#ninja map submissions |
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What is #ninja?! In this module, the goal is to become the fastest ninja in the room by using abilities like dashes, double jumps and rewind to get over obstacles! For more information about the module and abilities, please refer to this thread. What kind of maps are we looking for? When we make our maps, we have two things in mind: fun gameplay and aesthetics. There are two kinds of maps you can make:
The idea is that after every 5 standars maps, there will be a hardcore one. These are the rules you should follow: Gameplay
Recommendations Test your maps as much as possible while making them to make sure they play out as intended. You can do that by going to room #ninja00editor (or any room of the type #ninjaNUMBEReditor). Set a password with the command !pw password, and load a map with the command !m mapcode Aesthetics and design
Recommendations When designing the map, it's often good to choose two main types of terrain and stick to them, for visual integrity. To make the map easier to read, try not to use oversized terrains. Ideally, most of the horizontal terrains should have a height between 35-45 while the vertical ones should have a width between 27-35. Don't limit your creativity, though! These are only guidelines and should be treated accordingly. Important things to know Before starting making your maps, it is essential to know the game mechanics and abilities very well and be comfortable using them. Otherwise you might underestimate the power of the abilities and make a map that is easier than intended, with a lot of unwanted shortcuts. Take the following example, where the cheese seems unreachable at first, but with a few clever tricks you can get to it. Unwanted shortcut Shortcuts aside, please note that players should be able to finish the maps without using the rewind ability. Common types of obstacles There are a few common types of obstacles you can include in your map. Keep in mind that the following examples are shown only to help you, and are not necessary to use. Common obstacles You are allowed to use defilante elements such as Speed Boost, Death and Spring. They can be very useful but should not be overused if not needed. Maps in rotation
Other notes It's recommended to use an external editor such as this one, as the in-game editor is a little bit limited. The maps will be checked by:
Good luck!
Qu'est-ce que #ninja?! Dans ce module, le but est de devenir le ninja le plus rapide dans le salon en utilisant des abilités tels que les boosts, les double-sauts et le retour pour franchir les obstacles! Pour plus d'informations à propos des abilités et du module, merci de se référer à ce sujet. Quel genre de cartes cherchons-nous? Quand nous faisons des cartes, nous avons deux idées en tête: une expérience de jeu amusante et de l'esthétique. Voici les règles que vous devez appliquer: Expérience de jeu
Recommendations Testez vos cartes le plus possible en êtant sure qu'elles sont jouées de la façon qu'elles devraient l'être. Vous pouvez faire ça en créant un salon #ninja privé, instaurer un mot de passe avec la commande !pw mot de passe, et charger une carte avec la commande !m code de la map Esthétique et Design
Recommendations Quand le design de la carte est réalisé, c'est souvent mieux de choisir deux types de terrains principaux et les utiliser, pour une intégralité visuel. Pour rendre la carte plus facile à défigurer, essayez de ne pas utiliser d'énormes terrains. Idéalement, la majorité des terrains horizontaux devraient avoir une largeur entre 35-45 alors que les terrains verticaux devraient avoir une hauteur de 27-35. Malgré ça, ne limitez pas votre créativité ! Ceci est seulement un guide et doit être traité correctement. Information importantes Avant de commencer à réaliser votre carte, c'est essentiel d'être confortable avec les abilités et de bien connaître les mécaniques du jeu. Ou sinon vous pourriez sous-estimer la puissance des abilités et créer une carte qui peut être faite non comme voulu, avec des raccourcis. Prenez l'exemple suivant, où le fromage semble ne pas pouvoir être atteint, qu'on peut au final atteindre avec une manipulation. Raccourcis non-voulus Or raccourcis, notez que les joueurs devraient pouvoirs finir la carte sans l'abilité "retour". Type d'obstacles communs Il y a quelques obstacles communs que vous pouvez intégrer à votre carte. Gardez en tête que les exemples suivants sont là pour vous aider, vous ne devez pas nécessairement les utiliser. Obstacles communs Vous êtes autorisés à utiliser des éléments de défilante come le boost de rapidité, la mort and le ressort. Ils peuvent être utile et ne doivent pas être trop surutilisés si ils sont inutiles. Cartes en rotation
Autres conseils Il est conseillé d'utiliser d'autre éditeurs comme celui-ci, comme celui inclut dans le jeu est un peu limité. Les cartes seront vérifiées par:
Bonne chance! Translated by Jaker#9310
#Ninja nedir?! Bu modüldeki amaç odadaki en hızlı ninja olmaktır. engelleri aşmak için tire , çift sıçrama ve geri sarma gibi yetenekleri kullanarak! Modül ve yetenekler hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen bu konuya bakın. Ne tür haritalar arıyoruz? Haritalarımızı oluştururken aklımızda iki şey var: eğlenceli oyun ve estetik. Yapabileceğiniz iki tür harita vardır:
Fikir şu kiher 5 standart haritadan sonra, sert bir tane olacak. Takip etmeniz gereken kurallar şunlardır: Oynanış
