I ask moderator Red#0010 to explain the ban to me. Where is the ANTISEMITISM IN THE MESSAGE? |
Favelada « Consul » 1733591220000
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< [13:54] [Red#0010] Nu este o surpriză pentru mine că europenii au susținut statul Israel. Rusia are mai mult decât dreptate să se amestece în țara ta fără o opinie. ///// means: It is no surprise to me that the Europeans supported the state of Israel. Russia is more than right to interfere in your country without an opinion. < [13:54] [Red#0010] ;* [13:55] [Browdy] igual menudos < [13:55] [Red#0010] Alma gêmea : Grapeup#0020 [13:55] [Raivabruta] Rocinha hj vai tá o frevo [13:55] [Favelada] < [13:54] [Red#0010] Nu este o surpriză pentru mine că europenii au susținut statul Israel. Rusia are mai mult decât dreptate să se amestece în țara ta fără o opinie. [13:55] [Mc_ratao] kk • [Moderação] Você não poderá falar por 1 horas. Motivo: Antisemetism will not be tolerated. I must remind the unknowing moderator that Arabs are also SEMITES. Does being AGAINST the genocide carried out by the terrorist State of Israel in Palestine mean being anti-Semitic? Go study! Go read! |
Valentina « Consul » 1733592000000
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as the FR mod Rio#0010 said, its not what the forum is for Rio said: |
Favelada « Consul » 1733594460000
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Valentina said: girl, if you're bending over backward to be the new moderator, that's none of my business. |
Berrycreme « Citizen » 1733595180000
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FREE PALESTINE! and I support Favelada |
Valentina « Consul » 1733595420000
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? once again, nothing u have said makes sense. the reason why i quoted his text is cuz its the best response that can be given to someone like u. all u have done here is to provocate people without any reason |
Favelada « Consul » 1733595540000
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Valentina said: you can leave the fake account, rio#0010 |
Ronaldocampa « Citizen » 1733596140000
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"Favelada CALLS on the entire INTERNATIONAL community for support! She was unfairly banned by an international moderator, and now we need to put pressure to show them who the Brazilian community is! We must say no to Zionism." |
Katburger « Consul » 1733596620000
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Transformice is not the place to discuss politics. Harassing people on the game about this conflict is not going to change opinions or help one side or the other. If you have a complaint about moderation policies, please contact staff privately. Last edit on 1733597040000 |