F O U N D E R: Our savior Yolowaffle
Current co-leaders: Ashbubble & Pusssylayer
Sub leaders: Auroarax3, Tty1 & Fudgecats
Contact Us!~
Ok here's where it gets fun! To be recruited into the tribe, you must first read the requirements tab, and fully reach the requirements. Simply message Ashbubble (more likely to respond) or Pusssylayer on the forums, or whisper her if she is online! The leaders will all be together at the time of opening any mail regarding joining the tribe!
we are a fun loving tribe all about Greek Mythology!
check out our forum page for our black list...
WE ARE A NO ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNT TRIBE! We will refuse entry of any Alternative accounts so don't even try...
You need to know a little about Greek Mythology to join
You must be of level 20 or above (pretty low I know!) We do make exceptions to this rule so, don't be too afraid to contact us even if your under level 20 (which is really low.)
You only have a one week trial if you are on our blacklist. If you are on our blacklist, the opinion of the player already in the tribe comes before yours. at the end of your week trial we will have a tribe vote, majority wins. If the player who put you on the blacklist has a serious problem with you really badly doesn't want you in the tribe, their vote will overrule the vote.
If your not on the blacklist and meet the requirements JOIN US!
That's all from us!!