Version 1.46 (survivor!) |
Auroregeek « Citoyen » 1340295660000
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Le meep, clin d'oeil à Aaaah ? :D |
Aleeeeeh « Citoyen » 1340296440000
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Very nice, although rounds shouldn't count in these rooms. |
Sharang « Citoyen » 1340296800000
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WORST UPDATE EVER!!!! Meep = Overpowered! and wat if i want to spawn a fake cannon huh? it will just throw away the mices away from me... And New hotkeys arrangement SUCKSS!!!! |
Gopaheal « Citoyen » 1340296800000
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CONTRE LA DUEIXIEME REGLE ! JE TROUVE CELA COMPLETEMENT UNJUSTE QUE CE SOIT CELUI QUI EST LE PLUS DE POINT QUI CHAM ! C'est n'importe quoi !!! VIVE LE SUCIDE COLLECTIF POUR CHAMANE... OK pour le meep mais pas pour devenir chamane en ayant le plus de point ! CONTRE à 50% ! |
Byakuyahun « Citoyen » 1340296920000
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Remove pls^^ |
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Dingleberey « Citoyen » 1340297460000
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This is by far the worst update. The whole point was to make survivor just like bootcamp. Survivor isn't bootcamp and never will be. Please bring back the old minigame and let holz run it again(it feels like everything that Tig gets involved in is ruined). RIP old survivor. |
Trider « Citoyen » 1340297700000
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C'estttttttttttt tropppppppppppppp deeeeeeeeeeeeee laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa grossssssssssssssssseeeeeee merdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
Fadrat « Citoyen » 1340297820000
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o-o the meeps are way to fucking big |
Matheusjovem « Citoyen » 1340297820000
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sport |
Huglove « Citoyen » 1340297940000
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I can't call a minigame like that 'survivor'. Not after this update. Sham hugging everyone, using hotkeys like crazy, new point system is ridiculous, portals aren't meant to be in every map, that's why there were maps, where the shaman was trapped. This is just another minigame. Survivor is gone and I'm pretty sure many good mice (pros) will quit after seeing what 'survivor' looks like now... |
Mattbad « Citoyen » 1340300760000
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Worst update ever, we had survivor to show how pro and how skilled was the player, such as avoiding, evading and showing how fast was the player to "cast" itens. At least over here on Brazil survivors, there are loads and loads of complains. Of course, 90% of them doesn't even know how to proced with their complains, that's why I'm here. We suggest you to bring back our old style. 1st thing - There was loads of people familiar with our shortcuts, this new update messed up with everything and everyone wich used to do CNJ, SPJ, Balloing while fly/cnj, etc... 2nd thing - Meep, what an annoying thing and instant-cast wich make everyone unable to avoid, srsly... 3rd - Portal in every single map, what's the point? It just makes the round less interesting, 'cause every single shaman is using a fakking portal wich make longer as always, 'cause everyone keeps getting in and out from portal. 4th - People wich used to be called skilled by casting fast, etc... will now have nothing 'cause now you can use those annoying shortcuts... I don't know wich one was the worst update, the portuguese-filter on EN community or this one made on survivor. This: CONCLUSION: In my honest opinion these updates were unnecessary, the only problems of survivor were: hugging, favouritism and God totems. These were dealt with by the community, by votebanning. This has been an attempt to improve the minigame, but in the end brought nothing but frustration to the majority of the survivor players. - By Fract Sincerely, Matt [Survivor player, you can check it by my number of rounds.. bla] |
Klmgcvljick « Citoyen » 1340301420000
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Sydoline a dit : coucou sydoline, c'est la première fois que j'écris dans le forum et c'est pour te parler du "meep" 1. Il est trop puissant et tue les souris qui ne font que passer à coter du chamane 2. Il y a des chamanes qui en abuseet c'est trés énervant car ils vont sur toi et font meep mes propositions: 1/ mettre une limite au meep (3 meep permis en 2 minute) 2/ bannir les chamanes qui en abbuse 3/ le mettre moin puissant |
Haiiipaiii « Citoyen » 1340301420000
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Crackulous a dit : ^This, please? :c |
Priows « Citoyen » 1340301900000
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C koi le nouveau salon ou ya le truc pour gagner 20 fraises et le truc dans la bouche ? |
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Aucun rapport. Go out. |
Irmaosmata « Citoyen » 1340302080000
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que legal esse nogosio |
Excasr « Consul » 1340303460000
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That's cool! Thanks Sydoline for the great news! ^^ Also, please, add this Portuguese BR translation: ========================================================================= BR Translation: Um novo modo de jogo super legal: Suvivor! Este é um minigame popular criado por Holz, e eu acho que todos vocês sabem disso. Para aqueles que não sabem, deixe me explicar brevemete: o Shaman vai tentar eliminá-lo, enquanto você precisa se dar o máximo para desviar de seus ataques! Nós mudamos algumas partes das regras: _>Para ajudar o Shaman à lutar contra os ratos que chegam perto dele, ele tem o bem conhecido comando de "Meep". Apertando a Barra de Espaço ele consiguirá empurrar todos os jogadores perto dele para longe. _>Para fazer as rodadas mais balanceadas, todas as vezes que você for derrotado seus pontos diminuiram por 2. Como em salas normais, o jogador com mais pontos se tornará Shaman! ========================================================================== Thanks for adding new things for our friendly Suvivor. I'm sure everyone loved it, just as me. ^^ |
Theotimeb « Citoyen » 1340303460000
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Bonjour à tous ! Voilà, j'aimerais dire quelques mots au sujet de la version 1.46 qui vient de sortir. Je trouve que l'insertion du meep est très intéressant mais parfois, son usage est abusif. Pour le système des points, il est beaucoup plus compliqué de survivre et d'être chamane qu'avant. Ce n'est pas forcément une mauvaise chose, mais certaine sont impossibles à gérer et il est presque impossible d'y survivre. Je vous ai donné mon opinion en espérant qu'elle sera lu. |
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e nois |