Rotação Oficial - P10 - Survivorالدوران الرسمي - P10 -السورفايفر 公式カテゴリー - P10 - サバイバー Official Rotation - P10 - SurvivorRotazione Ufficiale - P10 - SurvivorRotation Officielle - P10 - SurvivorOficjalna Rotacja - P10 - SurvivorPálya Körforgás - P10 - TúlélőRotația Oficială - P10 - SurvivorRotación Oficial - P10 - SurvivorResmi Rotasyon - P10 - SurvivorOfficiële Rotatie - P10 - Survivor |
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@6859595, Dernière modification le 1474463580000 |
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@6859595 |
Poteerfotter « Citoyen » 1473779460000
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@6859737 |
Mapcrew « Consul » 1473788340000
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Checkpoint! |
Mervynpeake « Citoyen » 1473805140000
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Left as is: @6779254 - Bemmh - The gameplay still only consists in the sham trying to keep the mice down at their spawn, which is quite similar to two maps already in rotation. Though your map looks pretty different it won´t play different enough. @6574929 - Bemmh - Too similar to maps already in rotation. Also I can see new shamans die too easy, bceause the stairs are quite small. @3906944 - Tellal - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @3213455 - Tellal - The map doesn´t offer anything special making it different to other maps. Please use a rectangle colored background in a ground not having ground collision on. @2956087 - Tellal - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6756231 - Tdft - There didn´t change much since the last review, the map still doesn´t play different enough from other maps already in rotation. @6840776 - Fuzzyfirsdog - Except the cage the map still doesn´t offer anything interesting. @6852701 - Error_404 - Mice can easily hid in the cloud grounds so cannons won´t hit them. Also the map doesn´t offer anything special. @6852694 - Nyihuy - It will be a pain to sham on this map because the water will always catch the mice. The tramps are also not really helpful for the shaman. @6853935 - Nyihuy - It´s basically just another version of the map above. @6855027 - Nyihuy - The tramps at the shaman spawn are not really helpful, but mice can jump on them. Also your map doesn´t offer anything special making it different to other maps already in rotation. Please use cloud grounds if a grounds doesn´t collide with mice. @3734790 - Iandme - The map looks quite messy. The mix of different grounds and farms with water won´t create a good gameplay. @3920720 - Iandme - It will be a pain for the shaman to kill mice on the cage because they can easily hug the ramp to be hard to kill. @6852697 - Kingnasod - It will be mostly useless for the shaman to clear the upper platforms since they disappear anyway, the bottom will be a pain to clear, because mice can hide in the water. @6852768 - Kingnasod - The concept seems nice, but the water will only be a safety net for mice and a place to hide. Also there could be ice on the left recangle block. @6843715 - Anjinglucupu - Play more survivor and think about what makes a good survivor map. There are too many tramps on your map, the cannons don´t fall off but just fly around what makes it really hard for mice to survive. @6845564 - Antivira - There is nothing making the map any different to other maps already in rotation. @6852931 - Antivira - It will be easy for the shaman to keep everyone done. Due to the angled ground mice at the spawn easily die. @6855652 - Antivira - The cloud in the middle is quite in the way of cannons shot to the mice spawn. Also its similar to a map already in rotation. @6716942 - Zealmice - It will be a pain to sham on this map because there are so many grounds. After the mice spread out to the map, it will be hard to clear them all. @2933098 - Zealmice - The concept with water above the cloud is nice, but else the map doesn´t offer anything special. Mice can camp on the wood square and be hard to kill there. @6745782 - Zealmice - For a single shaman the map is too hard to clear, but I don´t think it would work good as dual shaman either. @6853796 - Tomassonic - Mice can easily hide inside the water, it will be hard for the shaman to kill them there. Also they can just keep walljumping on the sides, if the shaman shoots them down they can just jump on again. @6855086 - Tomassonic - Mice can hide in the cloud ground or on the edges on the upper platforms and be really hard to kill. @6855122 - Tomassonic - It will be a pain for the shaman to kill mice camping in the water because it gives them too much mobility. Also the angled ice grounds with water between them will make it really safe for mice. @6849191 - Nellso - Too similar to other maps already in rotation. @6853861 - Nellso - The concept looks really nice, but the angled grounds make it too easy to get up for the mice. If they get hit by a cannon they will rather go up instead of being pushed off. @6855501 - Nellso - There are too many grounds, when the mice spread on the map it will be a pain for the shaman to clear everything. Also please don´t use decorations in survivor. @6853893 - Kingnasod - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6854059 - Miraharindi - It will be easy for the shaman to keep the mice down. Most mice going on the angled ground will be easy to kill. Also please turn collision for the tramps off if you use them as decoration. @6854080 - Miraharindi - Mice can easily camp on the angled ice grounds and be hard to kill. Overall the map seems quite random, which won´t create a good gameplay. @6854092 - Miraharindi - Mice camping on the angled ground will be hard to kill, the shaman needs to go on the ground to to aim mice there and will get hugged. @6854235 - Bulciks - Afk death. There are too many angled grounds mice can easily camp on. @6697671 - Mquk - There is still not much space mice can move on their own at the beginning. A good shaman can prevent mice getting on the other platforms, so most can be easily killed at the beginning. Also the left side of the map will most likely not get used at all, since mice can´t go there on their own and its unlikely they get a good cannon to go there. @6854395 - Ujkos - Even with the help of the tramps inside the circles it will be too easy to survivor. Also mice always have to look they not slide of the circles because they are quite small. @6855283 - Ujkos - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6851967 - Aziiatica - The water gives mice too much possibilities to survive. Also don´t use only ice, because mice always have to pay attention to not slide off else. @6853436 - Aziiatica - Mice can easily walljump at the sides and be hard to kill. The despawn rather helps the mice as they