"What the heck happened to Nekodancer?" Yea i seen that topic already. |
Pyro « Citizen » 1496780760000
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Now many of you have been playing Nekodancer since 2014 or later, but alot of you mates have been complaining about the long-lasting gamebreaking bug: The music and video freezes when you start up the game and it happens to ALL over the rounds and it is true to alot of people who are experiencing these issues. The tactics were used to keep the gaming going to collect stuff, but after the bug spread the digital internet systems, there's no way telling how it happened. There's a thing though: Youtube no longer supports videos in games and that being said, Atelier801 no longer updates the game. That means Nekodancer will remain broken for a long time until it gets shut down. You see: Google Chrome became the first victim of this bug, than Firefox gets an unexpected bug and now Internet Explorer. I'm not sure about Safari or Opera though, since those two were not as nearly popular as the other three were. Nekodancer was created in 2014 after Transformice, Bouboum and Fortoresse and before Celouso [Which it got cancelled] Dead Maze [Which is in beta] and is a 4th game that is created publicly and the 3rd game to become popular at one point. This game's popularity got decreased, but it is the 2nd most popular game, only to be beaten by Transformice. After the bug has arrived many players quit due to the bug. If you are still playing Nekodancer and if you are not the victim of the bug, then consider yourself lucky, mate. Atelier801 if you are reading this, then consider this recommending: Switch to HTML5 to stop this bug. If it doesn't work, then is the end of Nekodancer. Last edit on 1496780820000 |
Akirathefox « Citizen » 1496786820000
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Im still waitin because i love that game lol |
Glirotus « Citizen » 1496863260000
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This is kinda like: "When the Cat is at bay the Mouse will play". The game moderators being the Cat and the bugs being the mice lol How unusually cosmic this is about a company that features cats and mice as their featured games. o.o' I have this gut feeling though Nekodancer is going to shut down though. Now this is just a feeling not a fact so nobody get it twisted. |
Pyro « Citizen » 1496866140000
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Glirotus said: Yea, with this game being completely broken, i don't think Atelier801 will see this anytime soon. Since the company no longer supports Nekodancer. |
Tunaxxl « Censor » 1496895480000
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They can't switch cuz they don't know how to also they don't want to work hard for it |
Virus_code « Censor » 1497015060000
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Tunaxxl said: Might as well close the game... Why are they keeping it up anyways? It's dead and useless. |
Cutylilian « Citizen » 1497037680000
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You guys know about how the Transformice TV screens got the same problem right? Well, good news! Tigrounette fixed them as well just today! woo! But sadly, Nekodancer didn't get the change as well, hence I'm hoping that somewhere near the future Tigrounette would import the video playing format tfm is using as of now to Nekodancer so we could play it again owo |
Canisdiruss « Citizen » 1497043800000
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They're prob still trying to switch neko dancer to HTML5 |
Cchiiko « Citizen » 1497046140000
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Melibellule said: The video screen isn't perfect yet so we will have to wait until everything is fixed on Transformice until we can expect Nekodancer to get a new player. It's nice knowing for sure that the game is getting fixed. |
Makavo « Citizen » 1497441960000
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Also btw i love nekodancer because it's full of furries and idk man i think furries are cute = i don't care about the sexual side = |
Icefox101 « Censor » 1497545100000
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Why can't atelier801 pay attention to this game? |
Madmaddym « Citizen » 1497552300000
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Omg I miss my this game. I started to get super good at it |
Boopedmira « Citizen » 1518136140000
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wowowowowowwo so much |