Welcome to StarForgers
★We are a small yet friendly casual gaming group made up of all kinds of people with similar or different dreams/goals.
★We like to reach for success in our passions (doesn't have to be gaming) and we most definitely like to dream and make those dreams come true (StarForgers!).
★We are all about helping each other and in return we all reach a step further in our dreams.
★Our main communication is discord
★Our main timezones are BST(UK), PST and EST
★We are currently looking for new members who share the same interests as us★
If you have dreams of your own, if you like helping others and if you would like to achieve your dreams, then come join us and be a StarForger!
About Us
Welcome to StarForgers! We are a group of friends where most of us like to play games. Ideally we would like to keep this small, so a maximum of maybe 30 members. Each of us has our own dream/goal and we have created StarForgers in order to create some sort of safe zone where members actively encourage each other to reach their dreams. We provide help for each other through tips, advice,tutoring , or coaching(like homework, mapmaking or other gaming purposes like league of legends).
Although we each like to succeed in our passion, we never allow our emotions to get the best of us. This is another reason why we are a safe zone in games like league of legends; we discourage toxic behavior and encourage sportsmanship all the while providing clean criticism when asked.
★Here are the star crests of other members in the group who wanted a star frame of their avatar★
Our time zones are :
★ BST (UK area - 2 members)
★ PST (3 members)
★ EST (1 member)
Number of members playing: 5
Number of members playing: 5
Number of members playing: 5
Other Games Some of Our Members Are Interested In
★ Osu!
★ Overwatch
★ FinalFantasyXIV
★ Various Steam games
★ PeriaChronicles (we're waiting for this to come out!)