Mouse trapped in the air |
Srcarlos « Citoyen » 1685183280000
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There is a common bug that usually happens when a shaman gives the transformation power to a mouse, I don't have pictures or video yet, but it is happening 5 times in my games, 2 to me in the last 3 days. (All this in vanilla) The bug itself works if a shaman gives you the power of transformation, you use it to transform into any object and when you come out of the transformation leaves you trapped in the air, it is as if you were locked between walls, you can jump or run, but you will not be able to move and worse the shaman can not teleport you out or freeze you, give you the cheese or save you with any other power. As I said before I don't have videos yet, I will try to capture the moment, but as it's a pretty common bug from what I talked to some others inside the game I hope that if someone reading this already has the evidence, they can share it too Posdata: Sorry if I misspelled any word or my spelling is not the best, it is my first time using the forum and I am not so good with English, if any moderator or administrator can understand me also in Spanish I can translate it. |