What do you use to draw? + What should you get? |
Pixelatedfun « Citoyen » 1375573980000
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Photoshop CS6. New. :C |
Supastarx « Citoyen » 1394001120000
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So, i was searching tablets for the future and im a little confused on which tablet i should get any reccomendations of a nice tablet for beginners and is under 110$? |
Satash « Citoyen » 1394002020000
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Supastarx a dit : did you even read the op |
Sirusthemice « Consul » 1394032620000
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a CTH-661 bamboo fun tablet and an outdated (coughcoughpiratedcough) sai :B |
Katsatuma « Citoyen » 1394045820000
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I use a Wacom Bamboo CTL-470K and a pirated SAI >:) I also use GIMP sometimes too (to recolour stuff) and MS paint to move, scale and crop. |
Wingedmousie « Citoyen » 1394403300000
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I USE A TRACKPAD. REASON MY ART IS SHITTY im great with paper, tho. |
Satash « Citoyen » 1394403300000
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Wingedmousie a dit : Using a trackpad isn't bad though? Have you EVEN SEEN Gary's art? They used to use a track pad. |
Amaterasu « Citoyen » 1394403420000
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I dont have a laptop. I use a mouse to draw. I can sometimes draw on phones and tablets,but without using a pen. i suck with pens. |
Sunnyweathr « Citoyen » 1394405460000
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I use a Bamboo Connect along with Painttool Sai a dit : something I did yesterday :B |
Sourisplum « Citoyen » 1394406240000
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Satash a dit : yES THANK YOU PLUS USE A MOUSE IF YOU THINK THE TRACKPAD IS WHAT MAKES YOUR ART SHITTY uGH Satash a dit : and since now http://fav.me/d78k5y1 have some mouse art improved! |
Susanlwu « Citoyen » 1394406600000
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trackpad (a good one!!!) and gimp If tablets weren't like $300, I'd get one Sourisplum a dit : my arts aren't that great with a trackpad, but a mouse? I swear you people who draw with a mouse are wizards. |
Nuttmegg « Citoyen » 1394471760000
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i use paint.net using my laptop (the mouse pad thingy that you get in laptops) (: |
Ejaffa « Citoyen » 1394472540000
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A Wacom Intuos CTH-480 tablet And an expired SAI because I don't know where the pirated one is. |
Xxxrubyxxx « Citoyen » 1394472960000
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I use Adobe Photoshop CS3 on my laptop. (I use the laptop's mouse pad.) c: |
Bubbytooo « Citoyen » 1398184560000
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I use Pencil and Paper. BUT my Dad got me a Graphioc Tablet :D (i don't know what kind though, he said wait till it comes cx (bump) |
Melikeyanime « Citoyen » 1398184680000
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all i use is a mouse, sai and sometimes paint |
Cheesecrunb « Citoyen » 1398379740000
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i use a pencil n' paper, that's how i make my best drawings :) (sometimes in fipnotes) |
Thecupcakecow « Citoyen » 1398381180000
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I actually use a Bamboo pen, I have never had much money in my pocket and I have a wonderful best friend (Who also draws amazing art if you are interested in canines//kitties and the likes) http://DetectiveRJ.deviantart.com She donated the bamboo pen to me as she didnt use it anymore and I am so ever grateful :) |
Shardpixel « Consul » 1398425820000
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I use a Hanvon tablet which I think may suit a few beginners who can properly coordinate the pen, tablet, and screen together. (It's not a graphics tablet.) It's seriously an old tablet and it's called the Painting Master... And I'm not even sure if they sell it anymore. I've read reviews about it and one person said they had ended up dropping, stepping, sitting, and basically "abusing" it countless times, and it still worked fine... Which I'd still recommend NOT abusing it and tapping the pen lightly on the screen, because my tablet is broken and the pen doesn't work right on the right side of the screen, which is EXTREMELY annoying. And don't be fooled where it says pressure sensitivity: It DOESN'T have it, or mine's just broken from the start. Considering my dad got it for me and if it's still available, it probably isn't too pricey for what it is. But Hanvon has some other tablets, graphic ones, too. (I prefer not using a graphic tablet because they cost more and I am so much more comfortable just staring at my screen and drawing. http://www.hanvon.com/en/products/tablets/products.html if you wanna take a look at their stuff. |
Gabreyolo « Citoyen » 1398430680000
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i use fire alpaca thats all i dont need a tablet maybe in 5th grade i will ask for it |