citoyen » 1729523700000
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:D valid response |
Thighbone « Citoyen » 1730809980000
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probably a 4. i dont know why there isn't a mobile version, and I dont know why there isnt more advertisement of the game. so much money went into other products, tfm adventures, bonbon whatever, when they should have focused on their main game. there are barely any en moderators on at a given point so most rooms are toxic cesspools. the only people that remain are the people who care about the leaderboard |
Thighbone « Citoyen » 1730810040000
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also the lack of servers is another thing. perm 120 ping is really annoying. |