Moduły Transformice |
Emenerisqa « Citoyen » Membre 1550073300000
| 2 | ||
Cześć myszki ! Pytacie się mnie ostatnio jak robię the floor is lava, moduł urodzinowy itp więc wam powiem : 1. Musicie mieć opcje " Zmieniaj chatkę plemienną" 2. Wpisać kod /lua 3. Wpisać skrypt 4. Kliknąć Potwierdz Okey teraz skrypty lua : Moduł urodzinowy : tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.newGame("@6823051", false) solenizant = "NICK SOLENIZANTA" nie = 1 cz = 0 ui.addTextArea(15, "<a href='event:Balon'><B><font color='#000000'>Daj balona! ^.^</B></font></a>", solenizant, 100,29, 110, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 800, 346, {type="0", width="17", height="84"}) ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> Proszę zająć miejsca!</font></font>", nil, 150, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) function eventNewPlayer(nick) ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> Proszę zająć miejsca!</font></font>", nil, 150, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(1, "<a href='event:Lolek'><B><font color='#000000'>Twórcy</B></font></a>", nick, 7,29, 54, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(nick) end function eventPlayerDied(nick) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(nick) end function eventLoop() ui.setMapName("<b><font color='#aa00ff'>*Urodzinki*</font></B> <N> | ""%H:%M:%S").." | <N>Solenizant: <B><BL>" ..solenizant.. "</B> \n" ) print(cz) tfm.exec.setNameColor(solenizant,0xff0000) if nie == 1 and nie < 2 then cz = cz+1 tfm.exec.displayParticle(13, 370, 275, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(13, 382, 273, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(13, 395, 275, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(2, 370, 275, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(2, 382, 273, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(2, 395, 275, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(3, 370, 275, 0, math.random(-2,-1), 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(3, 382, 273, 0, math.random(-2,-1), 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(3, 395, 275, 0, math.random(-2,-1), 0, 0, nil) if cz >= 100 and cz <= 110 then ui.removeTextArea(2, nil) ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> Sto lat! Sto lat!</font></font>", nil, 200, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) else if cz >= 110 and cz <= 120 then ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> Niech żyje, żyje nam!</font></font>", nil, 170, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) else if cz >= 120 and cz <= 130 then ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> Niech żyje, żyje nam!</font></font>", nil, 170, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) else if cz >= 130 and cz <= 140 then ui.addTextArea(1, "<a href='event:Lol'><B><font color='#000000'>Zdmuchnij świeczki</B></font></a>", solenizant, 7,29, 145, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'> A kto?</font></font> <B><font size='40'><font color='#ff0000'>" ..solenizant.. "!</font></font></B>", nil, 200, 50, 500, 100, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, true) end end end end end end a = 0 ui.addTextArea(1, "<a href='event:Lolek'><B><font color='#000000'>Twórcy</B></font></a>", nil, 7,29, 54, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) function eventTextAreaCallback(id, nick, odp) if odp=='Lolek' then ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='50'>Kod Lua - Janwojcik \nPomysł - Bartene \nMapa - Beletch</font>", nick, 100, 50, 600, 300, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(3, "<a href='event:lolki'>Zamknij</a>", nick, 640, 360, 60, 20, 0x010101, 0x222222, 1, true) ui.removeTextArea(1, nick) else if odp=='lolki' then ui.removeTextArea(3, nick) ui.removeTextArea(2, nick) ui.addTextArea(1, "<a href='event:Lolek'><B><font color='#000000'>Twórcy</B></font></a>", nick, 7,29, 54, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) else if odp=="Lol" then nie = 2 cz = 0 for i=1,80 do tfm.exec.displayParticle(math.random(21,24), 70, 355, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(math.random(21,24), 730, 355, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(math.random(21,24), 70, 355, math.random(50,60)/10, -5, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(math.random(21,24), 730, 355, math.random(-60,-50)/10, -5, 0, 0, nil) tfm.exec.displayParticle(math.random(21,24), math.random(0,1600), math.random(0,800), math.random(-25,25)/10, math.random(-25,25)/10, 0, 0, nil) ui.removeTextArea(1, nil) ui.removeTextArea(2, nil) ui.addTextArea(1, "<a href='event:Lolek'><B><font color='#000000'>Twórcy</B></font></a>", nick, 7,29, 54, 20, 0xffffff, 0xdddddd, 1, true) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) a=a+1 ui.addTextArea(2, "<font size='40'><font color='#ffffff'>Zapraszamy na imprezę!