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dang does your hand hurt that much? from being such a keyboard warrior? perhaps my short and sweet sentences weren't enough to get my point across? no problem also, dingus must be your favourite word for some reason. really telling about your maturity. spoilered bc large wall of text King a dit : of course i had to go that low, how else will clowns like you understand me? /s King a dit : here's the thing: i didn't insinuate that you accused anyone of dishonesty and the like. link, the sentinel in question, briefly mentions how he had his own shortcomings with moderation in the past and makes it clear that he's rectified those mistakes by now. this is seen as a good thing because the honesty shows that he's considered the weight of his actions. it also encourages the community to trust that the staff are considerate of their feedback and are striving towards doing better. this is what i was referring to when i simply stated that being honest and trustworthy is his responsibility as a staff member, which i don't see any reason to get angry about. i don't see the part where i twisted your words either. you sounded pretty condescending by the way you responded to link about his confession, ignoring the fact that he, just like any other sentinel, is a human at the end of the day and will inevitably keep making mistakes as time goes on. if you were referring to my way of rephrasing that part of your post, that was just to prove a point, not to twist yours. King a dit : okay yeah, let me set this straight. from what has been said above, meli has been requesting the sents to be more lenient in moderating years ago, and you're claiming to see that nothing changed in their approach so far. yet what you say in your previous post indicates that what's happening is the opposite of what meli's aiming for (unfair and strict moderating), which means that this issue has existed since a long time ago, correct? if we go by your logic that the sents are driving people away from this forum due to said strictness in moderation, shouldn't the forum already be dead by then? have you not considered other likely reasons as to why it is the way it is today? and even if you do finally notice their approach change just the way meli exactly wanted it, do you honestly think that'll prevent the forum from decaying any more than it already is? overall, it's just iffy to me how you go on and on about how shitty the moderation on this forum is without giving any conclusive evidence that it's true, let alone it being so commonplace as you make it out to be. i've been observing what these sents do and it's not hard to see that they're heading in the right direction with their much-welcomed transparency. it's also about time you decided to tell me that your pseudo-statements were just an "opinion" all along, but i'm done wasting my time with you. bye bye karen! Dernière modification le 1594734420000 |
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[Modéré par Katburger, raison : Do not insult other users.] |
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King a dit : yup, typical clown response. don't read it then? Dernière modification le 1595090280000 |
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Mso a dit : |
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I am banned for VPN farming which is ridiculous because I don't even use VPNs. Can you explain why I am banned? The only reason I could think of is that I am living in a different country right now... |
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Pitipiti a dit : There is no active ban on your account; it's the IP you are using which is banned. If you don't use a VPN, someone from your household was hacking. |
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Honestly i don't care what people say about me saying this, i don't care what staff think about me saying this, i think this needs to be said, i'm not taking any sides here, i just want to state my opinion My point of view defending staff: okay here goes, so i think we all need to calm down with the point of "sentis are to strict" or "mods are to strict" they're REALLY trying their best here, they're giving up time in their life to keep this game in check, and i think they deserve a LOT more credit, these people put HOURS, and DAYS into this game, and all they get is complaint, almost NEVER do they recieve a "thank you" or a "keep up the good work" it's always a "you fucking suck!!" or a "dude what the hell why ban me??" you obviously deserved it if they did do these things, they're normal people JUST like the players, they're just given powers to help patrol the game and keep it clean, they have minds like us, and think like us, they deserve a lot more than they get, and it makes me sad to see all this disgusting negativity against them, they need a fucking break, we're just making it harder for them to do things, so behalf of the players, thank you staff, you're doing amazing, please keep going, you're all amazing Now me defending the players: I understand what they mean by a little strict, you could cut some slack, but i don't believe it's the strictness of the staff that's the issue here, i do know you have been trying to fix the issue, and you're doing amazing at it, but there does seem to be a few inactive moderators/sentinels, and they're really just taking up space, and a few of the staff are quick to pull the trigger, some staff haven't really investigated issues, they instead insta-mute or insta-ban, it's really not proper, i do believe you could investigate a bit deeper, about the inactive staff, again, you're doing fine with that, i think it's amazing how far you've come, but you do need to work a bit more on it, and again, the strictfulness isn't the BIGGEST worry or concern of mine, but as you have been saying over and over, you're working on it, perfect! please just keep fixing, you'll get it soon, i know it i'm sorry for the long paragraph, but i feel this needed to be said Edit: to be clear, when i said "you obviously desevred it" i mean the player, the staff don't deserve it Dernière modification le 1595189700000 |
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want to know why do i keep getting banned. |
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So last night I was playing parkour and out of nowhere i got banned 360 hours for hacking. I’ve spent way too much money on my account to ever hack and I don’t use a VPN and i was just wondering if i could get some information on why this happened. |
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Sharpmuffinz a dit : Hey, Yes. I recommend you to write private message in forums to one of your community moderator in order if you want to clarify everything. :) |
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Sharpmuffinz a dit : Hi! Please contact Lezzly#0010 about your ban. |
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Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this but I'm really desperate for help and online moderators are not replying to my reports for hours or have their whispers turned off. There is this player, Skins#6575, on the En server and they have multiple other accounts. When this player doesn't get a first and one of those accounts is shaman, they spawn a totem with the heart in the middle boxes which causes almost every player to completely be kicked out of the game. We have to refresh the page and relog into Transformice over and over again. I think this should be looked into immediately as some of us pay money in this game and want to have a positive experience. This issue is disabling most of the players to play the game. Please help!!! Dernière modification le 1595460480000 |
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Johnmiki a dit : It's recommended that you send a PM to any mod from your community, in your case, EN/INT instead of posting reports here |
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Lelianna a dit : I know, I tried all the mods multiple times but they were all unresponsive or with their whispers turned off. I was getting desperate because this caused me to crash and have to relog into the game 5 times. Eventually I just stopped playing the game, hoping that person would log off or be noticed by the moderation team by the time I log back in. Honestly, I'm really disappointed in the moderation team of Transformice and I believe the admins should seriously review and reform their moderators. I got in contact with the moderator Theia#0010 from the Ro server, who I would like to give a big positive review on here for being the only moderator who actually replied and assured me about the situation. They said they will look into it. |
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Well, as i have said if you scroll up, mods have lives too, and as mods have stated MANY times in the past, the amount of whispers they recieve at a time is a LOT, so i recommend giving the mods time, and perhaps using the /report command |
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My previous statement isn't only based on my experience for this particular situation. It's based on a collection of experiences I've had over the past year with unresponsive moderation team. I understand that they have lives too and might be busy, but the rate of hackers is rising too, which is worsening our experience as players. Maybe we should have more mods then? Of course, this doesn't apply to every moderator because there are actually good, helpful ones, who do their jobs perfectly. But for the majority of them, I'm not quite sure. And I know I'm not the only person complaining about this as I have read a lot of negative comments about unresponsive moderators. That's why this is a discussion and I want to share my opinion and also discuss what others might think. Thank you. |
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It also would help avoiding names in the forum or the post Will Be redacted! |
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Retrouvaille a dit : For all i care, remove it. I already reported that person. If only the rules in game were as strict as what we can and can not say on the forums, and the moderation as active, maybe we wouldn't have so much hackers and glitchers disrupting our gameplay. |
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can i know who banned me ? |