Rotação Oficial - P8 - Dois Shamansالدوران الرسمي - P8 - ذو الشامانان 公式カテゴリー - P8 - デュアルシャーマン Official Rotation - P8 - Dual ShamanRotazione Ufficiale - P8 - Doppio SciamanoRotation Officielle - P8 - Deux ChamanesOficjalna Rotacja - P8 - Podwójny SzamanPálya Körforgás - P8 - Sámán ÖsszefogásRotația Oficială - P8 - Doi șamaniResmi Rotasyon - P8 - Çift ŞamanRotación Oficial - P8 - Doble ChamánOfficiële Rotatie - P8 - Dubbele Sjamaan |
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@6827616 |
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@7163948 @7162184 Dernière modification le 1497049440000 |
Apollopolo « Censeur » 1496583720000
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@7158959 @7148429 |
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@7165450 |
Streetraat « Citoyen » 1496689080000
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@7165602 I could not put two shamans on the map. I think that's up to you, right? |
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@7165954 @4410554 Dernière modification le 1497023760000 |
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@2009749 @2482064 |
Papelio « Consul » 1496843040000
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@7166939 |
B_ootcamp « Citoyen » 1496861580000
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@7117100 |
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@7000610 @6991669 double mice and shaman spawn Dernière modification le 1497046680000 |
Viniciusdara « Consul » 1497198060000
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@5211524 |
Uuviinhasz « Citoyen » 1497229020000
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@4463785 |
Tinkse « Citoyen » 1497253860000
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@7171606 |
Vintage « Consul » 1497360660000
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@7000012 2 mice & shaman spawns Dernière modification le 1497360780000 |
Mapcrew « Consul » 1497384540000
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Left as is: @5762807 - Jfrl - Since you are using water as the main obstacle for the cheese and the hole, the way you used the water is rather annoying for the shamans. Also, the sticky mechanism is kind of odd. It seems random since it doesn't fit in with the rest of the map. Fine as P1 @7111777 - Eyux - While I like the layout of the map, the water doesn't really add much as an obstacle in itself. I also feel like the path is a little restricted since there is only one way to the cheese and to the hole -- through the water, limiting what the shamans can build. Lastly, this map doesn't seem like a two shaman effort; all you would have to do is build a bridge along the bottom and a few ramps on each end. @5940710 - Twistzaok - I like how you used a more unique layout for the wood grounds, however that also gives the map some flaws as well. Since you have all of the support on the left-to-middle side of the map, the shamans will have to build a very lengthy build to the cheese, leading to a build-a-thon. I want to see you add more support on this map by adding grounds on the right side of the map too. We'll see in the next review. @7143878 - Andrezitow - I will have to agree with the last given review on this map. The map is still generic beause the map only requires each shaman to build a very long ramp on both sides, making the map very boring to build on. @7149662 - Yuugiooohhhh - Even though the layout of the grounds are kind of common, you have placed these grounds in an okay layout. One problem though with the layout is that the one cloud ground at the bottom is a little odd and out of place, I would like to see you add some more in that area. Another thing is that the top route is obviously the faster way, meaning that an okay shaman will just make a bridge connecting over to the other side and then easily drop into the hole. Please add more!! @7107714 - Yuugiooohhhh - Usually I would love maps that offer a lot of room for creativity, this map is nothing but a build-a-thon for both shamans. Most shamans will go to the mice spawn and build a giant bridge to the cheese, and then a long ramp to the hole, making the gameplay on this map rather boring and dull. @7139106 - Pacisus - The clouds along the bottom are problematic. A good shaman map offers a lot of routes and ways to complete the map; since you have clouds blocking the entire bottom path, shamans will just take the top route, meaning that each shaman will build the same way every time the map plays. @7163914 - Pacisus - Already good enough for P1. @6360633 - Framnm - The bottom route from the mice spawn is way too narrow, most shamans will not risk that and decide to take the long way up top. Once each shaman does that, each build willl become the same -- build over the circle -- add support under the cheese -- small bridge to the hole -- build everytime. The far left side of the map doesn't really offer much towards the game play besides support. @6558180 - Framnm - The "cage" restricts each shaman's building because there is only one direction to build out of, basically meaining, each build will become a bridge towards the mice spawn, and then a ramp out of the cage. From there, the top doesn't offer much in terms of creativity. @7054724 - Maxislow - I looked over your last review on this map and I don't see any clear problems on the issues mentioned previouisly, however, there are still a few problems with this map that I would like to address too. Most of the map is practically empty. I would like to see you add more to the map and challenge each shaman more. In the map's current state, it is pretty easy. @7116265 - Maxislow - The map is pretty simple. All the shamans would have to do is build a bridge to the