</font></font>", nil, 170, 50, 800, 800,0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0, false) end else if odp=="Balon" then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(28, math.random(0,1600) , math.random(0,400) ) end end end end end Moduł The floor is lava : tfm.exec.setGameTime(6000,true) tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("The floor is lava!") tfm.exec.newGame(7214563) ilosc = 10 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1,800,387,{ type=6, restitution=0.2, friction=0.3, width=1600, height=37, groundCollision=true, miceCollision=true }) to=0 czas=10 score = 0 function eventLoop(timeRemaining,timeRemaining) if(to==2) then czas=czas-1 score = score + 1 if(score==10) then for name, player in pairs( do tfm.exec.giveMeep(name) end end if(czas==3) then x = math.random(100,1500) xx = math.random(100,1500) idd = math.random(1,7) id = math.random(1,7) usun = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(id,x,350,0,0,0,false) usunn = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(idd,xx,350,0,0,0,false) end if(czas==-3) then tfm.exec.removeObject(usun) tfm.exec.removeObject(usunn) ilosc = ilosc - 1 czas=ilosc tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1,800,387,{ type=6, restitution=0.2, friction=0.3, width=1600, height=37, groundCollision=true, miceCollision=true }) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) end if(czas<=0) then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1,800,387,{ type=6, restitution=0.2, friction=0.3, width=1600, height=37, groundCollision=true, miceCollision=false }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2,800,387,{ type=3, restitution=0.2, friction=0.3, width=1600, height=37, groundCollision=true, miceCollision=false }) ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='50' color='#FF0000'>THE FLOOR IS LAVA</font></p>", nil, 50, 125, 700, 119, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true,true) else ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='90'>"..czas.."</font></p>", nil, 50, 125, 700, 119, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true,true) ui.addTextArea(5,"", nil, 50, 250, 700, 119, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true,true) end to=0 else to=to+1 end if(ilosc==4) then ilosc=10 end end function eventPlayerDied(playerName) tfm.exec.setUIShamanName(playerName.." has died.") tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(playerName,-2,true) end function eventChatCommand(playerName,message) if(message=="reset") then tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(playerName,0) end end liczba=0 tablica={} zycie={} e=0 for name, player in pairs( do tablica[name]=0 e=e+1 print(name) end print(e) function eventPlayerDied(n) tablica[n]=1 zycie[n]=0 e=e-1 print(e) for name, player in pairs( do if(tablica[name]==0) then liczba=liczba+1 wyg=name end end function eventPlayerLeft(n) tablica[n]=1 zycie[n]=0 e=e-1 print(e) for name, player in pairs( do if(tablica[name]==0) then liczba=liczba+1 wyg=name end end end if(liczba==1) then print(wyg.." wygral") tfm.exec.giveCheese(wyg) ui.addTextArea(5, "<p align='center'><font size='50' color='#FFFF00'>"..wyg.." has won the game</font></p>", nil, 50, 250, 700, 500, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true,true) tfm.exec.playerVictory(wyg) tfm.exec.newGame(7214563) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1,800,387,{ type=6, restitution=0.2, friction=0.3, width=1600, height=37, groundCollision=true, miceCollision=true }) to=0 czas=10 score = 0 e=0 tablica={} ilosc=10 tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(wyg,score,true) for name, player in pairs( do tablica[name]=0 zycie[name]=1 e=e+1 end wyg="" liczba=0 print(e) else liczba=0 end end function eventChatCommand(playerName,message) if(message=="res") then liczba=0 e=0 tablica={} for name, player in pairs( do tablica[name]=0 e=e+1 end wyg="" print(e) end end function eventPlayerRespawn(nn) if(zycie[nn]==0) then tfm.exec.setVampirePlayer(nn) end end |