~+~Which is scarier?~+~ |
Lolokizka « Consul » 1462046640000
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A A. Listening to the same song for a week B. Listening to the same artist for a month |
Frostheart « Citoyen » 1462101420000
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B. Imagine having to listen to Taylor Swift @_@ A. Earth's gravity went upside down and you were sucked into unending space B. You were to die in 1 minute |
Theubertheif « Citoyen » 1462131420000
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A A: Tfm crashing everytime you tried to get on B: Dieing young |
Elseweril « Citoyen » 1462163040000
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A obviously *o* A). Being stalked B). Being bullied |
Desolate « Citoyen » 1462170780000
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A A) Killed by an ugly thief B) Killed by your brother |
Eilimakk « Censeur » 1462498800000
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A I guess since I don't have a brother A. Dying from heat B. Dying from frost |
Andiemations « Censeur » 1462531320000
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A: Heat A: hit by a french high speed train at full speed B: Tazed to death |
Zuigertop « Citoyen » 1462548300000
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A A. die in a pit of lava B. Get You're Brain Smashed in by a baseball bat with spikes on it |
Frostheart « Citoyen » 1462551420000
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B Defintely B. A : Wake up to see your bed full of cockroaches B : Everything you touched turned to spiders. |
Zuigertop « Citoyen » 1462561440000
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A A. Die alone B. Die with Friends |
Lolokizka « Consul » 1462564320000
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A A. Reading an uninteresting book, but it's has 50 pages. B. Reading an interesting book, but it's 2000 pages long. |
Zamasu « Citoyen » 1462565400000
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B a. have a dull pain throughout your body your entire life b. have a REALLY sharp pain throughout your body for one moment |
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Probably B. Not sure. A. Being slowly decapitated by a beaver chewing through your neck B. Being quickly decapitated by Justin Beiber pouring acid on your neck |
Lolokizka « Consul » 1462568520000
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A A. scene kids B. 12 year olds |
Froggy « Censeur » 1462574700000
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A A: Jumping of a cliff B: Kissing all boy private parts |
Lolokizka « Consul » 1462574880000
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B A. Having back pain B. Getting a massage |
Doticanny « Censeur » 1462593540000
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B A. Being hunted down by the mafia B. Being hunted down by people from the deep web |
Eilimakk « Censeur » 1462934400000
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B Even if I have no idea what those are XD A. The love of your life die B. Your best friend for life, dies |
Dudeizawsom « Citoyen » 1462936500000
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Neither, they aren't scary, they're just both terribly sad. If I had to choose, I'd say B. A: Being buried alive but somehow get out, but you pass out once you get at the surface. B: Being forced to listen to Justin Bieber's Baby, forever, 24/7, no breaks, everywhere, you can't hear others, and you can't hear your own thoughts. for the rest of your life. |
Elseweril « Citoyen » 1462940220000
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B) A. Knowing you're alone in the woods. B. Knowing you're not alone in the woods. |