What if Transformice was bought by National Geographic |
Wingedmousie « Citoyen » 1389150960000
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Micers! Oh god if it were bought by National Geo, i would have been banned months and months ago. Im so so so glad it isnt! They would have facts like " Did you know mice are rodents? Did you know mice dont actually eat cheese? Did you know mice dont lay eggs?" NO FUCKING SHIT. Anyhow, it would be for younger audiences, which transformice is 12+ |
Theandra « Citoyen » 1389198060000
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'You have been banned for saying a swear word.' 'You have been banned for saying a swear word.' 'You have been banned for saying a swear word.' 'You have been banned for saying a swear word.' 'Please do not troll people.' 'Please do not troll people.' 'Please do not troll people.' 'Please do not troll people.' OVER AND OVER AGAIN CAN'T IMAGINE IT E: Yeah also membership GAWWWWD PEOPLE WONT GET RESPECT IF THEY DON'T PAY FOR A STUPID NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC GAME |
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• Membership. • Bye-Bye Forums. • Mouse Facts everywhere. Aaand.. 'You have been banned for swearing.' Over and over again! I would've prolly been banned a long time ago if TFM was owned by National Geographic. Oh, and the game would prolly be called, "Mouse Jam" and they call the people who play their game, "Mousers?" I don't know! |
Tewi_inaba « Citoyen » 1389298920000
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Mouse facts. |
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I'd quit TFM Because. I. Hate. Animal Jam. |
Stripeddinos « Citoyen » 1389300720000
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Fritomouse « Citoyen » 1389300720000
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Znader a dit : you want this place to be like animaljam? ARE YOU CRAZY IF THIS PLACE WAS LIKE THAT WE WOULD ALL BE DOOMED -sobs- "MOUSE FACT OF DA DAYZZZZZZ:MOUSE DONT ATTACK BCUZ DEY MICEZ HUR" and "you have been banned for swearing" "you dont have membership to buy that" |
Magistica « Citoyen » 1389301200000
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"The Alpha Mouse Misse have found a brand-new secret! Get a member-ship to join the fun!" |
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Magistica a dit : Please no... *Flips table* |
Rollblades « Citoyen » 1389448560000
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It would suck becuz there would be membership, you wouldnt be allowed to cuss, it would suck really. |
Wolfclover « Citoyen » 1389473400000
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they would add like games to get cheese ._. 'Mouse Toss!' Click the mouse and throw it as far as you can! |
Fuzzfire « Citoyen » 1389495120000
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NO. This is the only game I can swear on. It gets all my anger out. If that happened I'd sue :I |
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no forums no free cheese no nothing |
Iuriburi « Citoyen » 1389532800000
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1. No cursing or insults allowed (we will be forced to talk friendly like fucking kids do) 2. Too many BOOORING facts 3. Items and stuff for "members only" 4. No stuff like wj or sp walk or cj allowed. IT WOULD BE HORRIBLE |
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1. No swearing or insults ( i get annoyed sometimes the only way i can stop feeling like it is to swear 2. Fur needs membership 3. facts... yay.....? 4. No glitches( wj and anything to do with it) 5. minigames for cheese |
Cincle « Citoyen » 1389540180000
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Insult filter will be great but membership and facts are so annoying ;; |
Cryofheaven « Citoyen » 1389691620000
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Pinkshimer a dit : Mouseys .. I dont know |
Abdeltif « Citoyen » 1389698160000
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There won't be lua APIs anymore, they'll shut it off thinking that all the "mousers" don't need it ;-; Membership I really don't get bans for swearings so :X No more shamousey No more Jordynl No more fun No tutorial No forum No suggestions area so you can have this and that The old suggeestions and aproved onzes will be ignored No more Meli ;-; No more merope ;-; No more trolly tigrou Mouse facts shopping areas Most of the items(MOST OF THEM, 77% of them !) will be only for members "Banned for trolling" -- I hate this much, trolling is a part of the game ! "Probebly they'll remove bootcamp because they think it hard for mice" Diamond shops Did I cover everything ? |
Octaviawings « Citoyen » 1389960060000
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1: After 1 round MICE FACTS EVERYWHERE. 2: Might Have Membership like Animal jam 3: No more saying random stuff or ur banned Mostly i see other people clicking random buttons. DX This game would be so boring if its been bought by National Geographic DX |
Sapphiresnow « Citoyen » 1390107000000
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membership,filter,and mice facts.everywhere |