Vanilla-Camp Map Submissions |
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@4593768 :) |
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@7913543 @7913936 @7913090 @7913030 @7912697 @7912596 @7912371 |
![]() « Censeur » 1661084940000
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@7820531 @7824597 @7828076 @7828080 @7828241 @7830046 @7830582 @7830585 @7831155 @7831165 @7831683 @7831696 @7831708 @7831710 @7836127 @7844327 @7844333 @7844370 @7844373 @7845383 @7846519 @7846524 @7847090 @7847323 |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1661263860000
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Left as is: @7913472 - Mavibalina10#0000 - Poor obstacle execution. @7913475 - Mavibalina10#0000 - The second water obstacle is luck-based, as some players don't get to jump again and die. @7913365 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Interesting idea, but it's too precise for one try. @7913324 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - This mechanism has been used in a similar way already. @7876972 - Zeus#6550 - The water doesn't seem necessary, it either creates an additional annoyance or makes the map too easy. @7913432 - Zeus#6550 - Difficulty is too low. @7913581 - Zeus#6550 - The initial block is not needed. Due to its invisibility, it can mislead players and give them unfair advantages, since they don't know when exactly they can move. The tokens do not require an effort to use, so overall the gameplay is basic and monotonous. @7913582 - Zeus#6550 - Again, too easy. @7913583 - Zeus#6550 - As above. @7913584 - Zeus#6550 - This looks like a copy of another player's map and it plays really similar. @7913585 - Zeus#6550 - The map is simply too precise. Players struggle to predict their movements. @7905559 - Zeus#6550 - Poorly executed. It's easy to get stuck in the bottom right corner. @7902342 - Zeus#6550 - With its high precision, players often fail to take the cheese. It is hard to follow the right trajectory. @7904397 - Antoni0#8587 - We have a lot of spirit maps with acid already. The tight space in the middle is mass-deathy. @7904497 - Antoni0#8587 - Interesting way of making a fight map, but one shaman is at a disadvantage due to the cheese positions. Also, the acid spins too fast after being shot, so it's basically a waste of time. @7912628 - Thekingwys#4005 - A bit easy and automatic once you get used to it. @7906204 - Thekingwys#4005 - As above. @7819982 - Thekingwys#4005 - Still very easy to die with cheese. @7716186 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - A more complicated version of another map in rotation. @7913507 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Quite easy, even with aie. @7756568 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Feels random, because the treadmills have no indicators. Aside from that, the map is still easy. @7913798 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Pretty basic use of the concept. The map lacks challenge. @7877117 - Eduard11#2625 - The obtsacles are pretty basic. The hole part is also poorly executed. @7879100 - Eduard11#2625 - Map is precise and not well designed. @7879492 - Eduard11#2625 - Quite easy once you get it. @7877475 - Eduard11#2625 - As above. I'd add that the trampolines are not strng enough. @7913550 - Mavibalina10#0000 - Map is chaotic and lacks direction. @7705714 - Wiannix#7716 - Easy if you avoid all the tokens. Otherwise, the map is simply luck-based. @7913241 - Wiannix#7716 - The problem persists. On a side note, a similar map has been recently added. @7913509 - Wiannix#7716 - A bit monotonous and similar to other aie maps. The anvil icon is usually used to show that shaman objects are very light and easy to push. @7913512 - Wiannix#7716 - Extreme precision, map wasn't completed after 30+ attempts. @7913580 - Wiannix#7716 - This will be mass-deathy at first, then easy and automatic. @5713415 - Namelessh#0000 - The map feels automatic. @5832575 - Namelessh#0000 - The first obstacle is too deadly and makes the map impossible if failed. @7904681 - Antoni0#8587 - Nice concept, but it's too precise. @7906040 - Antoni0#8587 - As above. @7908546 - Antoni0#8587 - This is pretty easy as soon as you get used to it. Also, avoid this type of design. @7911773 - Antoni0#8587 - Ice is not meant to have friction. The use of fake grounds is prohibited. Other than that, it's a basic spirit map. @7912769 - Antoni0#8587 - Extremely precise. @7911801 - Antoni0#8587 - As above. @7912125 - Antoni0#8587 - A similar map already exists in rotation. @2880957 - Danielmago#0000 - The map is plain automatic and luck-based. @4960129 - Danielmago#0000 - As above. @5666353 - Danielmago#0000 - As above. @7913737 - Lo_ski#0331 - Map is too precise and not enjoyable. @7913752 - Lo_ski#0331 - Similar maps already exist. The ball should have a lava design, as it's a lot stronger than normal trampoline. @7905487 - Bautipro#5357 - The trampoline bit is luck-based. @7905979 - Bautipro#5357 - Same issue as last time with the cheese obstacle. @7911081 - Bautipro#5357 - Mass death. @7913085 - Bautipro#5357 - Long and tedious. @7913172 - Bautipro#5357 - The concepts are used in basic ways, such that other maps already contain the same gameplay. @7913868 - Aomry123#0000 - Most obstacles are generic or slightly inconsistent. @7913819 - Mavibalina10#0000 - Again, too chaotic and random. Keep defilante maps as short and simple as possible and avoid spam. @7913822 - Mavibalina10#0000 - As above. @7912397 - Antoni0#8587 - Long and tedious. Defilante tokens don't match. @7912852 - Antoni0#8587 - Too unpredictable and random. @7913897 - Mavibalina10#0000 - This map is too long and complex. Vanilla-camp maps have 1 try, meaning that players don't respawn after death. Keep that in mind. @4593768 - Chmw#0000 - Avoid submitting other people's maps. @7913543 - Hl1s#0000 - The obstacles are quite easy when you get the grip. They don't really feel like a good match for defilante tokens. If you plan to use them, limit yourself to a shorter and more simple map. @7913090 - Hl1s#0000 - A rather generic use of the lava sphere. The map will become boring quickly. @7913030 - Hl1s#0000 - There's an easier way to pass the cheese obstacle. Overall, the map