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How's it goin' bros?
We're the Brofisters, a tribe that is full of the most hardcore and true bros. We love and praise PewDiePie. We also love to brofist. also this tribe is dead dont join lol
Have any questions? They're probably answered here. (If not, just whisper me or a co-leader on TFM your question.)
Q: Who owns this tribe?
A: Missglamgirl does, but it was initially created by Fangirls.
Q: Are there any co-leaders or moderators?
A: Yes. There's two co-leaders, Isoshiplarry and Fangirls. Ren_deer is a moderator, but technically, so are the co-leaders and the leader.
Q: Are there any requirements for joining? If so, what are they?
A: Yes, there's some requirements, and they are,
1. You must be a fan of PewDiePie.
2. You must be an English speaker. It is recommended that you are a fluent English speaker, as all current members in this tribe are fluent in English.
3. You must at least be acquaintances with either the leader or one of the co-leaders. We will not be accepting random people any time soon.
Q: What's the rules?
A: 1. Always praise the Lord PewDiePie.
2. Don't fight over the music player in the tribe house.
3. This is basically a given, but, don't be rude to other members. Unless you are both joking.
4. Alternative accounts (Alts) that are put in the tribe should come on at least semi-often, which would be once or twice a week. If you don't go on your alt for a while, your alt will be kicked out.
5. If you're not a co-leader, please ask for permission from either the leader or one of the co-leaders to change the tribe house map.
Q: How can I get ranked up higher?
A: You should at least be on good terms with the leader and co-leaders. Also, your behavior in the tribe should be good too.
Q: Can I become a moderator?
A: The leader must know and trust you pretty well. Additionally, you should also be good with enforcing rules, maintaining well behavior, and you should also be active and come on quite often.
Q: What are the ranks? What do they mean?
A: Read on the next tab for details about ranks.
Here are the ranks in Brofisters! There is also a bit of information provided about how they are obtained and what they mean.
1. PewDiePie
This is the leader rank. There is no way you can obtain this rank, unless the leader goes inactive/leaves. If so, it'll be passed down to a co-leader.
2. Stephano
This is the co-leader rank. You must have a lot of trust built with both the leader and current co-leaders. You need to be active and come on a lot. You should also be friendly, good at enforcing rules, break little to no rules in the past, have well behavior in the tribe, be helpful to members who need it, and be in this tribe for a long time. It is required that you are a moderator of this tribe, and you must have proven to me that you are capable of fitting the requirements of becoming a co-leader.
3. Poods
The moderator rank. Read the F.A.Q tab for information on how to get this rank.
4. Cryoatic
This is the highest rank you can obtain besides the moderator and co-leader ranks. You need to at least be semi-active, maintain well behavior, and be trusted by the leader. Good friends of the leader are more likely to obtain this rank easily.
5. Hila
A special rank for Mjmtheepic. Has the same privileges as the Cryoatic rank.
6. Ethan
A special rank for Goldenflarne. Has the same privileges as the Cryoatic rank.