can hide in the water. @6854500 - Aziiatica - There is nothing special making it interesting for survivor. @6704815 - Krato - All the angled grounds will make it really easy for mice to survive, also because they can switch grounds fast if the shaman shoots at them. Also all the grounds rather block the cannons, making it hard to aim. @6776497 - Krato - Gameplay too similar to maps already in rotation. @6749884 - Krato - Gameplay too similar to maps already in rotation. @6774041 - Tdft - It will be a pain for the shaman to kill mice in the water or on the ice triangle. @6855101 - Uhuge - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6855050 - Anjinglucupu - The mice can use the lava to get up easily or fly across the map, the shaman can use it to create hyperspeed cannons being impossible to dodge. The side to side tramp idea is also nothing new for survivor. @6855585 - Viptoto - Mice can camp on the chocolate grounds or the angled grounds and be really hard to kill. Also please avoid offscreen gameplay, mice can hide at the top of the upper grounds. @6856227 - Fuzzyfirsdog - Gameplay too similar to maps already in rotation. @6856262 - Foxdogpt - Mice can camp on the ice square and be hard to kill. Also the map plays not really different to other maps already in rotation. Please add a warning for despawning grounds. @3450068 - Veredar - A map with a mech like this got submitted earlier already, but it didn´t play good. Also there are a few mahor problems in the map making it not fitting for survivor. @6859052 - Fuzzyfirsdog - With a smart use of the tramp the shaman will be able to kill most of the room before they can spread around. The right side wont get used at all probably, because it´s hard to get there. @6856458 - Tigropod - Mice can easily hide in the water, while the shaman will be busy keeping mice away from the shaman spawn. Also it will be hard to kill, since there is always a ground to catch the mice if they get shot down. @6857713 - Tigropod - The idea with the water under non collision grounds is nice, but else there is nothing special making it different enough to other maps already in rotation. Also you forgot to turn off the collision for the rectangle grounds. @6856979 - Bikanyl - The cloud grounds don´t seem to be useful at all, since the cannons just fall off, same with the circle. Else there is nothing making the map different enough to other maps already in rotation. @6854505 - Melasti - The tramps are too strong, the cannons mostly not go down, but fly around for some time creating a chaotic gameplay. Also it´s quite similar to other maps already in rotation. @6857104 - Tennistete - It will be impossible to kill for the shaman with all the choco grounds and the ice, which prevents mice from getting shot down. @6857473 - Ib0zukkkk - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6732375 - Thegbc - The shaman can move to the middle fast and easily kill the mice trying to climb the middle part. The mice left on the spawn will be easy to kill with the small platforms. @6857756 - Hakanproft - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6828889 - Quinzinhojr - The concept looks really random, what doesn´t create a good gameplay. @6711291 - Quinzinhojr - Too similar to maps already in rotation. @6852672 - Imortaliss - Mice can camp on the triangle and be really hard to kill, the water also rather disturbs the gameplay. @6852679 - Imortaliss - I think the gameplay will be quite boring, because the shaman is caged. Mice can easily change the grounds all the time when the shaman shoots at them. @6858609 - Dariussebyy - Gameplay too similar to maps already in rotation. @6859067 - Pratton - The idea looks nice, but it´s not different enough to other maps already in rotation. @6855246 - Gstntata - The shaman can easily get stuck in the chocolate being unable to move anymore. Mice on the middle bottom ground will be hard to kill, because the shaman has to shoot on an awkward angle. @6628513 - Gstntata - I don´t see that the edits changed anything at all, the bottom part is still the same, I think it won´t play good like this. The upper part doesn´t seem to be anything special. @6859595 - Paneshow - Play more survivor and get a feeling for what makes a good survivor map. Your map doesn´t offer anything that makes it different to other maps already in rotation. @6859737 - Poteerfotter - The clouds grounds don´t seem to be helpful at all, they are rather disturbing because they block cannons and cannons can get stuck at them. Will be discussed: @6854364 - Ujkos - It´s not really something new, but I think it plays good enough. Ignored: @6849422 - Delaxin - Posted more than 3 maps (same post) @6846857 - Delaxin - Posted more than 3 maps (same post) @6852460 - Delaxin - Posted more than 3 maps (same post) @6853651 - Delaxin - Posted more than 3 maps (same post) |
Kimsterjay « Consul » 1473810300000
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@6860274 |
Alsalam_alaikum « Citoyen » 1473813780000
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@6860330 (GJ Uj!!!!!!) |
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@6716942 @6745782 @2933098 Dernière modification le 1474091760000 |
Kingnasod « Citoyen » 1473831240000
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@6852768 [EDITED PART 2 ] *sorry because before me wrong edited the map T_T @6860454 @6860460 Dernière modification le 1473916620000 |
Karyuu777 « Citoyen » 1473843660000
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This is my map @6860485 |
Turce1st 1473846000000
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[Modéré par Mervynpeake] |
Tellal « Citoyen » 1473858420000
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@3906944 @3213455 @2956087 Dernière modification le 1473859380000 |
Imortaliss « Citoyen » 1473859680000
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@6860594 @6860632 @6860644 |
Nellso « Citoyen » 1473860820000
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@6855501 – edited @6861543 @6862509 Dernière modification le 1474012260000 |
Delaxin « Citoyen » 1473863460000
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@6846857 - Edited |
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@6860843-double mice spawn-despawning @6861143 @6861986 Thanks Fuzz <3!!! Dernière modification le 1473962280000 |
Poteerfotter « Citoyen » 1473953940000
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@6861282 |
Alsalam_alaikum « Citoyen » 1473973920000
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@6862183 |
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@6774041 edited |
Bikanyl « Citoyen » 1473998880000
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@6862491 @6862495 @6862496-double shaman |