Öneriler Haritalarınızı mümkün olduğunca oynadıklarından emin olmak için mümkün olduğunca test edin. Bunu özel bir #ninja odası yaparak !Pw password komutuyla bir şifre belirleyin ve komutuyla bir harita yükleyin !M eşleme kodu Estetik ve tasarım
Öneriler Haritayı tasarlarken, seçmek için genellikle iyidir Iki ana arazi türü ve görsel bütünlük için onlara sadık kalın. Haritayı okumayı kolaylaştırmak için büyük boyutlu araziler kullanmamayı deneyin. Ideal olarak, yatay alanların çoğunun 35-45 arasında bir yüksekliğe sahip olması gerekirken, dikey alanların 27-35 arasında bir genişliğe sahip olması gerekir. Yine de yaratıcılığınızı sınırlamayın! Bunlar sadece rehber niteliğindedir ve uygun şekilde ele alınmalıdır. Bilmeniz gereken önemli şeyler Haritalarınızı yapmaya başlamadan önce, gerekli oyun mekaniğini ve yeteneklerini bilmek çok önemlidir ve bunları kullanarak rahat olun. Aksi takdirde, birçok istenmeyen kısayol ile yeteneklerin gücünü hafife alabilir ve amaçlanandan daha kolay bir harita yapabilirsiniz. Peynirin başlangıçta ulaşılamaz göründüğü aşağıdaki örneği alın, ancak birkaç akıllı hile ile ona ulaşabilirsiniz. Istenmeyen kısayol Kısayollar bir yana, oyuncuların geri sarma yeteneğini kullanmadan haritaları bitirebilmeleri gerektiğini lütfen unutmayın. Sık karşılaşılan engel türleri Haritanıza eklenebilecek birkaç yaygın engel türü vardır. Bazı örnekler yalnızca boyut olarak yardımcı olması için gösterilmiştir ve kullanılması gerekmez. Ortak engeller Defilante elementlerini kullanma izniniz var gibi Hız Arttırma, Ölüm ve bahar. Çok faydalı olabilirler, ancak gerekmediklerinde aşırı kullanılmamalıdırlar. Dönen haritalar
Diğer notlar Oyun içi editör biraz sınırlı olduğundan, bu gibi , bir harici editör kullanılması tavsiye edilir. Haritalar kontrol edilecek:
Iyi şanslar! Translated by Osmanyksk123#5925 Dernière modification le 1596569100000 |
![]() ![]() « Citoyen » 1591206120000
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Good luck, that's look so fuuun :D |
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Good luck! Amazing module, can't wait to see new maps added to it. |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 1591209180000
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Good luck !!! |
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Good luck! o/ nin nin ! |
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@7733532 Good luck to everyone! |
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boa sorte, amores |
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[Modéré par Etyla, raison : Spam] |
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@7733773 @7733777 Dernière modification le 1591253100000 |
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good luck ^.^ |
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@6154636 @7048028 good luck!(*´ω`*) Dernière modification le 1591362060000 |
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@7734131 Dernière modification le 1591385700000 |
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There's a lot to do with these mechanics, good luck! @7733726 @7734451 |
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Hello, guys! We want to let you know that we have checked all the submissions we've received so far. We're very excited about most maps we've seen and tomorrow we'll post a message here with all the details and conclusions we've come to! (most of them only require minor changes) P.S. all the maps that will be submitted before we make the post will be included in it, so you still have time to add your maps until tomorrow if you want a fast feedback! |
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@7734655 very hard Dernière modification le 1591391640000 |
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@7733505 |
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Good Luck!!! |
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Reviewing your maps (06.06.2020) Hello! As promised, here's the post with the details about your maps. But before we begin, I want to say that we've very surprised by how creative most maps are and the direction you took while making them! It was inspiring to see how many interesting obstacles you can create with the #ninja mechanincs and that made us really excited for the future of the module. Hardcore maps A pretty significant percentage of the maps we've received clearly stand out from the rest because of how difficult they are in comparison (ex: both of Elmattjuan's maps and Urook's @7734451), while being very well made at the same time. As they don't fit in the current map rotation, we've decided to make some changes to the rotation itself by introducing the concept of hardcore maps to accomodate for the higher difficulty. The idea is as follows: After every 5 normal maps, there will be one hardcore map. Players will have a separate stat on their profile that tracks how many hardcore maps they've finished. We feel that this is the best way to make this kind of maps justice, while keeping the module accessible for the average player! Note The hardcore maps system will not be implemented just yet, as we need more hardcore maps before making it official. The main post will be updated soon with the new details. Submissions Elmattjuan #0000 @7733773 - Needs adjustments Very good map! This was the first one that showed us how different maps can be from the ones we already have. We think it