left of the mice spawn, under the ramped ground and to the cheese. From there, a really long ramp would be needed to reach the hole, making this map very easy to bypass and dull to play on. @2618176 - Jjrules - I am not really a fan of this map because it uses a very common concept and layout that is seen often. The map doesn't offer much of a challenge since each shaman would only have to just build 2 major ramps to go to each platform. @7151324 - Jjrules - Again, this map uses a very common layout that is oftenly seen in rotation. All the shamans would have to do is build a very stable support under the cheese straight through the anti-cloud grounds. @4394928 - Zombiewd - I actually like the map! I like the layout you offered in the map since it keeps both shamans busy, however, I would like to see a few edits in the next review. First, could you remove the clouds, they have no actual use and they don't fit with the rest of the map. Secondly, I would like to see you do more with the hole area. All the shamans would have to do is build a ramp all the way up to the hole. @4464907 - Pgmsule - I can't speak french so I hope an english review will suffice for you. I find this map rather boring and odd. The clouds are very annoying to build around, and the shaman objects don't offer anything other than to be in the way for both shamans. On both sides, each shaman would just have to build upward, making the building very dull as well. @6222906 - Pgmsule - The ground placement is definitely unique and something I like, however, the main issue of this map are the clouds and the gameplay. The problem with the clouds are that they are random; the clouds are merely there to separte the game play a little bit, take them out. As with the game play itself, on the right side of the map, two ramps will suffice, making the map unbalanced because one shaman would have to build more than the other. @5603787 - Srbanshee - The paths or should I say path are very limited because there is only one route for the shaman to build on. By only having one route for the shamans to take, it restricts the creativity for both since that is the only route to take to the cheese. Another issue is that both sides are very unbalanced, since one shaman will have to do most of the work to build towards the cheese and another would just have to build a simple ramp to the hole. @7158795 - O_7 - The map layout is very basic and actually problematic. The shamans would just have to build a bunch of ramps upward on both sides to complete the map, making the building on this map dull and boring. You have this entire space on the bottom right side of the map that isn't even being used. @4727960 - Danielmago - While I like the layout of the map, there are major issues with it too. With the current cheese location, a long bridge along the bottom of the map will most likely become the main outcome of every build; the cheese at the bottom also leaves the top unused. Another issue is that the hole is in an area that makes the rest of the map unbalanced, a simple ramp to the hole would be the only needed build on the left side. @4728540 - Danielmago - I am not a fan of this map. The entire middle is basically a cage for the shamans, completely restricting their creativity to a very limited area. Most shamans will just build directly down to the left of the mice spawn, making the far left cloud obstacle useless. I also really dislike how you did the hole. @7162997 - Bataatiinha - The way you placed the grounds in your map is very limiting. The only path to access the left side is through the bottom water ground, which is very resticting. I also don't like how you'e done the left side. Having to avoid the water is very water and annoying. The build will always end up the same as well. Same goes for the right side, a few ramps to the hole is very dull and will be the same everytime. @6827616 - +Jgds - There are a few issues with this map. The first issue is that most of the building relies on the left side, making the right side completely empty and useless; I would like to see you take away the barrier in the middle and use the entire map instead. Another problem is that everything is odd. You have a pile of crates at the top which is completely random and doesn't fit in with the rest; you have nailed planks blocking the middle. My point is that keep things related and similar. @7163948 - Fosoundkems - The main problem with this map is that the middle grounds won't be used by the shamans. To complete this map, one shaman would have to build a few ramps up to the cheese right from the mice spawn, and then another would only have to build a bridge from there to the hole. @7162184 - Fosoundkems - Same as your last map. The middle won't be used by the shamans and all the shamans would have to do is build a few ramps from the spawn all the way up to the cheese, or just 2 or 3 springs instead, and then a bridge to the hole from the top platform. @7158959 - Apollopolo - The main problem with this map is that it is unbalanced. The easiest solution is to build a ramp going down to the cheese from the top platform, and then a plank bridge to the cheese. The bottom won't be used, nor will the ice + cloud grounds. @7148429 - Apollopolo - While I like the concept, a lot of newer and less experienced mice will jump down to the booster ground and instantly die, losing most of the saves every time the map is played. As to the gameplay above, I think it is decent but it wouldn't warrent you a P8. The water above the cheese is also annoying. @7165450 - Yakitak - Ant-gravity maps are very annoying and hard for most of the shamans in normal rotation, that is why you will very, very rarely ever come across an anti-gravity shaman map, if there