lacks challenge. @7912697 - Hl1s#0000 - Same as your lava sphere map. Also, try to use the original lava design. There is no need to have orange rectangles. @7912596 - Hl1s#0000 - The difficulty is too low. @7912371 - Hl1s#0000 - As above. @7820531 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - Nice concept for Racing, but it's too easy. @7828080 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - It gets monotonous and easy with time. @7830585 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - Before you understand how to hit the lava, it's mass-deathy. After you get it, it's pretty easy. @7831696 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - Difficulty is too low. @7831708 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - Unpredictable and deadly. @7836127 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - It gets annoying and precise. @7844327 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - As above. @7844333 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - As above. @7845383 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - As above. @7846519 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - As above. @7847323 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - The cheese obstacle is too precise. Added as Bootcamp: @7913012 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7912758 - Thekingwys#4005 @7819968 - Thekingwys#4005 @7819963 - Thekingwys#4005 @7913799 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913837 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - This could be Racing too, but we'll keep it like this for now. @5247404 - Namelessh#0000 @5599557 - Namelessh#0000 @7903063 - Bautipro#5357 @7906924 - Bautipro#5357 @7909016 - Bautipro#5357 @7912354 - Bautipro#5357 @7912637 - Bautipro#5357 @7913136 - Bautipro#5357 @7913170 - Bautipro#5357 @7913806 - Aomry123#0000 @7912781 - Antoni0#8587 - Made alignment, design and execution edits. @7913936 - Hl1s#0000 @7844370 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7844373 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7846524 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7847090 - Xdapoloxd#0000 Added as Miscellaneous: @7913369 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913084 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913005 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913611 - Zeus#6550 @7899842 - Zeus#6550 @7902013 - Zeus#6550 @7837242 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7901036 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7902380 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7902964 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7903024 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7903132 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7710261 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913571 - Jasseh#0000 @7913385 - Wiannix#7716 @7824597 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7828076 - Xdapoloxd#0000 - Design edits. @7828241 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7831165 - Xdapoloxd#0000 Added as Shaman: @7894174 - Zeus#6550 @7913496 - Zeus#6550 @7811566 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @5495080 - Namelessh#0000 Added as Racing: @7913371 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913367 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913076 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913431 - Zeus#6550 @7913434 - Zeus#6550 @7913588 - Zeus#6550 @7902972 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7711621 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913836 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @7913873 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 @4986907 - Namelessh#0000 @7297386 - Namelessh#0000 @7912785 - Bautipro#5357 @7830046 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7830582 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7831155 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7831683 - Xdapoloxd#0000 @7831710 - Xdapoloxd#0000 |
![]() ![]() « Censeur » 1661264220000
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Update: Due to a large number of entries per checkpoint, reviews may be short and not helpful. Lowering the amount of maps will ensure higher quality reviews, so from this point forward, a submission limit will be set. Important! You may only submit a maximum of 6 maps per review. Any submission larger than this will be completely ignored. |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1661271540000
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@7914153 @7914205 Dernière modification le 1661346540000 |
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@7904397 @7904497 @7904681 możesz dodac wskazuwke zwiazku z uzyciem chmury tej co zglaszalem na p8 z konta antek10000... Dernière modification le 1661537520000 |
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@7819982 |
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[Modéré par Eremia, raison : Multiple posts] |
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@7915102 @7914900 @7914898 @7914897 @7914230 @7914899 Dernière modification le 1662626760000 |
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@7850726 @7905979 @7913085 @7913172 @7913816 @7914112 Dernière modification le 1661451840000 |
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@7876972 @7901941 @7913584 @7913432 @7913581 Dernière modification le 1662219840000 |
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@7253329 :) |
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@7906040 @7908546 @7911773 Dernière modification le 1661593440000 |
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@7915101 @7914485 @7913543 @7914808 @7915039 @7915059 Dernière modification le 1662779700000 |
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@7913921 @7914501 @7914503 Re-edited |
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@7903268 |
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@4977494 @7359977 @7391191 @5725006 @7728028 @7274353 |
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@4952616 @5049142 Dernière modification le 1662440340000 |
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@7883885 |