has a lot of potential (it is one of my favorites out of all submissions), but needs some work on a few parts in order to be added to the hardcore maps rotation. (that's why the review of this map will be a little bit more comprehensive) First of all, there are some elements that have no apparent purpose (as they're not essential for the gameplay or they don't server as obstacles) and can be removed, like the following: Here, the intended path is slower (and harder to execute) than just dashing like this: This part has two ways of doing it. The first one (probably the intended one) is A LOT harder to do than the second, while the second one is very easy, but not intuitive. We recommend to make it so that there's only one way to do it (and mark it with arrows). Easier than the first, harder than the second. First path: Second path: Overall, you just need to narrow down the options players have when doing the map and indicate it with arrows. @7733777 - Needs adjustments This map is also really good for our new hardcore category. Needs some small improvements that are very easy to do! 50% of the times, the maps are flipped. When it is flipped this way, the ability indicators overlap with the lava. It's easy to fix: just make the map width larger than 1600 and move everything a little bit towards the center. I recommend this editor for that, as you can select everything all at once. The intended path is slower than doing this: You can't see the spring because of the UI. You need to rise the whole thing up so that the spring is in view. There needs to be a terrain above, to prevent the player from doing this. Also, I think this part should be a little easier to do, because it's vey easy to die there. Maybe give the trampoline some more friction so that players can reset their jump when touching it. Bhvana#0543 @7733532 - Rejected Unfortunately, the map is too repetitive and not complex enough to be added. Also, it takes way too long to do it. Uhuge#0000 @6154636 - Good, but could be better This is the map that I have mixed feelings about! On one hand, the aesthetics and overall design fits very well with the maps we already have, which is a big plus! The problem is that we managed to finish it in 15 seconds, which means it is one of the shortest maps we've seen. That, combined with the fact that there are almost no ways to die, makes it the easiest map we've played. We could add it as it is, but I just want to give you the chance to work on it more, because it has a lot of potential and could be so much more interesting if you would give the player more obstacles and ways to die! (I have to mention that I love the idea with the lava, by the way) Just one small thing I'd change. I would remove that fake hole there because it looks pretty random. @7048028 - Needs some minor adjustments This map is my personal favorite! It has the perfect style, ideas and difficulty for the normal maps rotation! It only needs some subtle adjustments to make it have a better flow. I think this trampoline should have a higher restitution, to give the player enough speed to get back to the hole. Maybe change the angle of the terrains a little bit too? Also, make it easier to go back up for those who fail the combo (which is a very high percentage of the players who won't dash while falling), otherwise they would have to just walk and wall-jump, and that's not too exciting! Maybe make this ground steeper so that you get more speed when you fall from above. This arrow should not be cut by terrain. Either remove it (as it is already pretty clear where you should go), or make it smaller and put if before or after the vertical line. Here, I would make it less "crowded" by either removing that shop stand or by making the arrow more subtle. Jaker#9310 @7734131 - Needs adjustments The map is very fun to play and dynamic, but needs a major visual update to make it look better. There are also some small problems with the gameplay itself, but could be easily fixed by reducing the restitution of some trampolines and lava Urook#1131 @7733726 - Rejected Very cool style! The problem is that other than the first jump, it doesn't have any obstacles or challenges at all. It's impossible to die and most of the map can be done just by walking and wall-jumping. @7734451 - Almost accepted This is one of the most creative maps we got so far and is perfect for our hardcore maps rotation! There's nothing that I would change, with one exception. The aie setting that kills the players every time you touch the lava doesn't work as intended. It also kills you when you dash into a solid ground, or when you fall too hard (still on a solid ground) and that's pretty annoying. There's a very easy fix, though.
As it is now, they all have a 10 degree angle. Make sure that for the parallel grounds, one of them has 10 degrees and the other one has 9 or 11 for example. We've tested it and it worked perfectly. Mavibalina10#0000 @7734655 - Rejected The gameplay is very confusing, there are a lot of shortcuts, useless grounds, and visually it has a bad design overall. Other notes Unfortunately, it took a little longer than intended to write this post, so I didn't have time to check Commandantso#0000's map and I'm sorry for that. We'll come back with an answer in a few days.
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@7733773 - Edit @7733777 - Edit @7734262 - New |
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@7735744 :D |