even is one. @7165954 - Pingouuu - During public tests, majority of the mice jumped down to the balls and got in the way of the shaman's building. It got so unbearable for the shaman that they just decided to give a cloud under the cheese and put 3 springs. I would like to see you use the balls in a different way. @4410554 - Pingouuu - While usually I would encourage building, this map is way too large. Most shamans would just build very long bridges all the way to the cheese, which is boring for both shamans to build on. I like how you tried to use trampolines to differentiate the gameplay though, try to keep that aspect of the map when going back to edit. @2009749 - Bowlt - First off, this map doesn't need shamans as one shaman would be able to complete this map fairly quickly. Another problem with this map is the fact that the map can actually be completed quickly. All is required is to build a bridge along the bottom, under the mice spawn, and then build a ramp or two up to the hole. @2482064 - Bowlt - Again, this map doesn't need two shamans. @7166939 - Papelio - The path for the shamans to take are very limited, since there is actually only one route to take to the cheese and back. Another flaw of the map is the limited building creativity. All one shaman would have to do is build a downward ramp + some minor support for the cheese, and then the other should would just have to build a bridge + ramp to the hole. @7117100 - Pjfsamora - The map wouldn't be a good addition to rotation for obvious reasons. The map is way too easy as a single ramp to the cheese from the mice spawn would suffice. @7000610 - V_21 - This map has a decent layout and plays decently as well. I am kind of concerned about how the bottom route will do because sometimes forcing a shaman object through cloud will cause lag, so be cautious about that. The one major flaw about this map is the fact that the most common route will be up through the middle, and then a simple bridge over to the hole from there. I would like to see you do something about that so both shamans will have a challenge. @6991669 - V_21 - I like how you tried to do something different, however, both solutions for both spawn placements are fairly easy. A simple ramp up to the cheese on the right side, and then a bridge to the hole is all that is needed. Same with the left spawn, a bridge under the spawn for the cheese, and then a ramp up to the hole. @5211524 - Viniciusdara - I like how you tried to make the water ground act as a barrier so mice could only go through, however, not only can mice actually sink to the very bottom without cheese and then cheese grab on the way up, but actually the entire right side is unbalanced with the left. The left side doesn't require much building, leaving the other shaman to build an entire support below the cheese. @4463785 - Uuviinhasz - There are a few things wrong with this map. The first problem is the fact that the clouds are kind of random, they seem randomly placed around the map. The second issue is that the bottom cheese is very easy to get to, since it requires a bridge, making this map unbalanced in the sense of leaving the top cheese untouched, and unbalanced because this map doesn't require two shamans. The last issue is that the hole requires a few ramps, making the building on this map dull. @7171606 - Tinkse - The map can be accomplished with a single shaman. @7000012 - V_Ntage - I loved the idea of the map, however, an issue arrived when I the map was tested in public. The shamans basically focused on the mice who were spawned in on the bottom, leaving the mice on the top right to be isolated. After the ramp to the hole was made for the bottom mice, people up top got impatient and spammed consumables to get out, which is a problem. I feel like you should have one cheese instead of two, so both shamans can focus on getting to one area. I would also like to see you fix the top mice spawn, since they're isolated up top while both shamans are at the bottom. P1'ed: @7100072 - Eyux - While this map's layout is a little overused, I feel like this map does it in an okay way. This map isn't P8 worthy but I feel like P1 will suffice due to the gaps offered to the shamans to allow them to build in various ways, allowing each build to be a little different everytime. @7116888 - Pjfsamora - I like the layout of this map, it offers a few ways to set up and support the build, however I don't think it is enough for P8 @4547780 - Zombiewd - Normally, cobwebs are not something that we like to see in shaman maps because a lot of newer players get stuck in them and it gets annoying for the shaman, however, I like how you used them in this map and another web map in rotation wouldn't hurt, especially since the shaman can easily avoid them. @7165602 - Streetraat - I like this map, you don't normally see a lot of artistic shaman maps in rotation. I don't think the gameplay is good enough for a P8, so P1 will suffice. Also, for future references, you can add two shaman spawns by adding: DC2 X="" Y="" /> after the first shaman spawn (<DC) in the XML. P8'ed: None Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1497397560000 |
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@7054724 - edited @7116265 - edited Dernière modification le 1497409260000 |
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@7163948 - Edited @7162184 - Edited |
Thegbc « Censeur » 1497416400000
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@7173304 |
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@7165954 - edited (not sure it will be better but hum) |
Uuviinhasz « Citoyen » 1497441060000
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@4560789 @4391577 Dernière modification le 1497441120000 |